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Studies on Chemical and Biological Processes in the Keum River Estuary, Korea 2. Factors controlling chlorophyll-a distribution (금강 하구에서의 화학적, 생물학적 제과정에 관한 연구 II. Chlorlphyll-a 분포 결정 요인에 관하여)

  • 기준학;김정렬
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 1987
  • The Keum River Estuary was investigated two times in April and July, 1986, to study process controlling chlorophyll distribution in estuarine waters. During the surveys, distribution patterns were studied for chlorophyll-a, nutrients, ph, SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter), DO (Dissolved Oxygen), temperature, salinity, etc. During April survey(low-discharge period), sea water penetrated to Kangkyung, about 35km upstream from the constructing weir, while in July (high-discharge period) only to 3 km upstream from the weir,In April SPM showed very high concentrations (500mg/l)on the average. But very low concentrations(about10mg/l)were observed in July due to high discharge of fresh water.Chlorophyll-a concentrations showed large variations both in time and space :much higher concentraations in July than in April and sharp decrease in concentrations at the fresh water-sea water interface (April:$6.5\mu\textrm{g}/{\ell}$ for fresh waters and 41.4\mu\textrm{g}/{\ell}$ forestuarine waters). Differebce ub chlorophyll-a concentrations for these two surveys appear to be caused mainly by the difference in effectiveness of penetrating lights controlled by SPM in the waters. Sharp decrease in chlorophll-a at the fresh water-sea water interface is believed to be resulted from mass mortality of fresh water phytoplankton caused by changes in osmotic pressure in the region. Observations in the same regions such as increase in AOU(Apparent Oxygen Utilization)and ammonia, decrease in PH,probably resulted through decomposition processes of dead planktons,furtuer support the idea.

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Study of Polycarbonate/MWNT Electrospun Nanofiber and Its Multi-Filament Application (전기방사에 의한 카본나노튜브/폴리카보네이트 나노섬유와 복합필라멘트 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Lee, Kwang-Hoon;Hwang, Seok-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Yeol;Lee, Sang-Won;Huh, Wansoo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2008
  • Over the past decade, there have been significant advancement in the field of electrospinning area. This study has focused on preparing yarn using polycarbonate (PC) nanofibers including modified multi-walled carbon nanotube (mMWNT) by solution electrospinning process using the mixture of solvents consisting of tretrahydronfuran (THF) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). In order to enhance the dispersion, MWNT was chemically modified. TEM analysis for the prepared PC/mMWNT nanofibers reveals that mMWNT was well-dispersed into the PC nanofiber matrix. Also with increasing contents of mMWNT, thermal stability of PC/mMWNT nanofibers was improved than that of PC nanofibers. Moreover when 3 to 5 wt% of mMWNT was added, the nanofibers showed good electrical properties expecting antistatic effect, ranging 109.1~109.5 ${\Omega}$. It was confirmed that the multi-filament fibers using PC/mMWNT had $60{\sim}100{\mu}m$ in diameter and 4~5 cm in length.

Image Encryption and Decryption System using Frequency Phase Encoding and Phase Wrapping Method (주파수 위상 부호화와 위상 랩핑 방법을 이용한 영상 암호화 및 복호화 시스템)

  • Seo, Dong-Hoan;Shin, Chang-Mok;Cho, Kyu-Bo
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.507-513
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose an improved image encryption and fault-tolerance decryption method using phase wrapping and phase encoding in the frequency domain. To generate an encrypted image, an encrypting key which denotes the product of a phase-encoded virtual image, not an original image, and a random phase image is zero-padded and Fourier transformed and its real-valued data is phase-encoded. The decryption process is simply performed by performing the inverse Fourier transform for multiplication of the encrypted key with the decrypting key, made of the proposed phase wrapping method, in the output plane with a spatial filter. This process has the advantages of solving optical alignment and pixel-to-pixel mapping problems. The proposed method using the virtual image, which does not contain any information from the original image, prevents the possibility of counterfeiting from unauthorized people and also can be used as a current spatial light modulator technology by phase encoding of the real-valued data. Computer simulations show the validity of the encryption scheme and the robustness to noise of the encrypted key or the decryption key in the proposed technique.

Handwritten Hangul Word Recognition from Small Vocabulary using Grapheme Combination Type (자모 결합 유형을 이용한 적은 어휘에서의 필기 한글 단어 인식)

  • Jin, Yu-Ho;Kim, Ho-Yeon;Kim, In-Jung;Kim, Jin-Hyeong
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2001
  • 필기 단어 인식 방법에는 낱자별 분할 및 낱자 단위 인식을 통해 인식하는 방법과 단어 사전을 이용하여 단어와 영상을 직접 비교하는 방법이 있다. 이 중 후자는 인식 대상이 되는 단어들이 작은 수의 어휘로 제한되었을 대 매우 효과적이다. 본 논문에서는 입력 영상이 주어졌을 때 자모를 순차적으로 탐색하고 그 결과의 최적 조합을 찾아 인식하는 사전을 이용한 필기 한글 단어 인식 방법을 제안한다. 입력 영상은 사전의 각 단어와의 매칭을 통해 인식된다. 단어는 필기 순서로 정렬된 자모열로 표현하고 입력 영상은 획들의 집합으로 표현한다. 단어의 자모들은 입력 영상으로부터 추출된 획들의 집합으로부터 단계적으로 탐색된다. 각 단계에서는 전 단계까지의 매칭 상태와 탐색하려는 자모의 형태로부터 자모가 존재할 것이라고 기대되는 정합 기대 영역을 설정한 후 그 안에서 자모 탐색기를 이용해 자모를 찾는다. 자모 탐색기는 획들의 집합으로 이루어진 복수의 자모 후보와 그 점수를 출력한다. 각 단계마다 생성된 자모 후보들은 최적의 단어 매칭을 찾기 위한 탐색 공간을 이룬다. 본 연구에서는 단어 사전을 trie로 구성하고, 탐색 과정에서 dynamic programming을 이용하여 효과적으로 탐색을 수행하였다. 또한 인식 속도를 향상시키기 위해 산전 축소, 탐색 공간 축소 등 다양한 지식을 이용하였다. 제안하는 방법은 무제약으로 쓰여진 필기 단어도 인식 할 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 동적 사전을 이용하기 때문에 사전의 내용이 변하는 환경에서도 적용할 수 있다. 인식 실험에서는 39개의 단어로 이루어진 사전에 대하여 613개의 단어 영상에 대해 실험한 결과 98.54%의 높은 인식률을 보임으로써 제안하는 방법이 매우 효과적임을 확인하였다. 아니라 곰팡이 균주도 실제 praxis에 적합하게 개발시킬수 있다. 따라서 앞으로 발효육제품제조에 있어 starter culture가 갖는 의미는 매우 중요하며 특히 짧은 숙성기간을 거치는 발효소시지의 제조에 있어서는 필수불가결한 공정의 한 분야로 자리잡게 될 것이다.큰 차이 없었으나 이중포장과 진공포장은 상당히 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.로는 18%에 비하여 22%가 더 적합한 것으로 생각되었다.$0.15{\sim}0.35%$이었다.irc}C$에서 $13.49{\times}10^{-3}$이었다. 이 값들을 Arrhenius식에 대입하여 구한 활성화 에너지는 24.795 kJ/Kmol이었다. 이 값으로부터 결정한 살균 포장약주 명가의 상용 저장 수명은 $10^{\circ}C$에서 2년, $20^{\circ}C$에서 1년 4개월, $25^{\circ}C$에서 1년 2개월 이었다. 서울의 매월 평균 온도를 기준으로 계산할 때 본제품의 상용저장기간은 1년 8개월이었다.로 반죽이 호화되고 가열시간이 그 이상으로 증가할 때도 반죽의 호화가 약간은 진행되지만 $90^{\circ}C$ 이상의 가열온도에서는 가열시간 0.5분 이내에 반죽의 호화가 급속히 일어나고 가열 시간을 증가시켜도 더이상의 호화는 일어나지 않았다. 같은 조건에서는 waxy corn starch 반죽의 호화 속도가 corn starch보다 더 빠른 것으로 나타났다. 대표적으로 52% 수분함량에서 반응속도상수(k)와 가열온도(T)사이의 관계식은 corn starch의 경우 $logk=11.1140-4.1226{\times}10^3(1/T)

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A Study on Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease using Raman Spectra from Platelet (혈소판 라만 스펙트럼을 이용한 알츠하이머병 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Aa-Rron;Heo, Gi-Su;Baek, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we use the Raman spectra measured from platelet to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease(AD). The Raman spectra used in the experiments were preprocessed with the following method and then fed into the classifier. The first step of the preprocessing is a simple smoothing followed by background elimination to the original spectra to make it easy to measure the intensity of the peaks. The last step of the preprocessing was peak alignment with the reference peak. After the inspection of the preprocessed spectra, we found that proportion of two peak intensity at 743 and 757 $cm^{-1}$ and peak intensity at 1658 $cm^{-1}$ are the most discriminative features. Then we apply mapstd method for normalization. The method returned data with means to 0 and deviation to 1. With these two features, the classification result involving 278 spectra showed about 95.5% true classification in case of MLP(multi-layer perceptron). It means that the Raman spectra measured from platelet would be effectively used to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

Speech Animation Synthesis based on a Korean Co-articulation Model (한국어 동시조음 모델에 기반한 스피치 애니메이션 생성)

  • Jang, Minjung;Jung, Sunjin;Noh, Junyong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a speech animation synthesis specialized in Korean through a rule-based co-articulation model. Speech animation has been widely used in the cultural industry, such as movies, animations, and games that require natural and realistic motion. Because the technique for audio driven speech animation has been mainly developed for English, however, the animation results for domestic content are often visually very unnatural. For example, dubbing of a voice actor is played with no mouth motion at all or with an unsynchronized looping of simple mouth shapes at best. Although there are language-independent speech animation models, which are not specialized in Korean, they are yet to ensure the quality to be utilized in a domestic content production. Therefore, we propose a natural speech animation synthesis method that reflects the linguistic characteristics of Korean driven by an input audio and text. Reflecting the features that vowels mostly determine the mouth shape in Korean, a coarticulation model separating lips and the tongue has been defined to solve the previous problem of lip distortion and occasional missing of some phoneme characteristics. Our model also reflects the differences in prosodic features for improved dynamics in speech animation. Through user studies, we verify that the proposed model can synthesize natural speech animation.

The Effect of Application Motive for Consulting upon the Path between Quality Perception and Use of Results - focusing on government supported convergence consulting - (컨설팅 신청동기가 품질지각과 결과활용도간의 경로에 미치는 영향 - 정부지원 융복합 컨설팅을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Chong-Hye;Kim, Jung-Ryol;You, Yen-Yoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to verify application motive for consulting upon the path between quality perception and use of results in the government-supported convergence consulting service on SMEs. A survey was conducted on SMEs which went through government-supported consulting, with the following results of the study. First, it turned out that the perception of the quality of consultant's performance and the perception of the quality of the government support have a positive impact on the perception of the quality of consulting results. Second, the perception of the quality of consultant's performance has a positive impact on the use of consulting results. Third, it was proved that the perception of the quality of the government support has no impact on the use of consulting results. Fourth, it was demonstrated that the perception of the quality of consulting results has a positive impact on the use of consulting results. Fifth, it turned out that there is a difference in paths of non-voluntary application group and application group and application group for consulting service. This study implies that it is necessary to reinforce consultant's competence, government support system and voluntary application for consulting.

Polymer-based Large Core Optical Splitter for Multimode Optical Networks (멀티모드 광네트워크용 폴리머기반 대구경 광분배기)

  • An, Jong Bae;Lee, Woo-Jin;Hwang, Sung Hwan;Kim, Gye Won;Kim, Myoung Jin;Jung, Eun Joo;Moon, Jong Ha;Kim, Jin Hyeok;Rho, Byung Sup
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.184-188
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    • 2013
  • Two types of polymer-based optical splitters with $200{\mu}m$ large core are presented for optical multimode networks, such as smart home networks, intelligent automotive networks, etc. Optical splitters that have 1:1 symmetric and 9:1 asymmetric structure were fabricated by a ultra violet(UV)-imprint technology using a deep etched Si(silicon) master by the Bosch process. In this paper, we successfully fabricated the symmetric and asymmetric optical splitters with suitable optical network applications.

Measurement of Refractive Index of Liquids by the Maximum and Minimum Deviated Laser Beam (레이저광의 최대.최소 편향법을 이용한 액체의 굴절률 측정)

  • Lee, Jae-Ran;Kim, Sok-Won;Lee, Yong-San
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.182-186
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    • 2008
  • The prism spectrometer is a standard device for the measurement of refractive index; it is used in undergraduate laboratories. Typically, however, lots of attention is required in the alignment, and the accuracy of the obtained refractive index is not so high in spite of the durability of the device. The maximum and minimum deviation method, which compensates the disadvantages of the prism spectrometer, can be composed cost effectively using a length marking tape and a rotating platform. It can measure the refractive indices accurately by utilizing a wide screen. In this study, the equal sided hollow prism whose length is 26 mm was fabricated and measured the refractive indices of seven kind of liquids (pure water, $C_3H_5(OH)_2$, $CCl_4$, $C_6H_4NH_2$, $CS_2$, $C_6H_4(CH_3)_2)$ by using the prism spectrometer and maximum and minimum deviated laser beam method at the wavelengths of He-Ne laser (${\lambda}$= 632.8 nm) and YVO4 laser (${\lambda}$= 532 nm). The result shows that the data obtained by the latter method are more accurate and precise than those obtained by the former device.

Effects of Ultrathin Co Insertion Layer on Magnetic Anisotropy and GMR Properties of NiFe/Cu/Co Spin Valve Thin Films (NiFe/Cu 계면에 삽입된 Co 층이 NiFe/Cu/Co 스핀밸브 박막의 거대자기저항 특성과 자기이방성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김형준;조권구;주승기
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.251-255
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    • 1999
  • NiFe(60 $\AA$)/Co(0$\AA$$\leq$x$\AA$$\leq$15$\AA$)/Cu(60$\AA$)/Co(30$\AA$) spin valve thin films were prepared on 4$^{\circ}$ tilt-cut Si(111) substrates with a 50 $\AA$ thick Cu underlayer without applying any external magnetic field during the deposition, and the effects of inserted ultrathin Co layer on magnetic anisotropy and GMR properties of the NiFe(60 $\AA$)/Cu(60$\AA$)/Co(30$\AA$) spin valves were investigated. As the ultrathin Co layer was inserted into the NiFe/Cu interface of the spin valves, GMR ratio was increased from about 1.5% to 3.5%, and the easy axis of NiFe(60 $\AA$) layer was rotated by 90$^{\circ}$. Accordingly, it was aligned along the same direction with the easy axis of Co(30 $\AA$)layer. Therefore, squared R-H curves was obtained in the spin valves, which is favorable properties for the digital GMR devices such as MRAM. In order to investigate the change of magnetic anisotropy of NiFe layer of the spin valves in more details,XRD measurement was performed using NiFe(500 $\AA$) and NiFe(500 $\AA$)/Co(10 $\AA$) thin films on the same templates. Strong (220) NiFe peak was observed in both films regardless of the inserted Co layer, so it was thought that the variation of magnetic anisotropy of NiFe layer is from the interface effect, the change of interface from NiFe/Cu to NiFe/Co, rather than the volume effect such as the change of magnetocrystalline effect.

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