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The Advancement of Underwriting Skill by Selective Risk Acceptance (보험Risk 세분화를 통한 언더라이팅 기법 선진화 방안)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 2005
  • Ⅰ. 연구(硏究) 배경(背景) 및 목적(目的) o 우리나라 보험시장의 세대가입율은 86%로 보험시장 성숙기에 진입하였으며 기존의 전통적인 전업채널에서 방카슈랑스의 도입, 온라인전문보험사의 출현, TM 영업의 성장세 等멀티채널로 진행되고 있음 o LTC(장기간병), CI(치명적질환), 실손의료보험 등(等)선 진형 건강상품의 잇따른 출시로 보험리스크 관리측면에서 언더라이팅의 대비가 절실한 시점임 o 상품과 마케팅 等언더라이팅 측면에서 매우 밀접한 영역의 변화에 발맞추어 언더라이팅의 인수기법의 선진화가 시급히 요구되는 상황하에서 위험을 적절히 분류하고 평가하는 선진적 언더라이팅 기법 구축이 필수 적임 o 궁극적으로 고객의 다양한 보장니드 충족과 상품, 마케팅, 언더라이팅의 경쟁력 강화를 통한 보험사의 종합이익 극대화에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 함 Ⅱ. 선진보험시장(先進保險市場)Risk 세분화사례(細分化事例) 1. 환경적위험(環境的危險)에 따른 보험료(保險料) 차등(差等) (1) 위험직업 보험료 할증 o 미국, 유럽등(等) 대부분의 선진시장에서는 가입당시 피보험자의 직업위험도에 따라 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 가입하는 보장급부에 따라 직업 분류방법 및 할증방식도 상이하며 일반사망과 재해사망,납입면제, DI에 대해서 별도의 방법을 사용함 o 할증적용은 표준위험율의 일정배수를 적용하여 할증 보험료를 산출하거나, 가입금액당 일정한 추가보험료를 적용하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 재해사망 가입시 표준위험율의 300% 적용하며, 일반사망 가입시 $1,000당 $2.95 할증보험료 부가 (2) 위험취미 보험료 할증 o 취미와 관련 사고의 지속적 다발로 취미활동도 위험요소로 인식되어 보험료를 차등 적용중(中)임 o 할증보험료는 보험가입금액당 일정비율로 부가(가입 금액과 무관)하며, 신종레포츠 등(等)일부 위험취미는 통계의 부족으로 언더라이터가 할증율 결정하여 적용함 - 패러글라이딩 년(年)$26{\sim}50$회(回) 취미생활의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 재해사망 $2, DI보험 8$ 할증보험료 부가 o 보험료 할증과는 별도로 위험취미에 대한 부담보를 적용함. 위험취미 활동으로 인한 보험사고 발생시 사망을 포함한 모든 급부에 대한 보장을 부(不)담보로 인수함. (3) 위험지역 거주/ 여행 보험료 할증 o 피보험자가 거주하고 있는 특정국가의 임시 혹은 영구적 거주시 기후위험, 거주지역의 위생과 의료수준, 여행위험, 전쟁과 폭동위험 등(等)을 고려하여 평가 o 일반사망, 재해사망 등(等)보장급부별로 할증보험료 부가 또는 거절 o 할증보험료는 보험全기간에 대해 동일하게 적용 - 러시아의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망은 2$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 (4) 기타 위험도에 대한 보험료 차등 o 비행관련 위험은 세가지로 분류(항공운송기, 개인비행, 군사비행), 청약서, 추가질문서, 진단서, 비행이력 정보를 바탕으로 할증보험료를 부가함 - 농약살포비행기조종사의 경우 가입금액 $1,000당 일반사망 6$의 할증보험료 부가, 재해사망은 거절 o 미국, 일본등(等)서는 교통사고나 교통위반 관련 기록을 활용하여 무(無)사고운전자에 대해 보험료 할인(우량체 위험요소로 활용) 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 보험료차등(保險料差等) (1) 표준미달체 보험료 할증 1) 총위험지수 500(초과위험지수 400)까지 인수 o 300이하는 25점단위, 300점 초과는 50점 단위로 13단계로 구분하여 할증보험료를 적용중(中)임 2) 삭감법과 할증법을 동시 적용 o 보험금 삭감부분만큼 할증보험료가 감소하는 효과가 있어 청약자에게 선택의 기회를 제공할수 있으며 고(高)위험 피보험자에게 유용함 3) 특정암에 대한 기왕력자에 대해 단기(Temporary)할증 적용 o 질병성향에 따라 가입후 $1{\sim}5$년간 할증보험료를 부가하고 보험료 할증 기간이 경과한 후에는 표준체보험료를 부가함 4) 할증보험료 반환옵션(Return of the extra premium)의 적용 o 보험계약이 유지중(中)이며, 일정기간 생존시 할증보험료가 반환됨 (2) 표준미달체 급부증액(Enhanced annuity) o 영국에서는 표준미달체를 대상으로 연금급부를 증가시킨 증액형 연금(Enhanced annuity) 상품을 개발 판매중(中)임 o 흡연, 직업, 병력 등(等)다양한 신체적, 환경적 위험도에 따라 표준체에 비해 증액연금을 차등 지급함 (3) 우량 피보험체 가격 세분화 o 미국시장에서는 $8{\sim}14$개 의적, 비(非)의적 위험요소에 대한 평가기준에 따라 표준체를 최대 8개 Class로 분류하여 할인보험료를 차등 적용 - 기왕력, 혈압, 가족력, 흡연, BMI, 콜레스테롤, 운전, 위험취미, 거주지, 비행력, 음주/마약 등(等) o 할인율은 회사, Class, 가입기준에 따라 상이(최대75%)하며, 가입연령은 최저 $16{\sim}20$세, 최대 $65{\sim}75$세, 최저보험금액은 10만달러(HIV검사가 필요한 최저 금액) o 일본시장에서는 $3{\sim}4$개 위험요소에 따라 $3{\sim}4$개 Class로 분류 우량체 할인중(中)임 o 유럽시장에서는 영국 등(等)일부시장에서만 비(非)흡연할인 또는 우량체할인 적용 Ⅲ. 국내보험시장(國內保險市場) 현황(現況)및 문제점(問題點) 1. 환경적위험도(環境的危險度)에 따른 가입한도제한(加入限度制限) (1) 위험직업 보험가입 제한 o 업계공동의 직업별 표준위험등급에 따라 각 보험사 자체적으로 위험등급별 가입한도를 설정 운영중(中)임. 비(非)위험직과의 형평성, 고(高)위험직업 보장 한계, 수익구조 불안정화 등(等)문제점을 내포하고 있음 - 광부의 경우 위험1급 적용으로 사망 최대 1억(億), 입원 1일(日) 2만원까지 제한 o 금융감독원이 2002년(年)7월(月)위험등급별 위험지수를 참조 위험율로 인가하였으나, 비위험직은 70%, 위험직은 200% 수준으로 산정되어 현실적 적용이 어려움 (2) 위험취미 보험가입 제한 o 해당취미의 직업종사자에 준(準)하여 직업위험등급을 적용하여 가입 한도를 제한하고 있음. 추가질문서를 활용하여 자격증 유무, 동호회 가입등(等)에 대한 세부정보를 입수하지 않음 - 패러글라이딩의 경우 위험2급을 적용, 사망보장 최대 2 억(億)까지 제한 (3) 거주지역/ 해외여행 보험가입 제한 o 각(各)보험사별로 지역적 특성상 사고재해 다발 지역에 대해 보험가입을 제한하고 있음 - 강원, 충청 일부지역 상해보험 가입불가 - 전북, 태백 일부지역 입원급여금 1일(日)2만원이내 o 해외여행을 포함한 해외체류에 대해서는 일정한 가입 요건을 정하여 운영중(中)이며, 가입한도 설정 보험가입을 제한하거나 재해집중보장 상품에 대해 거절함 - 러시아의 경우 단기체류는 위험1급 및 상해보험 가입 불가, 장기 체류는 거절처리함 2. 신체적위험도(身體的危險度)에 따른 인수차별화(引受差別化) (1) 표준미달체 인수방법 o 체증성, 항상성 위험에 대한 초과위험지수를 보험금삭감법으로 전환 사망보험에 적용(최대 5년(年))하여 5년(年)이후 보험 Risk노출 심각 o 보험료 할증은 일부 회사에서 주(主)보험 중심으로 사용중(中)이며, 총위험지수 300(8단계)까지 인수 - 주(主)보험 할증시 특약은 가입 불가하며, 암 기왕력자는 대부분 거절 o 신체부위 39가지, 질병 5가지에 대해 부담보 적용(입원, 수술 등(等)생존급부에 부담보) (2) 비(非)흡연/ 우량체 보험료 할인 o 1999년(年)최초 도입 이래 $3{\sim}4$개의 위험요소로 1개 Class 운영중(中)임 S생보사의 경우 비(非)흡연우량체, 비(非)흡연표준체의 2개 Class 운영 o 보험료 할인율은 회사, 상품에 따라 상이하며 최대 22%(영업보험료기준)임. 흡연여부는 뇨스틱을 활용 코티닌테스트를 실시함 o 우량체 판매는 신계약의 $2{\sim}15%$수준(회사의 정책에 따라 상이) Ⅳ. 언더라이팅 기법(技法) 선진화(先進化) 방안(方案) 1. 직업위험도별 보험료 차등 적용 o 생 손보 직업위험등급 일원화와 연계하여 3개등급으로 위험지수개편, 비위험직 기준으로 보험요율 차별적용 2. 위험취미에 대한 부담보 적용 o 해당취미를 원인으로 보험사고(사망포함) 발생시 부담보 제도 도입 3. 표준미달체 인수기법 선진화를 통한 인수범위 대폭 확대 o 보험료 할증법 적용 확대를 통한 Risk 헷지로 총위험지수 $300{\rightarrow}500$으로 확대(거절건 최소화) 4. 보험료 할증법 보험금 삭감 병행 적용 o 삭감기간을 적용한 보험료 할증방식 개발, 고객에게 선택권 제공 5. 기한부 보험료할증 부가 o 위암, 갑상선암 등(等)특정암의 성향에 따라 위험도가 높은 가입초기에 평준할증보험료를 적용하여 인수 6. 보험료 할증법 부가특약 확대 적용, 부담보 병행 사용 o 정기특약 등(等)사망관련 특약에 할증법 확대, 생존급부 특약은 부담보 7. 표준체 고객 세분화 확대 o 콜레스테롤, HDL 등(等)위험평가요소 확대를 통한 Class 세분화 Ⅴ. 기대효과(期待效果) 1. 고(高)위험직종사자, 위험취미자, 표준미달체에 대한 보험가입 문호개방 2. 보험계약자간 형평성 제고 및 다양한 고객의 보장니드에 부응 3. 상품판매 확대 및 Risk헷지를 통한 수입보험료 증대 및 사차익 개선 4. 본격적인 가격경쟁에 대비한 보험사 체질 개선 5. 회사 이미지 제고 및 진단 거부감 해소, 포트폴리오 약화 방지 Ⅵ. 결론(結論) o 종래의 소극적이고 일률적인 인수기법에서 탈피하여 피보험자를 다양한 측면에서 위험평가하여 적정 보험료 부가와 합리적 가입조건을 제시하는 적절한 위험평가 수단을 도입하고, o 언더라이팅 인수기법의 선진화와 함께 언더라이팅 인력의 전문화, 정보입수 및 시스템 인프라의 구축 등이 병행함으로써, o 보험사의 사차손익 관리측면에서 뿐만 아니라 보험시장 개방 및 급변하는 보험환경에 대비한 한국 생보언더라이팅 경쟁력 강화 및 언더라이터의 글로벌화에도 크게 기여할 것임.

  • PDF

Effect of Acutely Increased Glucose Uptake on Insulin Sensitivity in Rats (단기간의 당섭취 증가가 인슐린 감수성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Woon;Ma, In-Youl;Lee, Suck-Kang
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1997
  • Insulin resistance is a prominent feature of diabetic state and has heterogeneous nature. However, the pathogenetic sequence of events leading to the emergence of the defect in insulin action remains controversial. It is well-known that prolonged hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are one of the causes of development of insulin resistance, but both hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia stimulate glucose uptake in peripheral tissue. Therefore, it is hypothesized that insulin resistance may be generated by a kind of protective mechanism preventing cellular hypertrophy. In this study, to evaluate whether the acutely increased glucose uptake inhibits further glucose transport stimulated by insulin, insulin sensitivity was measured after preloaded glucose infusion for 2 hours at various conditions in rats. And also, to evaluate the mechanism of decreased insulin sensitivity, insulin receptor binding affinity and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) protein of plasma membrane of gastrocnemius muscle were assayed after hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies. Experimental animals were divided into five groups according to conditions of preloaded glucose infusion: group I, basal insulin ($14{\pm}1.9{\mu}U/ml$) and basal glucose ($75{\pm}0.7mg/dl$), by normal saline infusion; group II, normal insulin ($33{\pm}3.8{\mu}U/ml$) and hyperglycemia ($207{\pm}6.3mg/dl$), by somatostatin and glucose infusion; group III, hyperinsulinemia ($134{\pm}34.8{\mu}U/ml$) and hyperglycemia ($204{\pm}4.6mg/dl$), by glucose infusion; group IV, supramaximal insulin ($5006{\pm}396.1{\mu}U/ml$) and euglycemia ($l00{\pm}2.2mg/dl$), by insulin and glucose infusion; group V, supramaximal insulin ($4813{\pm}687.9{\mu}U/ml$) and hyperglycemia ($233{\pm}3.1mg/dl$), by insulin and glucose infusion. Insulin sensitivity was assessed with hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp technique. The amounts of preloaded glucose infusion(gm/kg) were $1.88{\pm}0.151$ in group II, $2.69{\pm}0.239$ in group III, $3.54{\pm}0.198$ in group IV, and $4.32{\pm}0.621$ in group V. Disappearance rates of glucose (Rd, mg/kg/min) at steady state of hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies were $16.9{\pm}3.88$ in group I, $13.5{\pm}1.05$ in group II, $11.2{\pm}1.17$ in group III, $13.2{\pm}2.05$ in group IV, and $10.4{\pm}1.01$ in group V. A negative correlation was observed between amount of preloaded glucose and Rd (r=-0.701, p<0.001) when all studies were combined. Insulin receptor binding affinity and content of GLUT4 were not significantly different in all experimental groups. These results suggest that increased glucose uptake may inhibit further glucose transport and lead to decreased insulin sensitivity.

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EU's Space Code of Conduct: Right Step Forward (EU의 우주행동강령의 의미와 평가)

  • Park, Won-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.211-241
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    • 2012
  • The Draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities officially proposed by the European Union on the occasion of the 55th Session of the United Nations Peaceful Uses of the Outer Space last June 2012 in Vienna, Austria is to fill the lacunae of the relevant norms to be applied to the human activities in the outer space and thus has the merit our attention. The missing elements of the norms span from the prohibition of an arms race, safety and security of the space objects including the measures to reduce the space debris to the exchange of information of space activities among space-faring nations. The EU's initiatives, when implemented, cover or will eventually prepare for the forum to deal with such issues of interests of the international community. The EU's initiatives begun at the end of 2008 included the unofficial contacts with major space powers including in particular the USA of which position is believed to have been reflected in the Draft with the aim to have it adopted in 2013. Although the Code is made up of soft law rather than hard law for the subscribing countries, the USA seems to be afraid of the eventuality whereby its strategic advantages in the outer space will be affected by the prohibiting norms, possibly to be pursued by the Code from its current non-binding character, of placing weapons in the outer space. It is with this trepidation that the USA has been opposing to the adoption of the United Nations Assembly Resolutions on the prevention of an arms race in the outer space (PAROS) and in the same context to the setting-up of a working group on the arms race in the outer space in the frame of the Conference on Disarmament. China and Russia who together put forward a draft Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects (PPWT) in 2008 would not feel comfortable either because the EU initiatives will steal the lime light. Consequently their reactions are understandably passive towards the Draft Code while the reaction of the USA to the PPWT was a clear cut "No". With the above background, the future of the EU Code is uncertain. Nevertheless, the purpose of the Code to reduce the space debris, to allow exchange of the information on the space activities, and to protect the space objects through safety and security, all to maximize the principle of the peaceful use and exploration of the outer space is the laudable efforts on the part of EU. When the detailed negotiations will be held, some problems including the cost to be incurred by setting up an office for the clerical works could be discussed for both efficient and economic mechanism. For example, the new clerical works envisaged in the Draft Code could be discharged by the current UN OOSA (Office for Outer Space Affairs) with minimal additional resources. The EU's initiatives are another meaningful contribution following one due to it in adopting the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 to the UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on the Climate Change) and deserve the praise from the thoughtful international community.

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A Basic Study on the Establishment of Preservation and Management for Natural Monument(No.374) Pyeongdae-ri Torreya nucifera forest of Jeju (천연기념물 제374호 제주 평대리 비자나무 숲의 보존·관리방향 설정을 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Oh, Hae-Sung;Choi, Byung-Ki;Lee, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2014
  • In this study, Analyze environment of location, investigation into vegetation resources, survey management status and establish to classify the management area for Natural monument No.374 Pyengdae-ri Torreya nucifera forest. The results were as follows: First, Torreya nucifera forest is concerned about influence of development caused by utilization of land changes to agricultural region. Thus, establish to preservation management plan for preservation of prototypical and should be excluded development activity to cause the change of terrain that Gotjawal in the Torreya nucifera forest is factor of base for generating species diversity. Secondly, Torreya nucifera forest summarized as 402 taxa composed 91 familly 263 genus, 353 species, 41 varieties and 8 forms. The distribution of plants for the first grade & second grade appear of endangered plant to Ministry of Environment specify. But, critically endangered in forest by changes in habitat, diseases and illegal overcatching. Therefore, when establishing forest management plan should be considered for put priority on protection. Thirdly, Torreya nucifera representing the upper layer of the vegetation structure. But, old tree oriented management and conservation strategy result in poor age structure. Furthermore, desiccation of forest on artificial management and decline in Torreya nucifera habitat on ecological succession can indicate a problem in forest. Therefore, establish plan such as regulation of population density and sapling tree proliferation for sustainable characteristics of the Torreya nucifera forest. Fourth, Appear to damaged of trails caused by use. Especially, Scoria way occurs a lot of damaged and higher than the share ratio of each section. Therefore, share ratio reduction Plan should be considered through the additional development of tourism routes rather than the replacement of Scoria. Fifth, Representing high preference of the Torreya nucifera forest tourist factor confirmed the plant elements. It is sensitive to usage pressure. And requires continuous monitoring by characteristic of Non-permanent. In addition, need an additional plan such as additional development of tourism elements and active utilizing an element of high preference. Sixth, Strength of protected should be differently accordance with importance. First grade area have to maintenance of plant population and natural habitats. Set the direction of the management. Second grade areas focus on annual regeneration of the forest. Third grade area should be utilized demonstration forest or set to the area for proliferate sapling. Fourth grade areas require the introduced of partial rest system that disturbance are often found in proper vegetation. Fifth grade area appropriate to the service area for promoting tourism by utilizing natural resources in Torreya nucifera forest. Furthermore, installation of a buffer zone in relatively low ratings area and periodic monitoring to the improvement of edge effect that adjacent areas of different class.

Review of 2015 Major Medical Decisions (2015년 주요 의료판결 분석)

  • Yoo, Hyun Jung;Lee, Dong Pil;Lee, Jung Sun;Jeong, Hye Seung;Park, Tae Shin
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.299-346
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    • 2016
  • There were also various decisions made in medical area in 2015. In the case that an inmate in a sanatorium was injured due to the reason which can be attributable to the sanatorium and the social welfare foundation that operates the sanatorium request treatment of the patient, the court set the standard of fixation of a party in medical contract. In the case that the family of the patient who was declared brain dead required withdrawal of meaningless life sustaining treatment but the hospital rejected and continued the treatment, the court made a decision regarding chargeable fee for such treatment. When it comes to the eye brightening operation which received measure of suspension from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the first time in February, 2011, because of uncertainty of its safety, the court did not accept the illegality of such operation itself, however, ordered compensation of the whole damage based on the violation of liability for explanation, which is the omission of explanation about the fact that the cost-effectiveness is not sure as it is still in clinical test stage. There were numerous cases that courts actively acknowledged malpractices; in the cases of paresis syndrome after back surgery, quite a few malpractices during the surgery were acknowledged by the court and in the case of nosocomial infection, hospital's negligence to cause such nosocomial infection was acknowledged by the court. There was a decision which acknowledged malpractice by distinguishing the duty of installation of emergency equipment according to the Emergency Medical Service Act and duty of emergency measure in emergency situations, and a decision which acknowledged negligence of a hospital if the hospital did not take appropriate measures, although it was a very rare disease. In connection with the scope of compensation for damage, there were decisions which comply with substantive truth such as; a court applied different labor ability loss rate as the labor ability loss rate decreased after result of reappraisal of physical ability in appeal compared to the one in the first trial, and a court acknowledged lower labor ability loss rate than the result of appraisal of physical ability considering the condition of a patient, etc. In the event of any damage caused by malpractice, in regard to whether there is a limitation on liability in fee charge after such medical malpractice, the court rejected the hospital's claim for setoff saying that if the hospital only continued treatments to cure the patient or prevent aggravation of disease, the hospital cannot charge Medical bills to the patient. In regard to the provision of the Medical Law that prohibit medical advertisement which was not reviewed preliminarily and punish the violation of such, a decision of unconstitutionality was made as it is a precensorship by an administrative agency as the deliberative bodies such as Korean Medical Association, etc. cannot be denied to be considered as administrative bodies. When it comes to the issue whether PRP treatment, which is commonly performed clinically, should be considered as legally determined uninsured treatment, the court made it clear that legally determined uninsured treatment should not be decided by theoretical possibility or actual implementation but should be acknowledged its medical safety and effectiveness and included in medical care or legally determined uninsured treatment. Moreover, court acknowledged the illegality of investigation method or process in the administrative litigation regarding evaluation of suitability of sanatorium, however, denied the compensation liability or restitution of unjust enrichment of the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service and the National Health Insurance Corporation as the evaluation agents did not cause such violation intentionally or negligently. We hope there will be more decisions which are closer to substantive truth through clear legal principles in respect of variously arisen issues in the future.

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Effects of Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Glycol on the Dimensional Stabilization of Wood (Polyethylene Glycol의 분자량(分子量)이 목재(木材)의 치수 안정화(安定化)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Cheon, Cheol;Oh, Joung Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.71 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 1985
  • This study was carried out in order to prevent the devaluation of wood itself and wood products causing by anisotropy, hygroscopicity, shrinkage and swelling - properties that wood itself only have, in order to improve utility of wood, by emphasizing the natural beautiful figures of wood, to develop the dimensional stabilization techniques of wood with PEG that it is a cheap, non-toxic and the impregnation treatment is not difficult, on the effects of PEG molecular weights (200, 400, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000) and species (Pinus densiflora S. et Z., Larix leptolepis Gordon., Cryptomeria japonica D. Don., Cornus controversa Hemsl., Quercus variabilis Blume., Prunus sargentii Rehder.). The results were as follows; 1) PEG loading showed the maximum value (137.22%, Pinus densiflora, in PEG 400), the others showed that relatively slow decrease. The lower specific gravity, the more polymer loading. 2) Bulking coefficient didn't particularly show the correlation with specific gravity, for the most part, indicated the maximum values in PEG 600, except that the bulking coefficient of Quercus variabilis distributed between the range of 12-18% in PEG 400-2000. In general, the bulking coefficient of hardwood was higher than that of softwood. 3) Although there was more or less an exception according to species, volumetric swelling reduction was the greatest in PEG 400. That is, its value of Cryptomeria japonica was the greatest value with 95.0%, the others indicated more than 80% except for Prunus sargentii, while volumetric swelling reduction was decreased less than 70% as the molecular weight increase more than 1000. 4) The relative effectiveness of hardwood with high specific gravity was outstandingly higher than softwood. In general, the relative effectiveness of low molecular weight PEG was superior to those of high molecular weight PEG except that Quercus variabilis showed more than 1.6 to the total molecular weight range, while it was no significant difference as the molecular weight increase more than 4000. 5) According to the analysis of the results mentioned above, the dimensional stabilization of hardwood was more effective than softwood. Although volumetric swelling reduction was the greatest at a molecular weight of 400. In the view of polymer loading, bulking coefficiency reduction of swelling and relative effectiveness, it is desirable to use the mixture of PEG of molecular weight in the range of 200-1500. To practical use, it is recommended to study about the effects on the mixed ratio on the bulking coefficient, reduction of swelling and relative effectiveness.

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A Study on the Improvement of Recommendation Accuracy by Using Category Association Rule Mining (카테고리 연관 규칙 마이닝을 활용한 추천 정확도 향상 기법)

  • Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2020
  • Traditional companies with offline stores were unable to secure large display space due to the problems of cost. This limitation inevitably allowed limited kinds of products to be displayed on the shelves, which resulted in consumers being deprived of the opportunity to experience various items. Taking advantage of the virtual space called the Internet, online shopping goes beyond the limits of limitations in physical space of offline shopping and is now able to display numerous products on web pages that can satisfy consumers with a variety of needs. Paradoxically, however, this can also cause consumers to experience the difficulty of comparing and evaluating too many alternatives in their purchase decision-making process. As an effort to address this side effect, various kinds of consumer's purchase decision support systems have been studied, such as keyword-based item search service and recommender systems. These systems can reduce search time for items, prevent consumer from leaving while browsing, and contribute to the seller's increased sales. Among those systems, recommender systems based on association rule mining techniques can effectively detect interrelated products from transaction data such as orders. The association between products obtained by statistical analysis provides clues to predicting how interested consumers will be in another product. However, since its algorithm is based on the number of transactions, products not sold enough so far in the early days of launch may not be included in the list of recommendations even though they are highly likely to be sold. Such missing items may not have sufficient opportunities to be exposed to consumers to record sufficient sales, and then fall into a vicious cycle of a vicious cycle of declining sales and omission in the recommendation list. This situation is an inevitable outcome in situations in which recommendations are made based on past transaction histories, rather than on determining potential future sales possibilities. This study started with the idea that reflecting the means by which this potential possibility can be identified indirectly would help to select highly recommended products. In the light of the fact that the attributes of a product affect the consumer's purchasing decisions, this study was conducted to reflect them in the recommender systems. In other words, consumers who visit a product page have shown interest in the attributes of the product and would be also interested in other products with the same attributes. On such assumption, based on these attributes, the recommender system can select recommended products that can show a higher acceptance rate. Given that a category is one of the main attributes of a product, it can be a good indicator of not only direct associations between two items but also potential associations that have yet to be revealed. Based on this idea, the study devised a recommender system that reflects not only associations between products but also categories. Through regression analysis, two kinds of associations were combined to form a model that could predict the hit rate of recommendation. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, another regression model was also developed based only on associations between products. Comparative experiments were designed to be similar to the environment in which products are actually recommended in online shopping malls. First, the association rules for all possible combinations of antecedent and consequent items were generated from the order data. Then, hit rates for each of the associated rules were predicted from the support and confidence that are calculated by each of the models. The comparative experiments using order data collected from an online shopping mall show that the recommendation accuracy can be improved by further reflecting not only the association between products but also categories in the recommendation of related products. The proposed model showed a 2 to 3 percent improvement in hit rates compared to the existing model. From a practical point of view, it is expected to have a positive effect on improving consumers' purchasing satisfaction and increasing sellers' sales.

Evaluation of the Modified Hybrid-VMAT for multiple bone metastatic cancer (다중표적 뼈 전이암의 하이브리드 세기변조(modified hybrid-VMAT) 방사선치료계획 유용성 평가)

  • Jung, Il Hun;Cho, Yoon Jin;Chang, Won Suk;Kim, Sei Joon;Ha, Jin Sook;Jeon, Mi Jin;Jung, In Ho;Kim, Jong Dea;Shin, Dong Bong;Lee, Ik Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.30 no.1_2
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : This study evaluates the usefulness of the Modified Hybrid-VMAT scheme with consideration of background radiation when establishing a treatment plan for multiple bone metastatic cancer including multiple tumors on the same axis. Materials and Methods : The subjects of this study consisted of five patients with multiple bone metastatic cancer on the same axis. The planning target volume(PTV) prescription dose was 30 Gy, and the treatment plan was established using Ray Station(Ray station,, Sweden). In the treatment plan for each patient, two or more tumors were set as one isocenter. A volumetric modulated arc therapy(VMAT) plan, a hybrid VMAT(h) plan with no consideration of background radiation, and a modified hybrid VMAT(mh) with consideration of background radiation were established. Then, using each dose volume histogram(DVH), the PTV maximum dose($D_{max}$), mean dose($D_{mean}$), conformity index(CI), and homogeneity index(HI) were compared among the plans. In addition, the organ at risk(OAR) of each treatment site was evaluated, and the total MU(Monitor Unit) and treatment time were also analyzed. Results : The PTV $D_{max}$ values of VMAT, VMAT(h) and VMAT(mh) were 3188.33 cGy, 3526 cGy, and 3285.67 cGy, the $D_{mean}$ values were 3081 cGy, 3252 cGy, and 3094 cGy; the CI values were $1.35{\pm}0.19$, $1.43{\pm}0.12$, and $1.30{\pm}0.06$; the HI values were $1.06{\pm}0.01$, $1.14{\pm}0.06$, and $1.09{\pm}0.02$; and the VMAT(h) OAR value was increased 3 %, and VMAT(mh) OAR value was decreased 18 %, respectively. Furthermore, the mean MU values were 904.90, 911.73, and 1202.13, and the mean beam on times were $128.67{\pm}10.97$, $167.33{\pm}7.57$, and $190.33{\pm}4.51$ respectively. Conclusions : Applying Modified Hybrid-VMAT when treating multiple targets can prevent overdose by correcting the overlapping of doses. Furthermore, it is possible to establish a treatment plan that can protect surrounding normal organs more effectively while satisfying the inclusion of PTV dose. Long-term follow-up of many patients is necessary to confirm the clinical efficacy of Modified Hybrid-VMAT.

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Simultaneous Production System of Silkworm Dongchunghacho and Male Pupae Using Both Parent Sex-limited Larval Marking Variety (한성반문잠품종을 이용한 누에동충하초 및 숫번데기의 동시 생산체계)

  • Ji, Sang-Duk;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kang, Pil-Don;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Hong, In-Pyo;Ryu, Kang Sun;Kim, Young-Ki;Nam, Sung-Hee;Kim, Mi-Ja;Kim, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to confirm the mass production of male pupae and sex-limited larval marking variety as a host for synnemata production of Isaria tenupes in RDA(Rural Development Administration). Silkworm pupation, infection rate and synnemate formation of I.tenuipes were examined. Among the silkworm varieties tested, male Hansaengjam showed the highest pupation rate at 98.7%. I. tenuipes infection rate of larvae of newly-exuviated 5th instar silkworm was 83.7 ~ 90.4% in the spring rearing season and 91.7 ~ 96.6% in the autumn rearing season. Synnemata production of I. tenuipes was execellent in female Yangwonjam with an incidence rate of 99.5% followed by male Yangwonjam(99.5%) and Baegokjam(99.4%) in the spring and autumn rearing season. Synnemata living weight ranged from 0.93 ~ 1.25 g in the spring rearing season. The female Hansaengjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(1.25 g). Synnemata dry weight ranged from 0.27 ~ 0.35 g in the spring rearing season. The female Yangwonjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(0.35 g).

Legal Issues on the Collection and Utilization of Infectious Disease Data in the Infectious Disease Crisis (감염병 위기 상황에서 감염병 데이터의 수집 및 활용에 관한 법적 쟁점 -미국 감염병 데이터 수집 및 활용 절차를 참조 사례로 하여-)

  • Kim, Jae Sun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.29-74
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    • 2022
  • As social disasters occur under the Disaster Management Act, which can damage the people's "life, body, and property" due to the rapid spread and spread of unexpected COVID-19 infectious diseases in 2020, information collected through inspection and reporting of infectious disease pathogens (Article 11), epidemiological investigation (Article 18), epidemiological investigation for vaccination (Article 29), artificial technology, and prevention policy Decision), (3) It was used as an important basis for decision-making in the context of an infectious disease crisis, such as promoting vaccination and understanding the current status of damage. In addition, medical policy decisions using infectious disease data contribute to quarantine policy decisions, information provision, drug development, and research technology development, and interest in the legal scope and limitations of using infectious disease data has increased worldwide. The use of infectious disease data can be classified for the purpose of spreading and blocking infectious diseases, prevention, management, and treatment of infectious diseases, and the use of information will be more widely made in the context of an infectious disease crisis. In particular, as the serious stage of the Disaster Management Act continues, the processing of personal identification information and sensitive information becomes an important issue. Information on "medical records, vaccination drugs, vaccination, underlying diseases, health rankings, long-term care recognition grades, pregnancy, etc." needs to be interpreted. In the case of "prevention, management, and treatment of infectious diseases", it is difficult to clearly define the concept of medical practicesThe types of actions are judged based on "legislative purposes, academic principles, expertise, and social norms," but the balance of legal interests should be based on the need for data use in quarantine policies and urgent judgment in public health crises. Specifically, the speed and degree of transmission of infectious diseases in a crisis, whether the purpose can be achieved without processing sensitive information, whether it unfairly violates the interests of third parties or information subjects, and the effectiveness of introducing quarantine policies through processing sensitive information can be used as major evaluation factors. On the other hand, the collection, provision, and use of infectious disease data for research purposes will be used through pseudonym processing under the Personal Information Protection Act, consent under the Bioethics Act and deliberation by the Institutional Bioethics Committee, and data provision deliberation committee. Therefore, the use of research purposes is recognized as long as procedural validity is secured as it is reviewed by the pseudonym processing and data review committee, the consent of the information subject, and the institutional bioethics review committee. However, the burden on research managers should be reduced by clarifying the pseudonymization or anonymization procedures, the introduction or consent procedures of the comprehensive consent system and the opt-out system should be clearly prepared, and the procedure for re-identifying or securing security that may arise from technological development should be clearly defined.