• Title/Summary/Keyword: 빔 설계

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Micro-pattern Fabrication of Amorphous Alloy by Laser Beam Machining (비정질 합금의 마이크로 패턴 레이저 가공)

  • Kim, Haan;Park, Jong Wuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2022
  • Amorphous alloys exhibit excellent mechanical properties; therefore, application technology development is being attempted in various fields. However, industrial use of application technology is limited owing to the limitations in fabrication. In this study, micropattern fabrication of an amorphous alloy was conducted using laser beam machining. Although microhole fabrication is possible without the deformation of the amorphous phase through nanosecond pulsed laser beam machining, there are limitations in the generation of recast layers and spatters. In cover plate laser beam machining (c-LBM), a cover plate is used to reduce the thermal deformation and processing area. Therefore, it is possible to fabricate holes at the level of several micrometers. In this study, it was confirmed that recast layers are hardly generated in c-LBM. Furthermore, square-shaped micropatterns were successfully fabricated using c-LBM.

Development of Program Used for Calculation and Estimation of Roofed Pechan Prism (지붕형 페찬 프리즘을 위한 계산 평가 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Hee;Park, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.199-203
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    • 2016
  • This study relates to the development of a program for calculating the roofed pechan prism design data. First, we set the roofed pechan prism design variables and derive the relational expressions between them. With this expressions, we could develope the program that outputs the numerical data for roofed pechan prism design when the face-length and the effective incident beam diameter are given. In fact, applying this program to the prism which is not the commercial size, we were able to calculate the design data very quickly, so that we can easily acquire the 3D structure of the actual roofed pechan prism. This means that we can quickly ensure the structural data of roofed pechan prism which is required for the product development and we are able to develop the new products related to the scope at a faster speed.

Design and Fabrication of X-band Wideband Array Antenna for SAR Applications (SAR를 위한 X-band 광대역 배열 안테나의 설계 및 제작)

  • Won Young-Jin;Lee Young-Ju;Kong Young-Kyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.2 s.105
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 2006
  • Synthetic Aperture Radars(SAR) are used mainly for high-resolution imaging of the terrain. This paper describes the $16{\times}16$ array antenna designed for an X-band, automobile-based SAR(AutoSAR) system. This antenna has the structure of several layers such as radome, radiators, slots, feed network, and honeycomb cores. Each layer is adhesively bonded to meet different combination of structural and electrical design requirements. Using the Strip-Slot-Foam-Inverted-Patch(SSFIP) structure and honeycomb cores, a wide bandwidth and a structural hardness were achieved. Measurement results were compared with simulation results. It was observed that this antenna had a bandwidth of 1.7 GHz, side-lobe levels of less than -20 dB, half-power beamwidth of $5^{\circ}$ and $5^{\circ}$, and gains of 25.0 dBi. The observed results show that the designed array antenna will be applicable to the wideband SAR system.

ITER HCCR TBM 헬륨냉각계통 개발을 위한 헬륨공급장치 구축 및 실험계획

  • Lee, Eo-Hwak;Kim, Seok-Gwon;Jin, Hyeong-Gon;Yun, Jae-Seong;Jo, Seung-Yeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.465-465
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    • 2014
  • 증식블랑켓모듈(TBM, Test Blanket Module)을 개발하여 왔다. 이 두 증식블랑켓모듈은 모두 헬륨냉각을 기반으로 개발 되어왔으며 이에 따라, 헬륨순환기, 헬륨히터 및 헬륨열교환기 등에 대한 기본적인 연구가 수행되었다. 이후 2012년 고체형 증식블랑켓모듈을 ITER TBM 개념으로 주도하기로 결정함에 따라, HCCR (Helium Cooled Ceramic Reflector) TBM의 보조계통인 하나인 헬륨냉각계통(HCS, Helium Cooling System)에 대한 개발이 본격적으로 이루어졌다. 한국원자력연구원에서는 HCCR TBM의 냉각성능을 만족하기 위하여 8 MPa, 1.5 kg/s 및 $300/500^{\circ}C$ (입구/출구 온도)의 운전조건을 갖는 헬륨냉각계통의 설계를 완료하였다. 설계된 헬륨냉각계통은 HCCR TBM에서 회수된 약 $450^{\circ}C$의 헬륨을 열회수기(recuperator)기와 냉각기를 통해 상온으로 냉각시킨 후, 필터를 통해 헬륨을 여과시킨다. 여과된 헬륨은 헬륨순환기에 의해 가압되어 열회수기를 다시 지나 $300^{\circ}C$ 이상으로 가열된다. 가열된 헬륨은 열회수기를 지나지 않는 상온의 헬륨과 혼합되어 최종적으로 HCCR TBM의 입구온도 조건인 $300^{\circ}C$로 맞추어 HCCR TBM에 공급된다. 이러한 열회수기 중심으로 '${\infty}$' 모양의 자가 교차로 설계된 헬륨냉각계통은 고온영역과 저온영역으로 냉각회로를 구분하여 순환기, 필터 및 각종 계측기의 운전온도 환경을 상온으로 유지시킬 수 있어 운전 및 유지보수 관점에서 이점이 있다. HCCR TBM의 헬륨냉각계통 설계 및 핵심 기기를 실증하고, 운전 경험을 쌓기 위하여 헬륨공급장치(HeSS, Helium Supply System)를 헬륨유량기준 1/3 규모(0.5 kg/s)로 구축하였으며, '14년까지 HeSS를 실증규모로 업그레이드 하기 위하여 80기압 환경에서 압축비 1.1, 유량 1.5 kg/s의 성능을 내는 헬륨순환기를 설치할 예정이다. 현재 구축된 1/3 규모 HeSS는 국내 구축된 전자빔 고열부하 시험 장비인 KoHLT-EB (Electron Beam)와 연계되어 HCCR TBM의 일차벽(플라즈마 대향부품)을 검증할 예정이며, 이를 통해 얻어진 열수력 DB는 현재 개발중인 핵융합로 안전해석코드인 GAMMA-FR 검증에 활용될 계획이다.

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920 MHz Band Antenna for Marine Buoy (해양 부이용 920 MHz 대역 안테나)

  • Choi, Hyung-dong;Kim, Sung-yul;Lee, Seong-Real
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.593-600
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    • 2020
  • The equipment for marine IoT service have to overcome the effect of seawater. Furthermore, the free floating transmitter in seawater will be less affected by the seawater environment. The results of the design and fabrication of antenna, which is embedded in buoy, are shown in this research. The proposed antenna is used to supervise the states of fishing gears in monitoring system for real-name system of electric fishing gear. The selected frequency band of the proposed antenna is 920 MHz, and PCB pattern type is selected for subminiature and light weight. It is confirmed that RF characteristics is more degraded, however, the radiation is gradually upward as the contact surface of buoy with seawater is more broaden through the simulation results. That is, the RF performance of the proposed antenna is more deteriorated but beam radiation characteristics is more suited the marine IoT, the seawater effect is more increased. It is expected that the proposed antenna will contribute the implementation of IoT network based on low power wide area (LPWA) when the degradation of RF performance will be settled.

Quality Assurance for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (세기조절방사선치료(Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy; IMRT)의 정도보증(Quality Assurance))

  • Cho Byung Chul;Park Suk Won;Oh Do Hoon;Bae Hoonsik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To setup procedures of quality assurance (OA) for implementing intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) clinically, report OA procedures peformed for one patient with prostate cancer. Materials and methods : $P^3IMRT$ (ADAC) and linear accelerator (Siemens) with multileaf collimator are used to implement IMRT. At first, the positional accuracy, reproducibility of MLC, and leaf transmission factor were evaluated. RTP commissioning was peformed again to consider small field effect. After RTP recommissioning, a test plan of a C-shaped PTV was made using 9 intensity modulated beams, and the calculated isocenter dose was compared with the measured one in solid water phantom. As a patient-specific IMRT QA, one patient with prostate cancer was planned using 6 beams of total 74 segmented fields. The same beams were used to recalculate dose in a solid water phantom. Dose of these beams were measured with a 0.015 cc micro-ionization chamber, a diode detector, films, and an array detector and compared with calculated one. Results : The positioning accuracy of MLC was about 1 mm, and the reproducibility was around 0.5 mm. For leaf transmission factor for 10 MV photon beams, interleaf leakage was measured $1.9\%$ and midleaf leakage $0.9\%$ relative to $10\times\;cm^2$ open filed. Penumbra measured with film, diode detector, microionization chamber, and conventional 0.125 cc chamber showed that $80\~20\%$ penumbra width measured with a 0.125 cc chamber was 2 mm larger than that of film, which means a 0.125 cc ionization chamber was unacceptable for measuring small field such like 0.5 cm beamlet. After RTP recommissioning, the discrepancy between the measured and calculated dose profile for a small field of $1\times1\;cm^2$ size was less than $2\%$. The isocenter dose of the test plan of C-shaped PTV was measured two times with micro-ionization chamber in solid phantom showed that the errors upto $12\%$ for individual beam, but total dose delivered were agreed with the calculated within $2\%$. The transverse dose distribution measured with EC-L film was agreed with the calculated one in general. The isocenter dose for the patient measured in solid phantom was agreed within $1.5\%$. On-axis dose profiles of each individual beam at the position of the central leaf measured with film and array detector were found that at out-of-the-field region, the calculated dose underestimates about $2\%$, at inside-the-field the measured one was agreed within $3\%$, except some position. Conclusion : It is necessary more tight quality control of MLC for IMRT relative to conventional large field treatment and to develop QA procedures to check intensity pattern more efficiently. At the conclusion, we did setup an appropriate QA procedures for IMRT by a series of verifications including the measurement of absolute dose at the isocenter with a micro-ionization chamber, film dosimetry for verifying intensity pattern, and another measurement with an array detector for comparing off-axis dose profile.

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Reliability Analysis of Concrete Road Bridge Designed with Different Resistance Factor Format (콘크리트 도로교 설계를 위한 저항계수 체계별 신뢰도 분석)

  • Paik, In-Yeol;Sang, Hee-Jung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2011
  • As a background study to apply the reliability-based resistance factors to the domestic concrete bridge design code, a comparative study is conducted for the design results and the reliability indexes obtained by adopting different resistance factor formats to yield the design strength of concrete structures. The design results which are calculated by applying the section resistance factors of the current domestic design code and the material resistance factors of Eurocode are compared for the concrete beam bridge. The reliability index is calculated by considering the uncertainties involved in material, dimension and strength equation during the design procedure to get the strength of concrete structure. Also, the sensitivity analysis is performed to figure out which design variables have great impact on the reliability index. The resistance factors of the current domestic bridge design code, AASHTO LRFD and Eurocode are applied to the bridge design for flexure and shear strength and the results show that the resistance factors of the domestic code give the largest reliability indexes. It is observed that the probabilistic distribution of the live load makes difference for the reliability index and the yield strength of reinforcing steel and the live load have great impact on the reliability of both flexural and shear strength of concrete beam through the sensitivity analysis.

An Optimum Design of the Shaped Cassegrainian Antenna (수정 곡면 카세그레인 안테나의 최적 설계)

  • Ryu, Hwang;Kim, Ik-Sang
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this paper is an optimum design of the shaped Cassegrainian antenna system for the base station. The process of the shaped Cassegrainian antenna design is as follows : 1) the aperture field distribution is determined so as to meet design specifications, 2) a proper design parameter is selected, 3) extracting of the dimension data for the main and sub-reflector antenna To do these, Hansen's distribution is chosen as the aperture field, and the far-field pattern from the aperture is predicted by the angular spectrum. Firstly, the aperture field distribution is designed to satisfy the specification for design frequency, it is confirmed if this distribution meet the specification for another frequency band. The main- and the sub-reflectors are synthesized so as for the given beamwaveguide feed pattern to be transformed into the prescribed aperture distribution. The designed system has circular aperture, left-right symmetry and no tilted structure. The continuous surface functions of reflectors are obtained by adopting the global interpolation technique to the discrete reflector profiles. Jacobi polynomial-sinusoidal is used as the basis function. A Ka-band Cassegrainian antenna operates over 17.7 – 20.2 GHz for down-link band and 27.5 – 30 GHz for up-link band is designed.

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System Design and Evaluation of Digital Retrodirective Array Antenna for High Speed Tracking Performance (고속 추적 특성을 위한 디지털 역지향성 배열 안테나 시스템 설계와 특성 평가)

  • Kim, So-Ra;Ryu, Heung-Gyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38A no.8
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2013
  • The retrodirective array antenna system is operated faster than existing techniques of beamforming due to its less complexity. Therefore, it is effective for beam tracking in the environment of fast vehicle. On the other hand, it also has difficulty in estimating AOA according to multipath environment or multiuser signals. To improve the certainty of estimating AOA), this article proposes hybrid digital retrodirective array antenna systme combined with MUSIC algorithm. In this paper, the digital retrodirective array antenna system is designed according to the number of antenna array by using only one digital PLL which finds angle of delayed phase. And we evaluate the performance of the digital retrodirective array antenna for the high speed tracking application. Performance is studied by simulink when the speed of mobile is 300km/h and the distance between transmitter and receiver is 100m and then we have to confirm the performance of the system in multi path environment. As a result, the mean of AOA (Angle Of Arrival) error is $4.2^{\circ}$ when SNR is 10dB and it is $1.3^{\circ}$ when SNR is 20dB. Consequently, the digital RDA shows very good performance for high speed tracking due to the simple calculation and realization.

Improvement of PWM Driving Control Characteristics for Low Power LED Security Light (저전력형 LED 보안등의 PWM형 구동제어 특성 개선)

  • Park, Hyung-Jun;Kim, Nag-Cheol;Kim, In-Su
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.368-374
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    • 2017
  • In this Paper, we developed a low power type LED security light using LED lighting that substitutes a 220[V] commercial power source for a solar cell module instead of a halogen or a sodium lamp. in addition, a PWM type drive control circuit is designed to minimize the heat generation problem and the drive current of the LED drive controller. in developed system, The light efficiency measurement value is 93.6[lm/W], and a high precision temperature sensor is used inside the controller to control the heat generation of the LED lamp. In order to eliminate the high heat generated from the LED lamp, it is designed to disperse quickly into the atmosphere through the metal insertion type heat sink. The heat control range of LED lighting was $50-55[^{\circ}C]$. The luminous flux and the lighting speed of the LED security lamp were 0.5[s], and the beam diffusion angle of the LED lamp was about $110[^{\circ}C]$ by the light distribution curve based on the height of 6[m].