• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부당성

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Field Experiment on the Optimization of Concave-Shaped Face Development for Rapid Tunnel-Whole-Face Excavation (대단면 급속시공을 위한 최적의 곡면막장형상개발에 관한 현장실험)

  • Kim, Tae-hyoung;Yoon, Ji-sun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2006
  • In this study, NATM can reduce the loosened ground near the tunnel face more than the other pre-existing tunnelling methods, because of rapid supporting by means of shotcrete and rock bolts. However, this method sometimes can not help for a unstable tunnel face with a unsupported caondition. In order to keep from that dangerous case, some excavation methods such as bench cut and drift advancing method are introduced, despite of high construction cost and period. So, this thesis is intended to introduce the new tunnel face shape, that is concave shaped face, and discusses its effects on the tunnel stabilization.

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Social Media Uses: ethical factors and the effects for teenagers (소셜 미디어 이용: 청소년 대상 윤리적 요인과 그 영향)

  • Lee, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.477-487
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    • 2017
  • This study is for empirical analyzing the ethical contents in using social media, such as what kind of ethical responsibility do the teenage users have, how do they recognize the ethical concept in producing or sharing the information and how these ethical factors affect their behavior of social media uses. After survey with the structured questionnaire, statistical analyses with available 227 cases are processed. As a result, there are 4 ethical factors in using social media which as included 'privacy', 'copyright', 'fullness', 'accuracy', 'truth-telling', 'fairness', 'relief of harmful effect', 'credibility', 'objectivity', 'impartiality', included 'moderation', 'respect', 'autonomy', 'control', 'care of mischief', included 'interactivity', 'multiplicity', 'anonymity', 'divergence', 'social community', included 'transparency', 'openness'. All these ethical factors are positive correlated to the level of social media users' opinion expression, opinion support, information leading, information searching. Especially, is the most effective factor to social media users' behavior.

A Study on the Necessity of Using Demand Guarantee following Unfair Calling Cases (부당지급청구 사례로 본 청구보증 사용의 필요성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Pil Joon
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    • v.58
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    • pp.215-236
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    • 2013
  • It is quite true that the more Korean contractors receive overseas contracts, the more they need guarantees. The top market for them is the Middle East countries, consisting of more than the half of the total amount awarded last year and the trend is increasing as well. The problem, however, is that employers in these countries are reluctant to use international rules for guarantee such as URDG or ISP98 and easily make unfair callings. However, Korean contractors(applicants), especially small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs) tend to hurriedly enter a contract without looking into its contents as well as guarantees. They do not realize the importance of the guarantees until they receive callings from the employers(beneficiaries). Being independent from the underlying contracts, guarantee is the equivalent to cash in that it usually does not require any proof of demand when calling and the guarantor should make a payment within usually 5 business days after the request. It is often observed these days that several Korean SMEs go bankrupt due to liquidity risks after receiving unfair callings from employers in the Middle East countries. In retrospect, some cases could be obviated if contractors were a little more careful in checking the contents of a guarantee at the time of concluding a contract. For example, there is one case where the underlying contract includes a reduction clause in the Advance Payment bond and the guarantee does not have that clause. In the end, the Korean contractor had to take the whole burden of the bond amount though it had finished 81% of the project. Nobody could argue that contractors should take a full responsibility if they fail in their obligations. However, the employer's wrongful callings need to be prevented in the first place, if possible. As there shouldn't be a case where one party is at a disadvantage against the other like the case mentioned above, useful insight is being sought to minimize unfair calling risks for the benefit of the applicant. First, the applicant should carefully look into every detail of the potential guarantee before signing a contract, heeding especially that there is a reduction clause in the AP bond. Second, the governing principles for guarantee should be the ones that are internally used such as URDG758 that is objective in terms of callings given that, for example, it specifies that the requirement for a supporting statement when making a demand is a default rule. It is also recommended that the form of guarantees be the standard demand guarantee. Third, parties involved in issuing guarantees are advised to understand international rules for guarantee like URDG758 and ISP98 and to play a key role in guiding SME contractors in Korea so that they can protect themselves from possible wrongful callings, particularly from employers in the Middle East countries. I hope this study would give a wake-up call for Korean SMEs wishing to do business in the Middle East countries and remind them of the importance of guarantee itself and its governing principles.

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A Crisis in Public Broadcasting of South Korea A Perspective from the Case of the So-called "Paik Jong-moon's Taped Conversation" at MBC with a Focus on the Press Control by Political Power (MBC '백종문 녹취록' 사건으로 본 공영방송의 위기 정치권력의 언론 통제 기제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang Gyoon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.81
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2017
  • The case of 'Paik Jong-moon's Taped Conversation,' has presented "an important and serious challenge to the freedom of the press and democracy" in South Korea. Nevertheless, this case has not been reported by the mainstream news media. It has also been forgotten without a proper fact-finding or investigation by regulatory agencies, like The Foundation for Broadcast Culture, The Korea Communications Commission, or The National Assembly. This study aims to examine why the above has happened through in-depth interviews of reporters and TV producers, senior journalists, former and incumbent commissioners of the broadcasting regulatory agencies, and experts of the industry, as well as literature research. Here, I present three answers. First, I found two reasons the mainstream press has ignored this incident. 1) It serves for political interests instead of reporting truth. 2) Public broadcasters' watchdog role has been neutralized. Second, regulatory agencies like The Foundation for Broadcast Culture, The Korea Communications Commission and The National Assembly are ruled by political tribalism. The ruling party's members of the National Assembly and these agencies were reluctant to investigate allegations surrounding Paik Jong-moon, such as illegal dismissals, illegal intervention in programming or production, illegal recruitment and illegal business deals. That's because they considered CEO Paik an ally. Using their majority power, they have rejected the request from opposition-affiliated commissioners or from opposition lawmakers to investigate the allegations. Third, there were no alternative forces within the public broadcasters to unveil the truth. In conclusion, the legal and institutional shake-up of corporate governance is urgently needed for public broadcasters and broadcasting regulatory agencies.

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A Study on the Integrated Digital Signature System based on Digital Signature Standards (디지틀 서명방식 표준 ( 안 ) 에 기반을 둔 통합서명 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Joo;Kim, Kyung-Shin;Won, Dong-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.984-994
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    • 1998
  • In the information society, all the information is transferred through the network, so it becomes an issue to protect the data on network. One of the fundamental cryptographic tools to protect the data on network, is digital signatures, and in many countries, cryptographers have been trying to make their own digital signature standard. Also, at Crypto'89 meeting, D.Chaum suggested an undeniable signature scheme. Undeniable signatures are verified via a protocol between the signer and the verifier, so the cooperation of the signer is necessary, So far, there have been several variants of undeniable signatures to obtain a signature scheme, which can control the abuse of ordinary digital signatures.

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Studies on the Fixation of Acetaldehyde by Freeze Drying (냉동건조방법에 의한 Acetaldehyde 고정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Chun;Lee, Kyung-Hae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 1989
  • Attempts were made to fix acetaldehyde on base materials, which were selected from carbohydrates, by freeze drying. More acetaldehyde was fixed, in general, on combined base materials than single base materials, and mannitol+lactose were the best among the combined base materials tested. But the combination of mannitol and maltodextrin appeared to be more economical for the mass production. Loss of acetaldehyde during freeze drying was decreased as the concentration of the combined base material was increased, and it reached minimum at 40% of the base material. As dryer chamber pressure was reduced, loss of acetaldehyde during drying was decreased.

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Relationship between a Role Ambiguity·Conflict and Job Satisfaction, Job Performance on Role of Tourism Police Officers (관광경찰 역할에 대한 역할모호성·역할갈등과 업무만족, 업무수행도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Sang-Woon;Cho, Seung-A
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2015
  • The tourism police force has been established on 16th October 2013 for foreign tourists' safety and security. The major roles of tourism police officers were provided a crime prevention patrol and maintenance of order in tourist destination, a clampdown on illegal activities for foreign tourists, a controlling for overcharging of restaurants accommodations taxi, an administrative guidance and controls on tourism industry and worker in union relative organ like the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism local government. However, the roles of tourism police officers overlap the work of general police officers and work of tourism police officers need a cooperative business with relative organs. It is caused a role ambiguity conflict between tourism police officers and general police officers. The object of this study is to improve the tourism police system through investigate a perceived gap of role ambiguity conflict between tourism police officers and general police officers and influencing relationship of role ambiguity conflict between job Satisfaction and job Performance.

Consumers' Value-in-Behavior and Practice of Pro-social Consumption: Focused on Moderating Effect of Social Capital (친사회적 소비에 대한 소비자의 행동적 가치인식과 실천행동: 사회적 자본의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hyesun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.162-180
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the effects of value-in-behavior toward pro-social consumption behavior on consumers' pro-social practices and the moderating effects of consumer's social capital based on trust and reciprocity that enhances collective actions to seek socially common values. The result showed that the value-in-behavior toward pro-social consumption was positive in general, and altruistic value was the highest, followed by emotional value, social value, and functional value. The pro-social behaviors of age groups were significantly different. In all pro-social behaviors, the older group was more active, except for the rejection of the unfair business. The result also showed that the functional value and emotional value have significant effects on consumer's pro-social practices. The interaction effects between trust and emotional value and between reciprocity and functional value were significant. Based on these results, the theoretical and practical implications for facilitating the transition to the direction of consumer's role in making positive social impacts.

Study on the Identification of Packaging Design as a Trademark by Analyzing so-called Honey Butter Almond case (허니버터아몬드 사건으로 본 포장디자인의 상표로서의 식별력 - 대법원 2020.5.14. 선고 2019후11787 판결)

  • Ham, Sun Hea
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2021
  • This paper analyzed the so-called 'Honey Butter Almond case', which became a hot topic by showing that the packaging design of a product can be distinguished as a recognizable trademark, not just a pattern. In the judgment, the issue was whether the discrimination power of the registered trademark and the similarity to the previously used trademark. First of all, with respect to the discrimination power of the registered trademark, the court said that the package front figure functions as an identification mark of the source, as long as the specificity of the expression method and overall composition are distinct from the commonly used. And the court said that it is difficult to say that the dominant impression is similar to the previously used trademark (the snack 'Honey Butter Chip') in terms of its name and idea. This case is acknowledging the function of the packaging design as a product label, and also acknowledging it can acquire identification as a distinctive trademark through the uniqueness of its composition and expression method.

Comparison of Rehospitalization during the First Year of Life in Normal and Low Birth Weight Infants Discharged from NICU (신생아 집중치료실에서 퇴원한 정상 체중아와 저출생 체중아의 재입원에 관한 비교)

  • Min, Sae Ah;Jeon, Myung Won;Yu, Sun Hee;Lee, Oh Kyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.1503-1511
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Although the short- and long-term outcomes of low birth weight(LBW) neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) survivors have been extensively studied, much less information is available for normal birth weight(NBW) infants(greater than 2,500 gm) who require NICU care. Methods : We retrospectively examined the neonatal hospitalizations and one year health status of 302 NBW and 131 LBW admissions to our NICU. Information on the neonatal hospitalization was obtained from a review of medical records. Postdischarge health status was collected by using telephone surveys and medical records. Results : After initial discharge, 21.2% of the NBW infants and 23% of the LBW infants required rehospitalization during the first year of life and there was no significant difference between the two groups. The reasons for rehospitalization of the NBW infants included respiratory disorders (32.1%), G-I problems(26.2%), genitourinary problems(11.9%), surgery(10.7%), cardiac problems(7.1%), and congenital/developmental problems(1.2%). For the LBW infants, the order of frequency was the same, with the percentages slightly different. Neonatal risk factors related to the rehospitalization of the NBW infants included mechanical ventilation, duration of mechanical ventilation, and congenital anomaly. But no positive significant correlation of neonatal risk factors with rehospitalization of LBW infants was found. Conclusion : Low and normal birthweight NICU survivors were rehospitalized at similar rates. The most common cause of rehospitalization was respiratory problems. Neonatal risk factors related to rehospitalization of NBW infants were mechanical ventilation, duration of mechanical ventilation, and congenital anomaly. However, no positive significant correlation of neonatal risk factors with rehospitalization of LBW infants was found. The data suggests that NBW infant survivors, as well as LBW infant NICU survivors, require close follow up.