• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비-스플라인

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Automatic NURBS Surface Generation from Unorganized Point Cloud Data (임의의 점 군 데이터로부터 NURBS 곡면의 자동생성)

  • Yoo, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9 s.186
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2006
  • In this paper a new approach which combines implicit surface scheme and NURBS surface interpolation method is proposed in order to generate a complete surface model from unorganized point cloud data. In the method a base surface was generated by creating smooth implicit surface from the input point cloud data through which the actual surface would pass. The implicit surface was defined by a combination of shape functions including quadratic polynomial function, cubic polynomial functions and radial basis function using adaptive domain decomposition method. In this paper voxel data which can be extracted easily from the base implicit surface were used in order to generate rectangular net with good quality using the normal projection and smoothing scheme. After generating the interior points and tangential vectors in each rectangular region considering the required accuracy, the NURBS surface were constructed by interpolating the rectangular array of points using boundary tangential vectors which assure C$^1$ continuity between rectangular patches. The validity and effectiveness of this new approach was demonstrated by performing numerical experiments for the various types of point cloud data.

B-spline Surface Reconstruction in Reverse Engineering by Segmentation of Measured Point Data (역공학에서의 측정점의 분할에 의한 B-spline 곡면의 재생성)

  • Hur, Sung-Min;Kim, Ho-Chan;Lee, Seok-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.1961-1970
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    • 2002
  • A laser scanner is widely used fur a device fur acquiring point data in reverse engineering. It is more efficient to generate a surface automatically from the line-typed data than scattered data of points clouds. In the case of a compound model, it is hard to represent all the scanned data into one surface maintaining its original line characteristics. In this paper, a method is presented to generate a surface by the segmentation of measured point data. After forming triangular net, the segmentation is done by the user input such as the angle between triangles, the number of facets to be considered as small segment, and the angle for combining small segment. B-spline fitting is implemented to the point data in each segment. The surface generation through segmentation shows a reliable result when it is applied to the models with curvature deviation regions. An useful algorithm for surface reconstruction is developed and verified by applying an practical model and shows a good tools fur reverse engineering in design modification.

In-Situ based Trajectory Editing Method of a 3D Object for Digilog Book Authoring (디지로그 북 저작을 위한 3D 객체의 In-Situ 기반의 이동 궤적 편집 기법)

  • Ha, Tae-Jin;Woo, Woon-Tack
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2010
  • A Digilog Book is an augmented reality (AR) based next generation publication supporting both sentimental analog emotions and digitized multi-sensory feedbacks by combining a conventional printed book and digital contents. As a Digilog Book authoring software, ARtalet provides an intuitive authoring environment through 3D user interface in AR environment. In this paper, we suggest ARtalet authoring environment based trajectory editing method to generate and manipulate a movement path of an augmented 3D object on the Digilog Book. Specifically, the translation points of the 3D manipulation prop is examined to determine that the point is a proper control point of a trajectory. Then the interpolation using splines is conducted to reconstruct the trajectory with smoothed form. The dynamic score based selection method is also exploited to effectively select small and dense control points of the trajectory. In an experimental evaluation our method took the same time and generated a similar amount of errors as the usual approach, but reduced the number of control points needed by over 90%. The reduced number of control points can properly reconstruct a movement path and drastically decrease the number of control point selections required for movement path modification. For control manipulation, the task completion time was reduced and there was less hand movement needed than with conventional method. Our method can be applicable to drawing or curve editing method in immersive In-Situ AR based education, game, design, animation, simulation application domains.

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Analysis of Steady and Unsteady Flow Around a Ship Using a Higher-Order Boundary Element Method (고차경계요소법에 의한 선체주위 유동해석)

  • Sa-Y. Hong;Hang-S. Choi
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.42-57
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    • 1995
  • An efficient and accurate scheme has been constructed by taking advantages of the hi-quadratic spline scheme and the higher-order boundary element method selectively depending on computation domains. Boundary surfaces are represented by 8-node boundary elements to describe curved surfaces of a ship and its neighboring free surface more accurately. The variation of the velocity potential complies with the characteristics of the 8-node element on the body surface. But on the free surface, it is assumed to follow that of the hi-quadratic spline scheme. By which, the free surface solution is free from numerical damping and has better numerical dispersion property. As numerical examples, steady and unsteady Neumann-Kelvin problems are considered. Numerical results for a submerged spheroid, Series 60($C_B=0.6$) and a modified support the proposed method. Finally, a new upstream radiation condition is derived using a wave equation operator in order to deal with problems for subcritical reduced frequency. The relevance of this operator has been confirmed in the case of unsteady Kelvin source potential.

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A Study on Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-based Soil Moisture Data (토양수분 위성자료의 공간상세화에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dae Yun;Lee, Yang Won;Park, Mun Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.414-414
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    • 2017
  • 토양수분은 지면환경에서 일어나는 수문 및 에너지 순환을 이해하는 데 있어 중요한 기상인자이다. 토양수분 현장관측은 땅속에 매설된 센서에 의해 상당히 정확하게 이루어지만, 관측점 수가 충분치 않아 공간적 연속성을 확보하지 못하는 어려움이 존재한다. 이에 광역적 및 연속적 관측이 가능한 마이크로파 위성센서가 토양수분 정보 획득을 위한 보조수단으로서 그 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 마이크로파 위성센서는 구름 등 기상조건의 제약을 받지 않으며, 1978년 이래 현재까지 여러 위성에 의해 25 km 및 10 km 해상도의 전지구 토양수분자료가 생산되어 왔다. 마이크로파 센서를 이용한 토양수분자료는 동일지점에 대하여 하루 2회 정도 산출되므로 적절한 시간분해능을 가지지만, 공간해상도가 최고 10 km로서 지역규모의 수문분석에 적용하기에는 충분치 않다. 이러한 토양수분자료의 공간해상도 문제 해결을 위하여 다양한 지면환경요소를 활용한 통계적 다운스케일링이 대안으로 제시되었다. 최근의 선행연구들은 대부분 방정식을 이용한 결합모형을 통해 통계적 다운스케일링을 수행하였는데, 회귀식과 같은 선형결합뿐 아니라 신경망이나 기계학습 등의 비선형결합에서도, 불가피하게 발생할 수밖에 없는 잔차(residual)로 인하여 다운스케일링 전후의 공간분포 패턴이 달라져버리는 문제를 안고 있었다. 회귀분석에 잔차의 공간내삽을 결합시킨 회귀크리깅(regression kriging)은 잔차보정을 통해 이러한 문제를 해결함으로써 다운스케일링 전후의 공간분포 일관성을 보장하는 기법이다. 이 연구에서는 회귀크리깅을 이용하여 일자별 AMSR2(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2) 토양수분 자료를 10 km에서 1 km 해상도로 다운스케일링하고, 다운스케일링 전후의 자료패턴 일관성을 평가한다. 지면온도(LST), 지면온도상승률(RR), 식생온도건조지수(TVDI)는 일자별로 DB를 구축하였고, 식생지수(NDVI), 수분지수(NDWI), 지면알베도(SA)는 8일 간격으로 DB를 구축하였다. 이러한 8일 간격의 자료를 일자별로 변환하기 위하여 큐빅스플라인(cubic spline)을 이용하여 시계열내삽을 수행하였다. 또한 상이한 공간해상도의 자료는 최근린법을 이용하여 다운스케일링 목표해상도인 1 km에 맞도록 변환하였다. 우선 저해상도 스케일에서 추정치를 산출하기 위해서는 저해상도 픽셀별로 이에 해당하는 복수의 고해상도 픽셀을 평균화하여 대응시켜야 하며, 이를 통해 6개의 설명변수(LST, RR, TVDI, NDVI, NDWI, SA)와 AMSR2 토양수분을 반응변수로 하는 다중회귀식을 도출하였다. 이식을 고해상도 스케일의 설명변수들에 적용하면 고해상도 토양수분 추정치가 산출되는데, 이때 추정치와 원자료의 차이에 해당하는 잔차에 대한 보정이 필요하다. 저해상도 스케일로 존재하는 잔차를 크리깅 공간내삽을 통해 고해상도로 변환한 후 이를 고해상도 추정치에 부가해주는 방식으로 잔차보정이 이루어짐으로써, 다운스케일링 전후의 자료패턴 일관성이 유지되는(r>0.95) 공간상세화된 토양수분 자료를 생산할 수 있다.

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