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Changing patterns of Clonorchis sinensis infections in Kyongbuk, Korea (경북지역에 있어서 간흡충 감염상의 변화)

  • 주종윤;정명숙
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 1997
  • Studies were conducted from May, 1993 to April, 1995 to determine the changing patterns of infection Ity the liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis, among residents and fish hosts in Kyongbuk Province. The infection rate among residents was 7.7% by stool examination. The rate in males (11.3%) was significantly higher than females (4.1%) Positive rate of intradermal test was 27.6% in the same population. The special type of a simple catalytic model was applied for the analysis of intradermal positive reactors by age arid sex, ann the equation was Y= 0.4776 t (1 -e-0.0375t) for mates ann, y : 0.2085 (1-e-0.0138t) for females. Analysis of stool examination data by two-stage catalytic model revealed y : 0.025 (e-0.0047t _ e-0.0235t). The annual Clonorchis infection rate was 4.7 per 1,000 susceptibles and the annual loss rate was 23.5 per 1,000 infected. The frequency distribution by the eggs per gram (EPG) was calculated as well as the cumulative percentages of positives. The regression equations were y : 0.929+ 1.506 log x for males and, y : 0.473 + 1.767 log x for females. Of the 25 fish species, 7 species were infected with Clonorchis mrtacercariae. Infection rates varied by the species, and ranged from 2.8% in Punfun,Bia herzi to 30.0% in Pseudorasbora panic. Average number of the matacercariae per gram of flesh was 58.1 in p. pnnpa, followed by 10.2 in Gncthopogon atromoculntus, 7.0 in Saurosobio dobryj, and 3.0 in Pcrccheilogncthus rhonlben. The present study indicates that clonorchiasis in Kyongbuk Province is less prevalent than that of several decades ago.

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Distribution and Control of Aquatic Weeds in Waterways and Riparian Wetlands (수로와 강변의 습지에 발생한 수생잡초의 분포 및 방제 현황)

  • Pyon, Jong Yeong;Kim, Sang Woo;Lee, Jeung Ju;Park, Kee Woong
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • Many irrigated and drainage canals, reservoirs, lakes, and rivers are choked by the explosive growth of aquatic weeds, resulting in enormous direct loss in Korea. Distribution of aquatic weeds and exotic invasive plant species in irrigation and drainage waterways, and riparian wetlands was reviewed to provide basic information for management of aquatic weeds and invasive plant species in wetlands. Dominant emergent weeds in canals, reservoirs and lakes were Phragmites communis, Leersia japonica, Zizania latifolia, Conyza canadensis, C. annuus, Rumex crispus, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Bidens frondosa, and Oenothera odorata. Dominant emergent weeds in wetlands of rivers include Digitaria sanguinalis, P. communis, R. crispus, Artemisia princeps, Humulus japonicus, Echinochloa crusgalli, B. frondosa, and Persicaria thunbergii. In irrigation and drainage canals and lakes, dominant submersed weeds were Hydrilla verticillata, Najas minor, Potamogeton malaianus, P. crispus, Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum verticillatum, Salvinia natans, and Trapa natans. Dominant exotic weeds in wetlands include Trifolium repens, O. odorata, C. annuus, B. frondosa, Avena fatua, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, X. strumarium, and P. dichotomiflorum. Approaches to aquatic weed control were mechanical, chemical and biological control techniques. Periodic monitoring of aquatic weeds and exotic weeds, and their integrated management studies are needed in waterways and riparian wetlands in Korea.

Change of Fish Assemblage with Altered Flow Regime in Geum River (금강에서의 유량변동과 어류상 변화)

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Hong, Young-Pyo;Kim, Jeong-Kon;Park, Sang-Young;Kim, Gee-Hyoung;Ko, Ick-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.612-616
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    • 2007
  • 오랫동안 홍수조절, 용수공급, 전력생산, 레저 활동을 위해 건설된 댐들은 하천이나 호소의 생태적 기능보다는 치수 및 이수기능이 중요시되면서 운영 관리되어 왔다. 하지만 최근 들어 선진국을 중심으로 환경 및 생태의 중요성이 인식되면서 하천생태계 보호를 위한 환경유량 산정이 언급되고 있는데 이는 하천이 동 식물의 서식처로서 적절한 수질뿐만 아니라 수심, 유속, 하상재료, 먹이원, 어류를 보호할 수 있는 휴식 및 은신처 등의 다양한 조건을 제공할 수 있어야 한다고 제시되고 있다. 이들 조건 중 유량(Flow)은 하천에서 생물집단을 구성하는데 있어 물리적 서식조건의 주요한 결정인자로 작용하는데, 댐 하류하천의 자연유량(natural flow)을 변화시키면 생태학적 측면에서 기대치 않던 영향을 야기할 수 있다. 따라서 댐 건설 전 후의 자연유량과 조절유량 사이에서 생태학적 어류조사연구를 통한 차이점을 찾는 것은 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 최종목적은 수계 내 댐 건설 전 후의 어류군집과 유량 등 수리조건과의 연관성을 분석하여 하천구간별로 어류생태에 적합한 유량을 산정하는 것이다. 조사대상 구간은 금강본류를 대상으로 하되 용담댐과 대청댐을 중심으로 하여 10개 구간을 선정하였고. 과거로부터 2000년도까지와 용담댐 건설후인 $2002{\sim}2004$년도에 조사된 어류생태자료를 활용하였다. 용담댐 상류로부터 대청댐 하류에 이르기까지 전 구간을 대상으로 조사된 자료를 분석한 결과 총 20과 82종이 출현하였고, 이중 종 45종(54.9%)이 잉어과에 해당하며 미꾸리과(6종), 동자개과(4종), 망둑어과(5종)를 제외한 대다수의 분류군(Family)들은 단일 또는 2종으로만 구성되었다. 이들 중 천연기념물 제 259호로 지정되어 법적으로 보호되고 있는 어름치(금강에서 서식한 어름치를 따로 천연기념물 238호로 지정함)를 비롯하여 다묵장어를 포함한 7종의 멸종위기종이 확인되었다. 또한 각시붕어 등 총 29종(39.4%)의 높은 한국고유종 출현과 6종의 외래도입종도 확인되었다. 금강의 중 상류에 해당하는 구역을 포함하는 대청댐 상 하류 구간에서 대청댐 건설 전(1980년 이전)을 포함하는 2000년 이전 조사 자료가 가장 다양한 어류상과 특이어종(멸종위기종 및 한국고유종)을 보였고, 최근자료$(2002{\sim}2004)$를 살펴볼 때 용담댐 상 하류에서보다 대청댐 상 하류에서 멸종위기종(7종$\rightarrow$1종) 및 한국고유종(28종$\rightarrow$16종)의 출현감소와 외래도입종의 출현증가(1종$\rightarrow$6종)와 같은 주요한 어류군집 변화를 보였다. 이는 댐 건설에 따라 주로 계류성 어종을 중심으로 정수역 구간에서 인근 지류로 이동하게 되고 일부는 제한된 서식공간과 하천교란으로 인해 개체군이 극감하거나 일부 소멸된 종이 발생하였을 것으로 사료된다. 실측 유량자료 분석에 의하면 홍수기 최대유량 변화는 크지 않으나, 갈수기 최소유량은 크게 증가한 것을 알 수 있었고, 대다수 어류의 산란기인 봄철(5월, 6월) 최소유량은 증가하였으나, 최대유량은 감소한 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 변화는 어류생태계에 긍정적인 면과 부정적인 면이 있으며, 향후 이러한 영향을 분석하기 위해 선택어종(Target species)별 생태환경 서식조건을 확인할 수 있는 조사기법 및 자료구축이 절실히 필요한 실정이다.

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Assessment of Water Purification Plant Vegetation for Enhancement of Natural Purification in Mankyeong River (만경강 본류의 자연정화능 향상을 위한 식생학적 진단)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Bo;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Jong-Gu;Lee, Deog-Bae;Park, Chan-Won;Na, Seoung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to get some information on plants abilities to enhance water purification and to find out away to conserve the ecosystem in Mankyeong river. Vegetation were surveyed at 4 sites pointing by 1:5,000 topographical map, from June 2001 through March 2002. T-N content in water were high in all sites of Mankyeong river, the average T-N levels were 8.59 and 17.23 mg/L, summer and winter, respectively. The average T-P level during summer was 0.47 mg/L but that was 1.79 mg/L during winter. The BOD level in Mankyeong upstream ranged from 0.95 to 2.57 mg/L which would be in I or II grade according to water quality criteria by Ministry of Environment but BOD level in Mankyeong downstream ranged from 6.87 to 9.72 mg/L. The plant species of river flora were found 251, 98 and 85, upstream midstream and down stream, respectively. Among the surveyed plants, Ceratophyllum demersum, submerged plant and Nuphar subinteperrimum took up higher contents of phosphate and nitrogen than other piano. The Phragmites communis and Zizania latifolia having much biomass were thought to be suitable plants for enhancement of e natural water purification.

Analysis of Residual Fluoroquinolones Contents in Fish (어류 중 Fluoroquinolone계 항균제의 분석 및 잔류량 조사)

  • Park, Young-Ae;Yuk, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Su-Un;Kim, Jin-Ah;Park, Ae-Sook;Kim, Youn-Cheon;Kim, Moo-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2012
  • The residual contents of fluoroquinolones in fish and shrimp were analyzed by using HPLC-FLD and LC-MS. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for fluoroquinolones by HPLC-FLD were 0.0030-0.0083 and 0.0090-0.0252 mg/kg, respectively. Those by LC-MS were 0.0019-0.0040 and 0.0059-0.0122 mg/kg, respectively. Recoveries regarding ofloxacin, norfloxacin, pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin ranged from 76.4-104.6%. The detection rate of fluoroquinolones was 7.5% from a total of 268 samples. In only one Korean bullhead sample, the sum of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin contents was detected at a higher level than its maximum residue limits (MRL) of 0.1 mg/kg. Ofloxacin, norfloxacin and pefloxacin were not detected in any samples and detection rates of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin were 3.4% and 6.7%, respectively. In detection rate by species eel (2.6%), loach (2.2%), Korean bullhead (1.5%), carp (0.7%) and snakehead (0.4%) were in order.

The Fish Community Structure in the Middle of Nakdong River (낙동강 중류(구미 지역)의 어류군집구조)

  • Seo, Jun-Won;Keum, Ji-Don;Yang, Hong-Jun;Kang, Yeong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.37 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2004
  • Fish fauna and community structure were surveyed in the Nakdong River, Gumi City, Kyeongpook province from April 2001 to July 2002. During the surveyed Period, 39 species, 32 genera belonging to 10 families were collected. Cyprinid fish occupied 64.1% (25 species) and cobitid fish had 7.7% (3 species). Fourteen species(35.9%) of observed species were known as endemic species. The exotic fish was Micropterus salmoides (2.5%) . The dominant species were Zacco platypus (relative abundance: 36.7%) and Opsariichthys uncirorstris amurensis (22.7%). Carassius aurafus and Microphysogobio rapidus were numerous (4.0${\sim}$4.3%). The rare species comprising less than 0.15% were Acheilognathus koreensis, Aphyocypris chinensis, Iksookimia longicorpus, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Rhinogobius giurinus, Sarcocheilichthys variagatus wakiyae, Silurus asotus astus, and Channa argus. It was found that the population density of carnivorous Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis increased drastically in the mid-reach of the Nakdong river since it had been introduced from the other native rivers in the middle 1990s. Gobiobotia nakdongensis inhabit riffle (water velocity : 0.43${\sim}$0.67 m $s^{-1}$) of which the river bed is mainly sand. This species is considered to be in need of conservation. As the result of analyzing fish community in the surveyed area, the species diversity, evenness and dominant indices were 1.008, 0.663 and 0.196 respectively. The findings showed that the tributary, which the waterside plants were abundant and had various habitats, had a higher species diversity (1.112) than the main river (0.787). Sand mining had been disturbing the river ecosystem of the study stations 3, 11, 13 & 14, and these stations showed a quite low species diversity (0.421 ${\sim}$0.574).

Appearance Patterns of Freshwater Fish in Western DMZ Adjacent Areas, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (서부 DMZ 인접지역의 담수어류 출현양상)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun;Ko, Jae Geun;Kim, Hyeong Su
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.38-50
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    • 2015
  • Appearance patterns of freshwater fish were investigated in the western Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) adjacent areas near Imjin River in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, of 2014. A total of 61 species belonging to 14 families were found in the river during the survey. The dominant and subdominant species were Zacco platypus (Relative abundance, 20.3%) and Zacco koreanus (12.6%), respectively. Other abundant species include Rhinogobius brunneus (9.2%), Pungtungia herzi (4.4%), Acheilognathus yamatsutae (4.4%), and Pseudogobio esocinus (4.0%). Among the residing species, 24 species (39.3%) were endemic to Korea; and 1 species, Carassius cuvieri, was non-indigenous species. Hemibarbus mylodon is a natural monument, and Lethenteron reissneri, Acheilognathus signifer, Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa, Gobiobotia brevibarba, G. macrocephala, and G. naktongensis are endangered species in Korea. In addition, Anguilla japonica and Plecoglossus altivelis are catadromous and amphidromous species, respectively. Among the investigated sites, the lower part of Sami Stream (St. 5, 6) and Gunnarm-dam region (St. 11, 14) are particularly valuable for the conservation of species diversity, because many fish species (33~42 species) including a natural monument and several endangered species inhabit in these regions.

Density Effect and Diversity of Fish in Water System at Both Reservoirs in the Youngsan-ri, Goseong-gun (고성군 용산리의 두 저수 수계에서 어류의 다양성과 밀도 효과)

  • Huh, Man Kyu;Choi, Byoung-Ki
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.533-538
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    • 2015
  • Four sites and one site were used to analyze fish diversity at the water systems of the Sineun reservoir and the Jeonchon reservoir, respectively. The field experiments were conducted to test the density dependence that could lead to population regulation by artificial inferences and environmental changes. We examined the effects of environmental factors on fish densities using SMATR freeware. It was estimated to be reduced to the density effect at four sites in 2012. Shannon-Weaver indices of the diversity (H’) of the Sineun reservoir were similar to those of the Jeonchon reservoir. Species diversity was in a range of 0.645 to 2.105. The H’ value of the upper region was higher than those of middle and low regions were, and values of richness were lower in downstream than upstream. Using the maximum likelihood solution for the removal estimators of two low regions of the river stations, the estimated migration probabilities from the resident fish to the migrated fish for five species (Cyprinus cuvieri, Carassius auratus, Pseudorasbora parva, Misgurnus mizolepis, and Oryzias latipes) had a mean of 0.623. Especially, migration probabilities from the Jeonchon reservoir to the Sineun reservoir for five species were high (a mean of 0.681). The period of migration was suggested to be about one month because of short geographical distances (50 m). We found no significant difference between the three categories in the distribution of the other four species, indicating the species probability was similar among stations.

Ichthyofauna and Structure of the Fish Community in Lake Goesan, Korea (괴산호 어류상 및 군집구조)

  • Hong, Yang-Ki;Kim, Kyeong-Hwan;Song, Mi-Young;Lee, Wan-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.552-563
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    • 2015
  • The characteristics of ichthyofauna and fish community in Lake Goesan were examined from April 2010 to October 2012. During the survey period thirty six species belonging to 11 families were collected. Dominant species by number were Hemibarbus labeo (29.9%) and Zacco platypus (20.0%). In biomass, the dominant species were H. labeo (37.2%) and Carassius auratus (17.9%). Also, fourteen Korean endemic fish species (38.9%) and one endangered species (Acheilognathus signifer) were collected. Further, one catadromous species was observed for stock enhancement (Anguilla japonica), in addition to two land-locked anadromous species (Hypomesus nipponensis, Plecoglossus altivelis) and three exotic species (Cyprinus carpio (Israeli type), C. cuvieri, Micropterus salmoides). According to the length-weight relation of C. auratus and M. salmoides, the b values were 3.13~2.99, 3.11~2.99, showing a declining tendency annually. However, for H. labeo and Z. platypus, the b values were 2.98~3.07, 3.06~3.23 respectively, showing an increasing trend. The slope values for C. auratus and M. salmoides population conditions were controlled by K factor showing a tendency to decrease, but H. labeo and Z. platypus were showing a tendency to gradually increase.

Fish Community Characteristics in the Gyeongan Stream, a Tributary of the Han River Drainage System, Korea (한강지류 경안천의 어류군집 특성)

  • Choi, Kwang-Seek;Han, Mee-Sook;Kang, Dong-Won;Ko, Myeong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.142-156
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    • 2020
  • This study surveyed Gyeongan Stream, a tributary of the Han River Drainage System, from April to October 2017 to investigate the characteristics of fish communities. The survey collected 40 species of 11 families from 48 survey stations using kick nets and cast nets. The dominant and subdominant species were Zacco platypus (48.0%) and Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (17.7%), respectively. The next most abundant species were Pungtungia herzi (6.8%), Z. koreanus (5.0%), Carassius auratus (4.3%), Squalidus gracilis majimae (2.7%), and Rhodeus notatus (2.5%). Among the fish collected, 14 species (35.0%) were Korean endemic species, and the exotic species were Micropterus salmoides, Lepomis macrochirus, and Cyprinus carpio (Israeli type). The land-locked species were Plecoglossus altivelis, Rhinogobius brunneus, and Cottus koreanus, while the species sensitive to climate change was C. koreanus. The community analysis showed that the dominance was higher at the uppermost stream station, whereas diversity and abundance tended to be lower at the upstream station and higher toward the downstream station. The community structure was largely divided into rivers (uppermost stream, upstream, and middle-lower stream) and lake. The river health was mostly good (23 stations, 47.9%) and fair (15 stations, 31.3%). Comparison with past surveys showed that 12 species identified in the past surveys did not appear in this survey; nine species appeared for the first time in this survey; and the ecosystem disturbance species - M. salmoides and L. macrochirus - tended to spread more widely gradually.