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Meat Quality and Nutritional Properties of Hanwoo and Imported Australian Beef (한우고기와 호주산 냉장수입육의 육질 및 영양성분 비교)

  • Cho, Soo-Hyun;Seong, Pil-Nam;Kang, Geun-Ho;Park, Beom-Young;Jung, Seok-Geun;Kang, Sun-Moon;Kim, Young-Chun;Kim, Jong-In;Kim, Dong-Hun
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.772-781
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the proximate composition, meat color, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS), total collagen content (%), cooking loss (CL), fatty acid composition, amino acid composition, and mineral content of loin, strip loin, top round, and chuck tender Hanwoo beef and imported Australian beef. Protein content was significantly lower for strip loin and loin of Hanwoo QG $1^+$ and 1 beef when compared to that of Australian black Angus or cross beef (p < 0.05), whereas it was not significantly different for top round and chuck tender. Intramuscular fat content was higher for QG $1^+$ Hanwoo beef strip loin (15.48%) than that in Australian cross beef (8.83%) and it was also higher in loin for QG $1^+$ (17%) and 1 (15.52%) Hanwoo beef than that in Australian Angus beef (10.59%) and cross beef (9.21%) (p < 0.05). The CIE $L^*$ value was significantly higher for Australian cross beef strip loin than that of Hanwoo beef but the CIE $a^*$ value was not significantly different between the same cuts from different origins. However, CIE $b^*$ values were significantly higher for the Australian cross beef than those for four cuts of Hanwoo beef and Australian Angus beef (p < 0.05). No significant difference in WBS of loin, top round, or chuck tender was observed among the different beef sample origins except that strip loin had significant higher WBS for Australian cross beef (3.02 kg) but lower for Australian Angus beef (2.13 kg). Australian cross beef contained significantly higher palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid, but lower palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, eicosenoic acid content in strip loin, loin, and top round than those of QG $1^+$ and 1 Hanwoo beef (p < 0.05). QG $1^+$ Hanwoo beef had significant lower saturated fatty acid and higher monounsaturated fatty acid content than those in Australian cross beef (p < 0.05). Hanwoo $1^+$ beef had more glycine in top round and chuck tender, whereas Hanwoo QG 1 beef and Australian Angus beef had higher cysteine, methione, and glycine levels in strip loin and loin and valine and leucine in top round and chuck tender than the same cuts of Hanwoo $1^+$ beef (p < 0.05). No significant differences were observed for Ca, Fe, or Zn content among the different beef samples.

Change of S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine(SAM) Content in Material by Addition of the Kimchi (김치의 재료별 첨가량에 따른 SAM 함량의 변화)

  • Lee, Myung-Ki;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Park, Wan-Soo;Koo, Kyung-Hyung;Kim, Young-Jin;Suh, Joo-Won
    • Bulletin of Food Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 발효기간 중 SAM 생성량 증진김치의 최적조건을 개발하기 위해 배추김치의 재료별 및 제조법에 따른 발효기간 중의 SAM 함량 변화를 측정하였다. 발효가 진행됨에 따라 모든 김치군의 pH는 발효초기에는 급격히 감소하다가 후기에는 pH $4.2{\sim}4.3$으로 비슷하게 나타났다. 산도는 pH와 비슷한 경향을 보이면서 발효초기에는 급격히 감소하다가 후기에는 서서히 증가하는 경향을 보였다. SAM 함량은 가장 기본적인 재료로만 제조한 표준(A)김치는 가장 낮게 나타났고, SAM이 검출되는 원 부재료에 SAM 함량이 많은 김치가 SAM 함량도 높게 나타났다. 모든 김치군 중 I김치가 가장 높은 SAM 함량을 나타냈으며, 김치별 SAM 함량이 가장 높은 발효시점은 A, K김치는 pH $4.6{\sim}4.9$, 산도 $0.38{\sim}0.57$0.57, D, H김치는 pH 6.3, 산도 $0.24{\sim}0.27$, E, G김치는 pH $6.1{\sim}6.6$, 산도 $0.05{\sim}0.14$0.14, B, C, F, I, J김치는 pH $4.3{\sim}5.3$, 산도 $0.45{\sim}1.02$에서 나타났다. 따라서 대부분의 김치는 적숙기시점이 되었을 때 B, E, G, H김치는 초기발효 때부터 SAM 함량이 높게 나타났다. 또한 발효가 진행됨에 따라 SAM 함량은 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 따라서 연구결과 주재료인 채소류와 젓갈의 함량비를 적절히 제조하여 최적의 SAM 생산능력의 발효시점과 김치맛에 영향을 끼치지 않는 관능적으로 적합하고 SAM 생성이 보다 효과적으로 유도되는 최적의 조건에 대한 실험들이 추가적으로 필요하다고 판단된다.

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Dietary Fiber Compositon and Viscosity of Extracts from Domestic Barley, Wheat, Oat, and Rye (국내산 맥류의 식이섬유 조성 및 이들 추출물의 점성 비교)

  • 이영택
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 2001
  • 국내산 품종별, 보리, 귀리, 밀, 호미의 식이섬유 함량과 추출물의 점성을 분석하여 생리적 기능성이 높은 식물 소재로서의 활용성을 모색하였다. 평균 총 식이섬유함량은 보리 19.9%, 호밀 18.0%, 밀 15.9%귀리 groat 15.5%,보리쌀 9.7%의 순이었다. 수용성 식이섬유의 함량은 보리 6.6%, 호밀, 6.4%, 보리쌀 5.4%, 구리 .groat 4.9%밀 3.8%의순이었으며 ,밀과 호밀의 제분부산물인 bran은 경제적인 측면에서 활용성이 높은 식이섬유 소재인거승로 확인되었다. $\beta$-glucan 함량은 보리와 귀리에서 4.4.~4.5%로 유사하게 높았으며 호밀과 밀에서는 낮게 나타났다. 총 $\beta$-glucan 에대한 수용성 $\beta$-glucan 의 비율로 나타낸 용해성은 귀리와 보리순으로 높았으며 밀과 호밀에서는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 식이섬유 추출물의 점도는 호밀, 보리쌀 귀리, groat. 밀의 순으로 높았으며, 맥류 품종의 수용성 식이섬유 함량이 높을수록 점도가 높을경향을 보여주었다. 국내산 맥류의 고점도 식이섬유는 생이기능성이 높은 건강식품소재로서의 활용가치가 클것으로 사료되었다.

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Studies on the Physicochemical Properties of Natureal and Imitation Nuts (천연 및 인조 Nuts의 이화학적 조성 비교)

  • 김재남;조대희;김영만
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2000
  • 화학적 성분 중 가장 많은 함량을 차지하고 있는지질에서는 조지질과 유리지질 함량이 imitation nut가 각각 58.7%, 45.9%로 네 종류의 천연 nut 류 중 ha-zelnut을 제외하곤 더 높았으나 부분 경화 대두유를 원료로 사용하여 결합지질의 양이 천연 nut류에 비해 적게 나타났고, 극성지질인 당지질과 인지질의 함량도 역시 낮게 나타났다. 또한 유지의 불포화도를 알 수 있는 요오드가도 산화 안정성이 우수한 imitation nut가 천연 nut류에 비해 낮은 값을 보이고 있다. 지방산 조성에서는 천연 nut류 중 peanut에서만 arachidic acid, eicsenoic acid, behenic acid, ligno-ceric acid를 분석할 수 있었고, imitation nut류 역시 대두유에서 특징적으로 나타나는 linolenic acid를 검출 할수 있었다. 아미노산 조성의 경우 천연 nut류와 imitation nut모두에서 glutamic acid의 함량이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 필수 아미노산의 함량은 imitation nut가 천연 nut류보다 약간 높은 것으로 나타났다.

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Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Wild and Cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata (자연산(自然産)과 재배(栽培)더덕의 일반성분(一般成分) 및 아미노산(酸) 조성(組成))

  • Kim, Hye-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.22-24
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    • 1985
  • The proximate and amino acid compositions of wild and cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata were analyzed. Wild Cadonopsis lanceolata (WCL) had higher contents of fat, protein, fiber and ash as compared with cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata (CCL). Calcium was 1.47 times higher in WCL than CCL. However, contents of iron and phosphorus was 1.45 times and 4.90 times higher in CCL than WCL, respectively. Arginine was the predominant amino acid in both WCL and CCL.

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Aspergillus kawachii S-27에 의한 Rice-Koji의 제조에 관한연구

  • 소명환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
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    • 1979.10a
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    • pp.243.2-243
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    • 1979
  • 현재 우리나라의 탁약주 용 Rice-Koji 제조 용종국균으로 널리 분양되고 있는 분양되고 있는 fawachi, S-27 균주가 생성하는 Amylase의 효소학적 특성과 Rice-Koji i제조 시 유기산 및 당화 효소의 생성 조건을 검토했다. 1. 본 균은 유기산 생성력이 강하고 또 생성하는 당화효소 및 액화효소는 내산성이 극히 강하며 pH3~5의 범위내에서 최고 활성을 나타내었으므로 탁약주 제조 용 종국균으로 아주 적합하였다. 2. 본 균의 발아 최적온도는 36$^{\circ}C$이었으며 Rice -Koji제조시 제국시간을 40시간으로 볼 때 유기산 생성의 최적온도는 32$^{\circ}C$이었고 당화효소 생성의 최적온도는 36$^{\circ}C$이었으며 고온인 4$0^{\circ}C$에서는 유기산 생성이 극히 불량하였다. 3. Rice-Kojiw제조시 당화효소의 생성은 배지의 수분함량 35%일 때 최고치를 보였으며 유기산 생성은 이 보다 높은 조건인 수분함량 40%일 때 이었고 비교적 건조한 조건인 수분함량 30%일 때는 유기산 생성이 특히 불량하였다. 4. 배지의 두께가 3cm이상이 되면 유기산 및 당화효소 생성에 않은 지장을 주었다. 5. 종국균의 점종량은 유기산 및 당화효소의 생성에 별로 영향을 미치지 못했다.

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Comparison of the Chemical Compositions of Korean and Chinese Safflower Flower(Carthamus tinctorius L.) (한국산과 중국산 홍화꽃의 화학적 성분조성비교)

  • 박금순;박어진
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.603-608
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    • 2003
  • In approximate composition, crude protein, lipid, ash, crude fiber, and N-free extract constituted 14.70%, 3.10%, 6.90%, 18.20%, and 57.10%, respectively, in Korean safflower flowers, compared to 12.60%, 2.70%, 5.80%, 16.40% and 62.50%, respectively, in Chinese safflower flowers. This indicated that Korean safflower flowers surpassed their Chinese counterparts except in terms of N-free extract. Free sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose were proven to be dominant in both domestic and Chinese safflower flowers, while little xylose was contained. For content of polyphenolic compound, Korean safflower flowers contained 13.85% water soluble extract and 9.70% MeOH extract, compared to 9.39% and 7.04%, respectively, for the Chinese variety, confirming the higher levels in the Korean variety. For fatty acids, (Ed- the following results are not presented in ratio form) saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids comprised 6.80% and 93.20% in Korean safflower flowers and 16.0% and 84.0% in Chinese safflower flowers, respectively. Linoleic, oleic, and palmitoleic acids comprised 75.30%, 11.60%, and 3.40% in Korean safflower flowers, and 66.70%, 11.20%, and 6.10% in the Chinese variety, respectively. Of amino acids, essential amino acids comprised 46.67% in Korean safflower flowers and 36.79% in the Chinese variety. Moreover, total essential amino acids in Korean safflower flowers were higher than those of their counterparts. Non-essential amino acid comprised 65.17% in the Korean variety and 54.49% in the Chinese. In terms of mineral content, Korean safflower flowers contained more Ca, Cu, Fe and Mn than those of China, while Chinese safflower flowers contained more A1, Ba, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Sr and P.

Characteristics of Domestic and Imported Red Wines (국산 및 수입 적포도주의 품질특성)

  • Chang, Eun-Ha;Jeong, Seok-Tae;Park, Kyo-Sun;Yun, Hae-Keun;Roh, Jeong-Ho;Jang, Han-Ik;Choi, Jong-Uck
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to evaluate quality of domestic wines, with a long-tenn goal of improving their quality. We compared the characteristics of 19 domestic and imported red wines. The titratable acidity of imported wines ranged from 0.5-0.6% and that of domestic wines ranged from 0.4-0.8%. The sugar content of domestic wines ranged from 4-10% whereas all imported wines had a sugar content below 1.0%. Red color value and tannin contents were generally high in imported wines and some domestic wines had similar tannin levels. For ratio of total sulfite contents below 10 mg/L, domestic wines were higher with 36.8% than imported wines with 5%. Volatile acid contents were higher in domestic wines than in imported wines, which may be due to contamination of domestic wines by acetic acid bacteria.

Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for the Manufacture of Wild Grape Wine (산머루주 제조를 위한 발효조건의 최적화)

  • Kim, Seong-Ho
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2008
  • Yeast with excellent ferment ability was isolated and selected from wild grape to manufacture wild grape wine. Wild grape wine by SMR-3 isolated from wild grape was better than other strains in quality, such as high alcohol content and low acidity, residual sugar, organic acid and fusel oil content. Fermentation condition was optimized to manufacture wild grape wine with response surface methodology using isolated SMR-3 as an alcohol fermentation strain. As a result of culture conditions, 10.61% of alcohol content was expected under the conditions of $21.91^{\circ}C$ fermenting temperature, $21.48^{\circ}brix$ of initial sugar content, and 14.65 day of fermentation time. Residual sugar content showed the lowest value at $24.48^{\circ}C$ fermentation temperature, $12.78^{\circ}brix$ of initial sugar content, and 9.02 day fermentation time. The highest level of sensory evaluation was found at $20.23^{\circ}C$ fermentation temperature, $25.30^{\circ}brix$ of initial sugar content, and 5.94 day fermentation time. Ethyl alcohol was the main alcohol component in wild grape wine and fusel oil in wild grape wine was hardly detected; thus, the quality of wild grape wine was considered excellent. The optimal fermentation conditions of wild grape wine was superimposed by deriving a regression equation for alcohol content, fusel oil, ethyl alcohol content, and overall palatability for each variable of wild grape wine. Hence, the optimal fermentation conditions are estimated to be: fermentation temperature $24{\sim}28^{\circ}C$, initial sugar content $20{\sim}24^{\circ}brix$, and fermenting time $12{\sim}14$ days.

Physicochemical Characteristics of Freeze Dried Soybean Paste Block with Sea Mustard (동결건조 미역 된장 블록의 제조 및 이화학적 특성)

  • 정복미
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 2003
  • This study was aimed at investigating the physicochemical characteristics of a freeze-dried soybean paste block with sea mustard. In the proximate composition, the crude protein, lipid and ash contents were higher in the product prepared with commercial doenjang than in a green tea product, whereas the carbohydrate content was high in the green tea doenjang than in the commercial product. There was a rich composition of free amino acids, alanine, phenylalanine, hydroxyproline, valine, leucine, isoleucine and lysine in both products. The majoity of the free amino acids were more abundant in the green tea doenjang product than in the commercial doenjang product. There were no differences between the two products in the total saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The order of the abundance of the fatty acid contents in both products were linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid. The major of the organic acid in both the commercial soybean paste product and the green tea product was oxalic acid, followed by tartaric acid and citric acid. In the sensory evaluation test, the taste, color and overall acceptability were not significantly different between both products, but the odor was significantly higher in the commercial product than in the green tea product. The freeze-dried doenjang product could be convenient for cooking nutritious sea mustard soup, without tedious preparations for a husband and wife that are both working.