• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비즈니스 모델혁신

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A study on resource-constrained composite web service design

  • Min, Yeong-Bin;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kang, Suk-Ho
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.546-551
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    • 2008
  • 기업들 간의 경쟁이 치열해짐에 따라 기업들은 최종 제품뿐만 아니라 최종 제품을 생산하는 프로세스에 대한 효율에 관심을 갖기 시작하였다. 또한 기업들은 자사의 핵심 역량을 중심으로 기업 구조를 재편하고, 핵심 역량 이외의 부분은 아웃소싱을 맡기고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 기업은 다양한 파트너들과 비즈니스 프로세스를 공유하고, 결합 관계에 따라 유연하게 구성할 수 있어야 한다. 기업의 비즈니스 프로세스에 대한 중요성을 일찍 깨닫고 많은 기업들이 프로세스 혁신 작업을 수행하였다. 몇몇 기업은 주목할만한 큰 성공을 거두었음에도 불구하고 기대했던 성과를 거두지 못한 체 많은 비용만 소모한 기업도 존재한다. 이와 같은 일들은 비즈니스 프로세스 디자인을 위한 방법에 대한 개선이 필요함을 시사한다. 하지만 대부분의 방법은 프로세스 디자인을 시각화하고, 평가하는데 중점을 둔 분석 도구의 기능에 편중되어 있으며, 여전히 프로세스의 실제 디자인을 지원하는 형식적인 모델링에 대한 연구는 여전히 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 비즈니스 프로세스의 모델링의 응용 분야로 기업 어플리케이션 통합으로 각광받고 있는 웹 서비스를 선택, 웹 서비스로 이루어진 프로세스의 최적화된 디자인을 지원하는 수리 모델을 제시하고자 한다.

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Establishing a Business Model for Social Enterprises in the Fields of Culture, Performance, and the Arts Associated with the Tourism Industry: Gwangju Metropolitan City (관광분야와 연계된 문화·공연·예술 사회적기업 비즈니스모델 구축: 광주광역시를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chang-Beom;Byeon, Jang-Seop;Na, Ju-Mong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.236-246
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    • 2016
  • Social enterprise is an organization which use business activities as a means to achieve of social purposes. It has grown sharply since 2007 in Korea. However, now it is time had to pursue qualitative growth through the development of specialized business model. This study aims to identify business components using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with experts and to develop a tailored business model for social enterprises in the fields of culture, performance, and the arts associated with the tourism based on regional demand within Gwangju. The analysis shows that job creation should be set as the main objectives to create value, and programs that offer hands-on experience with that fields can be the core competency. Cooperation among private corporations, local governments and agencies related to that fields is essential, as are programs provided through on- and off-line platforms. To develop a value proposition, customers must be segmented among a variety of the market participants.

Sustainable Digital Fabrication Communities: Focusing on the Comparison of Fablabs in Korea and Japan (지속가능한 디지털 제작 커뮤니티: 한·일간 팹랩 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yun-Ho;Lee, Myung-Moo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.44-57
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    • 2022
  • Fablab is a global network of digital fabrication facilities. Fablab is a digital workshop for individual manufacturing. In addition, Fablab is a next-generation digital infrastructure that connects education, training, R&D and production. The Fablab is a facility lab that makes the products you want, and it is a space where users-led products or services are discovered for the community. Furthermore, through various citizen-led projects, it is playing the role of innovation that changes the region and society. In this study, we examine the operating conditions of Fablabs in Korea and Japan (Fablab Seoul, Fablab Busan, Fablab Kamakura and Fablab Kitakagaya). It also explores the business model and sustainable development potential of each fablab. To this end, first, we compare and analyze the use of fablabs in both countries. Second, the purpose of the fablabs of both countries is analyzed. Third, we analyze the business models that the fablabs of both countries are taking for sustainable development through Lean Canvas. Based on the results obtained through case analysis of both countries, we make suggestions for the development of fablabs in Korea.

A Study on e-Healthcare Business Model: Focusing on Business Ecosystem Approach (e헬스케어 비즈니스모델에 관한 연구: 비즈니스생태계 접근 중심으로)

  • Kim, Youngsoo;Jung, Jai-Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2019
  • As most G-20 countries expect medical spending to grow rapidly over the next few decades, the burden of healthcare costs continues to grow globally due to an increase in the elderly population and chronic illnesses, and the ongoing quality improvement of health care services. However, under the rapidly changing technological environment of healthcare and IT convergence, the problem may become even bigger if not properly recognized and not properly prepared. In the context of the paradigm shift and the increasing problem of the medical field, complex responses in technical, institutional and business aspects are urgently needed. The key is to derive a business model that is appropriate for businesses that integrate IT in the medical field. With the arrival of the era of the 4th industrial revolution, new technologies such as Internet of Things have been applied to eHealthcare, and the need for new business models has emerged.In the e-healthcare of the Internet era, it became a traditional firm-based business model. However, due to the characteristics of dynamics and complexity of things Internet in the Internet of things, A business ecosystem-based approach is needed. In this paper, we present and analyze the major success factors of the ecosystem based on the 3 - layer structure of the e - healthcare business ecosystem as a result of research on e - healthcare business ecosystem based on emerging technology such as Internet of things. The three-layer business ecosystem was defined as (1) Infrastructure Layer, (2) Character Layer, and (3) Stakeholder Layer. As the key success factors for the eHealthCare business ecosystem, the following four factors are suggested: (1) introduction of the iHealthcare concept, (2) expansion of the business ecosystem, (3) business ecosystem change process innovation, and (4) business ecosystem leadership innovation.

Integrated Framework of Process Mining and Simulation Approaches for the Efficient Diagnosis and Design of Business Process (효율적인 비즈니스 프로세스 진단 및 설계를 위한 프로세스 마이닝과 시뮬레이션 통합 프레임워크)

  • Sahraeidolatkhaneh, Atieh;Han, Kwan Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2017
  • To survive in the ever-changing environment, organizations need to improve or innovate their business processes. As a result, to attain this objective, BPM (Business Process Management) concept is widely adopted in modern enterprises. BPM life cycle consists of diagnosis, design, implementation and enactment. Conventionally, diagnosis of business process within the BPM life cycle is usually conducted by manual methods such as interviews, questionnaires and direct observations of process. And (re)designing business processes is also usually done manually under supervision of business experts from scratch. It is time-consuming and error-prone tasks. The objective of this research is to integrate the diagnosis and (re)design phase of BPM life cycle by sharing automatically generated process model and basic statistics in the diagnosis phase based on the process mining method. Eventually, this approach will lead to automate the tasks of diagnosis and design of business process. To implement and to show the usefulness of the proposed framework, two case studies were conducted in this research.

A Case Study on Growth Through Coupled Process Open Innovation Open Innovation in the Faculty Startup Ecosystem: From the Perspective of Core Competency Theory (교원창업 생태계에서 결합형 오픈이노베이션을 통한 성장 사례 연구: 핵심역량이론 관점에서)

  • Changwon Yoon;Jeahong Park;Youngwoo Sohn;Youngjin Kim;Yeoungho Seo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2024
  • This paper analyzes a case of successful faculty entrepreneurship through a coupled process of open innovation in a university context, using the core competency theory perspective. Initially, the current state of faculty entrepreneurship is examined, and the effects of interdisciplinary coupled processes of open innovation are explored, focusing on the case of 'Omotion Inc.,' a startup utilizing generative AI technology for hyper-realistic 3D virtual human experiences. The research methodology involves in-depth interviews with Omotion Inc.'s co-founders, technology commercialization professionals, and experts in the field, followed by analysis based on foundational theories. Applying the core competency theory, this paper scrutinizes the process of integrating diverse expertise and technologies from various academic disciplines. The analysis goes beyond the limitations of faculty entrepreneurship confined to a single technology-centric research domain. Instead, it explores the possibilities of enhancement and value creation through coupled processes, providing practical implications for the university entrepreneurial ecosystem. The aim is to extend the traditional roles of education and research within the university, presenting a role in economic value creation beyond the boundaries of conventional faculty entrepreneurship. Through the collaboration of two faculty members, this study showcases the creation of novel technology and business models. It establishes that successful coupled processes of open innovation in faculty entrepreneurship, from a core competency theory perspective, require the entrepreneurial firm to possess (1) entrepreneurial capabilities, (2) technological capabilities, and (3) networking capabilities. The implications of this research highlight the positive impact of coupled processes of open innovation in faculty entrepreneurship, as evidenced by the Omotion Inc. case, offering guidance on entrepreneurial directions for university members preparing for entrepreneurship.

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The Effects of Internal and External Factors of the Founders' on Startup Success: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy and Trust in the Business Model (스타트업 창업자의 창업성공에 미치는 영향 요인에 관한연구: 비즈니스 모델에 대한 자기 효능감과 신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Il Bum;Kang, Min Jung;Kim, Ji Woong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2022
  • This paper suggested a plan to increase the start-up survival rate by identifying independent variables that significantly affect start-up success through analysis of the founder's internal and external factors. As a result of this study, it was found that internal factors (financial ability, risk sensitivity) and external factors (start-up environment, start-up support policy) had a direct positive (+) effect on start-up success. Meanwhile, self-efficacy for business models partially mediated the relationship between factors(financing ability, risk sensitivity, start-up environment and start-up support policies) and start-up success. Self-efficacy for business models fully mediated the relationship between factors(start-up expertise and challenge spirit) and start-up success. Finally, trust in business models partially mediated the relationship between factors(start-up expertise, risk sensitivity, and start-up support policies) and start-up success. And the trust in business models fully mediated the factors(the spirit of challenge, start-up environment) and start-up success.

Identification of Architecture Meta Model and Design Pattern for e-Business System Development based on Web Service (웹 서비스 기반의 e-Business 시스템 개발을 위한 아키텍쳐 메타모델 및 설계 패턴 식별)

  • 김선영;김지영;김행곤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.04c
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    • pp.73-75
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    • 2003
  • 인터넷과 웹은 전자적 마켓의 빠른 성장과 함께 물리적인 마켓을 보완하여 기존의 전통적인 비즈니스 모델에서 제품과 서비스를 전달하는 새로운 방법을 형성하는 동적인 e-Business로의 혁신적인 변화를 가져왔다. 이들 비즈니스 서비스를 기업내 직원과 다른 파트너들의 조직과도 보다 효과적으로 협력할 수 있고 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않으며 서비스들을 보다 빠르게 배포하고 공급할 수 있는 요구사항이 계속해서 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라서 e-Business의 동적인 활동에 앞의 요구사항들을 만족시킬 수 있는 웹서비스를 도입하여 플랫폼 독립적인 시스템 구축과 새로운 파트너나 서비스가 추가될 때 브로커를 통해 UDDI를 검색하여 Web Service를 바인딩함으로써 비용 절감이 가능하고. 기존의 분산환경을 지원하는 기반 기술이 극복하지 못했던 문제를 극복함으로써 확장성이 용이하게 하였다. 본 논문에서는 e-business에 WSDL, UDDI, SOAP등과 같은 표준들과 함께 웹 서비스를 가미한 웹 서비스 기반의 e-Business 어플리케이션 개발을 위한 재사용 가능한 아키텍쳐 메타모델을 제안하고 e-Business 도메인에서의 웹 서비스를 적용하여 일반적인 특징들을 기술하고 설계하는 UML로 표현된 설계 패턴들을 식별하고 기술한다.

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A Study on the Development of an Integrated Implementation Model for Digital Transformation and ESG Management (디지털 트랜스포메이션과 ESG 경영의 통합 추진을 위한 모델 개발에 관한 연구 )

  • Kim, Seung-wook
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2024
  • ESG management refers to corporate management that takes into account environmental, social, and governance factors, while digital transformation goes beyond the mere automation or digitization of existing tasks to drive an innovative change in the essence of work and the way value is created. Therefore, digital transformation can help companies achieve ESG goals and implement sustainable business practices, establishing a complementary relationship between digital transformation and ESG management for corporate sustainability and growth. This relationship maximizes the synergy of integrating digital transformation with ESG management, enabling companies to utilize resources efficiently and prevent redundant investments, ultimately enhancing sustainable management performance. In this study, we propose the simultaneous promotion of business process reengineering (BPR), in which both digital transformation and ESG management are integrated. This is because the collection, analysis, and decision-making processes related to various data for promoting ESG management must be organically integrated with digital transformation technologies. Therefore, we analyzed each ESG management objective presented in the K-ESG guidelines and identified the corresponding digital transformation technologies through expert interviews and a review of prior research. The K-ESG guidelines serve as a useful ESG diagnostic system that enables companies to identify improvement tasks and manage performance based on goals through self-assessment of ESG levels. By developing a model based on the K-ESG guidelines for the integrated promotion of digital transformation and ESG management, companies can simultaneously improve ESG performance and drive digital innovation, reducing redundant investments and trial-and-error while utilizing diverse resources efficiently. This study provides practical and academic implications by developing a concrete and actionable new research model for researchers and businesses.

A Life Cycle-Based Performance-Centric Business Process Management Framework For Continuous Process Improvement (지속적 프로세스 개선을 위한 성과 중심의 생애 주기 기반 비즈니스 프로세스 관리 프레임워크)

  • Han, Kwan Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2017
  • Many enterprises have recently been pursuing process innovation or improvement to attain their performance goal. To comprehensively support business process execution, the concept of business process management (BPM) has been widely adopted. A life cycle of BPM is composed of process diagnosis, (re)design, and enactment. For aligning with enterprise strategies, all BPM activities must be closely related to performance metrics because the metrics are the drivers and evaluators of business process operations. The objective of this paper is to propose a life cycle-based BPM framework integrated with the process-based performance measurement model, in which business processes are systematically interrelated with key performance indicators (KPIs) during an entire BPM life cycle. By using the proposed BPM framework, company practitioners involved in process innovation projects can easily and efficiently find the most influencing processes upon enterprise performance in the process diagnosis phase, evaluate the performance of newly designed process in the process (re)design phase, monitor the KPIs of new business process, and adjust business process activities in the process execution phase through the BPM life cycle.