• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비즈니스프로세스

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Analysis of ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) Implementation and Project Critical Sucess Factor (ERP구축과 프로젝트 구성 성공요인 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Il;Choi, Seung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.4770-4777
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    • 2011
  • Recently a rapidly changing business environment, business strong ability and operating an integrated information system is actively made. However, the result of the success factors affecting the overall project, but a study to analyze the project's success is not enough. In this study, the project implementation and operation of the critical success factors that can occur in the analysis of research and practice leading to the combination of variables derived from empirical studies find and isolate the success factors were over. Present study came from existing projects that can be the integrated system, representation factors affecting the implementation and operation of business processes in order to analyze the elements and procedures, performance capabilities of the organization, consultants and professionals involved with other related variables were analyzed by injecting. In this study, the consultants and experts showed that the variables are very significant rather than the organization's ability to perform business processes and procedures. This study will give a guideline as future success factors for building an integrated system of professional experiences.

Verification Test for Web service of River Geospatial Information (하천공간정보 웹 서비스에 관한 검증 테스트 방안)

  • Hong, Sung Soo;Shin, Hyung Jin;Hwang, Eui Ho;Chae, Hyo Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.548-548
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    • 2015
  • 과거 1990년대에 인터넷 이용이 전 세계로 확산되면서 World Wide Web를 이용하여 다양한 웹 서비스 기술의 구현 및 유통은 현재에도 개발되고 있다. 일반적으로 오늘날의 서비스는 XML 및 인터넷을 통하여 웹 서비스로 구현한 응용프로그램간의 연동을 가능하게 하는 기반기술이다. 이는 단순 객체 접근 프로토콜(SOAP), 웹 서비스 기술 언어(WSDL), 전역 비즈니스 레지스트리(UDDI) 등의 표준 기술을 사용하여 네트워크에 연결된 다른 컴퓨터 간의 분산 컴퓨팅을 지원하는 소프트웨어 및 기술이다. 이러한 웹 서비스의 발전으로 웹 서비스의 성능이 웹 서비스 제공자의 성패를 좌우하게 되고, 제공하고 있는 웹 서비스에 대한 검증이 필요하게 되었다. 웹 서비스에 대한 검증은 미국 Bloor NA(Bloor Research-North America)에서 웹 서비스 아키텍처의 단점을 발표하여 서비스의 품질과 신뢰성 및 개선점에 대하여 제시되어 활발한 연구가 진행 중에 있다. 그러나 사용자 관점에서 웹 서비스의 성능을 측정하고, 단순한 서비스 제공자의 서비스 검증 목적만이 아닌 서비스 제공자의 성능을 서비스 사용자에게 제공하는 검증 방법에 관한 연구가 많지 않은 실정이다. 하천공간정보에 대하여 웹 서비스 방식 중 통신 프로토콜인 HTTP 등을 이용한 인터넷상의 메시지 교환을 가능하게 하는 통신 프로토콜인 SOAP 및 WWW와 같은 분산 하이퍼미디어 시스템을 위한 소프트웨어 아키텍처의 한 형식인 REST(Representational State Transfer)를 실행하여 이에 따른 검증 프로세스를 수립하였다. 하천공간정보 웹 서비스에 대한 테스트 시나리오는 응답시간, 임계성능, 이용가능성, 신뢰성 및 접근성에 대하여 검증하며 하나 이상의 웹 서비스들 간의 호환성 표준의 준수 여부와 상호 운용 가능 여부를 테스트 하는 상호운용성 테스트, 신뢰성 메시징 및 분산 환경에서의 트랜잭션 처리 성능을 검증하는 웹 서비스 프로세스 품질 테스트를 실시하는 방안을 도출하고자 한다.

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A Study of Modeling and Utilization for Software Enhancement Process Based on Business scenarios (업무 시나리오를 기반으로 한 소프트웨어 개선 프로세스의 모델링 및 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2013
  • As more than 80 percent of tasks within corporations are performed through information systems, they have become large in scale and complicated, which make the range of the system users diverse and specialized. and as recent corporate strategies focus on the real-time environment in businesses, the organizational structure within companies tend to show frequent changes. In order to ensure the business continuity in this environment, the most important aspect is to prevent incompleteness of business by narrowing the gap of understanding of business process between the system users and the maintenance managers. In order to address this problem, this study suggests a modeling method that utilizes business scenarios reflecting actual business rules and procedures which ultimately transforms the optimized and standardized form of business scenarios into the actual software maintenance activities. This modeling method improves reusability and usability through the repeated feedback mechanism for modified software by leading to gradual fine-grained process. The feasibility of this is to be proven by applying the modeling method to the real business environment.

A Study on Implementation of Humane Resource Pool Recruitment system Using Blockchain

  • Lee, Ji-Woon;Seo, Hee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a implementation plan of the human resource pool recruitment system using private (permitted) blockchain. The term Human Resource has become commonly used and has come to recognize human resources as resources. Despite these changes, the use of human resource pools has been sluggish. Once entered, information is often not updated on a regular basis and does not provide sharing, searching, carrier management and anti-counterfeiting. In this research, in order to provide a human resource pool recruitment system that utilizes private (permitted) blockchain, we first used the blockchain network to enable sharing and searching of human resource pools, and to use keywords. Used to get results that meet certain conditions. Second, we added an institutional verification process to ensure the integrity of the input data and prepared preventive measures in the non-technical part by utilizing the structural characteristics of the blockchain to prevent counterfeiting and alteration. Third, we designed and implemented a Dapp (Decentralized application) that includes a Web UI so that each of the three groups can control the blockchain and the predefined processes and business logic.

A Study on Digital Transformation Competitive Strategy of Accommodation Reservation Service Industry: A Case Study (디지털전환 기반의 숙박예약 서비스 경쟁우위전략: 사례연구)

  • Chin, HeeSoo;Lee, DongWon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2022
  • Today, digital transformation in providing service value to companies that combine service and technology is becoming a necessity. In the transition period of digital transformation, various factors such as data, artificial intelligence technology, and partnerships can become competitive factors. In particular, digital transformation, which combines information and services with customers, creates a new business model that changes the entire industry and is presented as core competitiveness that creates customer value. From these aspects, the purpose of this case study is to derive competitive advantages on digital transformation using the case of company S. First, the study analyzes the same type of industry based on the case of app service. Second, this study presents preference factors in the operational process to enhance competitiveness by expanding user participation in accommodation reservation services. In addition, the customer service value model provides through the analysis of the five competitive factors in the operational process. This study elaborates the implications of the customer service value creation model in terms of new opportunities and challenges in digital transformation as a new customer service strategy.

Consideration factors in implementing blockchain technology-based DID platform using ANP methodology - From a two-sided market perspective - (ANP 방법론을 이용한 블록체인 기술 기반 DID 플랫폼 구현 시 고려요소 - 양면시장 관점에서-)

  • Choi, Seungho;Youn, Daemyung
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2022
  • As technological development continues, platforms with more diverse structures are emerging. Existing research predicts that a new structure based on technology and innovation will affect the two-sided market. This study evaluated the decentralized identifier (DID) platform, a new platform based on blockchain technology, of the importance of this platform from the perspective of the two-sided market. Using the Analytic Network Process, IT, platform, and blockchain experts conducted a dual comparison survey. Data with a consistency ratio value of 0.1 or less were selected and analyzed for 12 data. The research results showed the importance of service quality, policy support, openness, and uncertainty. This study is expected to be used to support the development of strategic decision-making for blockchain and DID platform-based business companies.

A Study of Air Cargo Logistic System Process (항공물류 시스템 프로세스의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hwi-Young;Lee, Jae-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2009
  • The national boundary's meanings turn to weak according to advent of Global enterprises. The place for design a product and marketing are separated to actual market. R&D is to the area where the knowledge activity is well, and low skilful product assembling is to the place the low wage is acceptable. It shows that the importance of net work structure. From early 90's, production system is diversified to markets where with the consumer as the central as multifarious items and creation new demands through consumer's participation into manufacturing process. This phenomenon show that logistics structures adapt to demand of technical variation, and the development of e-business with VAN(:value added network) and EDI(:Electronic data interchange) prove it. This study tried to analyze utilitarian assay about systems those land, sea, air logistics through documents research, and this study also present the direction of logistics system of airline company and goal of development on the based to the model of domestic airline company accordingly.

Research on Cybersecurity Risk Management System in Smart Factory Environment (스마트팩토리 환경의 사이버보안 리스크 관리 체계 연구)

  • YoungSun Shin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2024
  • This study presented a cybersecurity risk management system in a smart factory environment. A smart factory refers to a factory that optimizes the production system and increases efficiency. However, this digitized environment is vulnerable to cyber attacks, and manufacturing companies can suffer serious damage from disruptions in production systems or information leaks. Therefore, a systematic approach to effectively managing cyber security risks is essential in smart factories. In this study, a continuous security risk management system for each stage of the smart factory was proposed along with business process-based security risk assessment. These studies will help to further improve cybersecurity risk management in smart factories. It will also play an important role in ensuring that smart factories operate safely and efficiently.

Opportunity Tree Framework Design For Optimization of Software Development Project Performance (소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성능의 최적화를 위한 Opportunity Tree 모델 설계)

  • Song Ki-Won;Lee Kyung-Whan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.3 s.99
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2005
  • Today, IT organizations perform projects with vision related to marketing and financial profit. The objective of realizing the vision is to improve the project performing ability in terms of QCD. Organizations have made a lot of efforts to achieve this objective through process improvement. Large companies such as IBM, Ford, and GE have made over $80\%$ of success through business process re-engineering using information technology instead of business improvement effect by computers. It is important to collect, analyze and manage the data on performed projects to achieve the objective, but quantitative measurement is difficult as software is invisible and the effect and efficiency caused by process change are not visibly identified. Therefore, it is not easy to extract the strategy of improvement. This paper measures and analyzes the project performance, focusing on organizations' external effectiveness and internal efficiency (Qualify, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste). Based on the measured project performance scores, an OT (Opportunity Tree) model was designed for optimizing the project performance. The process of design is as follows. First, meta data are derived from projects and analyzed by quantitative GQM(Goal-Question-Metric) questionnaire. Then, the project performance model is designed with the data obtained from the quantitative GQM questionnaire and organization's performance score for each area is calculated. The value is revised by integrating the measured scores by area vision weights from all stakeholders (CEO, middle-class managers, developer, investor, and custom). Through this, routes for improvement are presented and an optimized improvement method is suggested. Existing methods to improve software process have been highly effective in division of processes' but somewhat unsatisfactory in structural function to develop and systemically manage strategies by applying the processes to Projects. The proposed OT model provides a solution to this problem. The OT model is useful to provide an optimal improvement method in line with organization's goals and can reduce risks which may occur in the course of improving process if it is applied with proposed methods. In addition, satisfaction about the improvement strategy can be improved by obtaining input about vision weight from all stakeholders through the qualitative questionnaire and by reflecting it to the calculation. The OT is also useful to optimize the expansion of market and financial performance by controlling the ability of Quality, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste.

Service Identification of Configuration and Data Management System for Weapon System R&D Processes Based on Service Oriented Architecture (서비스 지향 아키텍처에 기반한 무기체계 연구개발 형상/정보관리시스템의 서비스 식별)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jun;Lee, Bu-Kweon;Seo, Yeong-Geon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2009
  • Configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system should support the concurrent engineering and collaborative activities for various documents, drawings, part informations and structural informations, etc. which are produced through R&D processes for a long time. This thesis attempts to identify major functions in the configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system R&D into services based on a service oriented architecture. In order to identify major services in the configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system R&D, a configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system R&D was proposed with a service oriented architecture with four layers including a service consumer layer, a business service layer, an application service layer and a application layer, and major services were identified for each layer. In order to identify major services in four layers, this thesis adopted a bottom-up approach to identify the necessary business services from a well-defined domain implementation system rather than a top-down identification method in general. This thesis tried to identify the essential services in implementing the configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system R&D as a system based on the service oriented architecture using such a bottom-up service identification method while limiting those services to the general PDM system aspects and the business areas of the configuration and data management system to support processes for the weapon system R&D.

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