• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사례기반학습

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Indexing Scheme for Case-Based Designs using Memory-Based Learning (기억기반학습을 이용한 사례기반설계시 참조사례의 인덱싱)

  • Gang, Jae-Ho;Ryu, Gwang-Ryeol;Lee, Dong-Gon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1999
  • 사례기반추론(Case-Based Reasoning , CBR)은 새로운 문제가 주어질 때 과거의 유사한 문제 해결 사례를 기반으로 그 해법을 적절히 변용함으로써 새로운 문제에 적합한 해결책을 효율적으로 도출하고자 하는 문제 해결 접근 방법이다. 사례기반설계는 사례기반추론을 설계에 응용한 방법으로 유사한 요구 조건하에서 설계된 과거사례를 설계에 참고 및 활용하는 방법으로 선박개념설계 등 여러 분야에서 활용하고 있다. 이러한 사례기반설계기법을 이용하여 효율적으로 고품질의 설계를 도출하기 위해서는 설계하고자 하는 대상의 설계상의 요구조건과 부합되는 사례를 적절히 선정해야 하고, 선정된 사례와 현 설계조건과의 차이점을 명확하게 인지하여 현 상황에 맞게 변용할 수 있어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 과거 사례 선정 기록을 활용하여 그 선정 경향을 기억기반학습기법을 이용하여 학습함으로써 새로운 설계 시 적절한 사례를 선정하는 인덱싱 기법을 제시한다. 사례기반설계의 전형적인 예인 선박개념설계에서 설계 시 참조용도로 사용할 실적선을 선정하는 문제에 적용하여 실험에 본 결과 decision tree 나 간단한 휴리스틱을 적용하여 참조사례를 제시한 방법에 비해 본 논문에서 제시하는 기억기반학습을 적용한 방법이 우수함을 확인하였다.

Empirical Study and Evaluation of Case-Based Learning for Improvement of Learning Outcome (학습 성과 개선을 위한 사례기반 학습의 실험적 연구 및 평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Kee;Kim, Young-Hak;Yoon, Hyeon-Ju
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes and evaluates empirically a new recommendation method in order to improve the learning achievement of learners using case-based method. In this paper, we first carried out a survey targeting teachers who work currently in Gyeongbuk area, and constructed learning cases depending on critical factors of learning. We next recommended differentiated learning methods to learners classifying according to learning cases by achievement level through this survey. The students of a middle school took part in the experiment in order to evaluate empirically the proposed learning cases. The students were divided into three groups by their achievement level and three separate learning cases were applied to each group. The weights among learning improvement elements applying to each group were added through the survey result of teachers. The experiment using the proposed case-based recommendation method showed that the learning achievement of learners is improved considerably compared to the previous one.

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The Effects of Case-Based Learning (CBL) on Problem Solving Ability and Academic Self-efficacy in Nursing Students (사례기반학습을 적용한 수업이 간호대학생의 문제해결능력과 학업적 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Jin Hye Kyung;Yun Mi Jin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1143-1149
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to the effects of case-based learning (CBL) on problem solving ability and academic self-efficacy in nursing students and was a quasi-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were 121 grade 4 students, and the data collection period was from Aprill 24 to June 12, 2023. The research procedure was scenario development, preliminary investigation, application of case-based learning classes, and follow-up investigation, and the CBL was conducted for 2 weeks, 50 minutes per week. The general characteristics of the subjects were obtained by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and the effects of CBL on problem solving ability and academic self-efficacy was tested using a paired t-test. The results of this study showed that nursing students' problem solving ability (t=-5.70, p<.001) and academic self-efficacy (t=-3.25, p<.002) improved after applying CBL compared to before applying it. We suggest the use of case-based learning as a strategy to improve problem-solving skills and academic self-efficacy in nursing education. In the future, follow-up research is needed to verify the effectiveness by developing and applying step-by-step clinical cases at an appropriate level according to the learning content of nursing major subjects by grade.

The effects of Multimedia Case-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking and Practices (멀티미디어 사례기반학습이 예비교사의 비판적 사고 성향과 수행능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Sung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of multimedia case-based learning on preservice teachers' critical thinking disposition and practices. Forty-nine students among the seventy-five preservice teachers who enrolled in the class, Introduction to Special Education, participated in this study. Pretest and a case were presented at the beginning of the semester and then 4 cases and multimedia learning resources were provided during 13 weeks. In addition, small and whole class discussion were used for learning activities to share their opinions. At the end of the semester, the posttest and practices regarding a new case data were collected. Results found that no significant difference in the critical thinking disposition survey, however, the multimedia group showed better practices in a new case than the control group. Suggestions and future research were discussed.

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Instance-Based Learning for Intrusion Detection (네트워크 침입 탐지를 위한 사례 기반 학습 방법)

  • 박미영;이도헌;원용관
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.172-174
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    • 2001
  • 침입 탐지란 컴퓨터와 네트워크 지원에 대한 유해한 침입 행동을 식별하고 대응하는 과정이다. 점차적으로 시스템에 대한 침입 유형들이 복잡해지고 전문적으로 이루어지면서 빠르고 정확한 대응을 할 수 있는 시스템이 요구되고 있다. 이에 따라, 대용량의 데이터를 지능적으로 분석하여 의미있는 정보를 추출하는 데이터 마이닝 기법을 적용함으로써 지능적이고 자동화된 탐지를 수행할 수 있도록 한다. 본 논문에서는 학습 데이터를 각각 사례로 데이터베이스에 저장한 후, 실험 데이터가 입려되면 가장 가까운 거리에 있는 학습 데이터의 크래스로 분류하는 사례 기반 학습을 이용하여 빠르게 사용자의 이상 행위에 대해 판정한다. 그러나 많은 사례로 인해 기억 공간이 늘어날 경우 시스템의 성능이 저하되는 문제점을 고려하여, 빈발 에피소드 알고리즘을 수행하여 발견한 순차 패턴을 사례화하여 정상 행위 프로파이로 사용하는 순차패턴에 대한 사례 기반 학습을 제안한다. 이로써, 시스템 성능의 저하율을 낮추고 빠르며 정확하게 지능적인 침입 탐지를 수행할 수 있다.

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이미지 기반 적대적 사례 생성 기술 연구 동향

  • O, Hui-Seok
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2020
  • 다양한 응용분야에서 심층신경망 기반의 학습 모델이 앞 다투어 이용됨에 따라 인공지능의 설명 가능한 동작 원리 해석과, 추론이 갖는 불확실성에 관한 분석 또한 심도 있게 연구되고 있다. 이에 심층신경망 기반 기계학습 모델의 취약성이 수면 위로 드러났으며, 이러한 취약성을 이용하여 악의적으로 모델을 공격함으로써 오동작을 유도하고자 하는 시도가 다방면으로 이루어짐에 의해 학습 모델의 강건함 보장은 보안 분야에서의 쟁점으로 부각되고 있다. 모델 추론의 입력으로 이용되는 이미지에 교란값을 추가함으로써 심층신경망의 오분류를 발생시키는 임의의 변형된 이미지를 적대적 사례라 정의하며, 본 논문에서는 최근 인공지능 및 컴퓨터비전 분야에서 이루어지고 있는 이미지 기반 적대적 사례의 생성 기법에 대하여 논한다.

Teacher Training Program Emphasis on Knowledge in Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning: American N University Instructional Systems Technology Program Case Study (디지털 기반 교수-학습 지식습득을 위한 교사교육 프로그램: 미국 N대학 교육공학과 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hannah
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.320-333
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    • 2018
  • The study introduced an actual American university program student's learning outcomes in instructional technology integration knowledge in order to acknowledge implication considering the current status of relevant Korean teacher training programs. With utilizing complete sampling (students enrolled in a master's program in Instructional Systems Technology at the N University in Fall 2015), the survey was conducted on knowledge, strategies and performance in instructional technology integration, and interview assessed deeper understanding of students' relevant competencies in their specific professional setting. The results and findings based on triangulation of the data confirmed that the students gained sufficient knowledge, and applied the relevant knowledge and competencies into their work setting. For future research, the implications were offered on reviewing Korean teacher training programs in professional competency development related to technology integration in teaching and learning.

A Convergence Study on the Effects of Case-Based Learning and Cornell Notes on Self-Directed Learning Ability, Critical Thinking Disposition, and Teamwork of Underachieving Nursing Students in Human Anatomy Course (인체해부학 수업에서 사례기반 및 코넬식 노트를 활용한 학습법이 학습부진 간호대학생의 자기주도학습 능력, 비판적 사고 성향 및 팀워크에 미치는 영향에 관한 융합 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Mi;Jang, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2020
  • This study is mixed design to measure the effects of case-based learning and the Cornell notes-taking system in human anatomy course, the basic course in nursing, on self-directed learning ability, critical thinking dispositon, and teamwork of nursing students. Among those who completed anatomy course, 34 underachieving students were targeted and surveyed before and after classes, and interviewed on case-based learning and Cornell notes-taking system. For quantitative analysis, SPSS/WIN 21.0 was used for frequency analysis, paired t-test, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. For qualitative research, content analysis was performed. The results showed significant increases in self-directed learning ability(t=-9.69, p<.001), critical thinking dispositon(t=-7.75, p<.001), and teamwork (t=-12.43, p<.001) in underachieving nursing students. In addition, there was a significant correlation between self-directed learning ability, critical thinking dispositon, and teamwork. In conclusion, case-based and Cornell notes learning methods were effective in helping underachieving students enrolled in human anatomy course. There is a need for continuous research on the use of case-based and Cornell notes in other courses.

The Effect of the Blended learning and Case- based learning on Learning strategies, Critical Thinking Disposition, Academic Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students (블렌디드러닝 융합 사례기반학습이 간호대학생의 학습전략, 비판적 사고성향 및 학업적 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Oi Sun;Noh, Yoon Goo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to test the effects of blended learning and case based learning on learning strategies, critical thinking disposition and academic self-efficacy for undergraduate nursing students. A one group pre-post design was applied to adult nursing of 23 nursing students. Data were collected between March 2 and April 30, 2021. Data were analyzed by using SPSS/WIN 23.0. The results showed that learning strategies(t=-2.43, p=.019) and sub-factor cognitive strategy (t=-2.22, p=.031), meta cognitive strategy(t=-2.59, p=.013) and resource management strategy (z=-2.46, p=.014) were significantly higher than levels before blended learning and case based learning. Critical thinking disposition(t=-1.14, p=.262) and academic self-efficacy(t=-.34, p=.734) were higher than levels before but was no significantly. In conclusion, It was confirmed that blended learning and case based learning is an effective educational program that improves learning strategies of nursing students. In the future, it is necessary to develop a program in which blended learning and case based learning can improve critical thinking disposition and academic self-efficacy, and to verify the effectiveness.

Development of case-based learning and co-teaching clinical practice education model for pre-service nurses (예비간호사를 위한 사례기반학습 및 코티칭 임상실습 교육모형 개발)

  • Hyunjeong Kim;Heekyoung Hyoung;Hyunwoo Kim;Seryeong Kim
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.245-271
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a nursing clinical practice education model that applies case-based learning and co-teaching to nursing students, and to secure the validity of the developed model. To verify the validity of the nursing clinical practice education model, it was applied to the subject of 'Health Response and Nursing VI (Perception/ Cognition) Practice' in the 2nd semester of 2021 at J University in Jeonju, and the instructor's response to the model was evaluated. Surveys and focus group interviews were conducted on confidence in clinical practice and teaching and learning models. After deriving the case-based learning stage and co-teaching elements through a review of precedent literature and case studies, an initial model was devised after expert review, and the devised model was reviewed for internal validity by nursing education experts, and then modified and supplemented. As a result of the learner response evaluation conducted after applying the model to the clinical practice subject for external validation verification, the confidence in clinical performance was 4.22 points and the satisfaction with the teaching-learning model was 4.68 points. Summarizing the results of the focus group interview, the importance of prior learning and the learning of selected cases based on actual cases, learning terminology and professional knowledge, eliminated fear of the practice field, felt familiar, and learned various cases. He said that he was able to think critically through the time to organize the knowledge learned in the practice field. In addition, through co-teaching, it was found that field leaders and advisors taught the theoretical and practical aspects at the same time through examples, thereby experiencing practical education closer to practice. It is expected that the nursing clinical practice education model developed through this study, applying case-based learning and co-teaching, will be an effective teaching and learning model that can reduce the gap between theory and practice and improve the clinical performance of nursing students.