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A Simulation of Agro-Climate Index over the Korean Peninsula Using Dynamical Downscaling with a Numerical Weather Prediction Model (수치예보모형을 이용한 역학적 규모축소 기법을 통한 농업기후지수 모사)

  • Ahn, Joong-Bae;Hur, Ji-Na;Shim, Kyo-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • A regional climate model (RCM) can be a powerful tool to enhance spatial resolution of climate and weather information (IPCC, 2001). In this study we conducted dynamical downscaling using Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) as a RCM in order to obtain high resolution regional agroclimate indices over the Korean Peninsula. For the purpose of obtaining detailed high resolution agroclimate indices, we first reproduced regional weather for the period of March to June, 2002-2008 with dynamic downscaling method under given lateral boundary conditions from NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis data. Normally, numerical model results have shown biases against observational results due to the uncertainties in the modelis initial conditions, physical parameterizations and our physical understanding on nature. Hence in this study, by employing a statistical method, the systematic bias in the modelis results was estimated and corrected for better reproduction of climate on high resolution. As a result of the correction, the systematic bias of the model was properly corrected and the overall spatial patterns in the simulation were well reproduced, resulting in more fine-resolution climatic structures. Based on these results, the fine-resolution agro-climate indices were estimated and presented. Compared with the indices derived from observation, the simulated indices reproduced the major and detailed spatial distributions. Our research shows a possibility to simulate regional climate on high resolution and agro-climate indices by using a proper downscaling method with a dynamical weather forecast model and a statistical correction method to minimize the model bias.

Estimation of Forest Productivity for Post-Wild-fire Restoration in East Coastal Areas (동해안 산불피해지 복구를 위한 산림생산력의 추정)

  • Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Jong;Shin, Man-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2010
  • In order to rehabilitate forest sites damaged by wildfire via natural or artificial restoration, it is important to determine right tree species, which can acclimate to biogeoclimatic environment at the sites. The objectives of this study were to develop site index equation of different tree species for estimating forest productivity and to provide information on species selection for post-wildfire restoration. Site index equation was developed based on environmental information from wildfire damaged areas in Gangneung, Goseong, Donghae, and Samcheok, where were located in east coastal areas of South Korea. Despite the small numbers (4~5) of environmental variables used for the development of the site index equations, statistical analysis (e.g. mean difference, standard deviation of difference, and standard error of difference) showed relatively low bias and variation, suggesting that those equations can provide relatively high capability of estimation and practical applicability with high effectiveness. The small numbers of the variables enabled the model to be applied in a wide range of usages including determination of appropriate tree species for post-wildfire restoration. The estimation of forest site productivity showed the possibility of large distribution in east coastal region as the best site for Korean ash (Fraxinus rhynchophylla) and original oak (Quercus variabilis) that can be used for firebreak in the region. These results imply that damages by forest fire can be reduced significantly by replacing existing pure coniferous forests in the area with ones dominated by broad-leaved deciduous stands, which can play an important role as fire break and/or prevent a transition from surface fire to crown fire.

The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire in Relation to the Temperament and Character Inventory of Personality in Korean High School Students (SPAQ에 의한 계절성과 TCI에 의해 평가된 기질과 성격과의 관련성 - 한국 고등학생을 대상으로 -)

  • Hong, Jun-Keun;Lee, Moon-Soo;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Jung, In-Kwa
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : Recently, many authors investigated the relation of temperament and character to seasonality and the genetic factors in seasonality and personality. In this study, we investigated the relation between personality structure obtained from the psychobiological Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and self-reported seasonal variations in mood and behavior measured by the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). Methods : 600 high-school students who live in Seoul of Korea, were participated in this study. Subjects were surveyed with the Korean translation of the SPAQ of Rosenthal, an instrument for investigating mood and behavioral changes with respect to the seasons of the you. Korean version of the TCI of Cloninger was also used for assessment of personality. Results : Female students were significantly higher scores on harm avoidance, reward dependence, and cooperativeness than male students who had significant higher scores on persistence and self·transcendence than the formers. GSS were showed positive correlation with harm avoidance and self-transcendence, and negative correlation with cooperativeness and self-directedness. By employing logistic regressions, the regression coefficients of SAD were significantly negative in SD, and positive in ST. Also, the regression coefficients of S-SAD were significantly negative in CO, and positive in ST. Those with GSS at least 11 were significantly higher mean ST values compared to the remaining individuals, and those with worst in winter were significantly lower mean CO values compared to the remaining individuals. Those who considered the seasonality as a problem at least to a moderate degree were associated with high HA and ST. Conclusion : We add the evidence that the seasonality is related to the temperament and character. Although there have been many reports about the seasonality in relation to the temperament and character in foreign countries, there has been very limited report from Korea before. We hope that this result would be a helpful in the clinical field in Korea.

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Effect of Salinity Stress on Growth, Yield, and Proline Accumulation of Cultivated Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) (염 스트레스에 따른 감자 품종 (Solanum tuberosum L.) 간 생육, 수량 및 proline 함량 변이)

  • Im, Ju Sung;Cho, Ji Hong;Cho, Kwang Soo;Chang, Dong Chil;Jin, Yong Ik;Yu, Hong Seob;Kim, Wha Yeong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.818-829
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the responses of 18 potato cultivars to three levels of salinity stress (electrical conductivity, EC: 1.0, 4.0, and 8.0dSm1). Stem, leaf, root, chlorophyll, tuber yield, and proline content were investigated and statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlations. Stem number and stem diameter were not affected by salinity, but stem length and aerial weight showed highly significant responses to salinity. Aerial weight decreased with increasing salinity levels in most cultivars, while it increased in some the cultivars 'Daejima', 'Goun', 'Haryeong', and 'LT-8'. Leaf number, leaf area index, and leaf weight were most significantly affected by salinity and the cultivar × salinity interaction. Root length, root weight, total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a were affected by salinity, but not by the cultivar × salinity interaction. The opposite trend was shown in chlorophyll b. Although there was great variability among cultivars, tuber yield decreased in all cultivars, and was most significantly influenced by salinity and the cultivar × salinity interaction. 'Superior', 'Kroda', 'Romana', and 'Duback' gave better tuber yields under salinity at EC 4.0 and 8.0dSm1 than the cultivars with better aerial weights. Proline content was increased by salinity in all cultivars, and was more remarkable in the cultivars with better aerial weights than in cultivars such as 'Superior' and 'Kroda' with better tuber yields. Leaf number, leaf area index, leaf weight, and root length parameters were considered to be useful criteria in the evaluation of salt tolerance because of their high positive correlation with tuber yield; however, given its negative correlation with tuber yield under high salinity, proline content was not. Salinity tolerances varied greatly among potato cultivars. The low correlation between growth and yields of aerial parts under high salinity suggests that, in commercial agriculture, it might be more practical to compare relative yields to controls. Additionally, 'Superior', 'Kroda', 'Romana', and 'Duback' might be very useful cultivars to use in breeding programs to develop salinity-tolerant potatoes, as well as for sustainable potato production in saline areas.

Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Basic Water Quality in the Upper Regions of Brackish Lake Sihwa with a Limited Water Exchange (물 교환이 제한적인 시화호 상류 기수역에서 기초수질의 시공간적 분포특성)

  • Choi, Kwnag-Soon;Kim, Sea-Won;Kim, Dong-Sup;Oh, Young-Taek;Heo, Woo-Myoung;Lee, Yun-Kyoung;Park, Yong-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.206-215
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    • 2008
  • Temporal and spatial distributions of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity were investigated at seven sites in the upper regions of brackish Lake Sihwa with a limited water exchange, from March to October 2005. During the study period, salinity and temperature varied 0.129.9psu and 4.728.1C, respectively, depending on seasons and sites sampled. A distinct halocline profile showing the maximum density gradient (difference over 20psum1 between surface and bottom layers) was observed during the rainy season, due to the decrease of salinity in surface layers by freshwater inflow. This result implies that rainfall event is the important factor forming the halocline. On the other hand, the depth and location of haloeline varied with the amount of seawater through the sluice gates and the operation systems (inflow or outflow). High DO (over 300% saturation) was observed at surface layer above the halocline in April when red tide occurred, whereas low DO (below 20% saturation) was at the bottom layer below the halocline in the rainy season. Turbidity ranged 1.580.3NTU showing the maximum turbidity at the layers above or upper the halocline. As a result, the distributions of DO and turbidity in the upper regions of brackish Lake Sihwa were largely affected by the variation of salinity. Also, when the halocline was formed, the water quality between upper and lower water layers may be expected completely different. This study suggests that the physicochemical characteristics of water in the brackish regions are closely associated with the causes of eutrophication such as red tide and DO deficit.

Investigations on Conditions Required for Decomposition and Disinfection of infected Poultry under Different Fermentation Systems (발효방법에 의한 감염가금의 분해 및 발효소독 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, J.T.;Yu, B.K.;Kim, H.J.;Lee, S.H.;Park, K.S.;Oh, K.Y.;Kim, D.G.;Lee, J.J.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the treatment of dead poultry has become more important issue because, the infected poultry, which was buried under the ground, causes environmental contaminations such as steep water and reek occurrence, etc. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the type of treatment and the composting methods influencing to the characteristics on decomposition and fermentative disinfection of dead poultry with poultry manure and sawdust. The results of the port tests showed that amputated poultry treated by the cut-sterilization were not only more decomposed, with less smell compared to the non-treated poultry carcass. When we treated thermophilic microorganism such as bacillus in this amputated poultry, the temperature of treated poultry increased much fester, the fermentation temperature didn't rise and not maintained constantly for long time due to the small size of the fermentation port. On the other hand, we did fermentation test by the layered disposal method with more poultry. In this experiment, the temperature of fermented poultry rose to 54C in a day and maintained around 55C during four weeks period. With less odor outside the experiment room. further. Also, we inoculated AI virus, ND virus in the excrement for studying the effect of fermentative disinfection. The result of the test revealed that AI virus was destructed within 60 minutes and ND virus was destructed within 30 minutes at the temperature of 56C. Therefore, the investigations revealed scope of composting method for steam sterilized infected poultry in the originated area mixed with poultry manure, sawdust by thermophilic microorganism could increase the effectiveness of fermentative disinfection and decrease the environmental contamination.

Analysis of Actual State for Hospice Programs in Korea (호스피스 프로그램 운영 현황 조사)

  • Chang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Sylvia;You, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.4-17
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : This study aimed to investigate and to evaluate the present conditions of hospice programs in Korea for supplying data useful in making policy in hospice, which is not institutionalized yet. Method : For this purpose we surveyed 59 hospice programs regarding the general characteristics, manpower, patients, services, financial conditions, and facilities. Thirty-seven hospice programs answered the questionnaires. Result : They were 11 tertiary hospitals, 11 other hospitals, 3 clinics, 12 home care hospice, and 1 freestanding hospice. Only 9 hospice programs have all of the essential professionals: physicians, nurses, social workers, clergies, and volunteers. In some hospice programs, volunteers who had not been trained for hospice provided services to terminal patients. More than half of the hospice said they provided services to the patients who lost their consciousness and were not suitable for hospice care. 16% of the hospice said they did not keep the patients' record. Some hospitals including tertiary hospitals provided such intensive care as radiotherapy, TPN, injections to hospice patients. Many hospice programs other than hospitals didn't charge patients for hospice care. 60% of the hospice said they suffered from financial problems. Most of the hospice wards were not built for hospice use at first. So they did not have such supplementary facilities as dayroom, waiting room, special bathing facilities etc. Conclusion : For improving the quality of terminal patients and promoting the cost effective use of health care resources, it is necessary to consider the institutionalization of hospice. The institutionalization of hospice programs can improve the quality of hospice care and the standardization of the hospice program can hasten its institutionalization.

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ICU nurses' ethical attitudes about DNR (중환자실 간호사들의 DNR에 대한 윤리적 태도)

  • Yu, Eun-Yeong;Yang, Yu-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.2691-2703
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    • 2015
  • This research aims to provide basic materials for assisting DNR patient cares by understanding ICU nurses' awareness and ethical attitude regarding DNR. A total of 154 results were analyzed which were collected from Aug. 1st to Sep. 5th in 2014 by surveying nurses working in ICU (from 1 advanced general hospital in G metropolitan city and other general hospitals of more than 700 beds in Cheolla provinces). (1) For the decision attitudes of DNR, there were both consent and objection. Consent for the patient's opinion of rejecting further treatment and life extension despite of bad prognosis. And objection for no conducting DNR in the case of the patient's wish, treatment requested by the guardian, and CPR for the patient who has no chance. (2) Objection for artificial respirator and other treatment requested by the patient's family and the entrance of guardians into ICU. Consent for the passive use of artificial respirator by the doctor and the decrease of basic care to stabilize patients physically and mentally. No specific opinion for treatment not following aseptic techniques. Objection for frequent reports to primary care physician requested by the family. (3) Acknowledging less interest by the doctor, while supporting the health care team in the case of the guardian's complaint, objection for the DNR decision mede by the primary care physician. Objection for the DNR decision by the guideline. Objection or neutrality for straightforward explanation to the patient of bad prognosis. Objection for straightforward explanation of the patient's status (even near to death) to the patient him/herself or the guardian. In conclusion, the subject of DNR is the patient and the patient's opinion should be fully reflected. The conflict arising from the scope of medical practice and decision processes should be minimized. The standard and guideline for DNR decision is required for the ethical decision making for the patient along with agreements based on full explanations.

Nutrient Intakes and Physical Activity Self-efficacy of High-rade Elementary School Students according to Obesity Index (초등학교 고학년 아동의 비만도에 따른 영양소 섭취량 및 신체활동 자기효능감)

  • Jang, Hyun-Sook;Hwang, In-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.4 s.42
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate nutrient intake, dietary self-efficacy, and physical activity self-efficacy of elementary school students by obesity index in Gyeongbuk area. The survey was conducted from June 7 to June 18 in 2005. The study was peformed by analyzing a questionnaire answered by 523 elementary school student in 5th and 6th grade. The obesity index was gained by height and weight data. Nutrient intakes was evaluated by 24hr-dietary record. Statistical data analysis were completed using the SPSS 12.0 program. The results were summarized as follows; The result of the body measurement was that 31.7% of underweight group, 45.1% of normal group, 12.8% of overweight group, 10.3% of obese group. 13.9% of underweight group experienced weight control, and 17.5% of the subject respond they will try the weight control in the future. Male students showed significantly higher exercise frequency than female students(p<0.001). Male underweight group and female obese group show the highest exercise frequency. Daily energy intake of the subject showed 80.1% in male students and 87.5% in female students revealed under the recommended dietary allowance(RDA) for Korean. The intake ratio of energy nutrients was identical in male and female of underweight group and obese group, so this showed that intake style was similar in two groups. By investigating through MAR(mean adequacy ratio), underweight group of male students and both normal and overweight group of female students were lowest, while overweight group of male students and underweight group of female students were the highest. Physical activity self-efficacy of male students was higher than female students, and physical activity self-efficacy by obesity index was higher in underweight group of male students and obese group in female.

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College Students' Dietary Behavior, Health-Related Lifestyles and Nutrient Intake Status by Physical Activity Levels using International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) in Incheon Area (국제신체활동설문(IPAQ)을 이용한 신체활동도에 따른 인천지역 대학생의 식행동, 건강관련 생활습관 및 식이섭취 조사)

  • Yoo, Jeong-Soon;Chin, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Mi-Jung;Jang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.818-831
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary behavior, health-related lifestyles and nutrient intake status of college students according to physical activity levels. The physical activity levels were measured using the Korean version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form. The subjects of this study were 438 college students (243 males and 195 females) in Incheon area and were divided by gender and by physical activity levels, which included low, moderate and high physical activity groups. The average age of male and female students were 23.7 and 21.0 years old, respectively. The prevalence of the low physical activity group was 11.5% for males and 30.8% for females and that of the high physical activity group was 38.7% for males and 22.6% for females. According to the criteria for obesity in Asia-Pacific region, 39.1% of the males and 64.1% of the female students investigated were in the normal range of BMI and 30.9% of the males and 4.6% of the female students were in the obesity category. However, percent of body fat in the female students was significantly higher than that of the male students. The soft lean mass of the high physical activity group was higher compared to the other groups. In the low physical activity group, frequency of “eating out” was lower compared to the other groups. The average consumption of energy was 74.4% for males and 80.1% for females of the estimated energy requirement (EER). The mean intakes of vitamin C, vitamin B2, folic acid and Ca were 67.3%, 84%, 52.7% and 36.7% for males and 64.8%, 99.9%, 51.1% and 40.1% for females of recommended intake (RI), respectively. Therefore, it was necessary for obesity prevention as well as health promotion to increase physical activity and to eat an adequate, balanced diet in female college students.