• Title/Summary/Keyword: 발병력

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A Prospect for Growth and Economic Size of Foods-for-Elderly Industry -Focused on Health Functional Foods and Foods for Special Dietary Uses- (고령친화식품산업의 성장과 규모 전망 -건강기능식품과 특수용도식품을 중심으로-)

  • Jin, Hyun Joung;Woo, Hee Dong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to predict the economic size of foods-for-elderly market, which will be valuable information for establishing related policy and backup system. After setting the scope of related industry, detailed information for current market situation was investigated and a systematic forecast for market changes in the future was performed. Economic growth, changes in consumer expenditure and economic status of the elderly, current subscription of medical insurance and saving for pension were reflected. In addition, a survey toward related firms was completed and changes in aged population and incidence of chronic disease in the elderly were taken into account. Results show that the annual growth rate of the market was predicted to be the minimum 4.54% through the maximum 8.32% from 2010 to 2025 and its market size was forecasted to be the minimum 7,073 ten million won through the maximum 10,976 ten million won. It is expected that the market of foods-for-elderly will grow rapidly with development of foods technology and fast increase of aged population. Especially, growth of health functional foods and foods for special dietary uses for elderly will be distinguished. However, it seems that related firms are on the hedge, watching current trend of the related industry. This may results in insufficient supply against the demand. Therefore, policy for foods-for-elderly should be introduced and systematically administered, including R&D support, standardization and authentication for foods-for-elderly, construction of related database system.

The Factors Related to Intractability in Patients with Partial Epilepsy (부분성 간질환자에서 난치성에 관여하는 인자)

  • Lee, Yeung-Ki;Byun, Yeung-Ju;Park, Mee-Yeong;Hah, Jung-Sang;Lee, Se-Jin
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.306-318
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the intractability of partial epileptic patients by variables, the author studied 113 patients (uncontrolled: 45, controlled: 68) who were admitted to the Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University from January, 1991 to August, 1993. The results were as follows. The items related to complex partial seizures, multiple seizure types and a histories of status epilepticus or clusters of seizures were significantly associated with drug-refractoriness (p<0.01). A high frequency of seizures before evaluation was associated with a poor outcome(p<0.01). The presences of known etiology of seizures, neurologic abnormalities and psychiatric disturbance were associated with limited treatment responses(p<0.01, p<0.05, p<0.01). An abnormal EEG findings such as background slowing, focal slowing, epileptiform discharges or secondarily bilateral synchrony were statistically significant (p<0.01). Age at onset, sex, distribution of epileptic foci, duration of seizure before evaluation, family history and abnormal neuroradiologic findings were not statistically significant. By these results, it was suggested that having at least four factors of the above variables were associated with limited treatment response.

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Change Pattern of Heart Age in Korean Population Using Heart Age Predictor of Framingham Heart Study (Framingham Heart Study의 Heart Age Predictor를 활용한 한국인 심장나이 추이분석)

  • Cho, Sang Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the trends of heart age of Koreans by using the predictor of heart age of the Framingham Heart Study. The subjects were 20,012 adults aged 30~74 years who were enrolled in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005~2013. They filled in the determinants data and they had no history of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The heart age was calculated using a non-laboratory based model of prediction. The difference of heart age and chronological age, and the rate of excessive heart age over 10 years were calculated. The annual trend, the difference according to gender, the age bracket and geographic region, the heart age were all evaluated. Data analysis performed using the SAS program (version 9.3). Complex designed analysis was done. The heart age showed differences according to gender, age bracket and geographic region. The heart age is a useful comprehensive indicator for predicting the CVD events in the near future. So, it could be used for the purposes of exercising caution and guidance on CVD for administering medical care. It is strongly recommended to use heart age as an indicator for customized medical management to focus efforts on relatively vulnerable subjects and their factors for CVD. Further study on Koreans' customized heart age is needed.

Relations of Stroke Literacy, Health Literacy, Stroke Knowledge, and Self-Management among Middle-Aged and Older Adults (중노년기 성인의 뇌졸중 문해력, 건강정보 문해력, 뇌졸중 지식과 자기관리간의 관계)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Chang, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.719-730
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the degree and relations of stroke literacy, health literacy, stroke knowledge, and self-management to identify the significant determining factors affecting stroke prevention among middle-aged and older adults with a high incidence of stroke. Data on the sociodemographic characteristics, stroke literacy, health literacy, stroke knowledge, and self-management of 198 participants were collected from December 5, 2019, to March 31, 2020, using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. The determining factors affecting self-management in middle-aged and older adults were age (β=.190. p=.015), followed in order by smoking (β=-.226, p=.001), self-rated health status (β=.297, p<.001), and stroke knowledge (β=-.168, p=.014); the explanation power was approximately 20.3%. The results suggest that the self-rated health status and stroke knowledge should be considered when developing nursing interventions to improve self-management among middle-aged and older adults. Furthermore, it will be necessary to find the intervening variable between stroke knowledge and self-management for community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults in the community. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of systematic and ongoing education on stroke prevention.

What Is Cultured Meat? (배양육이란 무엇인가?)

  • Huh, Man Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2021
  • By 2050, 70% more food will be needed to fulfill the demands of a growing population. Among the solutions, cultured meat or clean meat is presented as a sustainable alternative for consumers. Scientists have begun to leverage knowledge and tools accumulated in the fields of stem cell and tissue engineering in efforts aimed at the development of cell-based meat. Cultured meat has to recreate the complex structure of livestock muscles with a few cells. Cells start to divide after they are cultured in a culture medium, which provides nutrients, hormones, and growth factors. An initial problem with this type of culture is the serum used, as in vitro meat aims to be slaughter free. Thus, it is contradictory to use a medium made from the blood of dead calves. The serum is expensive and affects to a large extent the production cost of the meat. A positive aspect related to the safety of cultured meat is that it is not produced from animals raised in confined spaces and slaughtered in inhumane conditions. Thus, the risk of an outbreak is eliminated, and there is no need for vaccinations and animal welfare issues. The production of cultured meat is presented as environmentally friendly, as it is supposed to produce less greenhouse gas, consume less water, and use less land in comparison to conventional meat production.

A Clinical Review of Primary Tracheal Carcinoma (원발성 악성기관종양의 임상적 고찰)

  • Ryu, Jeong-Seon;Cho, Hyun-Myung;Yang, Dong-Gyoo;Lee, Hong-Lyeol;Kim, Se-Kyu;Chang, Joon;Ahn, Chul-Min;Shin, Kye-Chul;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.766-775
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    • 1997
  • Background : Primary malignant tumors of the trachea are extremely rare entities and account for a mere 0.1 per cent of all malignancies of the respiratory tract. Because of vague localizing signs, symptoms and a usually negative routine chest film, the patients with tracheal tumors are often treated for asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for considerable period of time before correct diagnosis. Method : We have made a review of the 17 cases of primary tracheal tumors in recent 15 years. We reviewed the clinical features including history of smoking and respiratory symptoms, the official readings of initial routine chest film, the cytologic examination of sputum, the time of delay in diagnosis, and the response according to the therapeutic modalities. Results : Eight out of 9 patients with squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) were above 50 years old, five out of 6 patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma(ACC) were below 50 years old. The most common location of primary tracheal tumors was the upper one-third of trachea in 8 cases(47%). The most frequent symptoms were dyspnea in 13/17 cases(76%) and then stridor or wheezing, cough. and sputum in order. The routine chest roentgenographic examinations were not helpful to diagnose tracheal carcinoma and the cytologic examinations of sputums were helpful to diagnose tracheal carcinoma in only one case with adenocarcinoma. The mean times of delay in diagnosis of patients with sec and ACC were 5 months and 24.9 months respectively. We had bronchial asthma in 8 cases(47%) and tracheal tumors in 4 cases(23%) as initial clinical impression. Conclusion : We would like to perform more comprehensive diagnostic tools(high KVP technique, the fibroptic bronchoscopic examination, chest CT scan etc.) in patients who had the suggestive points for the tracheal tumorse(1. unexplained hemoptysis or hoarsness, 2. inspiratory wheezing or stridor, 3. wax and waning of dyspnea according to changes of position, 4. progressive asthmatics unresponsive to antiasthmatic therapy) and radical resection of tumor or external radiation therapy with curative aim as possible.

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A Study on Clinical Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in School-Age Children and Adolescents at Two Centers (두 개 대학병원에서 진단된 학동기 소아 및 청소년 폐결핵의 임상 양상과 접촉자 검진의 실태)

  • Bae, Mi-Hye;Song, Bo Kyung;Kim, Kyung-Min;Son, Seung Kook;Park, Su Eun
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical manifestations, contact history, and status of tuberculosis contact investigations in school-age children and adolescents with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) at two centers. Methods: This study was conducted with 54 patients in the age ranging from 10 to 18 years, who were diagnosed with pulmonary TB at the Pusan National University Hospital and Pusan National University Children's Hospital, January 2008 to December 2012. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of the patients. Results: The median age of the patients was 16 years old; 11 patients were aged 10 to 14 and 43 patients were aged 15 to 18. Among 54 patients, 19 had history of contact with pulmonary TB, 10 had contact with house members (household), and remaining 9 had contact with classmates (non-household). One out of 10 patients who had household contacts and 6 out of 9 patients who had non-household contacts were evaluated with contact investigation after the exposure to pulmonary TB. Among 7 patients who were evaluated with contact investigation, 3 were diagnosed with active pulmonary TB, 1 had latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), and 3 had no evidence of TB or LTBI. The median period of diagnosis after the exposure to active pulmonary TB was 2 years in patients with household contacts and 0.23 years in patients with non-household contacts. Conclusion: This study suggested that if the contact investigation conducted properly, it would be helpful for early diagnosis and prevention of pulmonary TB.

Remission rate and remission predictors of Graves disease in children and adolescents (소아 및 청소년 그레이브스병 환자에서의 관해 예측 인자와 관해율)

  • Lee, Sun Hee;Lee, Seong Yong;Chung, Hye Rim;Kim, Jae Hyun;Kim, Ji Hyun;Lee, Young Ah;Yang, Sei Won;Shin, Choong Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.1021-1028
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    • 2009
  • Purpose:Medical therapy is the initial treatment for children with Graves disease to avoid complications of other treatments. However, optimal treatment for childhood Graves disease is controversial because most patients require relatively long periods of medical therapy and relapse is common after medication discontinuation. Therefore, this study aimed to search clinical or biochemical characteristics that could be used as remission predictors in Graves disease. Methods:We retrospectively studied children diagnosed with Graves disease, treated with anti-thyroid agents, and observed for at least 3 years. Patients were categorized into remission and non-remission groups, and the groups were compared to determine the variables that were predictive of achieving remission. Results:Sixty-four patients were enrolled, of which 37 (57.8%) achieved remission and 27 (42.2%) could not achieve remission until the last visit. Normalization of thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII) after treatment was faster in the remission group than in the non-remission group (remission group, $15.5{\pm}12.07$ vs. non-remission group, $41.69{\pm}35.70$ months). Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation tests were performed in 28 patients. Only 2 (8.3%) of 26 patients who showed normal or hyper-response in TRH stimulation test relapsed. Binary logistic regression analysis identified rapid achievement of TBII normalization after treatment as a significant predictor of remission. Six percent of patients achieved remission within 3 years and 55.8% achieved it within 6 years. Conclusion:Rapid achievement of TBII normalization can be a predictor of remission in childhood Graves disease. The TRH stimulation test can be a predictor of maintenance of remission.

The Outcome of Conventional External Beam Radiotherapy for Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus (식도의 편평상피세포암 환자에서 외부방사선치료의 결과)

  • Jang, Ji-Young
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The best treatment for advanced esophageal cancer is chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery. In spite of the advance of multimodality therapy, most patients with esophageal cancer are treated with radiation therapy alone. This study reports the outcome of the use of conventional external beam radiotherapy alone for the treatment of esophageal cancer. Materials and Methods: Between January 1998 and December 2005, 30 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus were treated with external beam radiotherapy using a total dose exceeding 40 Gy. Radiotherapy was delivered with a total dose of 44-60 Gy(median dose, 57.2 Gy) over $36{\sim}115$ days(median time, 45 days). Thirteen patients(43.3%) had a history of disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, lye stricture, asthma, cerebral infarct, and cancers. Four patients metachronously had double primary cancers. The most common location of a tumor was the mid-thoracic portion of the esophagus(56.7%). Tumor lengths ranged from 2 cm to 11 cm, with a median length of 6 cm. For AJCC staging, stage III was the most common (63.3%). Five patients had metastases at diagnosis. Results: The median overall survival was 8.3 months. The survival rates at 1-year and 2-years were 33.3% and 18.7%, respectively. The complete response rate $1{\sim}3$ months after radiotherapy was 20%(6/30) and the partial response rate was 70%(21/30). Sixteen patients(53.3%) had an improved symptom of dysphagia. Significant prognostic factors were age, tumor length, stage, degree of dysphagia at the time of diagnosis and tumor response. Cox regression analysis revealed the aim of treatment, clinical tumor response and tumor length as independent prognostic factors for overall survival. Twenty-eight patients had local failure and another four patients had metastases. Three patients were detected with double primary cancers in this analysis. A complication of esophageal stricture was observed in three patients(10%), and radiation pneumonitis occurred in two patients(6.7%). Conclusion: The prognosis of esophageal cancer remains poor, in spite of advances in radiotherapy techniques. Radiotherapy is one of the main treatment modalities for the relief of dysphagia and treatment related complications are minimal. It is expected that the addition of chemotherapy or another systemic modality to radiotherapy will improve tumor control and increase the survival rate in advanced esophageal cancer.

Risk Factor Analysis for Operative Death and Brain Injury after Surgery of Stanford Type A Aortic Dissection (스탠포드 A형 대동맥 박리증 수술 후 수술 사망과 뇌손상의 위험인자 분석)

  • Kim Jae-Hyun;Oh Sam-Sae;Lee Chang-Ha;Baek Man-Jong;Hwang Seong-Wook;Lee Cheul;Lim Hong-Gook;Na Chan-Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.4 s.261
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2006
  • Background: Surgery for Stanford type A aortic dissection shows a high operative mortality rate and frequent postoperative brain injury. This study was designed to find out the risk factors leading to operative mortality and brain injury after surgical repair in patients with type A aortic dissection. Material and Method: One hundred and eleven patients with type A aortic dissection who underwent surgical repair between February, 1995 and January 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. There were 99 acute dissections and 12 chronic dissections. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to identify risk factors of operative mortality and brain injury. Resuit: Hospital mortality occurred in 6 patients (5.4%). Permanent neurologic deficit occurred in 8 patients (7.2%) and transient neurologic deficit in 4 (3.6%). Overall 1, 5, 7 year survival rate was 94.4, 86.3, and 81.5%, respectively. Univariate analysis revealed 4 risk factors to be statistically significant as predictors of mortality: previous chronic type III dissection, emergency operation, intimal tear in aortic arch, and deep hypothemic circulatory arrest (DHCA) for more than 45 minutes. Multivariate analysis revealed previous chronic type III aortic dissection (odds ratio (OR) 52.2), and DHCA for more than 45 minutes (OR 12.0) as risk factors of operative mortality. Pathological obesity (OR 12.9) and total arch replacement (OR 8.5) were statistically significant risk factors of brain injury in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: The result of surgical repair for Stanford type A aortic dissection was good when we took into account the mortality rate, the incidence of neurologic injury, and the long-term survival rate. Surgery of type A aortic dissection in patients with a history of chronic type III dissection may increase the risk of operative mortality. Special care should be taken and efforts to reduce the hypothermic circulatory arrest time should alway: be kept in mind. Surgeons who are planning to operate on patients with pathological obesity, or total arch replacement should be seriously consider for there is a higher risk of brain injury.