• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회부담

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Social Welfare Policy Expansion and Generational Equity: Generational Accounting Approach (복지지출 확대가 세대 간 형평성에 미치는 효과 분석: 세대 간 회계를 이용한 접근)

  • Chun, Young Jun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.31-65
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    • 2012
  • We study the sustainability of the current fiscal policy of Korea, and the effects of the social welfare policy expansion, which has been recently discussed among the political circles, on the government budget and the generational equity, using generational accounting. We follow the generational accounting approach, considering the fact that most of the social welfare policies are the entitlement programs, which imposes the limitation of the policy maker's discretion to control the cost of their provision. The social welfare expenditure will change due to the change in the policy environments of the future, such as population aging. Therefore, we need to take into account the government cash flow of the future as well as of the present to investigate its effects on the fiscal sustainability, which implies that the national debt or the budget balance is not a proper index for the investigation. Our findings are as follows. The current fiscal policies are not sustainable, and the long-term budgetary imbalance is shown very serious. The required tax adjustment, which is defined as the percentage change of tax burden required to attain the long-term budgetary balance, is very large. Unless the level of the government expenditure is properly controlled, the tax burden and the social contribution level will rise to the untolerable level. Moreover, the expansion of the social welfare policies, which has been discussed among the political circles, will substantially increase the fiscal burden of the future generations. Even though the provision of the free lunch to the primary and the secondary school students, the free child care, and the discounted college tuition do not increase the fiscal burden much, because their magnitude at present is not large and will decrease due to the decrease in the number of the newborns and the students resulting from the fall in the fertility rate, that of the free health care service will increase tax burden of the future generations very much, because the magnitude of the government expenditure needed at present is very large and the population aging will further increase the magnitude of the health care expenditure. The findings indicate that the structural reforms, to prevent the explosive increase in the social welfare expenditure in the future, are necessary before the implementation of the welfare policy expansion. In particular, the cost control of the social transfers to the elderly needs to be made, because the speed of the population aging of Korea is among the highest in the world. The findings also indicate that the budget balance or the national debt can cause the fiscal illusion, which makes the Korean government budget look sound, even though the fiscal policy will rapidly increase the social welfare expenditure in the future, as the population ages. The generational accounting, which takes into account the cash flow of the future as well as of the present, unlike the budgetary balance and the national debt, which shows the results of the government financial activities of the past and the present, is a useful method to overcome the fiscal illusion.

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The Development of Performance Evaluation Processing System using ICT in to Society Teaching and Learning Method (사회과 교수-학습 방법에서 ICT를 활용한 수행평가 처리 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Kyoung;Ko, Byung-Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2001
  • In this Information Age, the needs for the performance evaluation is raising to increase the higher-thought ability for creativity and problem-solving, to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process. However, it is very difficult to carry out the authentic performance evaluation in our educational environment. Therefore, we design and implement the Performance Evaluation Processing System as one of the learning-teaching processes. We study the theoretical base of evaluation types and of learning-teaching methods, and inquire appropriate performance evaluation methods. Among the methods, we focus on the Report, a type of performance evaluation using the most widely in the Society. We constitute a basic form and design the evaluation system of the Report. The evaluation system consist of the teacher's module and the learner's module. Teachers make the form of report, provide it for learners and evaluate the report on teacher's module, Learners make out the report, submit it to the teacher and use it for presentation in class, on learner's module, The teacher and learner can apply this system as follows. The teacher can use the report that have been already made, or that make for themselves as a step for evaluation and they can evaluate learners by the submitted report. The learner not only can see their own result of evaluation but also can use ICT at their presentation.

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A Study on Work Stress, Satisfaction, and Dementia Attitudes of Social Care Work Force of Dependent Elders (노인시설 종사자의 업무스트레스, 업무만족, 치매 및 인간중심보호 인식 연구: 사회복지사, 간호사, 생활지도원의 비교)

  • Choi, Hee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2007
  • The study analyzes the characteristics, work stress, satisfaction and attitudes toward dementia of social care work force for dependent elders in Korea. Data were from 502 staffs including social workers, nurses, and direct care workers from 45 diverse type of nursing facilities in Busan and Daegu area. The results of the analysis indicate that they are low paid and overloaded in general. The respondents espoused highly hopeful and person-centered attitudes toward dementia and the elderly, while they showed low level of satisfaction related to work. The stress levels were higher in sub scales concerning care tasks and physical environments in work places. In addition, the results of multiple regression denote that those have higher level of satisfaction who are nurses, have no intension to quit, have more experiences of work education, and working in facilities with more frail elders. Stresses were closely related to higher level of education and the intension to quit. Person centered attitude was more often reported by those who have more elderly clients to take care of and are working in facilities with more elders who are demented and over 80. In particular, the association was consistent between higher level of job satisfaction and the person centered attitude. Several practical suggestions linked to the analysis were made including improving the welfare for staffs working in nursing facilities and providing continuous professional training and education for them particularly on person-centered care. In addition, it was emphasized to raise the morale of social care work force considering the rapidly increasing need of long term care and the important influence that care work force has on older persons' quality of life from now on.

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The societal cost of rotavirus infection in South Korea (한국에서 로타바이러스 급성 위장관염의 질병 부담)

  • Yang, Bong Min;Jo, Dae Sun;Kim, Youn Hee;Hong, Ji Min;Kim, Jung Soo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.977-986
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study aims to estimate the financial cost of rotavirus infection in Korea in the year of 2005. Methods : The incidence rates used were from the epidemiological profile at Jeoungeub District (5.8 cases/1,000 children <5 years old for inpatients, and 22.65 cases/1,000 children <5 years old for outpatients, per year). The health care cost per capita of rotavirus infection (ICD code: A08.0) was extracted from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service database in Korea. The patient survey was conducted to capture information about non-medical costs and associated productivity loss incurred by adult caregivers. Results : The number of annual national cases among children <5 years old with rotavirus infection was estimated to be 69,122 (i.e., 55,030 outpatients and 14,092 inpatients). The total cost of rotavirus infection was estimated at 13.3 billion Korean won, comprising 11 billion Korean won (82.7%) of direct medical costs, 1.6 billion Korean won (12.0%) of direct non-medical costs (e.g., transportation and supplies), and 0.68 billion Korean won (5.1%) of productivity lost by adult caregivers. Conclusion : Rotavirus infection carries not only medical costs but also non-medical and indirect costs; together, these costs incur a significant burden on South Korean society. The impact of rotavirus on quality of life and health among patient caregivers was not considered in this study, but it does merit further research.

Needs for Integrated Care for Older Adults in Seoul (서울특별시 지역사회 거주 노인의 통합돌봄 요구)

  • Kim, Hyeongsu;Ko, Young;Son, Miseon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the care needs of the older adults aged 65 and over and to identify characteristics of care need groups. This was a secondary analysis study using data from 2017 National Survey of Older Persons in Seoul. There were 50.4% in the general group without any support needs, 17.9% in the medical needs group, 14.2% in the welfare needs group with support needs of daily living or social activity, and 17.5% in the complex needs group with both medical and welfare needs. Significant differences were shown in most variables of the general characteristics, grading of long-term care or disability, financial burden and caregiving, health behaviors, health status, and life satisfactions among groups (p<.001). The complex care need group should be provided with integrated care service for medical and welfare through multidisciplinary team approach.

Fundamental Concept on Gender Design and Its Strategic Approach (젠더 디자인의 기초개념과 전략적 접근에 관한 연구)

  • 김희선;김원진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2002
  • 'gender' means sex in a social sense and 'sex'is more close to the concept of that discussed in biological light. 'Gender is more adequate word in expressing gender equality of both sexes than 'sex'that gives us discriminating impression and implies tout we should actualize equality between both sexes in all field of social activities. Though more and more women have been advanced into the job that was once regarded as a men only-area and the concrete list of iou for men and women has been changed in the process of job structure transition, women stiff take full charge of all kind of houseworks so they're still under the double torture of housework and their job. Most of the job in which men used to engaged in the past is now mechanized. and we can't deny that modern technology triggered women's participation in public affairs by helping them to lead comfortable family life without any assistant or trustee for housework. Under these trend of our times, we made an attempt to look into design mainly from the standpoint of women by raising the issue of correlation between women's labor in society and houseworks in the hope that current design and changes into one that can rejects women's position and allows them independent choice in the field involved with our real life.

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Spatio-temporal Characteristics of the Daily Activities of economic-active married women (취업주부의 일상생활활동의 시 ${\cdot}$ 공간적 특성)

  • Park, Soon-Ho;Kim, Enn-Sook
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-143
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    • 1998
  • Married women who follow occupations have remarkably increased. Economic-activies married women[EAMW] have experienced a great degree of role confilcts as the results of that they should play the role of wage workers and do duty as household affairs as well as raise children. To understand problems of EAMW and to make alterniative plans for EAMW, the daily life actives of EAMW should be examined. This study attempts to understand the daily life activites of EAMW. To obtain the goal this research generalizes the daily life actives of EAMW. classifies the patterns the activites, and analyzes the activites in the micro-level. The acivites of EAMW mainly consist of formal business and household affairs. The spatial bounds of activities are influenced by weekdays and holidays. During the weekday their activities are mainly found around residences and/or work places; while, during the weekend, they are discovered around residences and/or around residences or relatives who take care of their children. EAMW move longer distance rather than a full-time housewife; however, the activites of EAMW are residential orientation like those of full-time housewives. The role conflicts of EAMW are mainly from social cultural structure, the distance between workplace and residence, and the location of public service institutes.

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Change in Fertility Rates in Korea: Causes and Future Prospect (최근 한국사회의 출산율 변화원인과 향후 전망)

  • Kim, Seung-Kwon
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2004
  • 최근 한국사회에서는 출산율의 저하로 인한 사회경제적 영향을 우려하여 대책방안을 강구하여야 한다는 논의가 증대되고 있다. 그런데 국가정책을 개발${\cdot}$추진하기 이전에 반드시 요구되는 것은 저출산 현상의 올바른 인식과 철저한 원인규명이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 출산율 변화의 원인을 다각적으로 살펴보고, 향후 변화방향을 전망해 보고자 한다. 먼저 자녀출산의 변화를 결혼상태 변화와 유배우부인의 출산율 변화 부분으로 나누어 살펴본 결과, 과거와는 달리 최근의 출산율 저하는 유배우 부인에 의해서가 아니라 미혼자의 결혼연장 또는 독신생활에서 기인되는 것으로 나타났다. 이들 두 요인에 영향을 주는 변수로는 경기침체 및 직장불안정, 결혼가치관의 변화와 초혼연령의 상승, 자녀양육 관심증대, 자녀양육비 부담, 가정과 직장의 양립을 위한 사회적 인프라 부족, 여성의 자아욕구 및 사회참여 증대, 자녀효용가치 감소, 이혼 등 가족해체의 증대, 그리고 불임부부의 증대 등인 것으로 판단된다. 향후 출산율 변화를 전망해 보면, 저출산을 일찍 경험한 서구 선진국의 경우와는 달리 정책의 추진에 한계가 있어 선진국보다 더 낮은 출산율을 회복하는 데는 많은 어려움이 있을 것이라는 판단이다. 더군다나 젊은 미혼남녀의 가치관이 개인주의화 되는 경향이 있다는 점을 감안한다면 출산율 회복정책을 추진한다 하더라도 한계가 있을 수밖에 없을 것이다. 수년간 실시된 각종 실태조사를 분석한 결과에 의하면 현재의 경기침체가 회복될 경우 약 20%의 출산율 상승 가능성이 있으며, 이 때의 합계출산율은 약 1.43명 수준이 될 수 있을 것으로 예견된다. 또한 종합적 체계적 출산회복정책을 효과적${\cdot}$효율적으로 추진한다면 약 10년 후에는 합계출산율이 약 1.6 수준으로 회복될 것이라는 낙관적 견해를 가져본다. 그렇지만 정책의 강도에 따라서 회복수준은 현저하게 상이할 것이다.를 진단, 치료함에 있어 진행성 신질환의 가능성을 시사하는 예후인자가 없다면 신생검보다는 지속적이고 정기적인 추적관찰만으로도 충분할 것으로 생각된다도 등은 양군 사이에 유의한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 발견 당시 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소는 모두 11명(61.1%)에서 관찰되었는데, 증상군에서는 7명(87.5%), 집단뇨검사군에서는 4명(40%)으로 증상군에서 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소가 보다 현저하였다. 그러나 추적관찰 기간 동안 증상군에서는 7명 중 4명, 집단뇨검사군에서는 4명 중 1명에서 혈청 $C_3$치는 정상범위로 증가하여 최종 관찰시점에서는 6명 (33.3%)에서만 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소가 지속되고 있다. 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소를 보인 경우를 다시 병리조직학적 분류에 의해 세분하여보면 발병당시에는 I형 8명(61.5%), II형에 1명(100%), III형 2명(50%)에서 관찰되었는데, 최종 시점에서는 I형 4명(30.8%), II형 1명(100%), III형 1명(33.3%)이었다. 또한 증상군에서 세포성 반월체형성과 세뇨관위축의 빈도가 높았으며, 사구체 혈관벽 비후와 사구체 간질의 증가의 정도가 집단뇨검사군에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 결론: 무증상성 요이상을 가진 환자에서 신장조직검사 실시 후 MPGN으로 진단되는 증례가 증가하고 있고, 오히려 증상을 동반하는 경우보다 빈도가 증가한다는 사실은 집단뇨 검사에서 소변의 이상소견이 발견되어 신장 조직검사를 실시할 경우 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소 여부에 관계없이 MPGN도 진단적 고려 대상이 되어야 한다고 생각한다.신장 조직검사를 시행한 결과 진행성 경과를 취할 수 있는 막 증식성 사구체 신염과 매우 희귀한 증례인 신유전분증 등으로 진단됨으로써 지속성 단백뇨의 경우 정확 진단적 접근이 필수적임을 알 수

The relationship of College students' value on marriage, children and sexual attitude (대학생들의 결혼 및 자녀 가치관과 성태도 관련성 연구)

  • Ju, Young-Hee;Jung, Eun-Sook;Shim, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The Purpose of this study was to identify the correlation of the Value on marriage, Children and Sexual attitude in college students. Method: Data were collected using a structured questionnaire that consisted of Value on marriage, Children and Sexual attitude from 2 colleges located in K-city. Final participants included 1,057 students. Results: Sexual attitude related to the value on marriage were differences in the family relationships first, to a celibate life, concerned about marriage, to get married at the age, should marry him, sex regardless, divorce can be even if child, Related to the child were necessity of children, to help economically, to fulfill the dream of parents, to put the house line, duty to society. Sexual attitude were inverse correlated to the religion, grade, valuable things as parents, necessity of children. Conclusion: Sexual attitude for college students significantly related value on marriage and children. In order to value on marriage and child according to the change on sexual attitude is recommended diverse healthy strategy in college students.

A study on the realization of community care for the developmentally disabled: Focusing on Japanese community practice (발달장애인 커뮤니티 케어 실현방안 연구: 일본의 지역사회 실천을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Kyung-An;Lee, Eun-A;Kim, Do-Hoon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2020
  • The rate of admission to facilities for people with developmental disabilities in Korea is very high for other types of disabilities. Therefore, 'community care', which supports life in the community for people with developmental disabilities, is very important compared to other types of disabilities. However, in Korea, families with disabilities are the problem of care and are appealing for the burden of support. This study analyzed practical cases through welfare institutional visits and interviews on support for community independence in Japan. As a result of the study, the transition of people with developmental disabilities to communities in Japan was centered on group home. The private sector is providing support for people with severe disabilities in group home to live in communities, and Sapporo City Hall is conducting private connections to solve the problem of caring for the developmentally disabled elderly parents. Accordingly, as Korean policy recommendations, it is proposed to expand group home, switch functions of living facilities for the disabled, cope with the problem of caring for the disabled by elderly parents, and provide preventive services through surveys on the actual condition of adults living alone. As practical suggestions, it is necessary to develop and distribute educational textbooks such as pictures to improve daily life skills for self-reliance, expand sufficient manpower and facilities in vocational training for self-reliance, and operate shelters for adults with developmental disabilities and their guardians.