• Title/Summary/Keyword: 배추

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Permeation Rate of Salt and Sugar into Cabbage Pickles and Sensory Changes During Storage (배추 피클에서의 염과 당의 침투속도 및 저장 중 발생하는 관능변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Jin;Baik, Moo-Yeol;Kim, Byung-Yong
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2018
  • The rate of salt and sugar into pickled cabbages was determined, and physicochemical characteristics, such as sensory, texture, and pH, of vinegar pickled cabbages during storage were examined at different storage temperatures and vinegar concentrations. The rate of salt and sugar penetration was faster in smaller size and on leaves rather than the stem of cabbage. Also, higher salt and sugar concentration and higher storage temperatures led to increase in salt and sugar permeation rate. As a result of sensory test, lower storage temperature is the most suitable, and 6% vinegar concentration was the mostly appropriate. Hardness and cohesiveness were decreased significantly at the initial $1^{st}$ week storage time, but storage temperature did not show any significant effect. Addition of vinegar contents enhanced the hardness, but decreased cohesiveness. The pH was lowered with increasing vinegar content, indicated most significant factor on pickled cabbage. In general, salt and sugar contents rather than storage temperature have greater influence on permeation rate, and especially, addition of vinegar affects the texture of pickled cabbage.

Reappraisal of Stimulatory Effect of Garlic on Kimchi Fermentation (마늘의 김치발효 촉진작용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Young;Choi, Mi-Kyung;Kyung, Kyu-Hang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.479-484
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    • 2008
  • There have been contradictory reports concerning the role of garlic on kimchi fermentation; therefore, in this study, the stimulatory effect of garlic on the fermentation of kimchi was reappraised. In this study, fermentation of kimchi prepared using spring Chinese cabbage was stimulated by the addition of garlic, but kimchi prepared using autumn Chinese cabbage was not. In addition, the results of this study revealed that the fermentation of kimchi prepared using spring Chinese cabbage was found to be stimulated by glucose, yeast extract, peptone, and secondary ingredients of kimchi, but the fermentation of kimchi prepared using autumn Chinese cabbage was not stimulated by these ingredients. Taken together, these results indicate that general nutrients in garlic stimulate the fermentation of kimchi by compensating for nutrients that are not found in spring Chinese cabbages. However, these findings do not indicate that certain specific substance(s) in garlic stimulate kimchi fermentation.

Prediction of Kimchi Aging Using Electronic Nose System (전자코를 이용한 배추김치의 숙성도 예측)

  • Shin Jung-Ah;Choi Sang-Won;Lee Ki-Teak
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.613-616
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    • 2005
  • The aging degree of Kimchi fermented at $4^{\circ}C$ for 29 days was evaluated by the correlation between the flavor and the acidity analysis. The Kimchi fermentation induced a gradual reduction in pH and an increase in acidity from $0.26\%$ (initial) to $1.15\%$ (29th day). Flavor pattern of the fermented Kimchi was obtained by the electronic nose system with 12 metal oxide sensors. Electronic nose analysis could differentiate the flavor profiles of Kimchi according to the fermentation periods, making 5 group in the principal component analysis (PCA) plot Therefore, aging degree of Kimchi could be differentiated by flavor patterns analysed by electronic nose.

Effect of microbial product on microorganisms in soil and growth of cabbage and tomato (미생물제재 처리에 의한 토양 미생물상의 변화 및 배추와 토마토의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 김지모;김철승;김현주;문병주;이재헌;이진우
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2002
  • Effect of the microbial product, which consisted of Bacillus coagulans DL-1 and rice bran, on the microorganisms in soil and growth of cabbage and tomato was investigated. Bacillus congulans DL-1 was isolated form the soil and identified in this study. Total number of microorganisms in the soil treated with the microbial product was higher than the untreated soil. The growth of cabbage and tomato on the soil treated with microbial product was faster than that on the untreated soil. The treatment of microbial product in the soil resulted in the increase of useful microorganisms, which seemed to enhance the growth of cabbage and tomato. It seemed that microbial product can increase the number of certain microorganisms and change the ratio of different species of microorganisms.

Studies on Cultivation of Flue-cured Tobacco of Vagetables Cultivated in the Fields I. Effect of Fertilizer level and Topping Depth on Yield and Quality in Flue-cured Tobacco (채소재배지의 연초재배에 관한 연구 I. 시비량 및 적심정도가 잎담배의 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 이종두;한종구;한철수;이정덕
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.270-276
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the optimum fertilization level and topping depth for flue-cured tobacco in the fields which chinese cabbage and red-pepper were cultivated. The fertilization level were 0, 25, 50, 75kg per l0a as tobacco compound fertilizer and the topping depth were topping floral axis, topping under the second leaf frp, axos and the fourth leaf from floral axis. In order to product good quality tobacco leaves in the fields which vegetables were cultivated, the optimum amount of tobacco compound fertilizer was recommended 50-75kg per l0a for the field of the chinese cabbage cultivated. and 75kg per l0a for the field of the red-pepper cultivated. The optimum topping depth was desirable at topping under second leaf from floral axis for good leaf quality in chinese cabbage and red-pepper cultured field.

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Biocontrol of Cabbage Clubroot by the Organic Fertilizer Using Streptomyces sp. AC-3. (Streptomyces sp. AC-3을 이용한 배추 무사마귀병의 생물학적 방제)

  • 주길재;김영목;김정웅;김원찬;이인구;최용화;김진호
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 2004
  • This research is performed for a biological control of Chinese cabbage clubroot, we isolated an antagonistic bacterium AC-3 against Plasmodiophora sp., causal pathogens of cabbage clubroot. The isolated strain was identified as Streptomyces sp. by culture morphology, biochemical reactions, and homology research based on l6S rDNA sequences. Streptomyces sp. AC-3 produced chitinase (9.3 units/$m\ell$) in culture broth. So Plasmodiophora sp. mycelia changed abnonnal swelling, curling and branching mycelia by Streptomyces sp. AC-3 culture. In a field infected by Plasmodiophora sp., the treatment of a organic fertilizer added 2% Streptomyces sp. AC-3 microbial inoculant, it resulted in about 50% reducing the severity of cabbage clubroot significantly on cabbage plants compared with treated organic fertilizer plants. Additional disease such as sclerotinia rot, fusarium wilt and pythium rot were also significantly reduced by the treatment of the organic fertilizer added Streptomyces sp. AC-3 microbial inoculant.

Examination about Recycling of Korean Cabbage Wastes (배추 쓰레기의 자원화 방안)

  • Ju, H.S.;Chung, Kiomin;Whang, Key;Lee, S.T.
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 1996
  • Korean cabbage waste is produced in huge amounts in the process of dealing, and most of them are discarded imposing burden on our environment. In case of Garakdong agricultural and marine market in Seoul, the daily average amount of Korean cabbage waste is estimated more than 355ton(64.1% of the overall amount in waste occurrence). Recycling the cabbage waste is important for the protection of environment and reuse of waste materials. We examined the present situation of occurrence of the cabbage wastes, normal properties of the dietary fiber, and the conversion of high value-added dietary fiber from the cabbage wastes. As a result of examination of the content of dietary fiber in Korean cabbage waste, we found that the dietary fiber content(2.5%) was higher than the known value(0.7%), and that in the process of extraction of dietary fiber, there was no significant difference between the samples added with amylase and protease compared to control.

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The Change of Residual Chlorpyrifos during Fermentation of Kimchi (배추김치 숙성중 Chlorpyrifos 잔류량 변화)

  • Yun, Shuk-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.590-594
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    • 1989
  • To determine the change of residual chlorpyrifos during Kimchi fermentation, the Kimchi was prepared and fermented at $4^{\circ}C$ for 4 weeks according to the conventional method. As a model experiment, chinese cabbages which were soaked in the chlorpyrifos solution were used for Kimchi preparation. It was found that the concentration of residual chlorpyrifos which was 0.161 ppm in raw cabbages decreased to 0.0938 ppm by 4 times of washing and further decreased to 0.0099ppm during fermentation of Kimchi for 4 weeks. In the model system, the residual chlorpyrifos decreased by the first order reaction as the fermentation of Kimchi proceeded . It's half life is approximately 1.8 weeks.

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Changes in Some Physical Properties of Kimchi during Salting and Fermentation (김치의 절임 및 숙성과정중 물리적 성질의 변화)

  • Kim, Woo-Jung;Ku, Kyung-Hyung;Cho, Han-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.483-487
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    • 1988
  • The viscosity of salt solution and Kimchi juice and salt penetration and hardness of Chinese cabbage were investigated during brining and fermentation at $4-35^{\circ}C$. The rate of salt penetration during brining increased as the temperature and salt concentration increased from 5% to 15% while the effect of temperature on the salt penetration rates(%/hr) was rather reduced as salt concentration increased. The hardness of the cabbage measured by puncture test showed a rapid initial decrease during salting and the viscosity of brine changed little. Fermentation of Kimchi resulted a little increase in viscosity of Kimchi juice while the hardness of the cabbage decreased rapidly as pH reduced to pH 4.2-4.3 and then increased a little thereafter.

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Quality Characteristics of Baechu-Kimchi Salted at High Salt Concentration for a Short Time (고농도 염수에서 단시간 절인 배추김치의 품질 특성)

  • Ryu, Jung Pyo;Yang, Ji Hee;Chung, Young Bae;Lee, Sang Il;Han, Eung Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.12
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    • pp.1913-1919
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    • 2014
  • Baechu (Brassica campestris var. pekinensis) was salted in 29.6% brine at $30^{\circ}C$ for 4 hours on mobile automatic salting equipment (MASE) with brine circulation four times, and the quality of MASE salted kimchi was compared with that of general factory salted kimchi (control, 12% brine, $10^{\circ}C$, 16 hr) for 5 weeks. Salinity, acidity and number of lactic acid bacteria of MASE kimchi were higher than those of control at 2.5%, 1.17%, and 8.38 log CFU/g, compared to 1.5%, 1.00%, and 2.68 log CFU/g, respectively, whereas reducing sugar content and texture were not significantly different. Overall quality of sensory evaluation was higher than 4.0 in MASE kimchi compared to lower than 4.0 in the control, and taste was significantly higher (P<0.01). The quality of kimchi salted at high salt concentration and high temperature for a short time was higher than those salted at low salt concentration and low temperature for a long time. Higher productivity in the Baechu salting process can be achieved by shortening salting time with MASE.