• Title/Summary/Keyword: 병력조사

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치료용 레이저를 이용한 대상포진 (Herpes Zoster)치료 19례에 대한 보고

  • 배성동
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.123-125
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    • 1990
  • 문헌에 의하면 대상포진의 원인은 바이러스에 대한 세포성 면역이 저하될 때, 또는 악성종양 등으로 면역억제제 치료를 받아서 2차적으로 면역이 저하될 때 체내에 잠재해 있던 바이러스가 재활되어 발병하는 것으로 추정하고 있다. 본 저자도 이에 대하여 의견을 같이하고 있는데 노령층의 $60\~70$대 여자환자수가 압도적으로 많았다는 점과, $20\~39$세 사이의 청${\cdot}$장년층에서는 단1명의 대상자가 없다는 점뿐 아니라, 본 대상자중 11세의 소녀는 7세때 뇌종양 수술을 2차례에 걸쳐 실시한 후 면역제제를 계속적으로 사용하는 있는 점 등은 문헌의 발병원인과 상당히 일치하였다. <전파 양식> 비말 감염 (droplet infection)으로 전파되며, 수두와 달리 전염성이 높지 않다. <잠복기> 잠복해 있던 바이러스가 언제 재활할지 알 수 없으므로 불명이다. 그러나 본조사에서는 대상포진에 대한 병력을 가진 사람이 없었고, 발생 원인을 본인 자신도 모르고 있었다. <합병증> Ramsay Hunt의 증후에 의하면 합병증은 외이도의 수포, 안면신경마비, 혀의 2/3부분의 미각상실, 간혹 청각 및 평행장애를 일으킨다고 한다. <치료> 대상포진의 대증요법으로 calamine lotion Burrow solution의 wet dressing 진통제 및 cytosine arabinoside나 adenosine arabinoside와 같은 항히스타인제, 최근에는 Acyclovir가 많이 사용되고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

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The Analysis of Relationship Between Anal Disease Incidence and Life Style Pattern (항문질환 발생과 생활습관 양상과의 관련성 분석)

  • Lee, Seong-Ran
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.12a
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    • pp.334-337
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 항문질환 발생과 생활습관 양상과의 관련요인을 파악하기 위해 환자-대조군 연구를 시도하였다. 자료수집은 2011년 1월 10일부터 2011년 2월 28일까지 서울에 소재한 종합병원 외과에 내원한 항문질환을 있는 환자군 86명과 항문질환 병력이 없는 대조군 338명을 선정하여 설문 및 면접조사를 하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 심신저하상태는 환자군에서 약간저하가 67.4%로 대조군의 50.6% 보다 유의하게 높은 것으로 나타났다($X^2$=10.75, p<.05). 둘째, 항문출혈이 있는 경우가 없는 경우에 비해 항문질환 발생 비차비는 2.85(OR=2.85, 95% CI=1.41-5.48)이었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 배변시 심리적으로 편안함을 느낄 수 있도록 하고 개인의 규칙적인 배변습관을 갖도록 하는 것이 항문질환 발생 및 재발을 감소시킬 것으로 본다.

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통계 데이타베이스의 보호에 관한 조사 연구

  • Kim, Chul
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 1994
  • 정보화 사회에서는 가계, 기업, 정보 등의 정보 활동의 주체들이 가진 정보자산은 데이타 베이스(이하DB)와 소프트웨어(S/W)로 대변할 수 있으며, 이중 DB는 정보화 사회의 기반시설의 하나라고 볼 수 있다. 특별히 통계DB는 각 주체들에게는 필수적인 정보를 갖고 있다. 금융자산의 정보, 국방에 관련된 병력, 장비, 군수물자등의 정보, 회계정보 뿐 아니라 인구센서스, 경제계획수립 등등의 다양한 분야에 이 통계 DB는 사용되고 있다. 이러한 통계DB는 기존의DB에서의 데이타의 저장, 관리, 추출 기능외에 통계적인 데이타의 분석기능이 요구되고 있다. 통계 처리를 위한 데이타베이스관리 시스템(DBMS, database management system)은 주로 기존의 DBMS 에 통계처리를 위한 기능을 추가하거나 통계를 위한 DB를 따로 구축하는 방법을 사용하고 있다. 따라서 일반적인 DB 보호 기술과 더불어 통계 의 환경을 이해하는 보호 기술이 요구되고 있다. 일반적으로 DB 를 보호하는 방법으로는 물리적인 보안(physical security)과 운영체계 보안(operating system security) 이 있으며, 이들과 함께 데이타 암호화(data encryption)의 방법을 사용하고 있다. DB 의 보안 방법에 관한 연구 중 George I. Davida 등에 의한 방법은 중국인의 나머지 정리(chinese remainder thorem)를 사용하는 암호화 알고리즘을 이용하여 레코드(record) 단위의 암호화를 하며, Khamis A. Omar등에 의한 방법은 읽기, 쓰기, 갱신의 3단계의 사용자 등급을 부여하여 DB 접근의 제약을 가하는 기능을 갖고 있다. 본고에서는 특히 그 중요성이 더해가고 있는 통계 의 일반적인 개념을 살펴보며, 특성 지향형 질의 모델(characteristic-specified query model)의 보호기술을 살펴본다. 특별히 본고는 통계 DB의 보호에 대한 일반적인 조사 연구로서 잘 알려진 사실들을 많은 참고 문헌과 더불어 소개하는 내용으로 통계 DB의 보호에 관한 새로운 연구 결과는 아니다.

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A Study on Risk Factors of Recurrent Otitis Media (소아 재발성 중이염의 위험인자에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun Jin;Kwon, Young Ran;Song, Kang Hoon;Jang, Won Nyung;Lee, Jin;Chang, Jin Keun;Cha, Sung Ho
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Recurrent otitis media (ROM) is usually defined as ${\geq}$3 distinct and well-documented episodes within 6 months or ${\geq}$4 episodes within 12 months. ROM is sufficiently important to warrant consideration of chemoprophylaxis, tympanostomy tube placement. There also is evidence that children with ROM are at risk for both hearing loss and speech delay. However, studies of ROM have been notably insufficient. In addition, even though environmental, racial, and sociocultural differences can affect risk factors, few studies have been conducted with regard to recurrent otitis media in Korea. Methods : This study was conducted from July 2009 to January 2010 with infants and children who were younger than 60 months old, who visited the out-patient clinics at Han-Il General Hospital and Kyunghee University Hospital. Data were collected by interview using a pre-formed sheet. Among a total of 892 infants and children, 457 were excluded, and the remaining 435 were allocated to 104 with ROM and 331 as a control group. Results : Attendance at daycare centers (P<0.001, OR=2.85), allergic rhinitis (P=0.026, OR=2.32), past history of bronchiolitis (P=0.003, OR=2.33), and low socioeconomic status (P=0.005, OR=2.00) were found to have a close significant correlation with ROM. Risk factors such as sex, having a sibling, breast-feeding, use of pacifiers, atopy, pneumococcal vaccination, influenza vaccination, smoking of parents, and indoor smoking are not relevant. Conclusion : Attendance at daycare centers, allergic rhinitis, past history of bronchiolitis, and low socioeconomic status have been identified as risk factors for ROM.

The Difference of History Associated with Occupation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (폐결핵 환자의 직업에 따른 병력의 차이)

  • Song, Sun-Dae;Kim, Cheon-Tae;Koh, Seok-Shin
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 1995
  • This study was performed for 182 rural persons of patients who had admitted at National Masan Tuberculosis Hospital from 21th Feb to 18th Aug, 1994. We investigated diseased history based on the data according to the kind of occupation. The results were summarized as follows : The most common occupation was no occupation(35.2%). The most common age group was 5th decade(25.3%). By the age, the most common group in cases of no occupation was over 7th decade and under 5th decade, and agriculture was over 7th decade and 6th decade. Male(83.5%) were more than female, but wasn't significantly different. The most common group in the level of education was over the graduate of high school. The group that have ever drunken(p<0.05) and smoked(p<0.01) was significantly different in labour, service, agriculture, others. Family history, combined disease, symptom were no significantly different by occupation. Both lung fields on the chest X-ray was the most common site of invasion(82.4%). In the tests of AFB smear and culture, the differences according to the occupation were not. At the time of admission, the most common group in the state of treatment was initial treatment. The multi-drug resistance tuberculosis was no significantly different by occupation.

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Changes of Risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome among the Elderly in the Rural Area after Two Years (농촌지역 노인에서 대사증후군 위험인자의 2년 후 변화)

  • Oh, Suk-Hee;Kim, Ha-Jeong;Sohn, Seok-Joon;Sim, Jeong-Sin
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study was performed to examine the healthy lifestyle influenced on the metabolic syndrome among the elderly in the rural area. We examined the changes of risk factors of metabolic syndrome after two years. Method: Out of 134 who did health screening at the J county health center from July 1 to August 31, 2006, 65 aged people confirmed to metabolism syndrome were selected as subjects. For the final analysis, 62 aged people who revisited after two years were selected our subjects. The data were analyzed using SPSS PC+ 12.0 program for descriptive, Chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA analysis. Result: The result of this study indicated that 62 metabolic syndrome patients in 2006 decreased into 53, and women were higher than men. The difference in the metabolic syndrome came from level of education, smoking, health practices, and past illness history. Conclusion: Therefore, the change of lifestyle needs to be induced by the level of education, and for the group of smoking, non-exercise, and past illness history not only regular checkups to prevent metabolic syndrome but also education to have interest on themselves may need intensively.

The Risk Factors of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke (허혈성 뇌졸중의 재발과 연관된 위험인자)

  • Jung, Cheol;Kim, Wook-Nyneon;Kim, Min-Jeung;Choi, Soek-Mum;Eur, Kyung-Yoon;Park, Mee-Young;Hah, Jeng-Sang;Byun, Yeung-Ju
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.423-431
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    • 1993
  • To eveluate the risk factors which are related to recurrence of ischemic stroke, we selected subjects who were admitted to YNUH due to recurrent stroke and compared their risk factors with non-recurred group who suffered from single ischemic stroke. In the subjects, 55 of them are men and 22 were women and in the non-recurred groups, 84 of them were men and 40 were women, Subject's age ranged from 29 to 85 years(Mean 62, 5years), and non-recurred group's age ranged from 27 to 90 years(Mean 60, 7years), Peak incidence of ischemic stroke is in the 7th decade in both groups. Age and sex are not, statistically significant for recurrence of ischemic stroke. The patient's history of diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, transient attack and type or site of ischemic stroke had no significant effect statistically on the recurrent ischemic stroke. However, when the patient had previous history of hypertension or systolic blood pressure more than 160mmHg and diastolic more than 95mmHg, there was substantial difference(P<0.05) between the two group in the recurrence of ischemic stroke. According to the above results, hypertension is most likely significant risk factor of the recurrence of ischemic stroke within 2years after initial one. Therefore, adequate treatment of the hypertension is important for the prevention of ischemic stroke. Further study is required for searching other risk factors.

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Perception of Privacy and Sensitivity of Personal Information among University Students (대학생들의 개인정보보호의 인식과 개인정보의 민감도에 대한 연구)

  • Boo, Yoo-Kyung;Noh, Jin-Won;Kim, Yun-Mi;Kim, Sung-Soo;Rha, Young-Ah
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2015
  • By studying the awareness level of students, for the need to protect personal information, and also by studying students' level of perception as to which information needs protection, this study aims to show that increased education is beneficial, and necessary, across all university majors. This increased education is necessary to improve information security, and increase the responsible sharing of private data which has many benefits, specifically in the Healthcare field. Utilizing student volunteers across multiple majors at a university in South Korea. These questionnaires measured the students' awareness of private information, their perception of private information and also the students' experience in receiving university level education regarding private information and the need for its protection. This study shows that, when compared to students in other fields, students in the field of public health had a higher level of awareness regarding the consequences of personal information disclosure for both public purposes and medical research. Within the parameters of this study, this outcome can be explained as the result of exposure to educational curriculum which contained information related to personal information protection. This increased education raised the student's awareness of which information is considered private, as well as, which information is valuable when responsibly shared. As a result, this study shows that an increase in education regarding information privacy, should be included in all university majors, and gives us evidence to support that this additional education is valuable to students at all levels and should be encouraged.

Changes in Quality of Life and Related Factors of Surgical Patients with Thyroid Cancer (갑상선암 수술환자의 삶의 질 변화와 관련요인)

  • Choi, Hyang-Suk;Kang, Young-Mi;Lee, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.370-379
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted 1) to investigate the effects of treatment and other factors on the quality of life of thyroid cancer surgical patients and 2) to provide fundamental data for development of an intervention and symptom management program to improve the quality of life of those patients. A total of 76 patients who were diagnosed with thyroid cancer and underwent thyroidectomy from July 2013 to December 2014 participated in this study. To investigate the factors affecting quality of life, a t-test and ANOVA analyses were conducted, after which multiple regression analysis was performed. The results were statistically significant between preoperative and one month after surgery of sex, cancer history, fatigue, and quality of life until 3 months after surgery of stage, cancer history, anxiety, and pain. Multiple regression analysis showed that the most influential factors affecting the quality of life were depression and fatigue at one month prior to and after surgery and anxiety at three months after surgery, while no factors were found to be influential at six months after surgery. Overall, the results of this study suggested that it is imperative to manage depression and fatigue one month prior to and after surgery to reduce the physical and psychological pain experienced by thyroid cancer patients. Moreover, three months after the surgery, anxiety should be closely monitored and controlled to improve the quality of life of the patients. This approach is expected to reduce the burden on the health care system and social costs, which will positively affect public health.

Screening Evaluation and Predicting Prognosis of Craniomandibular Disorder Patients with the Solberg Questionnaire (Solberg 설문지를 이용한 두개하악장애환자의 간이평가 및 예후예측)

  • Mi-Hi Park;Myung-Yun Ko
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 1994
  • 저자는 1990년부터 1993년 사이에 부산대학병원 구강내과에 내원하여 두 개하악장애로 진단되어 보존적 치료를 시행받은 884명의 환자를 대상으로 Solberg의 악관절장애조사 설문지를 작성케한 후, 성, 연령, 병력기간, 진단명, SCL-90-R, 치료에 대한 반응에 따라 환자군을 세분하여 각 환자군의 설문지 문항별 응답양태 및 이에 따른 예후예측을 분석한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 악기능 및 예후악화요인 문항에서는 여성이 높은 응답수를 보인 반면, 기여요인 및 습관문항에 서는 남성이 높은 응답수를 나타내었다. 2. 고령층의 환자에서 행동 및 예후악화요인이 두드러졌다. 3. 만성군이 급성군에 비해 전 문항에서 높은 응답수를 나타내었다. 4. 혼합군 및 근육장애혼자가 관절장애환자에 비해 설문지 전 문항에서 많은 응답을 하였다. 5. SCL-90-R에서 비정상인 환자가 정상군의 환자에 비해 악기능을 제외한 전 문항에서 높은 응답수를 보였다. 6. 치료에 무반응인 환자가 성공한 환자에 비해 습관요인 문항을 제외한 설문지 전체에서 많은 응답을 하였다.

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