• Title/Summary/Keyword: 변용방식

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Development and Application of TDR Penetrometer for Evaluation of Soil Water Content of Subsoil (지반의 함수비 평가를 위한 관입형 TDR 프로브의 개발 및 적용)

  • Hong, Won-Taek;Jung, Young-Seok;Lee, Jong-Sub;Byun, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2015
  • Dielectric constant depends on the variation of soil water content, and the estimation of soil water content using time domain reflectometry (TDR) has been studied by many researchers. The purpose of this study is the development and application of TDR penetrometer (TDRP) in order to evaluate the soil water content according to the penetration depth. The TDRP consists of cone, sleeve, driving rod, hammer, and guide. Three electrodes, which are used to measure the dielectric constant of soils, are mounted on the surface of sleeve and, in turn, connected with coaxial cable and time domain reflectometer. To establish the relationship between the volumetric water content and dielectric constant, several laboratory tests by using the TDRP are performed in the specimens with a variety of volumetric water content. The experimental results show that the dielectric constant is strongly correlated to volumetric water content as polynomial equations with an order of 3. In addition, the volumetric water content calculated from the dielectric constant is similar to that obtained from the sample weight. In the field, a small sampler is used to compare the volumetric water content calculated from the dielectric constant with the volumetric water content obtained from the sample. The results of field application demonstrate that the volumetric water content estimated by the TDRP shows similar trend to the gravimetric water content of sample. This study suggests that the TDRP is effectively used to evaluate the volumetric water content of unsaturated soils according to the penetration depth.

A Study of Contemporary Korean Painting's Expressions through the Reinterpretation of Folk Painting (민화의 재해석을 통한 현대한국화의 표현에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Kwon
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.10
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2006
  • Reinterpretation of the visual characteristics of Korean folk painting in contemporary Korean painting is to seek directions of today's Korean painting. When examining expressions of contemporary painting we see that there is a reappearance of iconic images, a reinterpretation of both flatness and multi-perspectives, and an objectifying of pastiche folk icons with an experimental spirit. All of these techniques suggest methods of contemporary Korean painting through 'folk painting'. Although folk painting has been adopted in contemporary Korean painting for a long time, interest increased in the 1980s. With the prevailance of both national characteristic expressive techniques of realism and color painting, artists reinterpreted folk painting in their work, borrowing the traditional five colors, common contents, and iconic images. Particularly, an interest in 'Korean Beauty' drew people's interest back to folk painting which provided the significant 'Korean Beauty' of traditional expressive techniques. This study is to examine the characteristics of selected group of works that created a new expressive technique in today's Korean painting by either the reappearance or the reinterpreting of iconic images of the Chosun Dynasty's folk painting. To achieve these goals, the artists, who modify or reinterpret folk painting's visual characteristics with a contemporary sense, are divided into three categories in this study; 'The Readoption of the Folk Image', 'The Reinterpretation of Folk Characteristics', and 'Experimental Expressions'. As a result, it proves that folk painting is both a classical expression and national expression which was not only favored in the Chosun period, but also can be reinterpreted through today's visual methodology.

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  • Oh, S.H.;Kang, Y.W.;Byun, Y.I.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.367-378
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    • 2007
  • We present a software which we developed for the multi-purpose CCD camera. This software can be used on the all 3 types of CCD - KAF-0401E ($768{\times}512$), KAF-1602E ($1536{\times}1024$), KAF-3200E ($2184{\times}1472$) made in KODAK Co.. For the efficient CCD camera control, the software is operated with two independent processes of the CCD control program and the temperature/shutter operation program. This software is designed to fully automatic operation as well as manually operation under LINUX system, and is controled by LINUX user signal procedure. We plan to use this software for all sky survey system and also night sky monitoring and sky observation. As our results, the read-out time of each CCD are about 15sec, 64sec, 134sec for KAF-0401E, KAF-1602E, KAF-3200E., because these time are limited by the data transmission speed of parallel port. For larger format CCD, the data transmission is required more high speed. we are considering this control software to one using USB port for high speed data transmission.


  • Kang, Y.W.;Byun, Y.I.;Rhee, J.H.;Oh, S.H.;Kim, D.K.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.349-366
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    • 2007
  • We designed and developed a multi-purpose CCD camera system for three kinds of CCDs; KAF-0401E($768{\times}512$), KAF-1602E($1536{\times}1024$), KAF-3200E($2184{\times}1472$) made by KODAK Co.. The system supports fast USB port as well as parallel port for data I/O and control signal. The packing is based on two stage circuit boards for size reduction and contains built-in filter wheel. Basic hardware components include clock pattern circuit, A/D conversion circuit, CCD data flow control circuit, and CCD temperature control unit. The CCD temperature can be controlled with accuracy of approximately $0.4^{\circ}C$ in the max. range of temperature, ${\Delta}33^{\circ}C$. This CCD camera system has with readout noise $6\;e^-$, and system gain $5\;e^-/ADU$. A total of 10 CCD camera systems were produced and our tests show that all of them show passable performance.

We-Human -Being Together of the Lives (우리 - 사람 -생명들의 더불어 있음에 관해서)

  • Kim, Yeran
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.70
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    • pp.132-164
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    • 2015
  • The formation of knowledge of the people of Korean society is the social practices of collective subjectivity. Subjectivity is the truth of the self, which is incessantly created, questioned and modified in the milieu of self-reflection. In an attempt to examine the hermeneutics of the subject of Korean society, a conceptual framework is proposed, which, with the notion of life embedded, consists of a historical sequence of the popular, minjung, multitude, people and community. The period of 1960s saw the ambiguous mass of lifes floating, the individual with his/her own interior world of consciousness emerge. The ideological solidarity is formed in the the next two decades, in contestation with immediate and physical threatening such as poverty and dictatorship. The democratization of Korean society and the global expansion of neoliberal regime gave a re-birth of multitude and people which is characterized with their pursuit of the co-existence and co-realization of singularity and universality on the ethical principle of the open and communicative radicality.

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Identity and Characteristics of Korean Pungsu(Fengshui) (한국 풍수론 전개의 양상과 특색)

  • Choi, Wonsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.695-715
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    • 2015
  • The history of Korean Pungsu can be approached from two perspectives. One is through the history of its theoretical formation and evolution, and the other is through the history of its social and cultural formation and evolution. The former, i.e. Pungsu theories, was produced and developed by intellectuals as an elaborate system of cosmic knowledge and logic. The latter, i.e. Pungsu culture, was consumed and adopted by various social groups in their spatial life practices. It was Chinese intellectuals that originally initiated and carried out the production, formation, and development of the fengshui theoretical system. Intellectuals in neighboring countries adapted Chinese fengshui to their local environment, incorporating their own historical and cultural features, and practiced this transformed and indigenized form of geomancy. The evolution of Korean Pungsu can be summarized as having the following five characteristics. First, Koreans accepted fengshui from China, pragmatically adapting it to fit the Korean natural and social environment, and then used it for social discourse on space. Second, Pungsu had a comprehensive and varied influence on Korean culture throughout its different historical periods. Third, combined with social thought led by differing social classes, Korean Pungsu existed as an element of social discourse. Fourth, Koreans' theoretical preferences of fengshui were for the landform method over the liqi (理氣) method. Fifth, the Bibo philosophy was a characteristic feature of Korean Pungsu.

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The Appropriation of East Asian Mythology and Literature in Jeungsan Theology (동아시아 신화와 문학의 증산 신학적 전개 - 상상력의 법술(法術)과 전유(專有)의 신학-)

  • Jung, Jae-seo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.35
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    • pp.1-37
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we investigated the principle of appropriation by which mythology and literature were accepted in the unique religious context of The Canonical Scripture (Jeongyeong 典經). First, we knew that almost all of the gods that appeared in the discourse of Kang Jeungsan (姜甑山) were related to Eastern Yi (東夷) mythology and deeply rooted in folklore. This is because the cultural tendency and historic consciousness of Kang Jeungsan was influenced by Danhakpa (the Danhak School 丹學派). Secondly, when we investigated the acceptance of literature into The Canonical Scripture, we discovered that Tang Poetry (唐詩), Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguoyanyi 三國演義), and Journey to the West (Xiyouji 西遊記) were widely accepted in Kang Jeungsan's discourse. These works were used in diverse ways such as predictions, healing, and meditation. We knew that popular classical work like these were religiously appropriated in the context of The Canonical Scripture. Lastly, we investigated the mechanisms by which mythical and literary imagination was transformed into the Jeungsanist religious movements. Those mechanisms included the magical power of letter and images, sense-cognition of poetry, and the representational ability of mimesis. In conclusion, mythical and literary imagination helped Jeungsanist religious movements gain popularity and spread Kang Jeungsan's soteriology. This is especially true of how it transformed into unique religious techniques which functioned as key elements of the Reordering Works (公事).

Transformation of Ancient Greek Tragedy Revealed in The Killing of a Sacred Deer (<킬링 디어>에 드러난 고대 그리스 비극의 변용)

  • Kwon, Eunsun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2022
  • Yorgos Lanthimos' The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) uses Iphigeneia in Aulis written by Euripides, one of the three great Greek tragedies writers, as the archetypal narrative. Thus, Lanthimos introduces a mythical world stained with 'blood violence by a divine being' within the cinematic diegesis of a modern American metropolis. And the mythical motifs of curses and scapegoats are varied. This thesis tried to read the scapegoat mechanism, the oldest mechanism of escape from the crisis of collective sacrifice, and the imitative and mutual characteristics of desire and violence through René Girard through the mythical world built in the modern time and space of the film. Martin places a cursed oracle on Steven when his desire to place him in his father's place is thwarted. The 'good' reciprocity between two people is rapidly transformed into a 'bad' reciprocity. The Killing of Sacred Deer is an excellent portrayal of how the scapegoat mechanism works through Steven's family. The selection of the scapegoat by lot gives the sacrificial lamb a sacred character thanks to its divine nature, and the scapegoat becomes a sacred being, and the family order is re-established.

Recognition and Narrative Aspects of the History of Korean Classic Literature from Two Korean Literature History Works Written in China (중국 한국문학사 2종의 한국고전문학사 인식과 서술 양상: 남북한문학사와 자국문학사의 수용과 변용을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Deung-yearn
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.48
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    • pp.67-106
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on two specific history of Korean literature in Chinese: the outline of The History of Joseon Literature (2010) by Li Yan and The History of Joseon Literature (1988, 2008) by Wei Xu-sheng; it was conducted to compare narrative viewpoints to the history of South and North Korean literature and therefore identify distinguishable characteristics. As a result, the following was concluded. First, The History of Korean Literature by Cho Dong-il and The History of Korean Literature in North Korea (15 volumes) include thorough discussions on division of historical eras, concept of genres as well as individual literary works and applied such discussions on writing literary history. However, Wei Xu-sheng and Li Yan's The History of Korean Literature did not illuminate theoretical discussion of South and North Korea. Li Yan's outline of The History of Joseon Literature was published in 2010 and the first edition of Wei Xu-sheng's The History of Joseon Literature was published in 1986 and later was published as revised editions in 2000 and 2008. Regarding published dates, it is a matter of course to reference Cho Dong-il's The History of Korean Literature, published in the 1980s, or The History of Korean Literature in North Korea (15 volumes), published in the 1990s; nevertheless, neither Wei Xu-sheng nor Li Yan used those texts in their works. Their works were heavily influenced by the narrative tradition of the history of national literature and therefore, entailed unsophisticated discussion on the division of historical eras or the concept of genres. Second, those two texts also emphasized external factors such as politics, society, economy and culture and explicitly mention these factors in historical overview of each chapter. Such an approach is commonly used in narratives of literary history under socialist regimes, including The History of Korean Literature in North Korea (15 volumes). Accordingly, evaluations based on 'political standards' - stress of people, nationality, practicality and so forth - in main texts are particularly accentuated, akin to narratives of literary history under socialist regimes. Finally, since those two Korean literature history works are written by Chinese scholars, they focus on correlation between Chinese literature history and Korean literature history. However, several genre-related terminologies such as Xiaopin (a kind of essay), Yuefu (a kind of popular song/poem), Yuyan (fable), Shuochang (telling of popular stories with the interspersal songs), Shizhuan (biography or/and memoirs in history) were adopted directly from Chinese literature. In analyzing Korean literature using terminologies introduced from Chinese literature, differences between original and alternative definitions were not examined in detail. While some terminologies and concepts were adopted directly without further consideration as to state of the two nations, it is also interesting to note that dichotomy, mainly used in Korean literature history, was used to discuss the genre of Cheonki (romance tale), relevant to Suyichon and Keumosinhua, rather than follow traditions of Chinese literature history.

A Study on the Modern Understanding of SimChong-Jeon and its Storytelling Strategy in the Movie (심청전에 대한 현대적 상상력과 스토리텔링 전략 - 영화 <마담 뺑덕>(2014)을 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Horim
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.66
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    • pp.303-330
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this article is figuring out the modern understanding of SimChong Jeon's narrative and its storytelling strategy in the movie (2014). In the movie, there are three steps which are based on the temporal flow of narrative. shows the web-like structure of desire especially by focusing on the male character Sim Hakkyu. The relationship among characters in is gradually broken because of the desire. Moreover, the desire pushes Sim Chong who is Sim Hakkyu's daughter into the sacrifice. This part seems similar with the narrative of SimChong-Jeon which has been transmitted since 18~19 century in Choson dynasty. However, also tells a different story which describes the progress of Sim Hakkyu's seeking the real relationship filled with love. This difference is able to make people read with the 'stroytelling' point of view. All the lack or problem in is closely related to the desire of Sim Hakkyu. His narrative is something different from the typical story of SimChong-Jeon. A new narrative of Sim Hakkyu is not Sim Chong centered story but rather the anti of it. 'The other narrative' in seems social practice of storytelling in order to break down the preconception of SimChong-jeon called 'cannon'. This is the storytelling strategy of and it suggests the another way of creating new narrative which is based on the classical cannon.