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Biological Activity of Viola mandshurica Fermented with Bacillus methylotrophicus CBMB205 and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides NRIC1777 (미생물 분리주를 이용한 제비꽃 발효액의 생리활성 변화)

  • Lee, Ji-Young;Oh, Su-Bin;Choi, Nack-Shick;Park, Yong-Woon;Kang, Dae-Ook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to improve the efficacy and functionality of Viola mandshurica (VM). A water suspension of VM power was fermented for 72 hr with Bacillus methylotrophicus CBMB205 (BM) and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides NRIC1777 (LP) isolated from kimchi. The antioxidant activity and reducing power of fermented VM, its total phenolic and flavonoid compounds, as well its inhibitory activity on ${\alpha}$-amylase, ${\alpha}$-glucosidase, and pancreatic lipase were determined and compared to those of non-fermented VM (NVM), a negative control. The total phenolic and flavonoid compounds of VM fermented with BM and LP were higher than those of NVM by 1.4, 1.17, and about 3 times. There was no difference in 2, 2'-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity between fermented VM and NVM. However, there was a 2.1- and 1.6-fold increase in 2, 2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothzoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging activity in VM fermented with BM and LP, respectively. The reducing power of BM was 1.6 times as high as NVM, but no significant difference was found between LP and NVM. Fermented VM's inhibitory activity on ${\alpha}$-amylase, ${\alpha}$-glucosidase, and pancreatic lipase was much higher than that of NVM. Fermenting VM with BM was superior to fermenting it with LP, except flavonoid content. Taken together, VM fermented with BM could be used as a functional food and as an additive to cosmetics.

Antibacterial, Antioxidative and Antiaging Effects of Allium cepa Peel Extracts (양파껍질 추출물의 항균, 항산화 및 항노화 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Eun;Kim, A Reum;Kim, Min Ji;Park, Soo Nam
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the antibacterial, antioxidative and inhibitory effects of Allium cepa peel extracts on tyrosinase and elastase were investigated. MIC values of the ethyl acetate fraction of Allium cepa peel on especially, S. aureus among the skin resident flora (Staphylococcus aureus, S. aureus; Propionibacterium acnes, P. acnes; Pityrosporum ovale, P. ovale; Escherichia coli, E. coli) were 0.06%. The aglycone fraction showed more excellent free radical (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical, DPPH) scavenging activity ($FSC_{50}=5.05{\mu}g/mL$). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities ($OSC_{50}$) of the ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction in the luminol-dependent $Fe^{3+}-EDTA/H_2O_2$ system were 0.05 and $0.03{\mu}g/mL$, respectively. The cellular protective effect of the aglycone fraction on the rose-bengal sensitized photohemolysis of human erythrocytes exhibited more prominent (${\tau}_{50}$, 480 min at $25{\mu}g/mL$). The inhibitory effects ($IC_{50}$) of the ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction on tyrosinase were 9.16 and $8.68{\mu}g/mL$, the inhibitory effect ($IC_{50}$) of the aglycone fraction on elastase was $14.12{\mu}g/mL$ The transepidermal water loss of the cream containing 0.1% ethyl acetate fraction was decreased from $8.3g/m^2h$ in control to $6.8g/m^2h$ in the subjects applied with cream containing the ethyl acetate fraction. These results indicate that extract/fractions of Allium cepa peel can function as antioxidant in biological systems, particularly skin exposed to UV radiation by scavenging $^1O_2$ and other ROS, and protect cellular membranes against ROS, and possibly as antiaging agents. Allium cepa peel extract could be used as a new cosmeceutical for whitening and anti-wrinkle products.

A Study on the Confucian Natural Legal Ideology Embodied in the Korean Constitution (유가(儒家) 자연법사상의 헌법상 전승)

  • Moon, Hyo-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.56
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    • pp.47-80
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    • 2018
  • The traditional laws of Korea have undergone various stages of development over time. This includes the voluntary standards of the clean society. Korea's traditional legal systems, ranging from those of the Goryeo(高麗) to those of the Republic of Korea, have taken Confucian Phiosophy as their major ideological bases. At the center of these Confucian ideals, particularly in regards to pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy(先秦儒家思想) from where these ideals originated, lie the core ideals which emphasize the responsibility of each individual regardless of the social status(正名), the needs for a democracy in which people are empower and guide the state(民本), the importance of reigning with benevolence, moral excellence, and rite (仁義), and the differential love centered on kinship and humanity(親親愛人). These were the ideas as set forth by Confucius(孔子), Mencius(孟子) and Xun Zi(荀子). The current laws of Korea, especially in regards to the Constitution and the Civil and Criminal Laws, include a number of provisions that contain the Confucian Ideas of Law. The Constitution, in particular, which is also supported by the judgement of the Constitution Court, reflects several core Confucian ideals including filial duty (孝) and respect for ascendants and the traditional culture. The Court also suggested the two important standards of the constitutional legitimacy of the Traditional Culture. One is 'Age Compatibility (時代 適合性)', the other is 'Manifested Universally Validity(現在的 普遍妥當性)'. So we have burdened with the reestablishment of the Universal Ethics of the Confucian Ideology.

A Study of Zhuxi's Daoxuezhengzhi(道學政治) through his political frustration in the partisan struggle of 1196 Qingyuandanghuo(慶元黨禍) (1196년 경원당화(慶元黨禍)의 사상정국에서 주희의 정치적 좌절을 통해서 본 주희의 도학정치고찰)

  • Lee, Wook-Keun
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.473-507
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to understand Zhuxi's Taoxuezhengzhi(道學政治) by reorganizing both his political opinion in each different political situation and his consistent political consciousness appeared in his whole political career. He concluded that the politics was the real problematic in Southern Sung, which made its structure distorted. This distorted structure of politics had widely rooted in whole sphere of society. In order to cure this political problematic, Zhuxi had focused on huangdi(皇帝) and chaoting(朝廷). That is why people is the basis of State and the result of politics, while huangdi and chaoting is the basis of politics and the beginnig of politics. According to Zhuxi, forming their political power group of their own will by using huangdi's power, the political elites close to only to huangdi made the function of chaoting unstable, with the result that the political decay produced. In chaoting, it resulted in the weakness of huangdi's power, the collapse of official discipline(紀綱), and the absence of public opinion(公論) and public aggreement(公議). Beyond chaoting, it resulted in the absence of political trust and the degeneration of public morals(風俗). In the Southern Sung were not altered the political orientation and culture based on the political decay, but only political orientation and characteristics of political elite only altered. This proves Zhuxi's approach that all problems in Southern Sung could resolve by the political approach. Zhuxi had suggested political issues in office. The alternatives for those political issues had basis of the theme, the one that saving people(恤民) is the purpose of politics. However his political ideas and the execution of them had been occsionally collapsed by the complex political structue, the mechanisms of political power, and the sameness and privatization of political geography in Southern Sung. Qingyuandanghuo(慶元黨禍) was the final stage of his political frustration, with the result that it led to the failure of Zhuxi's taoxuezhengzhi and interrupted the tradition of taoxue(道學) for the time being.

Effect of Nuruk protease activity on the quality of anchovy sauce (누룩의 protease 활성이 멸치액젓의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Myeong Hae;Jeong, In Hak;Jeong, Seok Tae;Chang, Yun Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.356-363
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of anchovy sauce fermented using Nuruk to maintain a unique flavor, reduce fishy smell, and improve the fermentation rate. Six kinds of fermented fish sauces, including the control, fermentation using traditional Nuruk; SH Koji (Fs-A), JJ Koji (Fs-B), GJ Koji (Fs-C); and fermentation with improved Nuruk; Aspergillus luchuensis (Fs-D) and Aspergillus oryzae (Fs-E), were prepared. Samples were collected at 15 days intervals with 10% Nuruk added to raw anchovy and fermented at 25o C for 60 days. The free amino acids, especially glutamic acid content and amino nitrogen, were the highest in Fs-C, reflecting the high protease activity of Nuruk C (GJ). Regarding overall sensory evaluation, the control was the lowest, whereas Fs-C was highly evaluated among the sample groups. The addition of Nuruk not only shortened the fermentation period, but also increased the overall sensory level by adding umami and reducing fishy odor.

A Study on Current Status of Landscaping Supervision Quality Control and Improvement Measures in Apartment House Construction (공동주택 건설사업에서 조경 감리의 품질관리 현황과 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2021
  • This study was intended to present measures for the improvement of the apartment house landscaping supervision system by examining the adequacy of landscaping supervision, which is aimed at improving the quality of landscape plants and facilities in apartment house landscaping sites. Additionally, this study aims to identify the problems occurring in the process of the performance of landscaping supervision and to provide the evidence for legislative activities and revision of the laws currently being pushed forward for the mandatory deployment of apartment house landscaping supervision personnel. The results of the analysis showed that no landscaping supervision personnel was deployed to apartment complexes with less than 1,500 households and that the landscaping comprised 19% to 46% of the entire construction process. The civil engineering firm performed the landscaping supervision, which made it impracticable to fully focus on the construction quality in the field of landscaping. The quality control in terms of landscape plants revealed differences in quality control, depending on the competence and experience of the civil engineer supervising the personnel, where the landscaping supervision personnel was not deployed. The apartment houses landscaping supervision activity index was analyzed, and the results showed that the supervision activity index for apartment house A was 72.0, B was 70.4, and apartment houses C to G ranged from 38.7 to 46.9, which suggested that the difference in quality control, process control, and technical support affected the construction quality and occurrence of defects.The improvement of landscaping process quality control and process management will be carried out more smoothly and the rate of defects will be drastically reduced if the landscaping supervision personnel placement threshold is lowered from 1,500 households to 300 households in complexes. The results of this study are expected to be useful in promoting and re-establishing the landscaping industry based on the improvement of construction quality in the field of landscaping in connection with the construction of apartment houses.

Antimicrobial Synergistic Effects of Gallnut Extract and Natural Product Mixture against Human Skin Pathogens (피부 병원성균에 대한 오배자 천연 복합물의 시너지 항균 효과)

  • Kim, Ju Hee;Choi, Yun Sun;Kim, Wang Bae;Park, Jin Oh;Im, Dong Joong
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2021
  • This study was attempted to investigate natural materials with antimicrobial activity and to apply as natural preservatives in cosmetics. The disc diffusion method was used to search for nine species of natural antibacterial material for three species of skin pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Candida albicans. As a result of measuring the size of inhibition zone, Rhus Semialata gall (Gallnut) extract, Oak vinegar, and ε-polylysine were showed strongest antibacterial activities (> 10 mm). The Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of gallnut and oak vinegar ranged from 10 to 20 mg/mL and from 20 to 40 mg/mL against five human skin pathogens. The MBC of ε-polylysine ranged from 0.5 to 2 mg/mL in fungus. The synergic effect of gallnut extract/oak vinegar mixture and gallnut extract/ε-polylysine mixture were evaluated by checkerboard test. Compared to when used alone, the MBC of gallnut extract/oak vinegar mixture were at 4 times lower concentration against E. coli, C. albicans, and A. brasiliensis. Also Furthermore, the MBC of gallnut extract/ε-polylysine mixture were at 4 times lower concentration against C. albicans and A. brasiliensis. It was confirmed that the combination of gallnut extract with oak vinegar or ε-polylysine resulted in synergistic antibacterial effect against three human skin pathogens. Thus, it is expected that gallnut extract and natural product mixture can not only demonstrate antibacterial synergies, but also be applied in cosmetics as a natural preservative system with a wide antibacterial spectrum.

A Study on the Influence of Workers' Aspiration for Academic Needs on Participation in University Education (근로자의 학업욕구 열망이 대학교육 참여에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun;Mun, Bok-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2021
  • This study intended to present strategies and implications for attracting new students and customized education to university officials through research on the participation of workers' academic aspirations in university education. Thus, variables were derived by analyzing prior data, and causal settings between variables and questionnaires were developed. Subject to the survey, 331 workers interested in participating in university education were collected through interpersonal interviews. The collected data were dataized, and reliability and feasibility verification and frequency analysis were conducted. Finally, we validate the fit of the structural equation model and the causal relationship for each concept. Therefore, the results of the validation show the following implications. First, university officials should be motivated by a mentor and mentee system with experienced people who have switched to a suitable vocational group through university education. It will also be necessary to develop and disseminate programs so that they can continue to develop themselves for the future. To this end, it will be necessary to help them understand their aptitude and strengths through consultation with experts. Second, university officials should strengthen public relations so that prospective students can know the cases and information of the job transformation of the admitted workers through recommendations. It will also be necessary to develop university education programs that can self-develop, accept various ideas through "public contest", and provide accurate information about university education to workers through re-processing. Third, university officials should provide workers with a program that allows them to catch two rabbits: job transformation and self-improvement through university education. In other words, it is necessary to stimulate the motivation of workers by providing various information such as visiting advanced overseas companies, obtaining various certificates, moving between departments of blue-collar and white-collar, and transfer opportunities. Fourth, university officials should actively promote university education programs related to this by participating in university education and receiving systematic education and the flow of social environment. Finally, university officials will need to consult and promote workers so that they can self-develop when they participate in college education, and they will have to figure out what they need for self-development through demand surveys and analysis.

Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Migrated from Plastic Food Utensils, Containers, and Packaging Distributed in Korea (국내 유통 식품용 플라스틱 기구 및 용기, 포장의 중금속 위해도 평가)

  • Kyung Youn, Lee;Hyung Soo, Kim;Dae Yong, Jang;Ye Ji, Koo;Seung Ha, Lee;Hye Bin, Yeo;Ji Su, Yoon;Kyung-Min, Lim;Jaeyun, Choi
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2022
  • Heavy metals can be intentionally or unintentionally introduced into plastic food utensils, containers, and packaging (PFUCP) as additives or contaminants, which can be ingested with food by humans. Here, seven-heavy metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium, antimony, copper, and manganese) with toxicity concerns were selected, and risk assessment was done by establishing their migration from 137 PFUCP products made of 16 materials distributed in Korea. Migration of heavy metals was examined by applying 4% acetic acid as a food simulant (70℃, 30 minutes) to the PFUCP products. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was employed for the analysis of migrated heavy metals, and the reliability of quantitative results was confirmed by checking linearity, LOD, LOQ, recovery, precision, and expanded uncertainty. As a result of monitoring, heavy metals were detected at a level of non-detection to 8.76 ± 11.87 ㎍/L and most of the heavy metals investigated were only detected at trace amounts of less than 1 ㎍/L on average. However, antimony migrated from PET products was significantly higher than other groups. Risk assessment revealed that all the heavy metals investigated were safe with a margin of exposure above 311. Collectively, we demonstrated that heavy metals migrated from PFUCP products distributed in Korea appear to be within the safe range.

Development of Coaching Model to Enhance Teaching Capability of Lifelong Educator (평생교육교수자의 교수역량 강화를 위한 코칭모델 개발)

  • Son, Sung Hwa;Kim, Jin Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a coaching model which can enhance teaching ability of lifelong educator. To achieve this purpose, this study verifies and analyzes several documentary records related with diverse teaching capabilities, operation reality and coaching method run by lifelong educator. Furthermore, an in-depth interview about teaching capability was undertaken for field experts who have worked at the institutions of lifelong education for more than 10 years. As a result, the study could develop a coaching model to identify teaching capability of lifelong educator by conducting matrix analysis. First, according to the documentary studies, the paradigm for lifelong education has been shifted to centralize learner's demand with the advent of 4th industrial revolution and it suggests coaching capability which could enhance educator's capability should come first. A lifelong educator should have capabilities including identification of vision and goal, creation of mission declaration, development of coaching skill and procedure, management of crisis and coaching capability as an expert in the lifelong education field. Second, a model which can centralize learners could be developed for lifelong teaching capability by adopting a teaching capability suggested by field experts, According to the experts, it is essential to develop a program model to acquire professional knowledge, communication capability, understanding of adult learner, personal relations capability. If there is a model which can develop such capabilities, it is able to strengthen lifelong teaching capability to focus on learner's demand, mainly adult learners, a major consumer of the field. Third, a coaching model to enhance teaching capability for an educator is to acquire and implement sufficient step-by-step teaching capability which has been suggested from a procedure comprised of entrance, progress, critique and return. This, present study suggests, after the critique, a lifelong educator oneself can newly develop and extend a teaching capability basis on pursuing teaching capability as a lifelong educator through the return process.