• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복합상품

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A Study of the Images of General Supers and a Department Store in a Local City (지방도시에 입점하고 있는 종합슈퍼와 백화점에 대한 점포이미지 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Gon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2012
  • Suncheon is a city comprising a rural and urban area, where there are four types of large stores. Studies have shown that there are too many large stores serving the local population of just 300,000. However, geographically, Suncheon is located at a transportation hub that borders the cities of Gwangyang and Yeosu as well as the local counties of Boseong and Gurae. Residents of these areas can reach these shopping stores within an hour's drive. Thus, the managers of these four stores regard residents in these areas as their valued customers and endeavor to create a differentiated image among them. In this study, 13 different images were used to determine the public's opinions and feelings towards these stores and the differences were analyzed. The store images measured overall store impression, diversity of the product, the quality of products displayed at the store, accessibility, the atmosphere, service to the customers, and so on. These images are evaluated subjectively by each customer and are major factors in them deciding to revisit the stores. The 13 images are classified into five main categories and further classified into 13 sub-categories. Three kinds of factor images were extracted from the store images in the five main categories by factor analysis using SPSS Ver. 19. The first factor image was extracted from the images of convenience, atmosphere, and service in the main categories and is called a sub-service factor for the store in this study. Accessibility to the store was classified as a convenience image in the main category and was extracted as a common factor along with diversity and the price of goods. These differences are expected according to the store location, that is, the difference between stores located in a large city and those in a small local city, and depending on the nature of survey respondents. The result shows that there is a significant difference between the stores' images with regard to accessibility, the price of products, brand image, and lighting/sound image. This study has the following limitations. First, the survey sample was restricted to residents of a small local city that includes rural and urban populations. The differences between the store images regarding traffic and accessibility are factored by store location, whether they are located within a large or a small city as well as the economic situation of these cities. Second, only the customers of large-scale stores were included in the survey as respondents. Relatively large traditional markets are held every five days in local cities and there is competition between large-scale stores and traditional markets with regard to diversity and the price of goods. It could be expected that customers in large-scale stores and customers in traditional markets would hold different store images. In future studies, images of stores in large cities should be compared with the images of stores located in small local cities. In addition, customer behavior when buying goods in large-scale stores should be compared with their behavior when buying goods in traditional markets.

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Preservative Effect of Garlic Stalk or Pork Cooked in Soy Sauce by the Addition of Botanical Antimicrobial Agent-Citrus and Red Ginseng Mixture (식물성 천연 항균복합소재 처리에 의한 마늘종 및 돈육장조림의 저장 효과)

  • 정준호;조성환
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • The mixture of botanical antimicrobial agent-citurs product and ginseng extract mixture(BAACG) was applied to garlic stalk or pork cooked in soysauce to extend their selflife. BAACG showed a remarkable antimicrobial activity against a wide spectrum of food-borne infection microorganisms and thermal and pH stability. In comparison with scanning electron microscopic photos of microbial cells not-treated and treated with BAACG the physiological cytomembrane function of BAACG-treated microorganisms was destroyed and the dead cell numbers was increased. The quality of garlic stalk or pork cooked in soysauce was controlled by the addition of BAACG in their raw materials. BAACG-treated garlic stalk or pork cookeries showed considerably to decrease the numbers of total cell count and expressed no odor and no sticky state appeared in the control. BAACG was expected to be a preservative agent which could be applied to raw or processed food stuffs in the view of food safety.

New composite distributions for insurance claim sizes (보험 청구액에 대한 새로운 복합분포)

  • Jung, Daehyeon;Lee, Jiyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.363-376
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    • 2017
  • The insurance market is saturated and its growth engine is exhausted; consequently, the insurance industry is now in a low growth period with insurance companies that face a fierce competitive environment. In such a situation, it will be an important issue to find the probability distributions that can explain the flow of insurance claims, which are the basis of the actuarial calculation of the insurance product. Insurance claims are generally known to be well fitted by lognormal distributions or Pareto distributions biased to the left with a thick tail. In recent years, skew normal distributions or skew t distributions have been considered reasonable distributions for describing insurance claims. Cooray and Ananda (2005) proposed a composite lognormal-Pareto distribution that has the advantages of both lognormal and Pareto distributions and they also showed the composite distribution has a higher fitness than single distributions. In this paper, we introduce new composite distributions based on skew normal distributions or skew t distributions and apply them to Danish fire insurance claim data and US indemnity loss data to compare their performance with the other composite distributions and single distributions.

Analysis of VMD Elements Characteristics of Chinese Lifestyle Shops (중국 라이프스타일 샵의 VMD 구성요소 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeon Ju;Lee, Min Gyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2021
  • This study differentiated it from previous studies by selecting Chinese lifestyle shops in the current situation where lifestyle shops are rapidly emerging due to the increase in single-person households in China and changes in consumption patterns. The purpose of this study is to present basic data for establishing VMD strategies for domestic lifestyle shops wishing to enter China through the analysis of the characteristics of VMD elements. The results of this study are as follows.The research results are as follows. In the display elements of the VMD of Chinese lifestyle shops-GAROSU, CH'IN, and Nome, the appliances and props used differentiated shapes and materials according to the product concept and design. There seemed to be a difference depending on the concept of the lifestyle shop. Also, there were differences in the form of VP and the presentation method of PP and IP in VP, PP, and IP according to the store product group and the amount of products displayed in the presentation element. In a follow-up study, it is considered meaningful to conduct a study on domestic lifestyle shops and a comparative analysis of VMD between Chinese and domestic lifestyle shops.

A study on the structural relationship between image, attachment, long-term orientation and behavioral intention as a tourism product of local traditional food (지역전통음식의 관광상품으로서 이미지, 애착이 장기지향성 및 행동의도간 구조적 관계)

  • Seo, Gyeong-Do;Lee, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2021
  • This study presented the analysis results and implications by identifying the structural relationship between the image of food tourism products, the long-term orientation of attachment, and the behavioral intention. The convenience sampling method of the non-probability sampling method was used, and the survey was conducted non-face-to-face due to COVID-19. This study was conducted for customers who live in Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do and have experienced local traditional food. As for the survey method, the main researcher's acquaintances and related experts were consulted and utilized to select the survey subjects, and the survey was conducted by sending/returning them by mail or e-mail. Statistical processing was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 statistical packages. As a result of the verification, the relationship between the image and attachment of food tourism, the relationship between the long-term orientation in the attachment of traditional food, and the behavioral intention in the attachment of traditional food are significant. A significant positive (+) relationship was formed in the relationship of hypothesis setting according to the research purpose of the relationship.

A study on the developmental plan of Alarm Monitoring Service (기계경비의 발전적 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Tae-Hwang;So, Seung-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2010
  • Since Alarm Monitoring Service was introduced in Korea in 1981, the market has been increasing and is expected to increase continually. Some factors such as the increase of social security need and the change of safety consciousness, increase of persons who live alone could be affected positively on Alarm Monitoring Service industry. As Alarm Monitoring Service come into wide use, the understanding of electronic security service is spread and consumer's demand is difficult, so consideration about new developmental plan is need to respond to the change actively. Electronic security system is consist of various kinds of element, so every element could do their role equally. Alarm Monitoring Service should satisfy consumer's various needs because it is not necessary commodity, also electronic security device could be easily operated and it's appearance has to have a good design. To solve the false alarm problem, detection sensor's improvement should be considered preferentially and development of new type of sensor that operate dissimilarly to replace former sensor is needed. On the other hand, to settle the matter that occurred by response time, security company could explain the limit on Alarm Monitoring System to consumer honestly and ask for an understanding. If consumer could be joined into security activity by security agent's explanation, better security service would be provided with mutual confidence. To save response time the consideration on the introduction of GIS(Global Information System) is needed rather than GPS(Global Positioning System). Although training program for security agents is important, several benefits for security agents should be considered together. The development of new business model is required for preparation against market stagnation and the development of new commodity to secure consumer for housing service rather than commercial facility service. for the purpose of those, new commodity related to home-network system and video surveillance system could be considered, also new added service with network between security company and consumer for a basis is to be considered.

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Effect of Germanium Treatment on the Quality of 'Niitaka' Pear Fruit (게르마늄 처리가 배 '신고' 과실품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Yeon;Kim, Wol-Soo;Choi, Hyun-Sug
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.675-679
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    • 2009
  • We investigated how Germanium (Ge) application, and the application method, affected 'Niitaka' (Pyrus pyrifolia) fruit quality in a conventional orchard. Ge-treated pears weredark yellow in color, indicating appropriate maturation. Other fruit characteristics, and weight, did not significantly differ between tests and controls. Compared to controls, fruit from Ge-treated trees had more soluble solids, a lower acid content, and fewer stone cells, which reduced fruit chewiness. Ge-treated trees showed a higher Ge concentration in fruit but a lower calcium (Ca) concentration. Other fruit mineral nutrients, includingP, K, and Mg, did not differ in level between Ge-treated fruit and controls. Ge-treated fruit showed greater firmness and a heavier specific weight during 6 months of storage, compared to control fruit. Therefore, Ge treatment reduced fruit pithiness, which can be a problem in 'Niitaka' pears. Overall, there was no significant difference between Ge-treated and control fruit qualities, but a combined Ge treatment (fertilization plus foliar application plus trunk injection) slightly improved fruit quality.

Analyzing Effects on Improving Infrastructures for the Development of Maritime Tourism Combined Fishing Ports - Focusing on ports in Gijang, Busan - (해양관광 복합형어항 개발에 따른 인프라정비의 파급효과 분석 - 부산시 기장지역 어항을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2007
  • Fishing villages have rich potential on account of serving as a base of fishing activities with various maritime ecosystem, culture and maritime resources as well. The object of the study is ports located in Gijang, Busan and it presents the overall development direction in ports within this area. Through systematic and well-planned developing small-sized ports, this research analyzes regional economic implications by improving settlement conditions for fishing villagers scattered around this area taking the ports' natural traits into consideration. The research correlates regional input output analysis by fishing port arrangement project with connection between inter-industries and inter-regions according to the model of input-output analysis and attempts to systematically analyze regional economic structure with the economic implication divided into production, employment and income, influenced upon by the change of political exogenous variable.

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Investigation on a Way to Maximize the Productivity in Poultry Industry (양계산업에 있어서 생산성 향상방안에 대한 조사 연구)

  • 오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.105-127
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    • 1989
  • Although poultry industry in Japan has been much developed in recent years, it still needs to be developed , compared with developed countries. Since the poultry market in Korea is expected to be opened in the near future it is necessary to maximize the Productivity to reduce the production costs and to develop the scientific, technologies and management organization systems for the improvement of the quality in poultry production. Followings ale the summary of poultry industry in Japan. 1. Poultry industry in Japan is almost specized and commercialized and its management system is : integrated, cooperative and developed to industrialized intensive style. Therefore, they have competitive power in the international poultry markets. 2. Average egg weight is 48-50g per day (Max. 54g) and feed requirement is 2. 1-2. 3. 3. The management organization system is specialized and farmers in small scale form complex and farmers in large scale are integrated.

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Consumers’Purchasing Process of Fashion Products on the Internet: A Qualitative Approach (인터넷을 통한 패션상품 구매행동의 탐색적 연구)

  • 김현정;이은영;박재옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.907-917
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    • 2000
  • Although interest in the potential and actual usage of the Internet as a transaction medium is increasing, the market for fashion merchandise on the Internet in Korea has yet to take off. As the Internet environment is expected to bring about a transformation of conventional consumer buying behavior, the purpose of this exploratory research is to investigate the buying behavior of fashion products on the Internet to identify relevant concepts and generate hypotheses for further empirical research. The research methods selected for the study were observation and in-depth interview. Twelve subjects who had purchased fashion products on the Internet were selected and interviewed. Those who could not participate in face-to-face in-depth interviews because of the geographic locations were interviewed on-line. The results are as follows: First, subjects went through the stages of shopping motivation stage, site choice behavior stage, in-site behavior stage, and postpurchase behavior stage. Second, a model was extracted for each shopping stage, and a final model was completed based on comparisons with the participants processes. The information content of each phase was discussed. Finally, each participant was classified using their purchasing process, revealing six possible mixed usage patterns of the Internet marketing system and the traditional marketing system.

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