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A Study on Implementation of Humane Resource Pool Recruitment system Using Blockchain  

Lee, Ji-Woon (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education)
Seo, Hee-Suk (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education)
In this paper, we propose a implementation plan of the human resource pool recruitment system using private (permitted) blockchain. The term Human Resource has become commonly used and has come to recognize human resources as resources. Despite these changes, the use of human resource pools has been sluggish. Once entered, information is often not updated on a regular basis and does not provide sharing, searching, carrier management and anti-counterfeiting. In this research, in order to provide a human resource pool recruitment system that utilizes private (permitted) blockchain, we first used the blockchain network to enable sharing and searching of human resource pools, and to use keywords. Used to get results that meet certain conditions. Second, we added an institutional verification process to ensure the integrity of the input data and prepared preventive measures in the non-technical part by utilizing the structural characteristics of the blockchain to prevent counterfeiting and alteration. Third, we designed and implemented a Dapp (Decentralized application) that includes a Web UI so that each of the three groups can control the blockchain and the predefined processes and business logic.
Blockchain; Hyperledger Fabric; Chain code; Human Resource Pool; Recruitment system;
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