• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사진 콘텐츠

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Development of Photogrammetric Rectification Method Applying Bayesian Approach for High Quality 3D Contents Production (고품질의 3D 콘텐츠 제작을 위한 베이지안 접근방식의 사진측량기반 편위수정기법 개발)

  • Kim, Jae-In;Kim, Taejung
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a photogrammetric rectification method based on Bayesian approach as a method that eliminates vertical parallax between stereo images to minimize visual fatigue of 3D contents. The image rectification consists of two phases; geometry estimation and epipolar transformation. For geometry estimation, coplanarity-based relative orientation algorithm was used in this paper. To ensure robustness for mismatch and localization error occurred by automation of tie point extraction, Bayesian approach was applied by introducing several prior constraints. As epipolar transformation perspective transformation was used based on condition of collinearity to minimize distortion of result images and modification for input images. Other algorithms were compared to evaluate performance. For geometry estimation, traditional relative orientation algorithm, 8-points algorithm and stereo calibration algorithm were employed. For epipolar transformation, Hartley algorithm and Bouguet algorithm were employed. The evaluation results showed that the proposed algorithm produced results with high accuracy, robustness about error sources and minimum image modification.

The Documentary Pictures on the Back Stage of Musical '42nd Street' from the Insider and Observer Point of View (내부자와 관찰자의 중첩된 시각으로 본 뮤지컬 백스테이지의 다큐멘터리 사진 연구)

  • Park, Sang Won;Yang, Jong Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.638-645
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    • 2018
  • '42nd Broadway' is one of the most authentic, genuine and renowned musical pieces among the numerous musicals. By approaching every element in the Backstage from the perspective of an actor who is apart of the show, not a professional photographer, rather than an the usual objects on the Front Stage which is imprinted in the minds of the ordinary people through the media or the numerous flyers sent from the theaters, intented to describe the life as it is in the Back Stage by examining various elements such as the sets or make-up rooms, rather than the momentary, technically staged imageries. In the industrial aspect as well, the implication of this documentary would be that a more realistic set of photography was provided instead of the existing ones that usually focused on the'staged,' or 'guarded' images of the musical as shown in the promotional materials or the Front Stage still cuts.

Drawing Lines in Clothing on the 20th Century Fashion Illustration (20세기 패션 일러스트레이션의 의습선)

  • Yun, Eul-Yo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2010
  • The development of photography technology has changed the domain of fashion illustration that once prospered while the improvement of computer technology can now reedit the limits of photos. Presently, the border between photography and illustration has been collapsed through a medium of computer. And this phenomenon tends to be encouraged by expressive features that traditional fashion illustration was characterized by. Thereupon, this study aims to investigate the expressive features of drawing lines in clothing on the 20th century fashion illustration based on such periodic demand. Therefore, this paper deals with the followings: the first is to understand the concept of the drawing line in clothing ; the second is to consider the features of drawing lines in clothing on the Eastern and Western paintings; the third is to figure out the flow of the 20th century fashion illustration; the fourth is to analytically study the features of drawing lines in clothing shown on the 20th fashion illustration.

A Study on Road Extraction for Improving the Quality in Conflation between Aerial Image and Road Map (항공사진과 도로지도 간 합성 품질 향상을 위한 도로 추출 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Chul;Lee, Won-Hee;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.593-599
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    • 2011
  • With increasing user applicability of geospatial data, user demand for manifold and accurate information has increased. The usefulness of these services derives from their combination of the advantages of as-built geospatial data in making new content. There is a spatial inconsistency and shape disagreement in fusing heterogeneous data. Conflation, defined as the combining of information from diverse sources so as to reconcile spatial inconsistencies and shape disagreement, is possible solution to the problem. In this research, we developed the technique for removing shape disagreement between aerial image and road map removed spatial inconsistency in advanced research. The process includes four processes: producing of a road candidate image, extraction of vertices, and generation of a graph by connecting the vertices. We could remove the shape disagreement using the extracted road that was derived from finding the road possible path.

Spatial Analysis by Matching Methods using Elevation data of Aerophoto and LIDAR (항공사진과 LIDAR 표고 데이터의 매칭 기법에 의한 공간정보 분석 연구)

  • Yeon, sang-ho;Lee, Young-wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2008
  • The building heights of big cities which charged with most space are 3-D information as relative vertical distance from ground control points, but they didn't know the heights using contour with maps as lose of skyline or building heights for downtown, practically continuously developed of many technology methods for implementation of 3-D spatial earth. So, For the view as stereos of variety earth form generated 3-D spatial and made terrain perspective map, 3-D simulated of regional and urban space as aviation images. In this papers, it composited geospatial informations and images by DEM generation, and developed and presented for techniques overlay of CAD data and photos captured at our surroundings uses. Particularly, The airborne LiDAR surveying which are very interesting trend have laser scanning sensor and determine the ground heights through detecting angle and range to the grounds, and then designated 3-D spatial composite and simulation from urban areas. Therefore in this papers are suggested ease selections on the users situation by compare as various simulations that its generation of 3-D spatial image by collective for downtown space and urban sub, and the implementation methods for more accurate, more select for the best images.

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A Semiotic Approach to Modern Visual Arts (시각예술의 기호학 연구)

  • 남택운
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • A semiotic approach to modem visual arts has emerged since French post-structuralism was introduced to Anglo -American academics by "deconstruction" or "postmodemi sm." It views a work of art as a sign, which is its math odical assumption and, at the same time, makes its appli cation more accessible. In the milieu of modem visual arts' effort to be intimate with general audience, modem art photography is now fared with the request to be a familar and universal domain, instead of being left only in photo books as artistic and academic achievements. More specifically, various photo images puter graphics to such megaexhibitions as "Gwangju Biennale,. "Media City Seo ul," and "Pusan International Art Festival," are main objects of study. A coherent and scientific analysis of visual semitotics is still on the way, however, it is an urgent task how to read and interpret a photo image with multiple meanings. This study argues that visual seniotics can be a powerful tool to enhance the understanding of art photography. After all, seniotics is a product of age; we live in the age of legibility, that is, of reading the work of art well as the social events and phenomena. art well as the social events and phenomena.

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A Study on Media Platform System based on HTML5 for Public Media Access Development (HTML5기반 개방형 공공미디어 플랫폼에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ryun;Lee, Jae-Won
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.1479-1482
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    • 2013
  • 공공기관에서는 인터넷 방송 서비스를 통해 문자, 그림, 사진, 영상, 음악 등 다양한 멀티미디어 정보를 제공하고 있다. 일반 지상파 tv방송과는 달리 공공 인터넷 방송은 양방향으로 커뮤니케이션이 가능한 웹 미디어 플랫폼을 통해 실시간으로 정보를 주고 받을 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 이용자가 원하는 정보를 주문하고 서비스를 받을 수 있어 공공기관과 이용자간 소통수단으로 활용되고 있다. 그러나 공공 인터넷 방송의 시청률과 참여하는 양방향 콘텐츠의 다양성 측면을 분석해 보면 예상과 달리 이용실적이 저조한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 문제의 주요한 원인으로는 근래에 들어 확산되고 있는 스마트 모바일 환경에 실시간으로 대응하여 공공미디어 서비스를 제공하지 못하는 공공미디어 접근성의 한계와 인터넷이라는 양방향 미디어 플랫폼을 지향하면서도 제공하는 공공콘텐츠는 공급형 중심의 콘텐츠 성격을 벗어나지 못한다는 점을 들 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 공공 인터넷 방송의 문제점을 사용자 접근성과 양방향 콘텐츠 활성화라는 측면에서 분석하였다. 그 결과 공공 인터넷 방송 플랫폼의 개방성이 필요한 것으로 나타났으며, 다양한 스마트 모바일 환경에서 공공콘텐츠의 생산, 게시, 공유가 자유로운 공공 미디어 플랫폼 형태가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 바탕으로 HTML5, SNS플랫폼 연계 등이 포함된 개방형 공공 미디어 플랫폼 모델을 정의하고 이를 기반으로 양방향 공공콘텐츠를 활성화 할 수 있는 공공 미디어 서비스 모델과 이를 구현한 구축 사례를 제시하였다.

Study on the Development of Program for Measuring Preference of Portrait based on Sensibility (감성기반 인물사진 선호도 측정 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Seop;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.178-187
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to develop a model of the program for automation measuring the preference of the portraits based on the relationship between the image quality factors and the preferences in the portraits for manufacturers aiming at high utilization of the users. in order to proceed with the evaluation, the image quality measurement was divided into objective and subjective items, and the evaluation was done through image processing and statistical methods. the image quality measurement items can be divided into objective evaluation items and subjective evaluation items. RSC Contrast, Dynamic Range and Noise were selected for the objective evaluation items, and the numerical values were statistically analyzed and evaluated through the program. Exposure, Color Tone, composition of person, position of person, and out of focus were selected for subjective evaluation items and evaluated by image processing method. By applying objective and subjective assessment items, the results were very accurate, with the results obtained by the developed program and the results of the actual visual inspection. but since the currently developed program can be evalua ted only after facial recognition of the person, future research will need to develop a program that can evaluate all kinds of portraits.

The Method of Exposure Determination for Digital Infrared Photography in Forensic Field (법과학 분야에서 디지털 적외선 사진을 위한 노출 결정 방법)

  • Kim, Sang-Ki;Kim, Yoo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2014
  • In the past, making IR photography needed somewhat complicated process, so its application fields were limited. However, it has become easy to make IR photography with advanced digital technology, so it is expected that the fields of IR photography and existing limit due to difficult making process will be expanded. Therefore, in this study, it is decided that the need of IR standard chart which allows us to manage exposure and tone of IR photography for scientific purpose will increase. Two methods were used to make IR standard chart. First method is to use aluminum. When aluminum has oxide coating through anodic oxidation, it has high durability, corrosion resistance and heat resistance. Also, IR reflectance of aluminum can be controlled in some degree depending on the thickness of oxide coating. Second method is to use pigments. Yellow 10P150 pigment is used for the brightest patch. This pigment is appropriate in this study due to high heat resistance and IR reflectance. Carbon black is used for the darkest patch. Carbon black absorbs much IR, and its color is not faded by any source of light. IR reflectance is adjusted elaborately by mixing two pigments. Finally, 6 patches are selected with consideration for actual IR reflectance of patches. As a result, IR reflectance of random subjects can be known approximately and IR photographs can have appropriate contrast with the IR standard chart.

An Augmented Memory System using Associated Words and Social Network Service (소셜네트워크 서비스와 연상단어를 활용한 증강기억 시스템)

  • Kim, Tai-Wan;Park, Bum-Jun;Park, Tae-Keun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2010
  • As time goes by, most of information escapes human being's memory even though he/she tries hard to remember the information. On the other hand, when a human being takes a look at an image, he/she recollects once forgotten past memories and relates a specific object in the photo with associated words, which trigger new memories. Beside, he/she feels the affection of that time by the recalled memory. Therefore, this paper proposes an augmented memory system that assists recollection of user's past memories by using the images in social network services and user's dictionary for associated words. In the proposed system, if a user selects an object in an image, words associated with the object is provided to the user. If the user selects one of the associated words, the proposed system offers the list of other images containing the object of the selected word. The repetition of the aforementioned process can make the user recollect his/her memory and stimulate his/her affection. It is expected that the proposed system will be useful for revitalizing social network services.