• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분리해석법

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이온빔을 이용한 Prepreg의 표면처리가 탄소섬유/에폭시 복합재의 파괴특성에 미치는 영향

  • 이경엽;신동혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.17-17
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    • 2000
  • 탄소섬유/에폭시 적충복합재는 경량성 및 비강도, 비강성이 우수해 최근 들어 항공기, 자동차, 우주선 등에 대한 적용이 급속도로 증가하고 있다. 그러나 적충복합재 구조물에 있어 최대 약점 중 하나는 적충된 면이 서로 떨어지는 충간분리가 발생 할 수 있다는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 탄소섬유/에폭시 적충복합재의 파괴특성을 향상시키기 위해 프리프레그 (prepreg)를 이온빔으로 표면처리하는 방법에 대해 연구하였다. 즉 프리프레그를 $Ar^+$ 이온도 움반응법에 의해 표면처리 하였으며 이를 적용, 열림모드 파괴특성을 검토하였다. 즉 표준 프리프레그와 표면처리 된 프리프레그를 이용 $0^{\circ}$ 단일방향 DCB(Double Cantilever Beam) 시편을 제작하였으며, 각각의 경우에 대하여 파괴시험을 수행하였다. 파괴시험으로부터 파괴 저항곡선(R-곡선)을 결정하여 이를 비교 검토함으로서 프리프레그의 표면처리가 파괴특성에 미치는 영향을 해석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 층간분리 길이가 동일한 경우 표면처리한 경우의 컴플라이언스가 표면처리 하지 않은 경우에 비해 작게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 파괴하중 값은 컴플라이언스와 반대현상을 나타낸다. 즉 표면처리한 경우의 파괴하중 이 표면처리 하지 않은 경우에 비해 크게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 표면처리 한 시편의 경우 R-곡선이 향상됨을 알 수 있었다. 즉 표면처리 한 경우의 열림모드 파괴이성, $G_{Ic}$ 값은 표준 시편의 값보다 24% 높았다. 이는 프리프레그의 표면처리 가 충과 충간의 접착강도를 증가시키고 또한 탄소섬유와 에폭시 간의 계면력을 증가시킨데 기인하는 것으로 사려된다.되었으며, duty-on 시간의 증가에 따라 $Cr_2N$ 상의 형성이 점점 많아져 80% duty-on 시간 경우에는 거의 CrN과 $Cr_2N$ 상이 공존하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 duty-on 시간이 증가할수록 회절피크의 세기가 증가하여 결정화가 더 많이 진행되어짐을 알 수 있었다. 마찬가지로 바이어스 펄스이 주파수에 다른 결정성의 변화도 펄스의 주파수가 증가할수록 박막이 결정성이 좋아지고 $Cr_2N$ 상이 쉽게 형성되었다. 증착 진공도에 따른 결정성은 상대적으로 질소의 농도가 높은 낮은 진공도에서는 CrN 상이 주로 형성되었으며, 반대로 높은 진공도에서는 $Cr_2N$ 상이 많이 만들어졌다. 즉 $1.3{\times}10^{-2}Torr$의 증착 진공도에서는 CrN 상만이 보이는 반면 $9.0{\tiems}1-^{-2}Torr$ 진공도에서부터 $Cr_2N$ 상이 형성되기 시작하여 $5.0{\tiems}10^{-2}Torr$ 진공도에서는 두개의 상이 혼재되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 박막의 내마모성을 조사한 결과 CrN 박막의 마찰 계수는 초기에 급격하게 증가한 후 0.5에서 0.6 사이의 값으로 큰 변화를 보이지 않았으며, $Cr_2N$ 박막도 비슷한 거동을 보였다.차 이, 목적의 차이, 그리고 환경의 의미의 차이에 따라 경관의 미학적 평가가 달라진 것으로 나타났다.corner$적 의도에 의한 경관구성의 일면을 확인할수 있지만 엄밀히 생각하여 보면 이러한 예의 경우도 최락의 총체적인 외형은 마찬가지로 $\ulcorner$순응$\lr

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Comparative Analysis of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli ST131 and Non-ST131 Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection Patients in Daejeon (대전지역의 요로감염 환자로부터 분리된 요로병인성 대장균 ST131과 Non-ST131의 비교 분석)

  • Cho, Hye Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2020
  • Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is a major cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs), which is one of the most common infectious diseases in humans worldwide. Since UPEC is increasingly gaining resistance to many antimicrobial agents, antibiotic therapy of UTI has recently become a great concern. This study examined the epidemiological relationship, and antimicrobial resistance patterns of 84 UPEC isolates obtained from UTI patients in Daejeon, from March to December 2017. Molecular epidemiology was investigated by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and an antimicrobial susceptibility test was determined using an E-test. In this study, UTI was more common in females (73.8%) than in males (26.2%), and the highest incidence of UTI was observed in the age group in their 70s. Among the 84 UPEC isolates, 59 isolates (70.2%) were multidrug-resistant (MDR), and the major sequence type was ST131 (44 isolates, 52.4%). Interestingly, the rates of MDR in non-ST131 isolates (72.5%) were higher compared to ST131 isolates (68.2%). These results indicate the possibility of the development and spread of MDR in non-ST131 isolates. Effective surveillance networks and continuous research need to be conducted globally to prevent the emergence and international spread of MDR non-ST131 isolates.

Safety Evaluation of Concrete Bridges for Passage of Crane Vehicle Exceeding Weight Limit (제한 중량을 초과하는 기중기 차량 통행에 대한 콘크리트 교량의 안전성 평가)

  • Lee, Sung-Jae;Yu, Sang Seon;Park, Younghwan;Paik, Inyeol
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2020
  • It is necessary to develop a rational method for evaluating the safety of bridges for the passage of inseparable crane vehicles exceeding the limit weight. In this study, the same method applied to the development of the recently introduced reliability-based highway bridge design code - limit state design method is applied to the calibration of the live load factor for the crane vehicle. Structural analysis was performed on the concrete bridge and the required strengths of the previous design code, the current design code and AASHTO LRFD were compared. When comparing the unfactored live load effect, the live load of the crane was greater than that of the current and previous design code. When comparing the required strength by applying the calibrated live load factor, the previous design code demands the largest strength and the current design code and the crane live load effect yields similar value. The results of safety evaluation of the actual bridges on the candidate route for the crane passage secured the same reliability as the target reliability index required by the design code and the strength of the cross section of the actual bridge is calculated greater than the required strength for the passage of the crane, which confirms the safety for the passage of the crane.

Concerning the Constitution Court's constitutional decision and the direction of supplemental legislation concerning Article 33 paragraph 8 of the Medical Service Act - With a focus on legitimacy of a system that prohibits multiple opening of medical instituion, in the content of 2014Hun-Ba212, August 29, 2019, 2014Hun-Ga15, 2015Hun-Ma561, 2016Hun-Ba21(amalgamation), Constitutional Court of Korea - ('의료법 제33조 제8항 관련 헌법재판소의 합헌결정'에 대한 평가 및 보완 입법 방향에 대하여 -헌법재판소 2019. 8. 29. 2014헌바212, 2014헌가15, 2015헌마561, 2016헌바21(병합) 결정의 내용 중 의료기관 복수 개설금지 제도의 당위성 및 필요성을 중심으로-)

    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.143-174
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    • 2019
  • Our Constitution obliges the state to protect the health of the people, and the Medical Law, which embodied Constitution, sets out in detail the matters related to open the medical institution, and one of them is to prohibit the operation of multiple medical institutions. By the way, virtually multiple medical institutions could be opened and operated because the Supreme Court had interpreted that several medical institutions could be opened if medical activities were not performed directly at the additional medical institution which was opened under the another doctor's license. However, some health care providers opened the several medical institutions with another doctor's license for the purpose of the maximization of profit, and did illegal medical cares like the unfair luring of patients, over-treatment, and commission treatment. Also, realistic problems such as the infringed health rights have arisen. Accordingly, lawmakers had come to amend the Medical Law to readjust the system of opening for medical institution so that medical personnel could not open or operate more than one medical institution for any reason. For this reason, the Constitutional Court recently declared a constitutional decision through a long period of in-depth deliberation because the constitutional petition and the adjudication on the constitutionality of statutes had been filed on whether Article 33 paragraph 8 of the revised medical law is unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court acknowledged the "justice of purpose" in view of the importance of public medical institutions, of the prevention from seduction of for-profit patients and from over-treatment, and of the fact that health care should not be the object of commercial transactions. Given the risk that medical personnel might be subject to outside capital, the concern that the holder of the medical institution's opening certificate and the actual operator may be separated, the principle that the human body and life should not be just a means, and the current system's inability to identify over-treatment, it also acknowledged the 'minimum infringement'. Furthermore, The Constitutional Court judged it is constitutional in compliance with the principle of restricting fundamental rights, such as 'balance of legal interests'. In this regard, legislative complements are needed in order to effectively prevent the for-profit management and the over-treatment the Constitutional Court is concerned about. In this regard, consumer groups actively support the need for legislation, and health care providers groups also agree on the need for legislation. Therefore, the legislators should respect the recent Constitutional Court's decision and in the near future complete the complementary legislation to reflect the people's interests.

Analysis of Microbial Community Structure in Soil and Crop Root System II. Analysis of soil microbial community structure in different soil Environmental conditions by MIDI and DNA analyses (토양과 작물근계의 미생물군집 구조 해석 II. MIDI 및 DNA 분석에 의한 토양환경별 미생물 군집 해석)

  • Ryu, Jin-Chang;Kwon, Soon-Wo;Kim, Jong-Shik;Suh, Jang-Sun;Jung, Beung-Gan;Choi, Sun-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2002
  • To evaluate the correlations of microbial populations with soil healthiness and crop production and establish the criteria for microbial population of soil types. We analyzed the microbial community structure of 13 soils which were different in physical and chemical properties and cultivation methods. According to the analysis of microbial population suing the dilution plate method, the large differences of the microbial population structures among soil types were shown: aerobic bacteria $2-27{\times}10^6$, fluorescent Pseudomonas $1-1,364{\times}10^5$, Gram negative bacteria $1-126{\times}10^4$, and mesophilic Bacillus $1-110{\times}10^5$. The density of Gram negative bacteria was highest on red pepper cultivating soils (sample no. 4 and 6) of Umsung and Gesan, Chungbuk, and the density of the fluorescent Pseudomonas was highest on greenhouse soil (sample no. 7) of Jinju, Kyungnam. The crop productivity of three soils was high as compared with those of other soils. It was supposed that the density of fluorescent Pseudomonas and mesophilic Bacillus were correlated with the incresed crop production. By MIDI analysis, 579 strains isolated from 13 soils composed of a variety of microbes including 102 isolates of Agrobacterium, 112 isolates of Bacillus, 32 isolates of Pseudomonas, 44 isolates of Kocuria, and 34 isolates of Pseudomonas. Among the 624 isolates of Gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas including P. putida and p. fluorescens occupied the highest density (51%), and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia also appeared at high density. From RAPD analysis, the fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from 13 soil types showed a high level of strain diversities and were grouped into 2 - 14 patterns according to soil types. Many of unknown bacteria were recovered from the paddy soil, and needed to be further characterized on the molecular basis.

Synecological Study of the Naturalized Plant Communities in Old-Andong City (구 안동시역에 분포하는 귀화식물군락의 생태학적 연구)

  • 송종석;안상흥
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 1999
  • The present study was undertaken to classify and describe the spring naturalized plant communities in old-Andong city by the methodology of the ZM school of phytosociology. As a result, the vegetation was classified into the six communities and two subcommunities: A. Bromus tectorum community A-a. Bromus japonicus subcommunity, A-b. Melica onoei subcommunity; B. Poa pratensis community; C. Rumex crispus community; D. Oenothera lamarckiana community; E. Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. eiatior community; F. Rumex conglomeratus community. The total taxa of the naturalized plant communities consisted of 31 families, 86 genera, 114 species and 13 varieties. Of which the taxa of the naturalized plant species consisted of 8 families, 21 genera, 25 species and 1 variety. The result of Bray-Curtis ordination revealed that the plots suveyed were arranged according largely to the vegetation units of' the communities. Also the interspecific affinity was examined by an analysis of interspecific association and the main component species in the communities were divided into two groups. The naturalized rate was higher in the communitise affected by strong human impacts, while was lower in the communities affected relatively less by human impacts. On the other hand the seasonal changes of the communities and the naturalized rate between the spring and the autumn were investigated. Many naturalized communities present in Spring were replaced by the other native ruderal communitues in the Autumn. The naturalized rate based on the dominance was largely decreased over from the spring to the Autumn.

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Decomposition of Shear Resistance Components in Reinforced Concrete Beams (철근콘크리트 보의 전단저항 성분 분해)

  • Rhee, Chang-Shin;Shin, Geun-Ok;Kim, Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.6 s.96
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    • pp.819-825
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    • 2006
  • The objective of the present study is to verify the validity of a new truss model for evaluating the contribution by arch action to shear resistance in shear-critical reinforced concrete beams. The new truss model is based on the relationship between shear and bending moment in a beam subjected to combined shear and bending. The compatibility condition of the shear deformation that deviates from Bernoulli bending plane is formulated utilizing the smeared truss idealization with an inclined compression chord. The Modified Compression Filed Theory is employed to calculate the shear deformation of the web, and the relative axial displacements of the compression and the tension chord by the shear flow are also calculated. From this shear compatibility condition in a beam, the shear contribution by the arch action is numerically decoupled. Then the validity of the model is examined by applying the model to some selected test beams in literatures. On the basis of the analytical results, the contribution by the web to shear resistance can be constant and have an excellent linear correlation with the web reinforcement ratio. The present decoupling approach may provide a simple way for the assessment of the role of each parameter or mechanism that affects the ultimate shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams.

Integrated Algorithm for Identification of Long Range Artillery Type and Impact Point Prediction With IMM Filter (IMM 필터를 이용한 장사정포의 탄종 분리 및 탄착점 예측 통합 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Cheol-Goo;Lee, Chang-Hun;Tahk, Min-Jea;Yoo, Dong-Gil;Sohn, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we present an algorithm that identifies artillery type and rapidly predicts the impact point based on the IMM filter. The ballistic trajectory equation is used as a system model, and three models with different ballistic coefficient values are used. Acceleration was divided into three components of gravity, air resistance, and lift. And lift acceleration was added as a new state variable. The kinematic condition that the velocity vector and lift acceleration are perpendicular was used as a pseudo-measurement value. The impact point was predicted based on the state variable estimated through the IMM filter and the ballistic coefficient of the model with the highest mode probability. Instead of the commonly used Runge-Kutta numerical integration for impact point prediction, a semi-analytic method was used to predict impact point with a small amount of calculation. Finally, a state variable initialization method using the least-square method was proposed. An integrated algorithm including artillery type identification, impact point prediction and initialization was presented, and the validity of the proposed method was verified through simulation.

Biodegradation of VOC Mixtures using a Bioactive Foam Reactor II: Analysis of Microbial Community (계면활성제 미생물반응기의(혼합 VOCs) 생분해 II: 미생물의 군집해석)

  • Jang, Hyun Sup;Shin, Shoung Kyu;Song, Ji Hyeon;Hwang, Sun Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6B
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    • pp.695-701
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    • 2006
  • A toluene-degrading bacterial strain was isolated from a mixed culture that was maintained using toluene as a sole carbon and energy source. The isolated bacterium was classified as Pseudomonas sp. TBD4 based on the close relationship to bacteria belonging to this genus. A bottle study to determine biodegradation rates of individual aromatic compounds showed that the biodegradation was faster in the order of toluene, benzene, styrene, and p-xylene. However, when various mixtures were subjected to TDB4, styrene was degraded at the highest rate, indicating that both toluene and p-xylene could stimulate the degradation of other substrates whereas styrene played as an inhibitor. In addition, the mixed culture and TDB4 were inoculated to the bioactive foam reactor (BFR), and the reactor performance and the corresponding change of microbial community were monitored using the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method. When an inlet concentration of the VOC mixture increased to greater than 250 ppm, the overall removal efficiency dropped significantly. The FISH measurement demonstrated that the ratio of TDB4 to the total bacteria also decreased to less than 20% along with the decline in removal efficiency in the BFR. As a result, the periodic addition of the pre-grown TDB4 might have been beneficial to achieve a stable performance in the BFR operated over an extended period.

Particle Size-Dependent Failure Analysis of Particle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites using Dislocation Punched Zone Modeling (전위 펀치 영역 모델링에 의한 입자 강화 금속지지 복합재의 입자 크기 의존 파손 해석)

  • Suh, Yeong Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2014
  • Particle-reinforced metal matrix composites exhibit a strengthening effect due to the particle size-dependent length scale that arises from the strain gradient, and thus from the geometrically necessary dislocations between the particles and matrix that result from their CTE(Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) and elastic-plastic mismatches. In this study, the influence of the size-dependent length scale on the particle-matrix interface failure and ductile failure in the matrix was examined using finite-element punch zone modeling whereby an augmented strength was assigned around the particle. The failure behavior was observed by a parametric study, while varying the interface failure properties such as the interface strength and debonding energy with different particle sizes and volume fractions. It is shown that the two failure modes (interface failure and ductile failure in the matrix) interact with each other and are closely related to the particle size-dependent length scale; in other words, the composite with the smaller particles, which is surrounded by a denser dislocation than that with the larger particles, retards the initiation and growth of the interface and matrix failures, and also leads to a smaller amount of decrease in the flow stress during failure.