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Nursing Professor's inspection and Status of Patient's Records and Informed Consent for Clinical Practice of Nursing Student in Korea and Japan (한·일 간호대학생의 임상실습 시 환자의 설명동의 및 기록관리와 지도실태)

  • Cho, Yooh-Yang;Kim, In-Hong;Yamamoto, Fujie;Yamasaki, Fujiko
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: In recently. the management and protection on individual information in patient's medical & nursing records have been very important, and that need a guideline. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of using the patient's nursing records of nursing students in clinical practice, to find and discuss the patient's informed consent, and status of education and management concerned to patient's nursing records. Methods: This study used a mailing survey. data collected from September 24th to October 31th in 2002. The subject were 333 professors who are major in adult nursing, pediatric nursing, psychological nursing of 111 university of nursing department and nursing college. And then we received the survey mail from 103 professors that respondent rate was 30.9%. Results: The characteristics of study subjects showed 49.0% of university. 51.0% of college of nursing. 50.0% of the subjects practiced point the patient by oral approval in clinical practice. But when the decision of the patient was very difficult, 21.6% of the subjects take to informed consent from his or her families. During the clinical practice, 49.0% of the subjects were explain to patient about clinical practice and contents of the nursing student, only 7.8% of the subjects were explain to patient with nursing records. 52.0% of the subjects were took out records from the hospital, only 17.6% of the subjects had standard of the patient's informed consent and standard of handling practice records. 17.6%-92.2% of the subjects that educate and manage concern to patient's nursing records.

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Smoking Investigation of the Sixth Year Grade-Students of Elementary School in the Rural and Small Sized Urban Area (농어촌과 중소도시 초등 학교 6년생의 흡연 실태)

  • Kim, Sang-Young;Jung, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 1995
  • To investigate the rate of smoking of 6th year grade students of elementary School by general characteristics in rural and small sized urban area, the survey was conducted during the period of Feb. 1, 1994 to Fed. 28, 1994 to 778 respondents of sixth year students of elementary school in rural area and 649 students in the small sized urban area, and also it was based on the questionnaire method. The sample consisted of 22 questions for general features of the respondents and 19 questions of smoking-ideas, totally 41 questions, which were related to the general features and the smoking oriented-factors, the real smoking fact of students, their ideas on smoking influences, and these questionnaires were statistically analysed by percentage and χ2-test. The results are as follows : The total respondents were 1427 students. 54.5% of respondents was of the farming, fishing area-students and 45.5% was of small, medium-sized city. Talking about the statistics of smoking, the present smoking boy-students in the farming, fishing area was marked to 14.6% ; the present smoking-boy students was marked 5.7% in the small, medium sized-city. From the viewpoint of smoking experience, 13.8% of students in farming, fishing area was shown to be experienced ; 9.7% of students in the small, medium sized-city was shown to be experienced. This indicated that there were significant difference of p<0.01 between two compared areas. From the viewpoint of family scale, in the family with many brothers, the younger brothers have a higher rate of p<0.001 of smoking-oriented than elder brother, and the students with a single parent or without parents have a higher rate of smoking on. In addition, the motivation of their smoking indicated that they had the most curiosity in smoking. From the viewpoint of academic grade, the low-level group has a higher smoking rate. Talking about the smoking knowledge of students, the present smoking students has less ideas about the smoking influences the than non-smoking students. More than 70% of the smoking-student group agreed that the education on the smoking influences was required to the elementary school students.

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Educational Needs of Elderly Hypertensive or Diabetes Patients and Educators for Education Program Development of Cardiocerebrovascular High-risk Group (심뇌혈관질환 고위험군 교육프로그램개발을 위한 노인 고혈압·당뇨병환자와 교육자의 교육요구도 및 지식수준에 대한 비교분석)

  • Lee, Hye-Jin;Kam, Sin
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.177-192
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the educational needs of elderly hypertensive or diabetes patients and educators for the education program development of cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group in community. Methods: This study was conducted with 60 hypertensive or diabetes patients aged 65 years or above (cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group) who had registered KHyDDI(Korea Hypertension Diabetes Daegu Initiative) Project and attended Hypertension Diabetes Intervention Center Program, and with 44 educators in the center between June and August, 2009. Data were collected using questionnaires including general characteristics, educational objectives, curriculum, contents, and methods. Results: The major findings of this study were as follows: In education methods, cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group and educators both preferred small-grouped(5-9 persons) or individual education, 30min-1 hour, 50%-50% of theory-practice ratio, 3 months of education. In education contents, both groups needed all the suggested contents. Five categories would be suggested for the development of education program. The first category was that there was no significant difference between cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group's needs and knowledge. The second was category of low knowledge level in cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group's knowledge. The repeated education would be necessary for this category. The third was category with large standard deviation in cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group's knowledge. Individual education would be necessary for this category. The fourth category was that there was significant difference between cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group's knowledge and knowledge assessed by educators. The improvement of educator's education skill would be necessary for this category. The fifth category was that there was significant difference between cardiocerebrovascular high-risk group and educator's needs. Conclusions: Small group or individualized and staged education reflecting above cardiocerebrovascular high risk group and educators' needs should be developed for more effective education to prevent and manage the cardiocerebrovascular disease.

Importance of objectives of Housing unit in Home Economics by three systems of action of Home Economics teachers in middle school (중학교 가정과 교사가 인식하는 주생활 영역의 세 행동체계별 목표 중요도)

  • Lee Hee-Joon;Cho Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research was to develop objectives of Housing contents in TechnologyHome Economics by three systems of action and to find out the importance of the objectives of the teachers have taught the class. The 303 teachers from 183 middle schools replied the mail questionnaire during September, 2003. The data were analyzed by SPSS/win. The 21 objectives for each system of action were developed based on the textbooks, teachers guides, and other related references. The importance of the objectives related to communicative system of action was the highest, respectively followed by the ones related to technical and emancipatory systems of action. Indoor Environment & Equipment was more likely to be important than Maintenance & Repairs as the objectives related to communicative system of action, while Usage of Living Space was less likely to be important than the other two sub-units. The importance of the objectives was somewhat differed by the general characteristics of the teachers. The older are the more important the objectives related to technical system of action. Female, Home Economics teachers, who learned philosophy of Home Economics were more likely to think than others objectives related to communicative and emancipatory systems of action to be important. This research showed the teachers' perspectives of the objectives of Housing contents were not the same among respondents and generally supported the previous results from other contents of Home Economics.

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Middle school Home Economics teachers' perception and actual performance of self-supervision at school related to Home Economics (중학교 가정과 교사의 교과 관련 교내 자율장학에 대한 인식과 실태)

  • Go, Mi-Young;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate what middle school Home Economics(HE) teachers perceive, practice and need for self-supervision at school related to HE. Questionnaires were sent by E-mail and 150 were collected. Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA analysis were reported using SPSS/win 10.1. The results of this research were as follows: First, middle school HE teachers perceived that self-supervision at school was essential since it promoted self reflection of teachers themselves and improved professional skills. Furthermore, peer-coaching was highly preferred. Second, negative responses to the supervision of principal, vice-principal, and peer teachers overwhelmed positive answers. Information exchange among peer teachers was frequent, yet, approximately 22.6% of middle school HE teachers were still avoiding sharing information process for several reasons. About half of the teachers answered that all teachers needed to participate in this process. Third, they pointed out that self-supervision at school was not implemented well because of the lack of time due to the heavy work load, negative and passive attitude for the improvement of teaching-learning activities, administration-centered supervision that did not reflect teachers' opinion, and shortage of economical, and environmental support.. HE teachers perceived that peer teachers who were doing good practices were most helpful for the supervision. Also, they preferred self-evaluation at the end of the self-supervision at school. Forth, to improve self-supervision at school, there were very high demands for reduction of administrative work, additional time, fundamental philosophy toward HE education. Fifth, the purpose and detailed plans of self-supervision were recognized as the results that were democratically derived by the HE teachers. Sixth, class inspection and informal inspection were operated once in a year, and self-training was rarely operated. Peer coaching and self-coaching were operated occasionally. Self-coaching and peer coaching were reported as the most helpful types of supervision. In addition, HE teachers answered that supervision was helpful to teaching method followed by contents, evaluation, and philosophy of education.

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The effects of dental prostheses to the quality of life among the elderly (일부 노인의 치과보철물 상태가 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Hur, Ik-Gang;Lee, Tae-Yong;Dong, Jin-Keun;Hong, Song-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study has been conducted in order to examine the oral health status and dental prostheses status, and the effects of dental prostheses to the oral health related quality of life among the elderly using social welfare centers. Material and methods: For this purpose, the researcher conducted a questionnaire survey and oral examination of 275 samples of old persons using 7 social welfare centers located in Daejeon metropolitan city. The oral health related quality of life was measured by GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index). Results: 1. The less age and the more education and the more subjective economic status and living with spouse of family status, the higher GOHAI showed. 2. Mean age of first using of removable denture is 62.11 years old and average life cycle of removable denture is 10.76years. 57.5% of study subjects use removable denture and complete denture user of study subjects are 13.8%. 3. In the case that they use fixed prostheses rather than removable ones and in the complete denture they use both sides (upper and lower) rather than single side, showed higher GOHAI. 4. In the case that they showed higher degrees of satisfaction with dental prostheses and can use them always and showed no necessity for new dental prostheses and denture adaptation is good, GOHAI showed higher. Conclusion: In order to improve oral health related quality of life among the elderly who have many missing teeth, it is required to restore their masticatory ability to the normal level by restoring the missing teeth which has lost its function through providing proper dental prostheses.


  • Ryu, Hyun-Seop;Kim, Hyo-Suck;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to make public oral health plan more effective and the improvement of the hospital management system for better clinical dental practice. Distribution and trends were examined in all patients who had been examined and diagnosed at Department of Pedodontics, Dental Hospital, Chosun University over 10 year-period from 1990 to 1999 Results were as follows, 1. The number of patients per year was increasing trend after 1996 and higher visiting rate in male(55.9%) than in female(44.1%). 2. Age distribution had shown 34 year-old cup being the largest (23.4%) and each percentage of 56,78,02,910,1112,1314,above15 year-old group was 19.9%, 17.7%, 14.6%, 12.6%, 8.0%, 3.3%. 0.5%. 3. Geographic distribution showed a majority of patients in Kwang-Ju (83.0%). Group in the suburbs of Kwang-Ju(Jang-Sung group) was 5.4%. 4. Dental caries showed the highest percentage(40.5%) in chief complaints and percentage of oral exam, orthodontic problem, oral pain, trauma, supernumerary teeth, swelling was 13.9% 12.6%, 8.8%, 7.4%, 5.5%, 4.9%. 5. In all patients with traumatic problem, crown fracture showed the highest percentage(41.4%) and percentage of subluxation was 19.4%. 6. Majority(78.7%) of patients were not refered, and percentage of patients refered from local clinic was 20.5%. 7. Patients who had periodic check-up comprised 19.6%, and percentage of after 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24month was 36.7%, 22.2%, 13.5%, 11.3%, 5.4%, 11.0%.

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A Study on Transcranial Magnetic Electrode Simulation Using Maxwell 3D (Maxwell 3D를 이용한 경두개 자기 전극 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Geun-Yong;Yoon, Se-Jin;Jeong, Jin-hyoung;Kim, Jun-Tae;Lee, Sang-sik
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we conducted a study on the transcranial magnetic electrode, a method for the study of dementia and muscle pain, a neurodegenerative disease caused by an aging society, which is becoming a problem worldwide. In particular, transcranial magnetic electrodes have been studied to improve their ability to be deteriorated by dementia symptoms such as speech, cognitive ability, and memory by outputting magnetism deep into the brain using coils on the head epidermis. In this study, simulation was performed using Maxwell 3D program for the design of coil, the core of transcranial magnetic electrode. As a result of the simulation comparison between the coil designed by the previous research and the coil through the research and development, the output was found to be superior to the conventional designed coil. The graphs of the coil outputs of B-Field and H-Field are found to be symmetrical, but the symmetry between each coil is pseudo-symmetrical and not accurate. Based on these results, an experiment was conducted to confirm whether the output of the head epidermis through both coils is possible. In the magnitude field of the reverse-coil 2-coil analysis, the maximum output was 3.3920e + 004 H [A_per_meter], and the vector field showed the strongest magnetic field around 35 to 165 degrees. It was confirmed that the magnetic output canceled due to the magnetic output. In the case of the forward 2-coil, a maximum of 3.2348e + 004H [A_per_meter] similar to the reverse coil was observed, but in the case of the vector field, the magnetic output regarding the forward output and the head skin output was confirmed. However, when the height change in the output coil, the magnetic output was reduced.

Diastolic Function in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Evaluation Using the Phase-contrast MRI Measurement of Mitral Valve and Pulmonary Vein Flow Velocities (비대성심근증 환자의 이완기능평가: 승모판과 폐정맥 유속을 측정한 위상차 MRI의 이용)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Choe, Yeon Hyeon;Kim, Sung Mok;Lee, Sang-Chol;Chang, Sung-A;Oh, Jae K.
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.314-322
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Diastolic dysfunction is a common problem in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The purpose of this study was to assess the role of MRI in the assessment of diastolic function using mitral valve and pulmonary vein flow velocities in HCM patients. Methods and Results: Phase-contrast MRI (mitral valve and pulmonary vein) and transthoracic echocardiography was successfully performed for 59 HCM patients (44 men and 15 women; mean age, 51 years). Forty-nine patients had a diastolic dysfunction; grade 1 (n = 20), grade 2 (n = 27), and grade 3 (n = 2) using echocardiography, and ten patients had normal diastolic function. The transmitral inflow parameters (E, A, and E/A ratios) obtained by MRI showed positive correlation with the same parameters measured by echocardiography (Pearson's r values were 0.47, 0.60, and 0.75 for E, A, E/A, respectively, all P < 0.001). With the flow information of the pulmonary vein from cardiac MRI, pseudo-normalized pattern (n = 8) could be distinguished from true normal filling pattern (n = 17), and the diastolic function grades by cardiac MRI showed moderate agreement with those of echocardiography (kappa value = 0.45, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Assessment of left ventricle diastolic function is feasible using phase-contrast MRI in HCM patients. Analysis of pulmonary vein flow velocity on MRI is useful for differentiating pseudo-normal from normal diastolic function in HCM patients.

Optimal Incentives for Customer Satisfaction in Multi-channel Setting (멀티채널에서의 고객만족제고 인센티브 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2010
  • CS is one of the major concerns of managers in the world because it is well known to be a key medium construct for firms' superior outcome. One of the major agents for CS management is retailers. Firms try to manage not only employees but also retailers to promote CS behaviors. And so diverse incentives are used to promote their CS behaviors under diverse channel setting such as multi-channel. However in spite of the rising needs there has been scarce studies on the optimal incentive structure for a manufacturer to offer competing retailers at the multi-channel. In this paper, we try to find better way for a manufacturer to promote the competing retailers' CS behaviors. We investigated how to promote the retailers' CS behavior via game-theoretic modeling. Especially, we focus on the possible incentive, CS bonus type reward introduced in the studies of Hauser, Simester, and Wernerfelt(1994) and Chu and Desai(1995). We build up a multi stage complete information game and derive a subgame perfect equilibrium using backward induction. Stages of the game are as following. (Stage 1) Manufacturer sets wholesale price(w) and CS bonus(η). (Stage 2) Both retailers in competition set CS effort level(ei) and retail price(pi) simultaneously. (Stage 3) Consumers make purchasing decisions based on the manufacturer's initial reputation and retailers' CS efforts.

    Structure of the Model We investigated four issues about the topic as following: (1) How much total incentive is adequate for a firm of a specific level of reputation to promote retailers' CS behavior under multi-channel setting ?, (2) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of complimentary externalities between the retailers' CS efforts to promote retailers' CS behavior?, (3) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of cost to make CS efforts to promote retailers' CS behavior?, (4) How much total incentive is adequate under diverse level of competition between retailers to promote retailers' CS behavior? Our findings are as following. (1) The higher reputation has the manufacturer, the higher incentives for retailers at multi-channel are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the manufacturer's reputation level(a) under some parameter conditions(b=1/2;c=0;β=1/2). (2) The bigger complimentary externalities exists between the retailers' CS efforts, the higher incentives are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the complimentary externalities level(β) under some parameter conditions(a=1;b=1/2;c=0). (3) The higher is the retailers' cost, the lower incentives are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the decreasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the cost level(c) under some parameter conditions(a=1;b=1/2;β=1/2). (4) The more competitive gets those two retailers, the higher incentives for retailers at multi-channel are required in the equilibrium.
    shows the increasing pattern of optimal incentive level along the competition level(b) under some parameter conditions(c=0;a=1;β=1/2). One of the major contribution points of this study is the fact that this study is the first to investigate the optimal CS incentive system under multi-channel setting.

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