• Title/Summary/Keyword: 발생빈도

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A study on the extraction of risk factor and its application for senile dementia patient at home based on accidental cases (사고사례를 통한 재가치매환자의 위험요소 추출 및 그 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hang-Woon;Eom, Jin-Sup;Choi, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Soo-Jeong;Choi, Jin-Seung;Moon, Seok-Woo;Tack, Gye-Rae;Chung, Soon-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was, first, to extract the risk factor by investigating several cases of accident of senile dementia patient at home, and second, based on these results to provide basic information for the determination of monitoring factor for the care of senile dementia patient. Basic and behavioral characteristics, Short form of Samsung Dementia Questionnaire (S-SDQ), Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and cases of accident were investigated with 55 senile dementia patient at home (16 male, 39 female). Based on these questionnaires, risk factors were extracted and frequency, cooccurrence frequency, and occurring place of risk factors, presence or not, region, and degree of injury were investigated. Frequency between risk factors and behavioral characteristics, ADL, and S-SDQ was analyzed by crosstabulation frequency analysis. Results showed that 12 risk factors were extracted, and the frequency of 'going out' was the highest, and risk factors for injury were 'tumble', 'bump', 'slip', and 'fall'. Cooccurrence frequency analysis showed that the occurrence of 'fall', 'going out', 'fire of gas', and 'violence' with other factors was relatively higher than others. The occurring place of risk factor was the highest in home neighborhood, and the region of injury in knee, and the degree of injury with bruise. Crosstabulation frequency analysis showed that factors which had difference in frequency of risk factor were behavioral disorder, disorder of daily living and ADL. Factor which had difference in frequency due to the degree of behavioral disorder and disorder of daily living was 'going out', and factors which had difference in frequency due to the degree of ADL were 'slip' and 'fire of gas'.

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Climate Change Effect on Daily Precipitation Frequency in Korea (기후변화가 한반도 일 강수량의 빈도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kyoung, Min-Soo;Kim, Hung-Soo;Kim, Byung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2009
  • 현재 전 세계는 기후변화로 인하여 발생하는 재해로부터 자국민을 보호하고자 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 특히, 기후변화로 인한 극한홍수에 대비하기 위한 다양한 정책이나 대응시스템을 구축하고자 상당한 예산과 인력을 투자하고 있는 실정이다. 국내의 경우도 기후변화로 인하여 극한홍수가 점차 증가할 것이라는 예상과 함께 기후변화로 인한 극한홍수를 예측하고 평가하기 위한 다양한 노력들이 진행 중이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 극한 홍수를 예측하는데 필요한 일 강수량을 발생시키기 위하여 월 단위로 제공되는 Global Climate Model (GCM)으로부터 지상 관측소지점으로 축소된 월 총강수량을 기반으로 일 강수를 모의할 수 있는 강수발생모형을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 강수발생모형으로부터 재현된 일 강수량의 연 최대치 시계열을 대상으로 매개변수적 빈도해석을 진행함으로써 기후변화가 한반도 일 강수량에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 기상청산하 서울지점을 대상으로 연구를 진행하였으며, 분석결과 기후변화를 고려할 경우 미래 서울지역의 일 강수량이 다소 증가하는 것을 확인하였다.

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DYLAM-3를 이용한 부분충수 운전중 노심노출사고 발생빈도의 평가

  • 김도형;정창현;제무성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1997.05a
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    • pp.444-449
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    • 1997
  • 본 논문에서는 기존의 PSA기법인 사건수목/고장수목의 단점을 보완한 동적 신뢰성 평가도구인 DYLAM방법론을 이용해서 참조원전$^{[1]}$ 소외전원 상실사고시 노심노출 사고발생 빈도를 평가하였다. 부분충수 운전시 발생될 수 있는 노심의 노출을 예방하기 위한 운전원의 여러가지 조치들의 오류가능성애 대한 민감도 계산을 수행하였다. 민감도 분석의 결과 일차 충전 및 유출운전 (Feed and B띤) 인적오류가 노심노출 사고발생 빈도에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며 정지생각계통 기능회복을 위한 조치는 상대적으로 적은 영향을 끼치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 정지/저출력으로 운전하는 부분충수 운전시 전 출력에 비하여 노심노출올 무시할 수 없음도 보여주었다.

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Comparison of forecasting models of disease occurrence due to the weather in elderly patients (기상에 따른 고령환자의 질병 발생빈도 예측모형 비교)

  • Lee, Seonjae;Yeo, In-Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we compare forecasting models for disease occurrences in elderly patients due to the weather. For the analysis, the medical data of aged patients released from Health Insurance Review and the weather data of the Korea Meteorological Administration are weekly and regionally merged. The ARMAX model, the VARMAX model and the TSCS regression model are considered to analyze the number of weekly occurrences of some diseases attributable to climate conditions. These models are compared with MSE, MAPE, and MAE criteria.

Load Shedding via Predicting the Frequency of Tuple for Efficient Analsis over Data Streams (효율적 데이터 스트림 분석을 위한 발생빈도 예측 기법을 이용한 과부하 처리)

  • Chang, Joong-Hyuk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.6 s.109
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    • pp.755-764
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    • 2006
  • In recent, data streams are generated in various application fields such as a ubiquitous computing and a sensor network, and various algorithms are actively proposed for processing data streams efficiently. They mainly focus on the restriction of their memory usage and minimization of their processing time per data element. However, in the algorithms, if data elements of a data stream are generated in a rapid rate for a time unit, some of the data elements cannot be processed in real time. Therefore, an efficient load shedding technique is required to process data streams effcientlv. For this purpose, a load shedding technique over a data stream is proposed in this paper, which is based on the predicting technique of the frequency of data element considering its current frequency. In the proposed technique, considering the change of the data stream, its threshold for tuple alive is controlled adaptively. It can help to prevent unnecessary load shedding.

Multi-sensor Data Fusion Using Weighting Method based on Event Frequency (다중센서 데이터 융합에서 이벤트 발생 빈도기반 가중치 부여)

  • Suh, Dong-Hyok;Ryu, Chang-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.581-587
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    • 2011
  • A wireless sensor network needs to consist of multi-sensors in order to infer a high level of information on circumstances. Data fusion, in turn, is required to utilize the data collected from multi-sensors for the inference of information on circumstances. The current paper, based on Dempster-Shafter's evidence theory, proposes data fusion in a wireless sensor network with different weights assigned to different sensors. The frequency of events per sensor is the crucial element in calculating different weights of the data of circumstances that each sensor collects. Data fusion utilizing these different weights turns out to show remarkable difference in reliability, which makes it much easier to infer information on circumstances.

An Hourly Extreme Rainfall Outlook Using Climate Information (기상인자를 활용한 시단위 극치강우량 전망)

  • Kim, Yong-Tak;Hong, Min;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 2018
  • 세계의 여러 국가에서 과거 발생했던 강수의 통계적 특성에서 벗어나는 극치사상이 빈번하게 관측되고 있다. 이와 같은 현상에 가장 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 요인중 하나는 지구온난화이며 실제 산업화 이후 온실가스의 증가와 더불어 극한 기상현상의 발생 빈도가 증가하였다. 현재 예상치 못한 수문사상의 발생으로 인해 수자원관리에 있어서 많은 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 특히 호우사상은 막대한 인명 및 사회적 피해를 야기하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 계절적 특징으로 여름철에 강수가 집중되는 양상을 보이고 있으며 따라서 여름철 강수량을 예측하여 호우에 대한 대비책을 마련해야한다. 계절강수 예측은 수문, 산림, 식품, 등을 포함한 사회 경제적 파급 효과가 매우 크지만 아직 신뢰성 있는 예측은 어려운 상태이다. 또한, 발생 강도와 빈도가 큰 극한 강우는 주로 짧은 시간에 걸쳐 발생하기 때문에 예측하기가 어렵다. 최근 다양한 분야의 연구에서 AO, NAO, ENSO, PDO등과 같은 외부적 요인이 수문학적 빈도를 변화시킨다고 알려지고 있어 본 연구에서는 Bayesian 통계기법을 이용한 비정상성 빈도해석모형을 토대로 외부 기상인자에 의한 변동성을 고려할 수 있는 계절강수량 예측모형을 구축한 후 산정된 결과를 입력 자료로 하여 극치강수량을 추정할 수 있는 비정상성 Four - Parameter (4P)-Beta분포를 이용한 알고리즘을 개발하여 직접적으로 일단위 이하의 극치강수량을 상세화 시킬 수 있는 모형으로 확장하여 이를 통해 기상변동성을 다양한 시간규모에서 고려하기 위한 정보로 활용하고자 하였다.

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Estimation of the Hydrological Design Frequency of Local Rivers Using Bayesian Inference and a Sensitivity Analysis of Evaluation Factors (평가인자 가중치에 대한 베이지안 추론과 민감도 분석을 통한 적정 하천설계빈도 결정)

  • Ryu, Jae Hee;Kim, Ji Eun;Lee, Jin-Young;Park, Kyung-Woon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.617-626
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    • 2022
  • In Korea, annual precipitation and its variability have gradually increased since modern meteorological observations began, and the risk of disasters has also been increasing due to significant regional variations and recent abnormal climate conditions. Given that damage from storms and floods mainly occurs around rivers, it is crucial to determine the appropriate design frequency for river-related projects. This study examined existing design practices used to determine hydrological design frequencies and suggested a new method to determine appropriate design frequencies. The study collected available data pertaining to seven evaluation factors, specifically the basin areas, shape parameters, channel slopes, stream orders, backwater effect reaches, extreme rainfall frequencies, and urbanized flood inundation areasfor 413 local rivers in Chungcheongnam-do in Korea. The estimated weights for areas of extreme rainfall frequencies and urbanized flood inundation were found to be 18, having a great effect on determining the design frequency. Compared with the established design frequency in previous government reports, the estimated design frequency increased for 255 rivers and decreased for 158 rivers.

Priority Method on Same Co-occurrence Count in Adaptive Rank-based Reindexing Scheme (적응적 순위 기반 재인덱싱 기법에서의 동일 빈도 값에 대한 우선순위 방법)

  • You Kang Soo;Yoo Hee Jin;Jang Euee S.
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.12C
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    • pp.1167-1174
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a priority method on same co-occurrence count in adaptive rank-based reindexing scheme for lossless indexed image compression. The priority on same co-occurrence count in co-occurrence count matrix depends on a front count value on each raw of co-occurrence count matrix, a count value around diagonal line on each raw of the matrix, and a count value around large co-occurrence count on each raw of the matrix. Experimental results show that our proposed method can be reduced up to 1.71 bpp comparing with Zeng's and Pinho's method.

A study of association rule by considering the frequency (발생빈도를 고려한 연관성분석 연구)

  • Lim, Je-Soon;Lee, Kyeong-Jun;Cho, Young-Seuk
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1061-1069
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    • 2010
  • In data mining, association rule is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables. There are three measures for association rule, support, confidence and lift. But there are some problem in them. They don't consider the frequency of variable in case. So, we need the new association rule which consider the frequency.In this paper, we proposed the new association rule. We compared the proposed association rule with the original association rule from example data. As a result, we knew our function was better than the original function in terms of sensitivity.