• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비환원주의

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The Physicochemical Properties of Korean Wild Teas (Green tea, Semi-fermented tea, and Black tea) According to Degree of Fermentation (발효정도에 따른 국내산 야생차(녹차, 반발효차, 홍차)의 이화학적 특성)

  • 최옥자;최경희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.356-362
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    • 2003
  • The present study was conducted to know the physicochemical properties of non fermented tea and fermented teas with the fermented time of 0 hr (non fermented tea), 10 hrs, 17 hrs (semi-fermented tea), 24 hrs (black tea), respectively The moisture content of non fermented tea, semi fermented, and black tea was 3.01% ~ 3.29%. The contents of reducing sugar, crude lipid, crude protein were increased and that of ascorbic acid was decresed with fermentation. The total contents of those increased as tea was more fermented. The contents of the citric acid and the malic acid were increased with fermentation, but the content of the succinic acid was decreased. However, the total content of organic acid was generally increased with fermentation. The total content of the amino acid was increased with fermentation. In non fermented tea, Thr+theanine, the Asp, and the Glu, were determined in order of content. In semi-fermented tea and black tea, Ter+theanine, Glu, and Asp were determined in order of content. The rate of essential amino acid in the total content of free amino acid was increased with fermentation. The content of theanine was 1.21% in non fermented tea and 1.50% in black tea. The contents of theanine were increased as tea was more fermented. The content of caffein was 3.57% in non fermented tea and 3.55 ~ 3.60% in semi-fermented tea and black tea. These results were inconsistent in the content of caffein. Five kinds of catechin, that is, cathechin, epigallocathechin, epicathechin, epigallocathechin gallate, and epicathechin gallate were extracted. The content of catechin was 14.18% in non fermented tea, but decreased sharply as tea was more fermented.

Mercury Contents of Scalp Hair by Consumption Pattern of Fishes, Shellfishes and its Products (어패류와 그 제품 섭취양상에 따른 두발중 총수은 및 유기수은 함량)

  • Lee, Won-Shik;Kim, Doo-Hie
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.27 no.1 s.45
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to examine the levels of total and organic mercury in the scalp hair of the elementary school children and adults, and their relationship with the consumption pattern of fishes and shellfishes. The scalp hair samples were collected from the occipital part of 115 children and 131 adults in costal, urban and rural areas of Kyungpook province from June to August 1991. The mercury content was analysed by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (model IL. 555) with atomic vapor accessory (model IL. 440). The total and organic mercury contents of hair were significantly higher (p<0.01) among the children who prefer fish and/or shellfish (7.728 ppm, 6.610 ppm), and canned fish and/or fish pastes (6.969 ppm, 5.885 ppm) than those who prefer meat (4.822 ppm, 3.905 ppm) and vegetables (3.974 ppm, 3.224 ppm). The children who prefer to eat the canned fish without cooking showed a higher mercury content than the children who prefer to eat it as stew or mixed with vegetables (p<0.01). There was a dose-response relationship between the intake frequency of canned fish, raw fish and cooked fish and the content of total and organic mercury of hair, the children who eat fish almost everyday showed 2 times higher than those who eat rarely (p<0.01). The mercury content in the hair of the children who eat raw fish was significantly higher than that of the children who eat boiled or broiled fish (p<0.01). The total and organic mercury contents of adult scalp hair increased with age up to the forties and slightly decreased in the fifties. The mercury contents of those who were engaged in the fishery and raw fish restaurant were 2 times higher than those of the farmers. The mercury content of the persons who were favorite dishes of fish and shellfish were most high, and who prefer raw fish were 2 times higher than those of the persons who prefer vegetables and broiled fish. The contents of total and organic mercury in adult scalp hair showed also a increasing tendency with the intake frequency of raw and cooked fish.

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Protoplast Formation, Regeneration and Reversion in Pleurotus ostreatus and P. sajor-caju (느타리버섯과 여름느타리버섯의 원형질체(原形質體) 나출(裸出)과 재생(再生))

  • Go, Seung-Joo;Shin, Gwan-Chull;Yoo, Young-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 1985
  • The studies were carried out to obtain the basic data for maximizing the protoplast yields from the mycelia of P. ostreatus and P. sajor-caju. Some factors affecting the regeneration of the protoplast of both species and the productivity of their reversion were also examined. The maximum yields of protoplasts were obtained from four days cultured mycelia of both species on cellophan membrane placed on the surface of PSA or MCM media in a petri dish. The optimal concentration of lytic enzyme Novozym 234 for protoplast releasing was 5 mg per ml of 0.5 M phosphate buffer solution with 0.6 M sucrose or 0.6 M $MgSO_4$ at pH 6.0. The greatest number of protoplasts was released 3 hours after incubation of the mycelia of P. ostreatus and after 4 hours for the P. sajor-caju in the lytic enzyme solution. Among the osmotic stabilizer solutions tested 0.6 M sucrose and 0.6 M KCl showed the best regeneration rates of the protoplasts of both species. When 0.75 % agar solution was over-layed on the regeneration media immediately after inoculation of the protoplast the regeneration rates were greatly enhanced. The ampicillin added to the agar solution prevented bacteria from infection. The reverted isolates produced the sporophores and basidial spores just like their parents without any mutations when they were cultivated in a broad mouth bottle with sawdust substrates.

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Ore Minerals, Fluid Inclusions, and Isotopic(S.C.O) Compositions in the Diatreme-Hosted Nokdong As-Zn Deposit, Southeastern Korea: The Character and Evolution of the Hydrothermal Fluids (다이아튜림 내에 부존한 녹동 비소-아연광상의 광석광물, 유체포유물, 유황-탄소-산소 동위원소 : 광화용액의 특성과 진화)

  • Park, Ki-Hwa;Park, Hee-In;Eastoe, Christopher J.;Choi, Suck-Won
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 1991
  • The Weolseong diatreme was temporally and spatially related to the intrusion of the Gadaeri granite, and was -mineralized by meteoric aqueous fluids. In the Nokdong As-Zn deposit, pyrite, aresenopyrite and sphalerite are the most abundant sulfide minerals. They are associated with minor amount of magnetite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and cassiterite, and trace amounts of Pb-Sb-Bi-Ag sulphosalts. The AsZn ore probably occurred at about $350^{\circ}C$ according to fluid inclusion and compositional data estimated from the arsenic content of arsenopyrite and iron content of sphalerite intergrown with pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite + cubanite. Heating studies of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate a temperature range between 180 and $360^{\circ}C$, and freezing data indicate a salinity range from 0.8 to 4.1 eq.wt % NaCl. The coexisting assemblage pyrite + pyrrhotite + arsenopyrite suggests that $H_2S$ was the dominate reduced sulfur species, and defines fluid parameter thus: $10^{-34.5}$ < ${\alpha}_{S_2}$ < $10^{-33}$, $10^{-11}$ < $f_{S_2}$ < $10^{-8}$, -2.4 < ${\alpha}_{S_2}$ < -1.6 atm and pH= 5.2 (sericte stable) at $300^{\circ}C$. The sulfur isotope values ranged from 1.8 to 5.5% and indicate that the sulfur in the sulfides is of magmatic in origin. The carbon isotope values range from -7.8 to -11.6%, and the oxygen isotope values from the carbonates in mineralized wall rock range from 2 to 11.4%. The oxygen isotope compositions of water coexisting with calcite require an input of meteoric water. The geochemical data indicate that the ore-forming fluid probably was generated by a variety of mechanisms, including deep circulation of meteoric water driven by magmatic heat, with possible input of magniatic water and ore component.

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Mineralogy and Genetic Environments of the Seongdo Pb-Zn deposit, Goesan (괴산 성도 연-아연 광상의 산출광물과 생성환경)

  • Ahn, Seongyeol;Shin, Dongbok
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 2017
  • The Seongdo Pb-Zn deposit, located in the northwestern part of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, consists of skarn ore replacing limestone within the Hwajeonri Formation of Ogcheon Group and hydrothermal vein ore filling the fracture of host rock. Skarn minerals comprise mostly hedenbergitic pyroxene, garnet displaying oscillatory zonal texture composed of grossular and andradite, and a small amount of wollastonite, tremolite, and epidote, indicating reducing condition of formation. Ore minerals of skarn ore include sphalerite and galena with a small amount of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite. In hydrothermal vein ore, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite occur with a small amount of galena, native Bi, and stannite. Chemical compositions of sphalerite vary from 17.4 mole% FeS in average for dark grey sphalerite, 3.6 mole% for reddish brown sphalerite in skarn ore, and to 10.3 mole% FeS in hydrothermal vein ore. In comparison with representative metallic deposits in South Korea on the FeS-MnS-CdS diagram, skarn and hydrothermal vein ore plot close to the field of Pb-Zn deposits and Au-Ag deposits, respectively. Arsenic contents of arsenopyrite in hydrothermal vein ore decrease from 31.93~33.00 at.% in early stage to 29.58~30.21 at.% in middle stage, and their corresponding mineralizing temperature and sulfur fugacity are $441{\sim}490^{\circ}C$, $10^{-6}{\sim}10^{-4.5}atm$. and $330{\sim}364^{\circ}C$, <$10^{-8}atm$. respectively. Phase equilibrium temperatures calculated from Fe and Zn contents for coexisting sphalerite and stannite in hydrothermal vein are $236{\sim}254^{\circ}C$. Sulfur isotope compositions are 5.4~7.2‰ for skarn ore and 5.4~8.4‰ for hydrothermal vein ore, being similar or slightly higher to magmatic sulfur, suggesting that ore sulfur was mostly of magmatic origin with partial derivation from host rocks. However, much higher sulfur isotope equilibrium temperatures of $549^{\circ}C$$487^{\circ}C$, respectively for skarn ore and hydrothermal ore, than those estimated from phase equilibria imply that isotopic equilibrium has not been fully established.

Nutritional Evaluation and Comparison of New Pak Choi Cultivars from China with Chinese Cabbage Cultivars Popular in Korea (국내 배추와 중국 유래 청경채의 영양성분 비교)

  • Gantumar, Ganchimeg;Jo, Man Hyun;Igori, Davaajargal;Ham, In Ki;Lee, Eun Mo;Lee, Wang-Hee;Lim, Yongpyo;An, Gilhwan;Park, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.9
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    • pp.1412-1418
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    • 2013
  • The nutritional components of 14 new cultivars of pak choi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis) from China were analyzed and compared with 4 cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) popular in Korea. Leaves were separated into green parts (GP) and white parts (WP) for the analyses. The moisture and ash content in the 14 new cultivars of pak choi were not significantly different from the currently popular cultivars of Chinese cabbage. In addition, the levels of vitamin C and E were very similar between the two kinds of Brassica rapa. In contrast, the overall mineral content was higher in the new pak choi cultivars. Specifically, minerals important for human health, calcium and magnesium, were significantly greater in pak choi cultivars (calcium GP 2.57, WP 2.04; magnesium GP 0.422, WP 0.301 mg/g fresh weight) compared to currently popular cultivars (calcium GP 0.805, WP 0.477; magnesium GP 0.244, WP 0.101 mg/g fresh weight). Although the content of reducing sugars was similar, cellulose content (which correlates with the hardness of plant tissue) was four times higher in the new pak choi cultivars compared to currently popular cultivars. These results demonstrate that the new pak choi cultivars have superb nutritional benefits for human health and could be a good food source as a daily staple vegetable.

Changes in quality characteristics of makjang depending on fermentation location and complex starters (발효 장소와 복합 종균에 따른 막장의 품질 특성 변화)

  • Jieon Park;Myeong-Hui Han;Woosoo Jeong;Soo-Hwan Yeo;So-Young Kim
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1056-1071
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the quality and microbial population changes for 90 days under two fermentation conditions, outdoors and indoors (35℃), with starters (single or mixed) in soybean paste. Bacillus velezensis NY12-2 (S1), Debaryomyces hansenii D5-P5 (S2), Enterococcus faecium N78-11 (S3), and their mixtures (M) were used for the makjang fermentation. The content of amino-type nitrogen among the makjang samples was highly shown in the indoors, followed by M, S3, and S2. The glutamic and aspartic acid contents in the M sample fermented in the indoors showed the highest values of 867.42±77.27 and 243.20±15.79 mg/g, respectively. By the electronic tongue analysis, the M sample fermented in the indoors exhibited lower saltiness and higher umami than the others. Consequently, we expect that using mixed strains, such as Bacillus, Debaryomyces, and Enterococcus, under constant conditions showed potential to the quality improvement of soy products.

The Effect of Superoxide Anion Production by PMN on Pneumocyte Injury in Patients with Bronchial Asthma (기관지천식환자에서 다형핵구의 과산화 음이온 생성능이 폐포세포 손상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Kyoon;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 1993
  • Background : Bronchial asthma has been known as an inflmmatory disease. There have been many evidences that polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) might play an important role in the pathogrnesis of asthma. Although many investigators suggested that pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived oxygen radicals may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma, there has been few report for a direct evidence of oxygen radicals-mediated pneumocyte injury in bronchial asthma. Furthermore the exact mechanism of oxygen radicals-mediated pneumocyte injury is still controversy. This study was designed to establish a direct in vitro evidence and its clinical significance of pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived superoxide anion in bronchial asthma and to elucidate the main mechanism of superoxide anion-mediated pneumocyte injury. Methods : 12 stable asthmatics and 5 healthy volunteers were participated in this study. PMN was separated from peripheral venous blood samples by using dextran sedimentation and Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient separation method. Superoxide anion productions by PMN and plasma SOD activities were measured by spectrophotometric assay using the principle of SOD inhibitable cytochrome c reduction. PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries were measured by $^{51}Cr$-release assay using A549 pneumocytes and were expressed as percent lysis and percent detachment. Results: 1) PMN from asthmatics produced more amount of superoxide anion compared to PMN from normal subjects ($6.65{\pm}0.58$ vs $2.81{\pm}0.95\;nmol/1{\times}10^6$ cells, p<0.05), and showed an inverse correlation with $FEV_1$(R=-0.63, p<0.05), but no correlation with $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 2) Plasma SOD activities were decreased in asthmatics compared to normal subjects but not significant, and showed a positive correlation with $FEV_1$(R=0.63, p<0.05) but no correlation with $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 3) There were a positive correlation between plasma SOD activity and superoxide anion production by PMN in normal subjects (R=0.88, p<0.05) but not in asthmatics. 4) PMN-mediated pneumocyte injury was predominantly expressed as cell detachment rather than cell lysis in both groups, and PMN from asthmatics showed more potent cytotoxic effect on A549 pneumocytes compated to PMN from normal subjects. PMN-mediated detachment rather than lysis of A549 pneumocytes was significantly inhibited by in vitro SOD but not by diluted serum. 5) PMN-mediated detachment rather than lysis of A549 pneumocytes showed a good correlation with superoxide anion production by PMN (R=0.90 in normal subjects, R=0.82 in asthmatics, p<0.05) but no correlation with plasma SOD activity. PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries were not correlated with $FEV_1$ or $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 6) There were no significant differences in PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries between allergic and nonallergic asthmatics. Conclusion : Our results suggest that pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived superoxide anion may partially contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma and that cell detachment rather than cell lysis may be the mechanism of superoxide anion-mediated pneumocyte injury.

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Studies on the chemical composition of citrus fruits in Korea(I) -The chemical composition of main varieties- (한국산(韓國産) 감귤류(柑橘類)의 화학성분(化學成分)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) -주요(主要) 감귤품종별(柑橘品種別) 화학성분함량(化學成分含量)에 관(關)하여-)

  • Yang, C.B.;Park, H.;Kim, Z.U.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.8
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1967
  • Citrus fruits of ten varieties grown in Chaeju island and a few other fruits for the comparison were analyzed to determined the contents of crude fat, crude fiber, total carbohydrates, macroelements and ash. Acids and sugars in fruit juices were also determined and the characteristic of neutralization of fruit juices were investigated. 1. The per cent of edible part of citrus fruits having the range of 48.5(Daingwoochi) to 72(Onju) were lower than that of other fruits. It was lower by about 8 per cent than that of the same variety produced in U.S.A. It was shown that the amount of rind per fruit might be increased in the citrus fruit grown in the low annual temperature. 2. The content of crude protein were around 1% and higher than other's. The contents of crude fat were below 0.1% in three varieties and over 0.1 in others. The contents of crude fiber were between 0.3 to 0.8% and the fruits with the high content of crude protein were inclined to have the high content of crude fiber and it was also shown that the low annual temperature was inclined to increase the amount of crude fiber per fruit. 3. The amount of total acid were from 19.5 m.e per 100 g of fresh fruit in Byongkyul to 44.2 m.e in Daingwoochi. The high percentage of titrable acid was over 90 in two sour varieties, Daingwoochi and Hakyul having pH below 3 and the high content of total acid. These two varieties were above 10 in the ratio of total acid in the edible part to the total acid in the rind(total acid in edible part/total acid in the rind). The content of combined acid was lower than that of titrable acid in the edible part and vice versa in the rind. 4. Navel was highest as 12.82% in the total sugar content and the lowest content was 4.9% of Hakyul. The contents of reducing sugar in the citrus fruits were about half of that in other fruits. The ratio of total sugar to titrable acid (sugar/acid: the grade of sweet taste) were lower than foreign products . 5. From the titration curves of fruit juices the characteristic of neutralization of juices could be grouped in three types, and other values, that is, pH, the content of total acid, the percentage of combined acid, the ratio of total acids in edible part and rind, the content of sugar, and the grade of sweet taste were also devided into the same three categories. 6. The contents of macroelements were different along to the each part of fruit. The content, in the seed were high and the ones in the rind were low. The contents of each element were in the order of $K_2O>N>P_2O_5{\gtrless}CaO{\gtrless}MgO$ in the edible part, $K_2O>N>CaO>P_2O_5{\gtrless}MgO$ in the rind, $N>K_2O>P_2O_5>CaO>MgO$ in the seed. The content of potassium was especially high in Marumeru and Hakyul and the content of calcium in citrus fruit was higher than others.

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Hydrochemistry and Nitrogen and Sulfur Isotopes of Emergency-use Groundwater in Daeieon City (대전지역 민방위 비상급수용 지하수에 대한 수리화학과 질소 및 황 동위원소 연구)

  • 정찬호
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.239-256
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the hydrochemical characteristics of emergency-use groundwater in the Daejeon area, and to elucidate the contamination source of $NO_3-N$ and the origin of sulfate in the groundwater. The groundwater shows weak acidic pH, the electrical conductivity ranging from 142 to $903{\;}\mu\textrm{S}/cm$, and the hydrochemical types of $Ca-HCo_3$ and $Ca-Cl(SO_4,{\;}NO_3)$. The Box-Whisker analysis and the Krigging analysis of chemical data of groundwater were made to demonstrate the concentration distribution of hydrochemical composition, and to compare the trend of hydrochemical data. The groundwater in the area of Dong-gu, Jung-gu and Daeduk-gu, where are old town, shows higher electrical conductivity, nitrate content, sulfate and $EpCO_2$ levels than groundwater in new town area of Seo-gu and Yusung-gu. ${\delta}^{15}N$ of groundwater in the area of Seo-gu and Yusung-gu ranges from +7.4 to $+9.6{\textperthousand}$, indicating that major contamination source of $NO_3-N$ is the leakage from municipal sewage pipe lines. ${\delta}^{15}N$ of groundwater in the old town area of Tong-gu, Jung-gu and Daeduk-gu shows the range between +10.2 and $+23.5{\textperthousand}$, meaning that major contamination source is leakage of septic tank. ${\delta}^{34}S$ of groundwater shows the range of $+3~13.4{\;}{\textperthousand}$. Sulfur isotope indicates the possibility of a sulfate reduction and the input of anthrophogenic source.