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Comparative Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Act and its Enforcement Ordinance for Counter-Terrorism Activities (대테러 활동을 위한 테러 방지법과 시행령의 비교 분석)

  • Yoon, Hae-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.48
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    • pp.259-285
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    • 2016
  • As the need for anti-terrorism legislation has been continuously argued, Anti-terrorism act has been enacted and enforced. On the other hand, there still remain a lot of points to be discussed regarding the definition of the concept of terrorism, matters of human rights violations, strengthening authority of the investigation and intelligence agencies, and mobilization military forces for the suppression of terrorism. Also, reviewing Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft, this legislation seems to regulate terrorist groups like IS. If so, in the case of terrorism of North Korea or domestic anti-government organizations, whether this law would be applied could become an issue. In the case of terrorism of North Korea, Ministry of National Defense has a right of commandership in the military operations, however, it is also possible to apply the article 4 of Natural Security Act a crime of performing objective-or a crime of foreign exchange on Criminal law as legal grounds for not military terrorisms but general investigations. Therefore, it is necessary to involve consideration about this matter. Furthermore, in the view of investigation, Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft do not mention Supreme Prosecutors Office and Ministry of Justice that conduct investigations. In the case of terrorism, the police and prosecution should conduct to arrest criminals and determine crimes at the investigation stage, however, any explicit article related to this content in Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft was unable to be found. Although Anti-terrorism act is certainly toward preventive aspects, considering some matters such as prevention, actions on the scene, maneuver after terrorism, arresting terrorists, investigation direction, cooperation, and mutual assistance, it is necessary to reflect these contents in Anti-terrorism act. In other words, immediately after terrorists attacks, it is possible to mobilize the military operations by Integrated Defense act in order to arrest them in the case of military terrorism. Nevertheless, because both military terrorism and general one are included in the investigation stage, it needs to begin an investigation under the direction of the prosecution. Therefore, above all, a device for finding out the truth behind the case at the investigation stage is not reflected in the current Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft. Accordingly, if National Intelligence Service approaches information at the prevention level in this situation, it may be necessary to come up with follow-up measures of the police, the prosecution, and military units.

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Characteristics of Marine Terrace Sediments Formed during the Marine Isotope Stage 5e in the West South Coast of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 서남해안 MIS 5e 해안단구의 퇴적층 특성 연구)

  • Yang, Dong-Yoon;Han, Min;Kim, Jin Cheul;Lim, Jaesoo;Yi, Sangheon;Kim, Ju-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.417-432
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    • 2016
  • It was firstly revealed in this research that the marine terrace of the Ijin-ri (Bukpyung-myeon, Haenam-gun) was formed during the last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e; MIS 5e). The marine terrace totally ranging from 4.8 m (asl) to 8.8 m (asl) is subdivided into 4 units; Unit I ranges 4.8-5.3 m, unit II ranges 5.3-6.9 m, unit III ranges 6.9-8.3 m, and unit IV ranges 8.3-8.8 m. Strong evidences that units II and III were formed during MIS5e were obtained based on OSL dating, the physical characterizations such as particle size distribution, magnetic susceptibility and water content, principal element and trace element analyses, and quantitative clay mineral analysis for samples at the 30 cm intervals. The rounded gravels on the marine terrace are regarded to be originated from the clastic materials transported directly from the surrounding mountains toward the marine and abraded in the coastal area, without any fluvial processes. During the warmest period (125k, unit II), the increase in rainfall, along with the rapid rise in sea level, was likely caused the high amount of clastic materials transported to the upper part of the beach. As a result of comparing clay mineral ratios of study site with those derived from sediments of either tidal flats, or the Yellow Sea, it is interpreted that the sediments of study site were influenced from the marine. The results will be used to investigate the hydrological activity and sedimentary environment during the high sea level in the past.

Design of the Former National Tax Service Building Site on Sejong-daero as a Historic Urban Landscape (역사도시경관으로서 세종대로 (구)국세청 별관 부지 설계)

  • Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2016
  • The Seoul metropolitan government announced an open design competition for reconfiguring the annex building of the National Tax Service Building site on Sejong-daero as a space for citizens to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation. The site, built during the Japanese colonial period, has been in use ever since. This study, as one of the entries for the competition, described the strategy and design contents by drawing the concept and main points of the design through an analysis of the historical context of the site. As the guidelines instructed to consider the value of the Sejong-daero area and the cultural heritage through a comprehensive analysis, this study specified the site as a place connecting the past, present and future. Since the foundation of the Joseon dynasty, the Korean Empire and the Japanese colonial period, Sejong-daero has been a main site for important events and activities along with the change of the city structure. Jungdong, to the rear of the site, was a place for adopting new culture during the beginnings of modern Korea, while adjacent places like Duksugung, the Anglican church, and the Seoul City Council building have also been historic urban landscapes of the historical layers of time as the city has changed. When Gojong announced the Korean Empire, the city structure was remodeled with this site as the center along with Sogong-ro, Wongudan and so forth. In this study, public interest stated in the guidelines was focused and the relevance of the road and the plaza was considered from the view of an historic urban landscape by a comprehensive analysis with Sejong-daero as the center. The restoration of public interest was to be drawn as the concept of the object site by considering the current status and the change around the site and Jungdong at the rear. Returning the site to the public is ambiguous with the relevance of the restoration of public interest and as the symbol of the idea of the Korean Empire by Gojong's announcement. The object site, having the characteristic of being returned to the public, must ensure public interest and therefore the design strategy has been established with the keywords of openness, connection and void. As a result of a review of the alternatives, a plan for a square has an 8% slope, just as the original site does, and provides ramps for convenient access for all, including the disabled and the elderly, and is connected to the grounds adjacent. No construction is allowed at the terrace square of the Anglican church level and the main square connected to the pedestrian street, so a variety of modern city utilization can be done. The value of the site at which this design is aimed shall be given back to the public with the concepts of modern democracy, independence, and the vision of Gojong by reinterpreting the space from a modern viewpoint. This study focused on the processes of establishing a main concept and strategy rather than the content of the design details, and the suggestion is meaningful in that the design for the object site with historic backgrounds and the layers of time can continue to be grown.

Formation Environment of Quaternary deposits and Palynology of Jangheung-ri Archaeological Site (Jiphyeon County, Jinju City), Korea (진주 집현 장흥리 유적 제4기 퇴적층 형성 및 식생환경 연구)

  • 김주용;박영철;양동윤;봉필윤;서영남;이윤수;김진관
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2002
  • In Korea, many open-air upper palaeolithic sites are located at the river valley, particularly exposed in gently rotting terrain along the river course. They are situated at an altitude less trail 30 m above present river bottom, and covered with the blankets of slope deposits of several meters in thickness. The purpose of this research is to eluridate depositional and vegetational environment of the alluvial upper palaeolithic Jangheung-ri sites on the basis of analytical properties of grain size population, chronology, palynology, soil chemistry and clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of the Jangheung-ri Quaternary formations. The lithostratograpy of Jangheung-ri sit is subdivided into 3 layers based on the depositional sequence and radiocarbon ages. From bottom to top, they are composed of slope deposits with lower paleosol layers, young fluvial sand and gravel with backswamp organic muds, and upper paleosol layers. The upper paleosol was formed under rather dry climatic condition between each flooding period. Dessication cracks were prevalent in the soil solum which was filled with secondarily minuted fragments due to pedogenetic process. The soil structure shows typical braided-typed cracks in the root part of cracking texture, and more diversified pattern of crackings downward. The young fluvial sand gravel were formed by rather perennial streams after LGM. The main part of organic muds was particularly formed after 15Ka. Local backswamp were flourished with organic muds and graded suspension materials in the flooding muds were intermittently accumulated in the organic muds until ca. 11Ka. This episode was associated with migration of Nam River toward present course. Organic muds were formed in backswamp or local pond. Abies/Picea-Betula with Ranunculaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae were prevalent. This period is characterized with B$\Phi$lling, Older Dryas, Allerod, and Younger Dryas (MIS-1). Stone artefacts were found in the lower paleosol layers formed as old as 18Ka-22Ka. Based on the artefacts and landscape settings of the Jangheung-ri site, it is presumed that settlement grounds of old people were buried by frequent floodings of old Nam River, the river-beds of which were heavily fluctuated laterally and river-bed erosions were activated from south to north in Jangheung-ri site until the terminal of LGM9ca 17Ka).

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The study of Breast Specific Gamma Imaging Protocol using Self-development Phantom (자체 제작된 팬텀을 적용한 Breast Specific Gamma Imaging 검사 프로토콜에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Hae-Jung;Lee, Juyoung;Lim, Kuen-Kyo;Park, Hoon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2014
  • Purpose As breast cancer patients continue to increase every year, cases of BSGI are on the rise with a heavier reliance on it. However, BSGI protocol in hospitals was not studied enough despite it was covered by hospital's condition and recommendation of manufacturers. The objective of the study was an examination of methods to be applicable to BSGI protocols, putting the self-development phantom to use in quality assessment of the images. Materials and Methods Dilon 6800 (Dilon Technologies Inc, Newport News, USA) was used in the study and five different sizes of sphere were distinctively produced in the phantom. The study used $^{99m}TcO_4$. The cases were classified in to three categories that background radioactivity to region of interest as ratio of 2: 4: 8, They were acquired images for 5, 7, 10mins. The acquired image was set region of interest according to the size of sphere, and We analyzed quantitative and qualitative analysis. The acquired data statistically analyzed with SPSS ver.18.0. Results As the result of quantitative and qualitative analysis, count rate of each sphere in accordance with difference of injection dose showed that higher count rate as injection dose and sphere size increased (P<0.005). Count rate of each sphere in accordance with difference of acquisition time showed that higher count rate as acquisition time and sphere size increased (P<0.005). Contrast noise ratio of each sphere in accordance with difference of injection dose showed that higher contrast noise ratio as injection dose increased. Particularly, Contrast noise ratio of eight times ratio images was the highest among. Contrast noise ratio of each sphere in accordance with difference of acquisition time showed that higher contrast noise ratio as acquisition time increased. And, Contrast noise ratio of seven minute image was the highest among (P<0.005). Conclusion There was significant change of Contrast noise ratio through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Moreover, We found usefulness of phantom. If Institutions identified image through the phantom study and they made BSGI protocol, We expected to help the improvement of diagnostic value of the images.

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The Evaluation of Lateral Scatter Ray of Gamma Camera (Gamma Camera에 있어 측면 선란선의 영향에 대한 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Il;Lee, Eun-Byeol;Cho, Seong-Wook;Noh, Kyeong-Woon;Kang, Keon-Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2018
  • Purpose Generally, a collimator that installed in front of detector set a direction of gamma ray and remove a scatter ray. By the way, a lateral or oblique scatter ray is detected into crystal through collimator. At this study, we will evaluate a mount of count and spectrums of lateral scatter ray. Materials and Methods We used the SKY LITE (philips, netherlands) as a gamma camera, and $^{99m}Tc$, 1.11 GBq point source as a phantom. we put this point source at backside 50 cm of detector. After acquiring this for 1 min, we turned a detector next 10 degrees. Likely this, we acquired images at every 10 degrees from $0^{\circ}$ to $360^{\circ}$, analyzed images and spectrums. In case of patient study, we choose a 3 phase bone scan patient who had a hand disease, because scatter rays from body would detect on crystal. After acquiring blood flow and blood pool images, we analyzed images and spectrums. Additional, we put a lead gown on patient's hand, body. And then we compared and evaluated 3 type blood pool images (non lead gown, lead gown on a hand and on body). Results In case of phantom study, scatter ray counts at backside ($270^{\circ}-90^{\circ}$) are same with a background count. By the way, counts of scatter ray of oblique side ($0^{\circ}-50^{\circ}$, $220^{\circ}-270^{\circ}$) are 100-600 cps, furthermore, counts at frontside are over 4 Mcps. In case of patient study, a counts of hand blood pool scan are 1510 cps. But counts of hand with lead gown on hands and on body are each 1554 cps, 1299 cps. Conclusion Therefore, even though there is a collimator in front of detector, lateral scatter rays detect on crystal and affect to images and spectrums. Especially, if there is a high activity source at outside of detector when we examine low activity organs like hands or foot, we have to shield and remove the source at outside for a good image.

Paleostress Reconstruction in the Tertiary Basin Areas in Southeastern Korea (한반도 동남부 제3기 분지지역에서의 고응력장 복원)

  • Moon, Tae-Hyun;Son, Moon;Chang, Tae-Woo;Kim, In-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.230-249
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    • 2000
  • Southeastern Korean Peninsula has undergone the polyphase deformations according to the changes of regional tectonic settings during the Cenozoic. Through analyses of more than 600 fault-slip data gathered in the study area, five tectonic events are revealed as the followings: (I) NW-SE transtension, (II) NW-SE transpression, (III) NE-SW pure or radial extension, (IV) NNE-SSW transpression, (V) NE or ENE-WSW transpression. Event I was induced by the pull-apart type extension of the East Sea during 24-16 Ma, which resulted in the NW-SE extension of the Tertiary Basins in SE Korea. Event II was resulted from the collision of SW Japan and Izu-Bonnin Arc (or Kuroshio Paleoland) on the Philippine Sea Plate at ${\sim}$ 15 Ma, which stopped the extension of the Tertiary Basins and originated the uplift of fault blocks in and around SE Korean Peninsula. It was continued until ${\sim}$ 10 Ma. Event III is interpreted as the post-tectonic event after the block-uplifts due to the event II, which indicates a temporal lull in activity of the Philippine Sea Plate since 10 Ma. Event IV was originated from the resumption in activity of the Philippine Sea Plate which was restarted to move toward north at ${\sim}$ 6 Ma. The event made the EW compressional structures behind SW Japan as well as in the Korea Straits, and thus the block-uplifts in SE Korea was resumed again. Lastly, event V was resulted from the gradual decrease in influence of the Philippine Sea Plate and the cooperative compression due to the subduction of the Pacific Sea Plate and the collision of the Indian Plate since 5-3.5 Ma, which generated the NS compressional structures in the offshore along the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula and thrust up the fault-blocks toward west. This event is continuing so far, and thus is making the active faultings resulting in the present earthquakes of the Korean Peninsula.

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A Study on the Location of Urban Parks for Green-Network Revitalization - Based on Downtown of Busan - (도시공원 입지특성에 따른 그린네트워크 활성화 연구 - 부산광역시 도심권을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Gyu-Hong;Park, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2010
  • Seen topographically, Busan is a city that is coastal and hilly. In the city, most parks have been formed around mountain areas that are not so useful. They also are unbalanced in location among different regions of the city. The purpose of this study is to find how to manage urban parks towards green network promotion. For the purpose, this researcher first analyzed physical and environmental characteristics of urban parks located within the main living spheres of Busan. Then, the researcher examined interactive relations between those parks and downtown areas surrounding them to classify types of the parks. In association, the researcher classified the entire of the city into inland and coastal regions. And the researcher examined mountainous and hilly urban parks that were 150 to 300 meters above sea level in the former region and 100 to 150 meters above sea level in the latter. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. The above examination found that parks of Busan feature physically penetrating and overlapping with downtown areas of the city. How well the green zones of Busan in form of urban park are inter-connective and influential to each other heavily depends on shapes and functions that the downtown areas of the city have. In this study, urban parks of Busan were grouped according to their types and then analyzed. Based on results of the analysis, the researcher tried to find how to increase the utility of another urban parks that are expected to be formed and how to promote so-called the green network that integrates greens. Considering findings of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. In case of forming an urban park in a gently sloped green zone which is easily accessible and noticeable, it's important that the park should include a stream to which another green zone is converged or, if the park is located near a costal area, contribute to promote urban functions and openness. While, in a high-altitude green zone, it's more effective to form so-called the green way that consists of some limited usable site of the zone and greens behind it and then form a hub of regional community at the intersection between the main road and main gate to the urban park, contributing to the green network promotion.

Site Monitoring System of Earthquake, Fault and Slope for Nuclear Power Plant Sites (원자력발전소의 부지감시시스템의 운영과 활용)

  • Park, Donghee;Cho, Sung-il;Lee, Yong Hee;Choi, Weon Hack;Lee, Dong Hun;Kim, Hak-sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.185-201
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    • 2018
  • Nuclear power plants(NPP) are constructed and operated to ensure safety against natural disasters and man-made disasters in all processes including site selection, site survey, design, construction, and operation. This paper will introduce a series of efforts conducted in Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., to assure the safety of nuclear power plant against earthquakes and other natural hazards. In particular, the present status of the earthquake, fault, and slope safety monitoring system for nuclear power plants is introduced. A earthquake observatory network for the NPP sites has been built up for nuclear safety and providing adequate seismic design standards for NPP sites by monitoring seismicity in and around NPPs since 1999. The Eupcheon Fault Monitoring System, composed of a strainmeter, seismometer, creepmeter, Global Positioning System, and groundwater meter, was installed to assess the safety of the Wolsung Nuclear Power Plant against earthquakes by monitoring the short- and long-term behavioral characteristics of the Eupcheon fault. Through the analysis of measured data, it was verified that the Eupcheon fault is a relatively stable fault that is not affected by earthquakes occurring around the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula. In addition, it was confirmed that the fault monitoring system could be very useful for seismic safety analysis and earthquake prediction study on the fault. K-SLOPE System for systematic slope monitoring was successfully developed for monitoring of the slope at nuclear power plants. Several kinds of monitoring devices including an inclinometer, tiltmeter, tension-wire, and precipitation gauge were installed on the NPP slope. A macro deformation analysis using terrestrial LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) was performed for overall slope deformation evaluation.

Landscape Assessment and Improvement of the View Area by Selecting the Landscape Control Point (조망점 선정을 통한 대상지의 경관가치 평가 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyo;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;SaGong, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to quantitatively measure the view target and the view area through the selection of landscape control point by selecting Jimyeong-dong Dong-gu and Yeongyeong-dong Buk-gu Daegu, which are planned as the large scale housing complex development area, as the target places. It is very meaningful that from the simulation based on this measurement, the improvement methods are attempted to be suggested at the project level. The results of this study are as follows. First, the total number of viewing targets derived from the literature analysis for the selection of the viewing targets was 24, and finally derived main viewing targets were 4 places. Second, the total number of selection criteria of the derived landscape control point was 15, and these were re-categorized as prospect, accessibility and publicness according to the common property. The preliminary LCPs were selected by measuring the publicness and accessibility, and because of the said measurement, a total of 43 preliminary LCPs were selected. The final LCPs were selected by estimating the prospect of the selected preliminary LCPs, and as a result of estimation, a total of 29 final LCPs were selected. Finally, the total number of evaluation indicators derived from literature analysis was 26. Because of the valuation by the landscape control point, it was found that the 2 view areas were the I grade, 3 areas were II grade and 3 areas were the V grade, the lowest grade among 29 view areas. From the analysis on problems for the improvement methods, 4 improvement-indicators including the diversity of land mosaic were selected for the view area-1 without considering the development project drawing. In addition, for the view area-2 with considering the development project drawing, the landscape as the scenery forests was well formed, and the arrangement of architectures for the security of view corridor was right angle arrangement, and their floor number was 10.