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A Study on the Forecasting Model on Market Share of a Retail Facility -Focusing on Extension of Interaction Model- (유통시설의 시장점유율 예측 모델에 관한 연구 -상호작용 모델의 확장을 중심으로)

  • 최민성
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2001
  • In this chapter, we summarize the results on the optimal location selection and present limitation and direction of research. In order to reach the objective, this study selected and tested the interaction model which obtains the value of co-ordinates on location selection through the optimization technique. This study used the original variables in the model, but the results indicated that there is difference in reality. In order to overcome this difference, this study peformed market survey and found the new variables (first data such as price, quality and assortment of goods, and the second data such as aggregate area, and area of shop, and the number of cars in the parking lot). Then this study determined an optimal variable by empirical analysis which compares an actual value of market share in 1988 with the market share yielded in the model. However, this study found the market share in each variables does not reflect a reality due to an assumption of λ-value in the model. In order to improve this, this study performed a sensitivity analysis which adds the λ value from 1.0 to 2.9 marginally. The analyzed result indicated the highest significance with the market share ratio in 1998 at λ of 1.0. Applying the weighted value to a variable from each of the first data and second data yielded the results that more variables from the first data coincided with the realistic rank on sales. Although this study have some limits and improvements, if a marketer uses this extended model, more significant results will be produced.

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Action Plan of Security Service against a Fire case in a Tall Building Event (경호행사시 초고층건물 화재 대응방안)

  • Son, Kyung-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.39
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    • pp.37-61
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays the world is threatened because of terrors that take aim at Soft-Targets available and easy to access to the people rather than more secured Hard-Targets. The inspection department of the Presidential Security Service develops and acts a perfect safety plan wherever the President stays so that it is possible to get immediate actions for various contingencies. Some events, in which the President take part, could be held in a lower or higher store in a tall building. Additional to the routine work at this case it is to emphasize on a plan of fire precaution to check the spot and respond to a real fire situation, so that the damage could be minimized. First, the agents of the President Security Service should possess basic knowledge concerning to the fire accidents and be trained on their manuals, even in a busy events plan. An organization, whatever it is, could be improved in that it tries to develop not only the personal abilities, but also education programs of the organization continually. And enhanced abilities of the members lead to the driving force for the advance. The knowledge of fire accident should be able to adapt to the real situation. Second, related to the event, it should be cooperated with the relevant departments, so that it is possible to conduct and control the system. It is urgently required to know that the security event could not be done perfectly with only one part or department. Third, from the time of recognizing of the event it is necessary for the fire department to get an action plan with fire fighting measures, evacuation measures based of the instructions given by the Security Service. Fourth, on the knowledge of the action plan of the fire department the Security Service should inspect the safety activities of the spot and establish the practical operation plan through the fire fighting and evacuation plan. Fifth, the Security Service should share final informations and plan of fire fighting in a high-rise building with the other relevant departments. If not, it could cause a great confusion that could lead to a great damage.

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우리나라의 모자보건사업 (여성과 어린이 건강문제와 증진방안)

  • Park Jeong-Han
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 2002
  • 국민건강은 국가발전의 기본조건이다. 국민건강은 건강한 어린이의 출산에서 비롯되고, 건강한 어린이의 출산을 위하여 여성이 건강해야 한다 따라서 여성과 어린이 건강보호와 증진을 위한 모자보건사업은 국가보건사업 중 최우선 사업으로 추진되어야 한다. 우리나라의 모자보건사업은 1960대부터 보건소를 통하여 가족계획, 산전관리, 안전분만유도, 예방접종을 중심으로 하였다. 1980년대에 들어와 전국민의료보험의 실현과 국민생활수준의 향상 등으로 산전관리 수진율과 시설분만율이 급격히 증가하여 1990년대 후반에는 거의 100%에 도달하였고, 가족계획실천율도 1991년에 79.4%까지 증가하여 합계출산율이 1.6으로 감소하였고, 어린이 기본예방접종률도 90%이상이 되어 전염병 발생률이 현저히 감소하였다. 전통적인 모자보건사업 관련 지표들이 이렇게 향상되자 일선 보건요원에서부터 중앙정부의 정책결정권자에 이러기까지 모자보건사업에 대한 관심도가 떨어져 중앙부처의 모자보건업무 담당 부서도 축소되고, 모자보건 사업도 쇠퇴하였다. 그러나 어린이와 여성의 건강실태를 자세히 들여다보면 심각한 문제들이 대두되고 있다. 시설 분만율의 증가에 따라 제왕절개분만율이 40%대까지 급증하였고, 모유수유률은 10%대로 떨어졌다. 어린이의 체격은 커지고 있으나 체력은 떨어지고, 비만한 어린이가 급증하여 당뇨병과 같은 성인병 유병률이 어린이들에게 증가하고, 사고에 의한 어린이 사망과 장애가 늘고 있다. 또한 청소년들의 흡연율과 음주률이 증가하고, 성적 성숙이 빨라지고 사회의 개방풍조로 성(性)활동 연령이 낮아지고 성활동이 증가하여 혼전임신과 성폭력이 증가하고 있다. 여성들은 일찍 단산하고, 폐경 연령은 높아지고, 평균수명은 길어져 중년기와 장년기 그리고 노년기가 길어져 각종 만성질환에 이환될 기회가 늘어났다. 이러한 시기의 중요 건강문제들은 뇌혈관질환, 폐암, 유방암, 골다공증, 뇨실금 등과 같이 해결하기 어려운 것들이다. 이렇게 어린이와 여성들에게 새로운 건강문제들이 대두되고 있으나 이에 대한 대응정책이 없었고, 따라서 새로운 모자보건사업이 개발되지 않았으며 일선 보건요원의 훈련도 없었다. 그리고 이러한 건강실태를 파악하여 대책을 마련하고, 보건사업을 평가할 수 있는 보건정보체계가 없는 실정이다. 1990년대 중반에 소수의 학자들이 어린이와 여성건강문제의 심각성을 제기하고, 모자보건사업 활성화의 필요성을 주장하여 보건복지부가 '모자보건선도보건사업'이라는 이름으로 1999년부터 2001년까지 3년간 23개 보건소에서 시범사업을 시행하였다. 이 시범사업에서는 한정된 자원으로 여성과 어린이 보건문제를 효과적으로 해결하기 위해 새로운 보건사업의 개발과 효율적으로 수행하는 방법의 개발에 역점을 두어 많은 성과를 거두었다. 시범사업의 경험을 바탕으로 2002년에는 전국의 45개 보건소로 확대해나가고 있다. 모자보건선도보건사업에서는 임산부가 대상이었던 기존의 모자보건사업과는 달리 신생아, 영유아, 학동기 어린이, 청소년, 그리고 신혼부부에서부터 장년기 여성에 이르기까지 사업대상을 확대하고 생애주기에 따라 지역사회 건강문제해결을 목표로 한 보건사업을 수행하도록 하였다. 사업수행 과정에서 보건소는 지역내 대학과 협력체계를 구축하여 기술적 지원을 받고, 보건요원의 교육 훈련을 통해 사업기획 능력과 전문지식과 기술을 향상시켰고, 보건교육에 필요한 시설과 장비를 구입하였고, 민간의료기관과 연계하여 보건서비스의 질을 향상시켰다. 모자보건 선도보건소에서 제공하는 서비스는 취약계층 중심의 보건교육, 상담 및 지도, 고위험대상자 조기발견 및 민간기관 의뢰 및 주구관리, 질병 조기발견을 위한 검진 의뢰, 지역 보건통계 생산과 관리, 그리고 지역내 가용자원 안내 등이며, 저소득층에 대해서는 민간의료기관에 의뢰 또는 검진비용을 지원하였다. 이와 같이 지역사회 민간기관과 협력체계를 구축함에 따라 대상자를 지속적으로 관리할 수 있는 정보를 공유하게 되었고, 건강증진 및 질병예방, 치료, 사후관리를 포함한 지속적이고 포괄적인 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되었다. 특히 고위험 및 건강의심 대상, 임부와 장년기 여성에 대해서는 건강검진서비스를 과감히 민간기관에 의뢰, 위탁하친 보건소는 상담자, 정보관리자로서의 역할로 전환할 수 있었다. 그러나 사업관리자의 양적 평가에 대한 고정관념과 질적 평가에 대한 인식부족, 기본 생정통계와 정보체계의 미비로 인한 부정확한 통계생산, 사업요원의 전문지식과 기술 부족, 그리고 인력부족 등이 문제점으로 대두되었다. 효율적인 사업확산과 조기 정착을 위해 중앙정부의 일관성 있는 정책과 재정적 지원이 필수적이며, 보건정보체계확립, 그리고 공공보건기관과 민간의료기관간의 공식적인 협력체계확립이 필요하다. 사업추진 모니터링 및 평가, 조정을 위하여 중앙에 '모자보건 선도사업 기술지원단'을 구성하여 운영하고, 프로그램 운영이 잘되는 보건소를 특성화 보건소로 지원 육성하고, 사업요원의 업무 적정화를 위한 보건소 조직과 기존 보건사업체계의 평가와 재편이 필요하다. 보건사업요원의 자질 향상을 위한 지속적인 교육 훈련 시스템과 보건통계생산 관리를 위한 정보체계의 구축이 요구된다. 모자보건사업관련 보건교육자료를 수집하고 개발하여 전국 보건소에 공급하는 중앙 보건교육자료 및 정보센터가 필요하다.

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Prognostic Factors and Clinical Characteristics of Terminally Ill Patients with Gastric Cancer (말기 위암 환자의 임상적 특성과 예후 인자)

  • Kim, Soo-Jae;Moon, Do-Ho;Lee, Choon-Sub;Lee, Jung-Ho;Kim, Tae-Gyun;Park, Jung-Chul;Lee, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.178-183
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The prevalence and mortality of gastric lancer is high. We studied clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of the advanced gastric canter patients who had died in the hospice care unit. and our study is the basic report for efficient hospice and palliative care for the terminally ill patients with gastric cancer. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 99 advanced gastric cancer patients who had died in a hospice rare unit from May 2004 to August 2007. The survival days during the hospice and palliative care were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier method of SPSS version 13.0. Results: There were 62 males (63%) and 37 females (37%). Median age of patients was 60.9 years and liver metastasis was as high as 38 patients (38%) of all. The most prevalent symptom of admission was general weakness (97%) and poor or intake (86%). There were also bypoalbuminemia (88%), anemia (73%), and hyponatremia (61%). Palliative procedure was performed on 17 (63%) out of 27 patients with intestinal obstruction. Of these stents were inserted to 11 patients. The stores of ECOGPS and dyspnea were significantly correlated with the length of survival. The duration of median survival and hospitalization in the hospice and palliative care was 22 days and was 20 days respectively. Conclusion: We need to study more about clinical characteristics of advanced gastric rancor patients to predict the length of survival for an effective hospice and palliative care.

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Responses of Root Growth Characters to Waterlogging in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] (과습에 따른 콩 지하부 생육반응)

  • Lee, Jae-Eun;Kim, Hong-Sig;Kwon, Young-Up;Jung, Gun-Ho;Lee, Chun-Ki;Yun, Hong-Tai;Kim, Chung-Kon
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2010
  • Stress from excess water is one of the most harmful limiting factor in soybean yield during the wet season under the climate conditions. Soybean is very sensitive to excess water compare to other crops. This experiment was carried out to identify the growth responses for establishing a screening system related to waterlogging tolerance in soybean from 2003 to 2004. The root dry weight accumulation rate of per day for 21 days after waterlogging at V5 stage was the highest in Pungsannamulkong (47~56% of control) and was the lowest in Jangyeobkong (26~27% of control). The nodules dry weight recovery rate was the highest in Pungsannamulkong (83~91% of control), while the lowest in Myungjunamulkong (48~66% of control). After waterlogging, recovery rate of roots was high, which increased the root/shoot ratio of Pungsannamulkong, which also produced significantly more adventitious roots than in Jangyeobkong. The percentage of adventitious roots fresh weight to the total roots fresh weight was the lowest in Myungjunamulkong (14%), while the highest in Pungsannamulkong (38%). This results implies that the water and nutrients absorbing ability of Pungsannamulkong is more higher than that of Myungjunamulkong during late growth period.

Environmental effects from Natural Waters Contaminated with Acid Mine Drainage in the Abandoned Backun Mine Area (백운 폐광산의 방치된 폐석으로 인한 주변 수계의 환경적 영향)

  • 전서령;정재일;김대현
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.325-337
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    • 2002
  • We examined the contamination of stream water and stream sediments by heavy metal elements with respect to distance from the abandoned Backun Au-Ag-Cu mine. High contents of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, and Fe) and aluminum in the waters connected with mining and associated deposits (dumps, tailings) reduce water quality. In the mining area, Ca and SO$_4$ are predominant cation and anion. The mining water is Ca-SO$_4$ type and is enriched in heavy metals resulted from the weathering of sulfide minerals. This mine drainage water is weakly acid or neutral (pH; 6.5-7.1) because of neutralizing effect by other alkali and alkaline earth elements. The effluent from the mine adit is also weakly acid or neutral, and contains elevated concentrations of most elements due to reactions with ore and gangue minerals in the deposit. The concentration of ions in the Backun mining water is high in the mine adit drainage water and steeply decreased award to down stream. Buffering process can be reasonably considered as a partial natural control of pollution, since the ion concentration becomes lower and the pH value becomes neutralized. In order to evaluate mobility and bioavailability of metals, sequential extraction was used for stream sediments into five operationally defined groups: exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to FeMn oxide, bound to organic matter, and residual. The residual fraction was the most abundant pool for Cu(2l-92%), Zn(28-89%) and Pb(23-94%). Almost sediments are low concentrated with Cd(2.7-52.8 mg/kg) than any other elements. But Cd dominate with non stable fraction (68-97%). Upper stream sediments are contaminated with Pb, and down area sediments are enriched with Zn. It is indicate high mobility of Zn and Cd.

Urban aquaculture of catfish, Silurus asotus, using biofloc and aquaponics systems (바이오플락과 아쿠아포닉스를 이용한 도심형 양식시스템에서의 메기양식)

  • Kim, Seok Ryel;Jang, Jin Woo;Kim, Bum Ju;Jang, In Kwon;Lim, Hyun Jeong;Kim, Su Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to determine whether the water in which nitrate accumulated during long-term fish culture in an aquaponics system without water exchange could be removed and reused as catfish-culturing water. The catfish (Silurus asotus) were cultured in the urban aquaculture system using BFT (Biofloc Technology) aquaculture and an aquaponics system (two rearing tanks, 3 tons each) without exchanging the rearing water. After 151 days (from March to August) of rearing, 2.8 g of fry had grown to an average weight of 171.3 g (total weight, 56.53 kg) and 235.5 g (total weight 71.1 kg), respectively. The overall survival rate was 65% in the urban aquaculture system. However, the survival rate was 77.7% before separation into the two tanks. The survival rates after the separation were 92.9% and 78.0%. In the early biofloc watermaking process, there was a high mortality rate. After water stabilization, the mortality rate decreased and some mortality occurred during the period when the total amount of suspended solids (TSS) increased. The results of monthly blood analysis of the catfish showed that the AST concentration was significantly higher in April. Blood ALT levels and triglycerides showed no difference in the rearing period and the glucose, cholesterol, and total protein levels were significantly higher in July. There was no difference in the other periods. The plants produced by the aquaponics system using catfish-rearing water were lettuce, basil, chard, and red chicory. These showed smooth growth and a total of 148.85 kg of plants were harvested in five months. It was possible to remove nitric acid from the aquaponics system and reuse it as catfish-rearing water. Maintaining proper plant quantity according to the capacity of the catfish showed that the combination of agricultural and aquatic products was possible.

Effects of Raising System on the Reproductive and Weaning Performances in Replacing Gilts (후보모돈의 실내.외 사육방식이 번식 및 이유성적에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, G.W.;Ok, Y.S.;Kim, S.E.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effects of sow breeding environment on the reproduction in the first litter in a large-sized hog farm, located in Dangjin-gun, Chungnam from July 1st, 2007 to June 30th, 2008 and provide basic information to improve the sow productivity in a family farming sows. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The gestation periods were proved to be similar without significant differences between indoor and outdoor breeding grounds, The average of farrowing rate was 91.91%, and 92.54% farrowing rate of out-door ground breeding sows was slightly greater than 91.57% of group-housed sows, but there was no significance between two groups. 2. The average of total litter size and the number of born alive per litter were 9.81 and 9.02, respectively. The number of total number was 0.98 and the number of born alive per litter was 1.18 in the outdoor-ground breeding sows, which was significantly greater than group-housed sows(p<0.001). 3. The number(rate) of piglets stillborn was 0.22(2.10%) from the outdoor-ground breeding sows was significantly greater, compared with 0.33(3.53%) from group-housed sows(p<0.01). The number of piglets culled was 0.23(2.27%) and 0.26(2.77%), in the out-door ground breeding sows and in group-housed sows, respectively and it was not significantly similar between two groups. And, the number of mummies was 0.21(2.1%) and 0.28(2.29%), in the out-door ground breeding sows and in group-housed sows, respectively, which showed no significance. 4. The weaning number in the playground breeding sows was 9.48 and it was significantly greater than that in the group-housed sows(p<0.001). The average of weaned age was observed to be 22.91 days. The weaned age in the out-door ground breeding sows was 22.39 days, and it was significantly smaller than that in group-housed sows(p<0.001). The breeding rate for the weaning of pigs was satisfactory as 96.82%, but there was no significant difference between two groups.

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Impact of Sulfur Dioxide Impurity on Process Design of $CO_2$ Offshore Geological Storage: Evaluation of Physical Property Models and Optimization of Binary Parameter (이산화황 불순물이 이산화탄소 해양 지중저장 공정설계에 미치는 영향 평가: 상태량 모델의 비교 분석 및 이성분 매개변수 최적화)

  • Huh, Cheol;Kang, Seong-Gil;Cho, Mang-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2010
  • Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage(CCS) is regarded as one of the most promising options to response climate change. CCS is a three-stage process consisting of the capture of carbon dioxide($CO_2$), the transport of $CO_2$ to a storage location, and the long term isolation of $CO_2$ from the atmosphere for the purpose of carbon emission mitigation. Up to now, process design for this $CO_2$ marine geological storage has been carried out mainly on pure $CO_2$. Unfortunately the $CO_2$ mixture captured from the power plants and steel making plants contains many impurities such as $N_2$, $O_2$, Ar, $H_2O$, $SO_2$, $H_2S$. A small amount of impurities can change the thermodynamic properties and then significantly affect the compression, purification, transport and injection processes. In order to design a reliable $CO_2$ marine geological storage system, it is necessary to analyze the impact of these impurities on the whole CCS process at initial design stage. The purpose of the present paper is to compare and analyse the relevant physical property models including BWRS, PR, PRBM, RKS and SRK equations of state, and NRTL-RK model which are crucial numerical process simulation tools. To evaluate the predictive accuracy of the equation of the state for $CO_2-SO_2$ mixture, we compared numerical calculation results with reference experimental data. In addition, optimum binary parameter to consider the interaction of $CO_2$ and $SO_2$ molecules was suggested based on the mean absolute percent error. In conclusion, we suggest the most reliable physical property model with optimized binary parameter in designing the $CO_2-SO_2$ mixture marine geological storage process.

Corn-Based Forage Cropping Systems in Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Prevalent Area (흑조위축병이 심한 남부지방에서 옥수수를 중심으로 한 사료작물 작부체계)

  • 이석순;이진모
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 1989
  • Forage productivity of cropping systems of rye - silage corn, silage corn - oats, silage corn - rape was studied in the south-eastern part of Korea where rice black-streaked dwarf virus(RBSDV) infection of corn are severe. Rye(cv. Paldanghomil) was planted on Oct. 20 of 1986 and harvested 10 times from April 5 to May 5 at the 5-day intervals in 1987, corn (cv. Suweon 19 and Jinjuok) was planted 5 times from April 5 to May 15 at the 10-day intervals in 1987, and oats(cv. Megwiri) and rape (cv. Velox) were planted 4 times from Sept: 4 to 25 at the 7-day intervals and harvested 4 times from Nov. 10 to Dec. 10 at the 10-day intervals in 1987. Considering yield, nutrition value, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), forage productivity of the cropping systems was compared. As harvesting time of rye delayed, plant height, dry matter(DM) yield, percent DM, crude fiber, and digestible DM yield increased, but crude protein, crude fat, and IVDMD decreased. However, nitrogen free extract was not different among the harvesting dates. As planting date of corn delayed, RBSDV infection rate increased. but DM yield of silage decreased. However, silage yield of Jinjuok was higher, but RBSDV infection rate was lower compared with Suweon 19 at all planting dates. DM yield of oats and rape decreased as planting date delayed. However, at Sept. 4 and 11 plantings yield of oats on Nov. 10 was much lower than that of rape, but the differences in yield between two crops decreased with delayed harvesting, and yield was similar on Dec. 10. A cropping system harvesting rye around April 20 and followed by planting corn in late April was best among the rye-corn systems considering yield and nutrition value of both crops. However, among the corn-oats or corn-rape cropping systems early April planting of corn and followed by early Sept. planting of oats or rape showed best results with similar yield potential of the best rye-corn cropping system.

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