• Title/Summary/Keyword: 브랜드 명성

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Research on the Impact of Intelligent Agent to Internet Business (지능형 에이전트가 인터넷 비즈니스에 미치는 영향에 관한 고찰)

  • 이경전;진동수
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.197-204
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문은 향후 인터넷 사용의 많은 부분이 현재의 인간 사용자에게 에이전트로 옮겨져 갈 때 정보 검색과 상거래 활동을 중심으로 하는 현 인터넷 비즈니스 모델에 영향(Impact)으로 작용할 수 있는 요소들을 분석하고, 이로 야기되는 새로운 비즈니스 모델의 출현 및 현 비즈니스 모델의 변화에 대하여 고찰한다. 지능형 에이전트로 인한 현 인터넷 비즈니스 광고모델의 변화 및 새로운 광고모델의 등장 가능성, 인터넷상에서 제공하는 서비스에 대한 가격의 변화, 소비자/공급자간 관계의 변화, 중개업자(Intermediary)의 소멸(Disintermediation)가능성, 각 웹사이트들이 가지는 명성 및 브랜드 효과에 대하여 지능형 에이전트가 끼치는 영향 및 이로 인한 Facilitator의 출현 가능성, 에이전트를 활용한 새로운 서비스 등장으로 인한 현 기업조직 및 전략에 미치는 영향에 대하여 분석하고 그 시사점(Implications)을 도출하였다.

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Impacts of Intelligent Agents to Internet Business: Business Model Approach (지능형 에이전트가 인터넷 사업에 미치는 영향: 사업 모형 관점에서의 분석)

  • 이경전;진동수
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문은 향후 인터넷 사용의 많은 두 부분이 현재의 인간 사용자에서 지능형 에이전트로 옮겨져 갈 때 현 인터넷 사업 모형에 영향(Impact)으로 작용할 수 있는 요소들을 분석하고, 이로 야기되는 새로운 사업 모형의 출현 및 현 사업 모형에 예상되는 변화에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다. 지능형 에이전트로 인하여 인터넷 사업에 있어서 예상 가능한 주요 변화를 사업 모형 관점에서 제품, 서비스, 정보 흐름(Flow)의 변화, 참여자의 역할(Role)의 변화, 수익원천(Revenue)의 변화, 참여자간의 혜택 (Benefit)의 변화, 비용분담(Cost Distribution)구조 변화라는 다섯 가지 측면에서 현재의 인터넷 사업에 있어서 배너광고 모델, 가격책정 모델, 중개자 모델, 브랜드 및 명성 효과, 디지털 카르텔 등의 주요 현상과 결부시켜 살펴본다. 이를 통하여 향후 지능형 에이전트 기반의 사업 모형에 대비한 전략적 시사점(Imp1ications)을 제공하고자 한다.

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A Study on Types and Structures of College Names (대학교명의 유형과 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, kyu-myung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.573-575
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    • 2010
  • 오늘날 대학의 존재이유는 우수한 인재를 양성하고 명성을 쌓아 나가는데 있고 모든 대학들은 교육환경의 변화에 대비하여 생존의 위기감을 가지고 나름대로의 변신과 발전의 노력을 하기위한 대학 간 경쟁이 치열하게 전개되고 있으며 특히 이미지의 개선을 위해 노력하고 있다. 그중에서도 특이한 변화는 대학교명에 대한 변화로 대학이미지의 개선을 위해 빈번하게 일어나고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 대학환경 변화에 따라 대학교명에 대한 변화가 급격히 나타나고 있는 2, 3년제 대학을 중심으로 대학교명의 유형과 구조적 특성을 연구하여 대학교명의 문제점 및 바람직한 대학교명의 방향을 연구하였다. 즉, 대학교명은 구성원들의 만족과 자부심을 줄 수 있으면서도 대학의 특성을 내포할 수 있는 방향으로 작명되어야 하며 단순한 대학의 이름이 아닌 브랜드가치를 지닌 중요한 요소로 인식해야 한다.

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INTERVIEW - Meeting with Lee, In-jae, the Mayor of Paju, The City of Architecture (인터뷰 - 건축도시 파주의 이인재 시장을 만나다)

  • 대한건축사협회
    • Korean Architects
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    • s.530
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2013
  • 파주시는 헤이리 예술인마을과 대규모 출판단지인 파주출판도시를 성공적으로 조성하여 세계적인 명성을 얻고 있는 건축 도시이다. 특히 "국내 건축의 흐름을 보려면 파주를 가보라"는 말이 나올 정도로, 파주는 우수한 건축물을 양산하는 지역이 되고 있다. 헤이리 예술인마을은 "예술인들이 꿈꾸는 지상에서 가장 아름다운 마을"을 기치로 하여 15만평의 부지에 주거와 미술관, 박물관, 공연장들이 어우러진 자연친화적인 마을이며, 파주출판도시는 "인간성 회복을 위한 공간의 창조" 라는 주제로 출판과 건축의 만남을 시도한 실험적이고 창조적인 출판 공동체이다. 이 두 커뮤니티는 건축이 중심이 되어 파주시의 도시 브랜드 가치를 높였으며, 또한 문화 아이콘으로서의 파주시를 전국적으로 널리 홍보하는 효과를 가져왔다. 이 두 커뮤니티를 관광하기 위하여 연중 많은 외지의 관광객들과 여행객들이 방문을 하고 있으며, 건축적인 가치가 실질적인 경제적 효과를 발생시킨다는 사실을 우리에게 보여주고 있다. 본지는 건축도시로서의 파주시의 시정을 이끌고 있는 이인재 파주시장을 만나 도시발전을 위한 계획과 건축행정 등에 대한 이야기를 들어보았다.

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A Study on Activation of Authentication by Comparing ISMS and ISO22301 (ISMS와 ISO22301 비교를 통한 인증 활성화 방안)

  • Lee, Sun-Won;Lee, Sung-Yeop;Cheung, Chong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.203-204
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 국내의 정보보호관리시스템(ISMS)와 국외의 비즈니스연속성관리시스템(ISO22301)의 비교를 통해 ISO22301의 인증 활성화 방안을 모색하였다. 또한, ISMS와 ISO22301의 정의 및 필요성, 인증, 인증혜택 등을 알아보고 ISO22301 인증 활성화 방안에 대해 연구하였다. 연구 결과 ISMS 인증은 의무이고 인증 혜택도 전문업체 지정 시 가산점, 입찰 과제선정 평가 시 가산점 부여 등 명확한 혜택이 있었으나 ISO22301은 조직의 명성강화 브랜드 보호 등 인증의 혜택보다는 인증의 효과적인 측면이 강하므로 ISMS의 인증 중 입찰 과제선정 평가 시 가산점 부여, 정보보호관련 보험 가입 시 할인 혜택 등 명확한 혜택을 부여한다면 현재 ISO22301 인증 보다 활성화 될 것으로 판단한다.

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Architecture Discussion - "When the new status and the establishment of new registered architects are needed" (건축담론 - 02 "신진건축사 대상의 새로운 위상과 정립이 필요할 시점")

  • Jang, Yeong-Ho
    • Korean Architects
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    • s.596
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2018
  • 올해로 '대한민국 신진건축사대상(이하 신진건축사대상)'은 6회째를 맞이했다. 정부가 한국식 '유로판(Europan)'을 추진한다는 목적 하에 젊고 창의적 건축사를 육성하기 위한 취지로 시작된 본 시상제도는, 만 45세 이하 건축사 중 건축사사무소를 개설 신고해 본인 설계로 준공된 작품이 1개 이상 보유한 건축사만 참여할 수 있다. 정부의 취지 만큼 국제적 명성의 건축사를 성장시키는 토양과 배려가 필요한 시점이다. 사실 단순 상수상은 의미가 없다. 건축사의 설계 작품은 건설업이나 건자재 사업을 촉진 시킬 수 있는 지식 산업으로 인식이 필요한데, 정부의 적극적인 지원 정책이 요구되는 시점이다. 신진건축사 대상은 2013년 국내 건축문화와 우수 건축사에 대한 국제브랜드화를 위해 명망 높은 신진 건축사를 키우기 위해 시작됐지만, 인센티브 부족 등 당초 기대치에 못 미친다는 지적도 있다. 정부가 그동안 공을 들여온 신진건축사 육성을 위해선 사무소 직원채용 지원, 홍보, 각종 정부사업 참여로 파이를 키울 수 있는 기회를 부여하는 등 실질적인 인센티브를 부여해야 한다는 의견도 있다. <월간 건축사>가 역대 '대한민국 신진건축사대상' 대상수상자에게 시상제도 발전을 위한 제언과 대한민국 건축사로 살아가며 느끼는 다양한 건축이야기들을 들어봤다.

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Effect of the Influential Factors on Brand Equity (브랜드 자산가치의 형성에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seuk-Jung
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.8
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    • pp.233-267
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    • 2001
  • The management environment in Korea today is undergoing rapid changes; in particular, domestic corporations and businesses are confronting formidable adversity with IMF crisis and WTO. Though cost cutback, higher quality, rapid production, and diversification of products were accepted as important requirements for competitiveness in the past, they have been replaced by brand power. Consumption patterns have changed their focus from function to image orientation. This is why managers in corporations have invested enormous amounts of resources into producing powerful brands, which can attract consumers' attention greatly enough to improve the image of their products. Brands are regarded as a vital vehicle for marketing strategies and thus as a legal asset. Brands with remarkable and favorable image can secure a loyal consumer groups stable revenues. M & A, currently active between corporations, makes brand equity all the more important. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of internal marketing and increased brand diversification on brand equity by combining them as influential factors with marketing mix factor. For this purpose, literature review was make on previous fragmented studies of influential factors on brand equity build-up. Based on the findings of this study, some operational implications were suggested for marketing managers. The findings and implications of the present study are as follows; First, efficient communication among organization members was found to have a significant effect on product quality. Second, job satisfaction and efficient communication among members was shown to significantly influence price policies. Thirdly, efficient communication among organization workers proved to have a significant effect on distribution strategies. Forth, efficient communication among members was demonstrated to significantly influence advertisement and other public-relations activities. Fifth, opacity of market environment appeared to have a significant effect on product quality, prior market entrance as perceived by organization members turned to be of negative influence on product quality. Sixth, opacity of market environment was found to have a significant effect on price policies. Seventh, opacity of market environment was shown to be of significant effect on distribution strategies. Eighth, grater opacity of market environment proved to improve advertisement and other public-relations activities. Ninth, price policies, distribution strategies, advertisement and public-relations activities were found to have a significant effect on brand equity value. To sum up these findings, in order for corporations and businesses to cope with consumers' needs that are increasingly segmented, internal marketing strategies and brand diversification should be implemented so as to generate greater synergy effect. It is also important to stress that differentiated, higher competitiveness should be secured for Korean corporations and businesses to survive in the drastically changing, globalized market environment. In this regard, continuous and long-term management strategies for brand equity build-up should be ensured and is essential in the present unlimited competition. The last but not least important point to notice is that to increase brand equity value, intensive investment and constant emphasis should be made on internal marketing management on intra-organizational members before strengthening external marketing.

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The Effects of Franchisors' and Franchisees' Characteristics on the Performance and Recontract Intention in Bakery Franchise Industry (베이커리 프랜차이즈 가맹본부의 특성과 가맹점의 특성이 가맹점 성과와 재계약 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hye Young;Choi, Myeong Gil
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the effects of franchisors' characteristics including brand reputation, training and product related support, franchisees' characteristics including store location and management on the performance and recontract intention of franchisees in bakery franchise industry. Also, this study examine the moderating effect of CEO experience of franchisees among the franchisors' and franchisees' characteristics, and performance. To empirically test these relationships, data were collected from 386 respondents who are franchisees in the bakery franchise sector. In the verification of hypotheses, the structure equation modeling(SEM) is used. The results of this study are as follows. First, franchisors' brand reputation, training support, and franchisees' locational factor have significant effects on the financial performance of franchisees positively. However, franchisors' product related support and franchisees' management of the store have not significant effects on the performance. Second, the performance of franchisees has positive effect on the recontract intention. Third, the moderating effect of CEO experience is only significant in the relationship between franchisors' training support and the performance. Based on the findings, this study suggest the importance of building a good brand image and superior training system for franchisors to improve mutual ongoing growth. Also, franchisors should determine whether nascent franchisee entrepreneurs have CEO experiences to further improve performance. If they do not have related experiences, both opening and ongoing training supports of franchisors and the efforts of franchisees towards learning are required. Finally, this study suggest that both franchisors and franchisees should accurately analyze the conditions of possible locations and establish strategies to select beneficial location before starting a franchise business.

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The Effects of Perceived Quality Factors on the Customer Loyalty: Focused on the Analysis of Difference between PB and NB (지각된 품질요인이 고객충성도에 미치는 영향: PB와 NB간의 차이분석)

  • Ye, Jong-Suk;Jun, So-Yon
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2010
  • Introduction As consumers' purchase behavior change into a rational and practical direction, the discount store industry came to have keen competition along with rapid external growth. Therefore as a solution, distribution businesses are concentrating on developing PB(Private Brand) which can realize differentiation and profitability at the same time. And as improvement in customer loyalty beyond customer satisfaction is effective in surviving in an environment with keen competition, PB is being used as a strategic tool to improve customer loyalty. To improve loyalty among PB users, it is necessary to develop PB by examining properties of a customer group, first of all, quality level perceived by consumers should be met to obtain customer satisfaction and customer trust and consequently induce customer loyalty. To provide results of systematic analysis on relations between antecedents influenced perceived quality and variables affecting customer loyalty, this study proposed a research model based on causal relations verified in prior researches and set 16 hypotheses about relations among 9 theoretical variables. Data was collected from 400 adult customers residing in Seoul and the Metropolitan area and using large scale discount stores, among them, 375 copies were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 and Amos 7.0. The findings of the present study followed as; We ascertained that the higher company reputation, brand reputation, product experience and brand familiarity, the higher perceived quality. The study also examined the higher perceived quality, the higher customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty. The findings showed that the higher customer satisfaction and customer trust, the higher customer loyalty. As for moderating effects between PB and NB in terms of influences of perceived quality factors on perceived quality, we can ascertain that PB was higher than NB in the influences of company reputation on perceived quality while NB was higher than PB in the influences of brand reputation and brand familiarity on perceived quality. These results of empirical analysis will be useful for those concerned to do marketing activities based on a clearer understanding of antecedents and consecutive factors influenced perceived quality. At last, discussions about academical and managerial implications in these results, we suggested the limitations of this study and the future research directions. Research Model and Hypotheses Test After analyzing if antecedent variables having influence on perceived quality shows any difference between PB and NB in terms of their influences on them, the relation between variables that have influence on customer loyalty was determined as Figure 1. We established 16 hypotheses to test and hypotheses are as follows; H1-1: Perceived price has a positive effect on perceived quality. H1-2: It is expected that PB and NB would have different influence in terms of perceived price on perceived quality. H2-1: Company reputation has a positive effect on perceived quality. H2-2: It is expected that PB and NB would have different influence in terms of company reputation on perceived quality. H3-1: Brand reputation has a positive effect on perceived quality. H3-2: It is expected that PB and NB would have different influence in terms of brand reputation on perceived quality. H4-1: Product experience has a positive effect on perceived quality. H4-2: It is expected that PB and NB would have different influence in terms of product experience on perceived quality. H5-1: Brand familiarity has a positive effect on perceived quality. H5-2: It is expected that PB and NB would have different influence in terms of brand familiarity on perceived quality. H6: Perceived quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. H7: Perceived quality has a positive effect on customer trust. H8: Perceived quality has a positive effect on customer loyalty. H9: Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer trust. H10: Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty. H11: Customer trust has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Results from analyzing main effects of research model is shown as

    , and moderating effects is shown as
    . Results This study is designed with 16 research hypotheses, Results from analyzing their main effects show that 9 of 11 hypotheses were supported and other 2 hypotheses were rejected. On the other hand, results from analyzing their moderating effects show that 3 of 5 hypotheses were supported and other 2 hypotheses were rejected. H1-1: (SPC: Standardized Path Coefficient)=-0.04, t-value=-1.04, p>. 05). H1-2: (${\Delta}\chi^2$=1.10, df=1, p> 0.05). H1-1 and H1-2 are rejected, so it is prove that perceived price is not a significant decision variable having influence on perceived quality and there is no significant variable between PB and NB in terms of influence of perceived price on perceived quality. H2-1: (SPC=0.31, t-value=3.74, p<. 001). H2-2: (${\Delta}\chi^2$=3.93, df=1, p< 0.05). H2-1 and H2-2 are supported, so it is proved that company reputation is a significant decision variable having influence on perceived quality and, in terms of influence of company reputation on perceived quality, PB has relatively stronger influence than NB. H3-1: (SPC=0.26, t-value=5.30, p< .001). H3-2: (${\Delta}\chi^2$=16.81, df=1, p< 0.01). H3-1 and H3-2 are supported, so it is proved that brand reputation is a significant decision variable having influence on perceived quality and, in terms of influence of brand reputation on perceived quality, NB has relatively stronger influence than PB. H4-1: (SPC=0.31, t-value=2.65, p< .05). H4-2: (${\Delta}\chi^2$=1.26, df=1, p> 0.05). H4-1 is supported, but H4-2 is rejected, Therefore, it is proved that product experience is a significant decision variable having influence on perceived quality and, on the other hand, there is no significant different between PB and NB in terms of influence of product experience on product quality. H5-1: (SPC=0.24, t-value=3.00, p<. 05). H5-2: (${\Delta}\chi^2$=5.10, df=1, p< 0.05). H5-1 and H5-2 are supported, so it is proved that brand familiarity is a significant decision variable having influence on perceived quality and, in terms of influence of brand familiarity on perceived quality, NB has relatively stronger influence than PB. H6: (SPC=0.91, t-value=19.06, p< .001). H6 is supported, so a fact that customer satisfaction increases as perceived quality increases is proved. H7: (SPC=0.81, t-value=7.44, p<. 001). H7 is supported, so a fact that customer trust increases as perceived quality increases is proved. H8: (SPC=0.57, t-value=7.87, p< .001). H8 is supported, so a fact that customer loyalty increases as perceived quality increases is proved. H9: (SPC=0.08, t-value=0.76, p> .05). H9 is rejected, so it is proved influence of customer satisfaction on customer trust is not significant. H10: (SPC=0.21, t-value=4.34, p< .001). H10 is supported, so a fact that customer loyalty increases as customer satisfaction increases is proved. H11: (SPC=0.40, t-value=5.68, p< .001). H11 is supported, so a fact that customer loyalty increases as customer trust increases is proved. Implications Although most of existing studies have used function, price, brand, design, service, brand name, store name as antecedent variables for perceived quality, this study used different antecedent variables in order to analyze and distinguish purchase group PB and NB through preliminary research. Therefore, this study may be used as preliminary data for a empirical study that is designed to be helpful for practical jobs. Also, this study is made to be easily applied to any practical job because SEM(Structural Equation Modeling), most strongly explaining the relation between observed variable and latent variable, is used for this study. This study suggests a new strategic point that, in order to increase customer loyalty, customer's perceived quality level should satisfied for inducing customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Therefore, after finding an effective differentiating factors in perceived quality in order to increase customer loyalty through increasing perceived quality, this factor was made to be applied to PB and NB. Because perceived quality factors which is recognized as being important by consumers is different between PB and NB, this study suggests how to efficiently establish marketing strategy by enhancing a factor. Companies have mostly focused on profitability in terms of analyzing customer loyalty, but this study included positive WOM(word of mouth). Hence, this study suggests that it would be helpful for establishing customer loyalty when consumers have cognitive satisfaction and emotional satisfaction together. Limitations This study used variables perceived price, company reputation, brand reputation, product experience, brand familiarity in order to determine whether each constituent factor has different influence on perceived quality between purchase group PB and NB. These characteristic variables are made up on the basis of the preliminary research, but it is expected that more precise research result would be obtained if additional various variables are included in study. This study selected a practical product that is non-durable, low-priced and bestselling product in a discount store through the preliminary research because it can be easily estimated by consumers. Therefore. generalization of study would be more easily obtained if more various product characteristics is included. Regarding a sample used in this study, it was only based on consumers who purchase products in a large-scale discount store located in Seoul and in the capital area. Accordingly, this sample has some geographical limitation, If a study is expanded by including more areas, more representative research results may be produced. Because this study is only designed to analyze consumers who purchase a product in a large-scale discount store, some difference may be found according to characteristics of each business type. In other words, there is certainly some application limitation, so research result from this study may not be applied to other business types. Future research may have fruitful results if it adjusts a variable to each business type.

  • PDF
  • World brand strategy using traditional patterns (전통 문양을 활용한 세계의 브랜드 전략 - 기업 브랜드 정체성을 중심으로 -)

    • KIM, Mihye
      • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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      • v.55 no.1
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      • pp.133-150
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      • 2022
    • Calling the 21th century the age of 'cultural competition' is not an overstatement. In an era of globalization, we try to find the 'identity of our country' in our culture. 'Culture' is the unique ethnicity of the people of each country that reflects the traces of their lives. As the world is transforming into a multi-dimensional place, traditional patterns in reference to cultural uniqueness and original formativeness are the brands that represent the people. France's luxury brand, GOYARD's Y-shaped pattern naturally made during the persistent traditional handmade process is still France's representative corporate brand and is considered prestigious even after 150 years have passed. On the other hand, in low-income countries, patterns created in the natural process of weaving fabrics are succeeded as a unique cultural aesthetic and are loved by people all over the world. Like this, people living in the global multi-dimensional world look to attain the framework 'One Planet Perspective' which is to succeed their own native culture and preserve the unique culture of others. For example, in the process of international relief organizations delivering relief supplies to Columbia's "Wayu tribe" due to the water shortage in 2013, a handmade product, "Mochila Bag" was discovered. Triggered by this incident, Europe and Korea decide to import it to support the livelihood of the "Wayu tribe." Also, the aesthetic and cultural values of the traditional culture in minority tribes that have evolved through thousands of years have been listed on UNESCO and preserved worldwide. Likewise, culture doesn't suddenly appear overnight, but rather the brand representing the company is the pattern used in the trend of the era kept for over 100 years. Moreover, patterns that reflect the country's identity are inherited as the unique aesthetic of the culture. Our country does inherit the unique aesthetic of our culture, but doesn't have a 'strong image' that displays the practical value reinterpreted creatively and aesthetically to fit the modern trend. Traditional patterns are important in perspective of study and theoretical research, but the brand's image using those patterns is a new medium from the past existence continuing to the current tradition. Furthermore, this study suggests that the image of a company that uses traditional patterns will have high economical potential as a national brand.

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