• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비구면렌즈

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Design of Aspheric Imaging Optical System having 24mm Focal Length for MWIR with Facing Symmetric Lenses (마주보는 대칭렌즈를 가지는 MWIR용 초점거리 24mm의 비구면 결상광학계 설계)

  • Lee, Sang-Kil;Kim, Boo-Tae;Lee, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2018
  • This study deals with the design and development of imaging optics having 24mm focal length for MWIR ($3{\sim}5{\mu}m$) with two symmetrical lenses facing each other. We used CodeV in our optical design, and we performed the optimization process to have the resolution and angle of view satisfying the user's requirements. The materials of lenses were limited to two types, including KCIR035 with a refractive index of 1.7589, developed in Korea. The optical system designed in this way consists of two aspherical lenses made of KCIR035 material having the same shape and one spherical lens made of Si. Here, the arrangement of the two aspherical lenses is characterized by having a symmetrical structure facing each other. And this optical system has a resolution of MTF value of 0.35 or more at a line width of 20 lp / mm. Therefore, it is considered that this optical system has the capability to be applied to a thermal imaging camera using a $206{\times}156$ array MWIR detection device having a pixel size of $25{\mu}m$.

회원사탐방 - (주)아주광학

  • Park, Ji-Yeon
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.129
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    • pp.14-16
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    • 2010
  • 자동차 헤드램프용 비구면 렌즈를 비롯하여 첨단IT기종에 적용되는 다양한 특수 렌즈 및 부품을 전문생산하고 있는 아주광학(대표 최상관, www.ajuoptical.co.kr)은 신기술에 대한 끊임없는 도전의지와 국산화개발 노력을 통해 화려한 변신을 추구하는 업체이다. 내수와 수출을 50:50으로 균형 있게 갖고 가고 있으며 최근에는 독자적인 LED조명등을 개발하여 발명특허를 출원하고 계속해서 사업영역을 확대해 나가고 있다.

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중국의 광학 디자인과 제조업 현황

  • Wang Yongtian;Li Lin
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.88
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2003
  • 최근 몇 년간 중국의 광학 산업은 합작투자기업, 민간 기업, 정부 지원 투자 등의 형태로 놀라운 속도로 발전해 왔다. 본 고에서는 현재 중국의 광학 디자인 및 제조업 발전 현황을 살펴보고 현재 중국에서 일반적으로 사용되는 광학 디자인 소프트웨어 패키지와 이들의 특징을 요약하여 제시하였다. 또한 유리, 렌즈 요소 및 망원경, 현미경, 카메라 렌즈 등과 같은 상용화된 제품을 비롯한 다양한 부문에서 일반 기업들의 생산 규모의 사례를 제시하였다. 그리고 비구면

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Development of Spherical Aberration Simulation Program for Education using Visual Basic.net (Visual Basic.net을 이용한 구면수차 시뮬레이션 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Seo, Jeung-Ik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2007
  • In this study, a program has been developed to enable a simulation of spherical aberration - originated from a spherical surface and an aspheric surface - via ray tracing and calculation of the degree of spherical aberration. This process has been verified for the variation of spherical aberration generated from ray tracing for aspheric surfaces such as an oval, a parabola, and a hyperbola. By comparing it with the spherical surface, the principle and necessity of the aspheric surface lens design have been understood. In addition, it allows confirming the accuracy of the simulation by developing a ray tracing program in relation to the mirror plane of a parabola.

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Prism lens design for Eye Glass Display to create virtual display (가상 디스플레이 구현을 위한 Eye Glass Display용 프리즘 렌즈 설계)

  • Kim, Tae-Ha;Mun, Hyeon-Chan;Park, Gwang-Beom;Choe, Seong-Ho;Han, Jin-U;Park, Yeong-Su;Kim, Hwi-Un
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.68-69
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    • 2006
  • Eye Glass Display(EGD)의 광학계를 소형, 경량화 하기 위하여 OLED 마이크로 패널과 프리즘 렌즈를 사용하여 설계하였다. 광학계 설계에 사용된 OLED 마이크로 패널은 0.59"크기의 SVGA($800{\times}600$)급이며, 크기는 0.59"이며, 렌즈는 프리즘 렌즈로 설계되었다. 설계된 프리즘 렌즈는 3연으로 구성되었으며, 각 면은 각각 비회전대칭 비구면으로 tilt와 decenter를 사용하여 광학적 성능을 향상시켰다. 설계된 프리즘 렌즈의 화각(FOV)은 $28^{\circ}$, 왜곡수차는 4% 이내이며, 광학계의 해상도를 나타내는 MTF는 공간주파수 30lp/mm에서 full field가 40%이상의 성능을 나타내었다.

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The Lens Aberration Correction Method for Laser Precision Machining in Machine Vision System (머신비전 시스템에서 레이저 정밀 가공을 위한 렌즈 수차 보정 방법)

  • Park, Yang-Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2012
  • We propose a method for accurate image acquisition in a machine vision system in the present study. The most important feature is required by the various lenses to implement real and of the same high quality image-forming optical role. The input of the machine vision system, however, is generated due to the aberration of the lens distortion. Transformation defines the relationship between the real-world coordinate system and the image coordinate system to solve these problems, a mapping function that matrix operations by calculating the distance between two coordinates to specify the exact location. Tolerance Focus Lens caused by the lens aberration correction processing to Galvanometer laser precision machining operations can be improved. Aberration of the aspheric lens has a two-dimensional shape of the curve, but the existing lens correction to linear time-consuming calibration methods by examining a large number of points the problem. How to apply the Bilinear interpolation is proposed in order to reduce the machining error that occurs due to the aberration of the lens processing equipment.

Dwell time calculation algorithm in aspherical lens polishing with discrete annular tool path (이산 환형 방식의 비구면 렌즈 연마 경로에서 체재 시간 제산 알고리듬)

  • Lee Ho Cheol;Yang Min Yang
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a dwell time calculation algorithm for polishing tool path generation in the small toot polishing process of the axis-symmetrical lens. Generally dwell time control in the polishing machines means that small polishing tool stays for a dwell time at the specific surface position to get the expected polishing depth. Polishing depth distribution on an aspherical lens surface consists of the superposition of the local polishing depth at the each dwell position. Therefore, tool path generation needs each dwell time together with tool positioning data during the polishing tool movements on the aspherical lens surface. The linear algebraic equation of removal depth removal matrix and dwell time is formulated. Parametric effects such as the dwell d interval are simulated to validate the dwell time calculation algorithm.