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축산식품중(畜産食品中)의 Cholestrerol에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

  • Han, Seok-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.1-48
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    • 1995
  • 식생활은 인간 생활의 주체이고 먹는다는 것은 그 수단이다. 그중 중요한 하나의 명제는 인간이 놓여진 여러 환경에서 어떻게 건강을 유지하고 그 개체가 소유하고 있는 능력을 최대치까지 생리적으로 성장 발전시킴과 동시에 최대한 수명을 연장시키기 위한 식물 섭취방법을 마이크로 레벨까지 해명하는데 있다. 인간은 일생동안 엄청난 양의 음식물을 먹는다(70세 수명일 경우 200만 파운드 즉 체중의 1,400배). 그러나 먹기는 먹되 자신의 건강과 장수를 위하여 어떤 음식을 어떻게 선택하여 어떻게 먹어야 하는 문제가 매우 중요하다. 최근 우리나라도 국민 소득이 늘면서 식생활은 서구화 경향으로 기우는 듯하다. 공해를 비롯한 수입식품 등 여러 가지 문제점이 제기됨에 따라 자연식과 건강식을 주장하는 소리가 높이 일고 있다. 그중에는 축산 식품이 콜레스테롤 함량이 다른 식품에 비하여 높게 함유하고 있다는 것으로 심혈관질환의 주범인양 무차별 강조하는 나머지 육식공포 내지는 계란 등의 혐오감 마저 불러 일으키는 경향까지 있는 듯하다. 따라서 본논고에서는 축산식품중의 콜레스테롤 함량수준이 과연 성인병의 주범인지 아니면 다른 지방산과 관련해서 올바르게 평가하고 그 문제점과 대책을 개관해 보고 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 사람은 유사이래 본능적으로 주변의 식물이나 동물의 고기를 먹고 성장하여 자손을 증식시키고 어느 사이에 늙으면 죽음을 맞이 하는 싸이클을 반복하면서 기나긴 세월동안 진화를 하여 오늘날의 인간으로서의 자태를 이루었다. 유인원과 같은 인류의 선조들은 수렵을 통해 육식을 많이 하였을 것이므로 인간은 원래 육식동물이 아닐까? 구석기시대의 유물을 보면 많은 뼈가 출토되고 “얄타미라”나 “라스코” 동굴벽화가 선명하게 묘사되고 있다. 2. 우리나라 선조 승구족의 일파가 백두산을 비롯한 만주 송화강 유역에 유입되면서 수렵과 목축을 주요 식품획득의 수단으로 식품문화권을 형성하면서 남하하여 한반도 민족의 조상인 맥족(貊族)으로 맥적(貊炙)이라고 하는 요리(오늘날의 불고기)를 먹었다는 기록이 있다. 3. 인간의 수명을 1900년대로 거슬러 올라가서 뉴질랜드가 세계최장수국(호주는 2위)로서 평균수명은 남자 58세, 여자 69세인 반면 일본과 한국은 당시 남자 36세, 여자 37세이던 것이 일본은 1989년에 이르러 세계 최장수국으로 등장했으나 1990년 당시 뉴질랜드${\cdot}$호주 등은 목축 및 밀(小麥) 생산국가였기 때문이라는 것과 일본은 오늘날 합리적인 식생활 국가라는 것을 간과해서는 안된다. 4. 우리나라 10대 사망원인중 (1994년도) 뇌혈관질환이 1위, 교통사고 2위, 암이 3위 순위로서 연령별로는 10~30대의 불의의 사고(교통사고), 40~60대는 암, 70대 이상은 뇌혈관질환이 가장 많다. 구미${\cdot}$일 7개국 정상국가들은 심질환 사망이 가장 높다. 5. 식생활의 변화에 있어서 우리나라는 주식으로 섭취해 왔던 곡류는 70년 대비 94년에는 0.7배 감소된 반면 육류 5배, 계란 2.4배, 우유는 무려 29.3배 증가되었다. 식생활 패턴이 서구화 경향으로 바뀌는 것 같다. 6. 71년도 우리나라의 지질섭취량은 국민 1인당 1일 평균 13.1g에 섭취에너지의 5.7%수준이었으나 92년도에는 34.5g으로서 총에너지 섭취량의 16.6%에 달하고 총섭취 지방질중 동물성 섭취 비율은 47%를 차지 한다. 국민 평균 혈청콜레스테롤 농도는 80년에 비해 88년에는 11%가 증가되었고 80년에 210mg/dl 이상 되는 콜레스테롤 혈증인 사람의 비율이 5%에서 88년에는 23%로 크게 증가했다. 7. 세계 정상국가들의 단백질 즉 축산식품의 섭취는 우리나라보다 적게는 2배, 많게는 6~7배 더 섭취하고 90년도 우리나라의 지질섭취량은 일본의 1/3수준에 불과하다. 8. 콜레스테롤은 인체를 비롯한 모든 동물체에 필수적으로 분포하고 있는 것으로 체내 존재하고 있는 총량은 90~150g, 이중 혈청콜레스테롤은 4%(6g)를 차지하고 있음에도 불구하고 이 아주 적은 콜레스테롤에 일희일비(一喜一悲) 논쟁은 60~70년 끄러오고 있다. 9. 콜레스테롤의 생체내 기능으로서는 (1) 세포벽의 지지물질 (2) 신경세포 보호막물질 (3) 담즙산의 합성 (4) 비타민 D의 합성 (5) 임신시에 반듯이 필요한 분자 (6) 기타 여러 가지 기능을 수행하는 것으로 필수적인 물질이다. 10. 우리가 식이를 통해서 섭취 콜레스테롤을 550mg정도를 섭취한다고 하더라도 이 정도의 양은 배설 소모되는 양과 거의 맞먹는 양이다. 피부와 땀샘에서 소실되는 양만도 100~300mg에 달하기 때문에 미국농무성에서 섭취량을 300mg로 제한하는 것은 무의미하다. 11. 콜레스테롤 운반체로서의 지단백질은 그 밀도가 낮은 것으로부터 킬로미크론(chylomicron), 초저밀도 지단백질(VLDL), 저밀도 지단백질(LDL) 및 고밀도 지단백질(HDL)으로 나누는데 LDL은 혈청콜레스테롤 중 약 70%, HDL은 약20%를 함유한다. 12. 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인을 열거하여 보면 다음과 같다. 1) 음식을 통해서 섭취되는 콜레스테롤 중 단지 10~40%정도가 흡수되고, 체내에서 합성되는 콜레스테롤이 증가할수록 식이콜레스테롤은 실제 혈청콜레스테롤 수준에 거의 영향을 미치지 않으므로 식이중함량에 대하여 공포를 느끼고 기피할 필요가 없다. 2) 고도불포화지방산, 단가불포화지방산, 포화지방산의 비 즉 P/M/S의 비가 균형되도록 권장한다. 3) 동맥경화를 비롯한 성인병의 원인이 되는 혈전증에는 EPA의 양을 높여줌으로서 성인병을 예방할 수 있다. 4) 오메가6지방산 아라키도닉산과 오메가3지방산인 EPA로 유도되는 에이코사에노이드 또는 프로스타노이드는 오메가6와 3지방산을 전구체로 하여 생합성되는 중요한 생리활성 물질이다. 5) 사람은 일반적으로 20세에서 60세까지 나이를 먹어감에 따라 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 증가하고 60세 이후부터는 일정한 수준을 유지하며 심장보호성 HDL-콜레스테롤은 감소하는 반면에 죽상경화성 LDL콜레스테롤은 증가한다. 6) 높은 HDL콜레스테롤 수준이 심장병 발생 위험요인을 감소시키는 기능을 갖고 있기 때문에 좋은 HDL이라 부르고, LDL은 나쁜 콜레스테롤이라 부르기도 하는데, 이것은 유전적 요인보다도 환경적 요인이 보다 큰 영향을 미친다. 7) 이것은 생활 형태와 영양섭취상태를 포함해서 개인적 생활패턴에 영향을 받는다. 8) 많은 실험에서 혈중 콜레스테롤 상승은 노년의 가령(加齡)에 적응하기 위한 자연적 또는 생리적인 세포의 생화학적이고 대사적인 기능을 위해 필수적일 수 있다는 것을 간과해서는 안될 것이다. 이 점으로 미루어 노년의 여성들을 위한 콜레스테롤 농도를 200mg/dl이 가장 알맞은 양이 아닌 듯하다. 9) 스트레스는 두가지 모양으로 유발되는데 해로은 스트레스(negative), 이로운 스트레스(positive)로서 긴장완화는 혈중 콜레스테롤 농도를 10% 떨어진다. 10) 자주 운동을 하는 사람들은 혈중 HDL콜레스테롤치가 운동을 하지 않는 사람보다 높다. 육체적인 운동의 정도와 혈중 HDL콜레스테롤 농도와는 정비례한다. 11) 흡연은 지방을 흡착시키므로 혈전증의 원이이 되며 혈관속의 HDL농도를 감소시킨다. 12) 에너지의 과잉섭취에 의한 체중 증가느 일반적으로 지단백질대사에 영향을 미치고, 간에서는 콜레스테롤 과잉 생산과 더불어 VLDL콜레스테롤의 LDL콜레스테롤 혈증을 나타냄으로 운동과 더불어 비만이 되지 않도록 하여야 한다. 13. 콜레스테롤 함량에 대한 조절기술 1) 식품의 우열을 평가할 때 단순히 동물성 또는 식물성 식품으로 분류해서 총괄적으로 논한다는 것은 지양되어야 한다. 이것은 그 식품에 함유하고 있는 지방산의 종류에 따라서 다르기 때문이다. 2) 인체의 원할한 기능 유지를 위해서는 P /M /S비율 뿐만 아니라 섭취 지방질의 오메가6 /오메가3계 지방산의 비율이 모두 적절한 범위에 있어야 하며 한두가지 지방산만이 과량일 때는 또 다른 불균형을 일으킬 수 있다는 점을 알아야 한다. 3) 닭고기는 오메가6지방산 함량을 높이기 위하여 사료중에 등푸른 생선이나 어분이나 어유를 첨가하여 닭고기는 첨가수준에 따라 증가됨을 알 수 있다. 4) 오늘날 계란내의 지방산 조성을 변화시켜 난황내의 오메가 3계열 지방산 함량을 증가시킨 계란의 개발이 활발해졌다. 14. 계란 콜레스테롤에 대한 소비자들의 부정적 인식을 불식시키고자 계란의 클레스테롤 함량을 낮추는 과제가 등장하면서 그 기술개발이 여러모로 시도되고 있으나 아직 실용 단계에 이르지 못했다. 15. 계란의 콜레스테롤 문제에 대한 대책으로서 난황의 크기를 감소시키는 방법에 대한 연구도 필요하다. 16. 계란 중 콜레스테롤 함량 분석치는 표현 방식에 따라서 소비자들을 혼란시킬 가능성이 있다. 또한 과거에는 비색법으로 분석했으나 오늘날은 효소법으로 분석하면 분석치에 상당한 차이가 있다. 17. 소비자의 요구를 만족시키고 버터 소비를 촉진시키기 위해 콜레스테롤을 감소시키는 물리적${\cdot}$생물학적 방식이 제안되어 있으나 현장적용이 가능한 것은 아직 없다. 18. 우리나라에서 이미 시판되고 있는 DHA우유가 선보였고 무콜레스테롤 버터의 경우 트란스(trans)형 지방산에 관해서는 논란의 여지가 많을 것이다. 끝으로 국가 목표의 하나는 복지사회 건설에 있고 복지국가 실현에는 국민 기본 욕망의 하나인 식생활 합리화가 선행되어야 한다. 소득이 늘고 국가가 발전해감에 따라 영양식${\cdot}$건강식 및 기호식을 추구하게 됨을 매우 당연한 추세라 하겠다. 우리의 식생활이 날로 향상되어 지난날의 당질 위주에서 점차 축산물쪽으로 질적 개선이 이루어진다는 것은 고무적임에 틀림없다. 이 축산물을 통한 풍요로운 식의 문화를 창출하면서 건강과 장수 그리고 후손에 이르기까지 번영하고 국가 경쟁력 강화에 심혈을 기우려야 할 때이다.

  • PDF

Studies on the Morphological, Physical and Chemical Properties of the Korean Forest soil in Relation to the Growth of Korean White Pine and Japanese Larch (한국산림토양의 형태학적 및 이화학적성질과 낙엽송, 잣나무의 성장(成長)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, In-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.189-213
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    • 1980
  • 1. Aiming at supply of basic informations on tree species siting and forest fertilization by understanding of soil properties that are demanded by each tree species through studies of forest soil's morphological, physical and chemical properties in relation to tree growth in our country, the necessary data have been collected in the last 10 years, are quantified according to quantification theory and are analyzed in accordance with multi-variate analysis. 2. Test species, larch and the Korean white pine, are plantable in extensive areas from mid to north in the temperate zone and are the two most recommended reforestation tree species in Korea. However, their respective site demands are not known and they have been in confusion or considered demanding the same site during reforestation. When the Korean white pine is planted in larch sites, it has shown relatively good growth. But, when larch is planted in the Korean white pine site it can be hardly said that the larch growth is good. To understand on such a difference soil factors have been studied so as to see how the soil's morphological, physical and chemical factors affect tree growth helped with the electronic computer. 3. All the stands examined are man-made mature forests. From 294 larch plots and 259 white pine plots dominant trees are cut as samples and through stem analysis site index is determined. For each site index soil profiles are made in the related forest-land for analysis. Soil samples are taken from each profile horizon and forest-land productivity classification tables are worked out through physical and chemical analysis of the soil samples for each tree species for the study of relationships between physical, chemical and the combined physical/chemical properties of soil and tree growth. 4. In the study of relationships between physical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of deposit form, soil depth, soil moisture, altitude, relief, soil type, depth of A-horizon, soil consistency content of organic matter soil texture bed rock gravel content aspect and slope. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency bed rock aspect depth of A-horizon soil moisture altitude relief deposit form soil depth soil texture gravel content and slope. 5. In the study of relationships between chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of base saturation organic matter CaO C/N ratio, effective $P_2O_5$ PH.exchangeable $K_2O$ T-N MgO C E C Total Base and Na. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is effective $P_2O_5$ Total Base T-N Na C/N ratio PH CaO base saturation organic matter exchangeable $K_2O$ C E C and MgO. 6. In the study of relationships between the combined physical and chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of soil depth deposit form soil moisture PH relief soil type altitude T-N soil consistency effective $P_2O_5$ soil texture depth of A-horizon Total Base exchangeable $K_2O$ and base saturation. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type soil consistency aspect effective $P_2O_5$ depth of A-horizon exchangeable $K_2O$ soil moisture Total Base altitude soil depth base saturation relief T-N C/N ratio and deposit from. 7. In the multiple regression of forest soil's physical properties larch's correlation coefficient is 0.9272 and for the Korean white pine it is 0.8996. With chemical properties larch has 0.7474 and the Korean white pine has 0.7365. So, the soil's physical properties are found out more closely related with tree growth than chemical properties. However, this seems due to inadequate expression of soil's chemical factors and it is proved that the chemical properties are not less important than the physical properties. In the multiple regression of the combined physical and chemical properties consisting of important morphological and physical factors as well as chemical factors of forest soils larch's multiple correlation coefficient is found out to be 0.9434 and for the Korean white pine it is 0.9103 leading to the highest correlation. 8. As shown in the partial correlation coefficients larch needs deeper soil depth than the Korean white pine and in the deposit form colluvial and creeping soils are demanded by the larch. Adequately moist to too moist should be soil moisture and PH should be from 5.5 to 6.1 for the larch. Demands of T-N soil texture and soil nutrients are higher for the larch than the Korean white pine. Thus, soil depth, deposit form, relief soil moisture PH N altitude and soil texture are good indicators for species sitings with larch and the Korean white pine while soil type and soil consistency are indicative only limitedly of species sitings due to their wide variation as plantation environments. For larch siting soil depth deposit form relief soil moisture PH soil type N and soil texture are indicators of good growth and for Korean white pine they are soil type soil consistency effective $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable $K_2O$, which is demanded more by the Korean white pine than larch generally. 9. Physical properties of soil has been known as affecting tree growth to greatest extent so far. However, as a result of this study it is proved through computer analysis that chemical properties of soil are not less important factors for tree growth than chemical properties and site demands for larch and the Korean white pine that have been uncertain So far could be clarified.

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Analysis on the Relation between the Morphological Physical and Chemical Properties of Forest Soils and the Growth of the Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. and Larix leptolepis Gord by Quantification (수량화(數量化)에 의(依)한 우리나라 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 형태학적(形態学的) 및 이화학적(理化学的) 성질(性質)과 잣나무 및 낙엽송(落葉松)의 생장(生長) 상관분석(相關分析))

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1981
  • 1. Aiming at supply of basic informations on tree species siting and forest fertilization by understanding of soil properties that are demanded by each tree species through studies of forest soil's morphological, physical and chemical properties in relation to tree growth in our country, the necessary data have been collected in the last 10 years, are quantified according to quantification theory and are analyzed in sccordance with multi-variate analysis. 2. Test species, japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord) and the Korean white pine, (pinus koraiensis S et Z.) are plantable in extensive areas from mid to north in the temperate forest zone and are the two most recommended reforestation tree species in Korea. However, their respective site demands are little known and they have been in confusion or considered demanding the same site during reforestation. When the Korean white pine is planted in larch sites, it has shown relatively good growth, but, when Japanese larch is planted in Korean white pine site it can be hardly said that the Japanese Larch growth is good. To understand on such a difference soil factors have been studied so as to see how th soil's morphological, physical and chemical factors affect tree growth helped with the electronic computer. 3. All the stands examined are man-made mature forests. From 294 Japanese larch plots and 259 Korean white pine plots dominant trees are cut as samples and through stem analysis site index is determined. For each site index soil profiles are made in the related forest-land for analysis. Soil samples are taken from each profile horizon and forest-land productivity classification tables are worked out through physical and chemical analyses of the soil samples for each tree species for the study of relationships between physical, chemical and the combined physical/properties of soil and tree growth. 4. In the study of relationships between physical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the decreasing order of weight deposit form, soil depth, soil moisture, altitude, relief, soil type, depth a A-horizon, soil consistency, content of organic matter, soil texture, bed rock, gravel content, aspect and slope. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, bed rock, aspect, depth of A-horizon, soil moisture, altitude, relief, deposit form, soil depth, soil texture, gravel content and slope. 5. In the study of relationships between chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of base saturation, organic matter, CaO, C/N ratio, effective $P_2O_5$, PH, exchangeable, $K_2O$, T-N, MgO, CEC, Total Base and Na. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is effective $P_2O_5$, Total Base, T-N, Na, C/N ratio, PH, CaO, base saturation, organic matter, exchangeable $K_2O$, CEC and MgO. 6. In the study of relationships between the combined physical and chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of soil depth, deposit form, soil moisture, PH, relief, soil type altitude, T-N, soil consistency, effective $P_2O_5$, soil texture, depth of A-horizon, Total Base, exchangeable $K_2O$ and base saturation. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, aspect, effective $P_2O_5$, depth of A-horizon, exchangeable $K_2O$, soil moisture, Total Base, altitude, soil depth, base saturation, relief, T-N, C/N ratio and deposit form. 7. In the multiple correlation of forest soil's physical properties larch's correlation coefficient for Japanese Larch is 0.9272 and for Korean white pine, 0.8996. With chemical properties larch has 0.7474 and Korean white pine has 0.7365. So, the soil's physical properties are found out more closely related with tree growth than chemical properties. However, this seems due to inadequate expression of soil's chemical factors and it is proved that the chemical properities are not less important than the physical properties. In the multiple correlation of the combined physical and chemical properties consisting of important morphological and physical factors as well as chemical factors of forest soils larch's multiple correlation coefficient is found out to be 0.9434 and for Korean white pine it is 0.9103 leading to the highest correlation. 8. As shown in the partial correlation coefficients Japanese larch needs deeper soil depth than Korean white pine and in the deposit form of colluvial and creeping soils are demanded by the larch. Moderately moist to not moist should be soil moisture and PH should be from 5.5 to 6.1 for the larch. Demands of T-N, soil texture and soil nutrients are higher for the larch than the Korean white pine. Thus, soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, PH, N, altitude and soil texture are good indicators for species sitings with larch and the Korean white pine while soil type and soil consistency are indicative only limitedly of species sitings due to their wide variations as plantation environments. For the larch siting soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, pH, soil type, N and soil texture are indicators of good growth and for the Korean white pine they are soil type, soil consistency, effective $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable $K_2O$. In soil nutrients larch has been found out demanding more than the Korean white pine except $K_2O$, which is demanded more by the Korean white pine than Japanese larch generally. 9. Physical properties of soil has been known as affecting tree growth to the greatest extent so far. However, as a result of this study it is proved through computer analysis that chemical properties of soil are not less important factors for tree growth than chemical properties and site demands for the Japanese larch and the Korean white pine that have been uncertain so far could be clarified.

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IR Study on the Adsorption of Carbon Monoxide on Silica Supported Ruthenium-Nickel Alloy (실리카 지지 루테늄-니켈 합금에 있어서 일산화탄소의 흡착에 관한 IR 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Youn;Yoon, Dong-Wook
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2006
  • We have investigated adsorption and desorption properties of CO adsorption on silica supported Ru/Ni alloys at various Ru/Ni mole content ratio as well as CO partial pressures using Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR). For Ru-$SiO_{2}$ sample, four bands were observed at $2080.0cm^{-1}$, $2021.0{\sim}2030.7cm^{-1}$, $1778.9{\sim}1799.3cm^{-1}$, $1623.8cm^{-1}$ on adsorption and three bands were observed at $2138.7cm^{-1}$, $2069.3cm^{-1}$, $1988.3{\sim}2030.7cm^{-1}$ on vacumn desorption. For Ni-$SiO_{2}$ sample, four bands were observed at $2057.7cm^{-1}$, $2019.1{\sim}2040.3cm^{-1}$, $1862.9{\sim}1868.7cm^{-1}$, $1625.7cm^{-1}$ on adsorption and two bands were observed at $2009.5{\sim}2040.3cm^{-1}$, $1828.4{\sim}1868.7cm^{-1}$ on vacumn desorption. These absorption bands correspond with those of the previous reports approximately. For Ru/Ni(9/1, 8/2, 7/3, 6/4, 5/5; mole content ratio)-$SiO_{2}$ samples, three bands were observed at $2001.8{\sim}2057.7cm^{-1}$, $1812.8{\sim}1926.5cm^{-1}$, $1623.8{\sim}1625.7cm^{-1}$ on adsorption and three bands were observed at $2140.6cm^{-1}$, $2073.1cm^{-1}$, $1969.0{\sim}2057.7cm^{-1}$ on vacumn desorption. The spectrum pattern observed for Ru/Ni-$SiO_{2}$ sample at 9/1 Ru/Ni mole content ratio on CO adsorption and on vacumn desorption is almost like the spectrum pattern observed for Ru-$SiO_{2}$ sample. But the spectrum patterns observed for Ru/Ni-$SiO_{2}$ samples under 8/2 Ru/Ni mole content ratio on CO adsorption and vacumn desorption are almost like the pattern observed for $Ni-SiO_{2}$ sample. It may be suggested surfaces of alloy clusters on the Ru/Ni-$SiO_{2}$ samples contain more Ni components than the mole content ratio of the sample considering the above phenomena. With Ru/Ni-$SiO_{2}$ samples the absorption band shifts may be ascribed to variations of surface concentration, strain variation due to atomic size difference, variation of bonding energy and electronic densities, and changes of surface geometries according to surface concentration variation. Studies for CO adsorption on Ru/Ni alloy cluster surface by LEED and Auger spectroscopy, interation between Ru/Ni alloy cluster and $SiO_{2}$, and MO calculation for the system would be needed to look into the phenomena.

The Variation of Natural Population of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. in Korea (V) -Characteristics of Needle and Wood of Injye, Jeongsun, Samchuk Populations- (소나무 천연집단(天然集團)의 변이(變異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(V) -인제(麟蹄), 정선(旌善), 삼척집단(三陟集團)의 침엽(針葉) 및 재질형질(材質形質)-)

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Kwon, Ki Won;Lee, Kyong Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.9-25
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    • 1977
  • As a successive work of the variation studies of natural Pinus densiflora stands, some characteristics of individual trees of the three natural populations selected from the Kwang-won Province, the middle-east part of Korean peninsula, as shown in the location map, were investigated. And the statiscal differences between individuals within population, and between populations were analysed. Twenty trees from each population were selected for this study purpose. Doing this, those trees lagged in growth, usually showing poorer form, were eliminated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Though the average population ages had the ranage between 50 and 63, the growth of height or diameter was similar. Population No.9 is, however, considered to have better tree forms at glance. Population No.8 showed the heighest value not only in the clear-stem-length ratio. 0.53 but also in the crown-index 0.91. The higher value can be result from those trees having long lateral branches and relatively short crown height, meaning undesirable crown shape. In regard to the fine branchedness and the acuteness of branching angle, the population No.9. is considered to be a better one, whereas there was almost no difference in crown height among populations. 2. Checking the frequency distributions of the ratio of the clear-stem-height to the total height and the crown-indices, some difference between populations are considered. These might be attributed to the previous way of stand mangement which alters the density. 3. In the serration density, the average number of 54 per 1cm needle length, the significant differences exist between individual trees within population but not between populations. A few trees which extremly high serration density were observed. As in serration, so tendencies were in the number of stomata row and resin duct. 4. The population 8 had the resin duct index value of 0.074 as the highest which was twice or triple of the other ones. 5. The patterns of increasing process of the average 10-year-ring-segment were not similar till the 30 years of age, but beyond this, the tendency lines were aggregated. 6. Regading the average summer wood ratio, no diffrence between populations, but in the ranges, i.e. 23 to 30 in population No.8. and 16 to 36 in population No.9., with regad to the specific gravity of wood, there were hardly observed any difference between populations even in the ranges values. As the increase of tree ages, the increase of specific gravity was followed but the increasing patterns were not similar between populations. 7. No significant differences between populations in the average tracheid length and the range were detected. However, the length was increased according to the age increase. The increasing pattern was same between populations.

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The Study on Conservation and Management of Natural Habitat of Spleenworts on Samdo Island (Asplenium antiquum Makino), Jeju (Natural Monument No. 18) (천연기념물 제주 삼도 파초일엽 자생지 생육 및 관리 현황 연구)

  • Shin, Jin-Ho;Kim, Han;Lee, Na-Ra;Son, Ji-Won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.280-291
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    • 2019
  • A. antiquum, first observed in Jeju Samdo Island in 1949, was designated as the Natural Monument No. 18 in December 1962 in recognition of its academic value. In Korea, it grows in nature only in Samdo in Jeju Island. Although its natural habitat was greatly damaged and almost destroyed due to firewood, stealing, etc. After the emancipation, it has been maintained by the transplantation and restoration. The site observed by this study has been managed as a restricted area since 2011. Since it has been about 20 years since the restoration of the native site in the 2000s, it is necessary to check the official management history records, such as the origin of transplantation and restoration to monitor the changes in the growth status and to control the habitat. As the results of this study, we have secured the records of cultural property management history, such as the identification of native species and the transplantation and restoration records. We also examined the change of the growth and development of A. antiquum 20 years after the restoration. There are no official records of the individuals transplanted to the restored natural habitat of A. antiquum in the 1970s and 1980s, and there was a controversy about the nativeness of those individuals that were restored and transplanted in 1974 since they were Japanese individuals. The studies of identifying native as the results of this study, we have secured the records of cultural property management history, such as the identification of native species and the transplantation and restoration records. We also examined the change of the growth and development of A. antiquum 20 years after the restoration. There are two sites in natural habitat in Samdo Island. A total of 65 individuals grow in three layers on three stone walls in a site while 29 individuals grow in two columns in the other site. A. antiquum grows in an evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by Neolitsea sericea, and we did not find any other individuals of naturally growing A. antiquum outside the investigated site. This study checked the distribution of A. antiquum seedlings observed initially after the restoration. There were more than 300 seedling individuals, and we selected three densely populated sites for monitoring. There were 23 A. antiquum seedlings with 4 - 17 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 0.5 - 20 cm in monitoring site 1. There were 88 individuals with 5 - 6 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 1.3 - 10.4 cm in monitoring site 2 while there were 22 individuals with 5 - 9 leaves per individual and the leaf length of 4.5 - 12.1 cm in monitoring site 3. Although the natural habitat of A. antiquum was designated as a restricted public area in 2011, there is a high possibility that the habitat can be damaged because some activities, such as fishing and scuba diving are allowed. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce the law strictly, to provide sufficient education for the preservation of natural treasures, and to present accurate information about cultural assets.

Studies on Inheritance and Ecological Variation of the Culm Length and Its Related Characters in Short-Statured Rice Varieties (수도단간품종의 간장 및 관련형질의 유전과 생태적 변이에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ho Bea
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    • v.13
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 1973
  • These studies were aimed at clarification of genetic and ecological variation in culm length, panicle length and plant height of the $\textrm{F}_2$ plants in some selected crosses made between semi-dwarf rice varieties and tall Japonica ones. One Indica semi-dwarf, Taichung Native 1, one Indica $\times$ Japonica hybrid, IE51 and one Japonica semi-dwarf, Tankanbaekmang were used as short-gene donors while two of medium maturity varieties, Jinheung and Kwanok and one late veriety, Palkweng were used as the corresponding counterpart of respective dwarf varieties in a series of crosses. Five different crosses, Kwanok $\times$ Tankanbaekmang, Palkweng $\times$ Tankanbaekmang, Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1, Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1 and Kwanok $\times$ IE51, were made among the above six varieties. The $\textrm{F}_2$ plants of these crosses together with the concerned parental varieties were grown under several different conditions including three levels of each nitrogen and planting space, three planting seasons and three locations in 1968, to investigate variation in length of culm and panicle, and plant height. On the other hand, the F$_3$ progenies which were derived from the shortest 10 percent of the plants of three $\textrm{F}_2$ populations, Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1, Jinheung $\times$ T(N) 1 and Kwanok $\times$ IE51 grown in the previous year, were compared each other on the basis of selection efficiency in culm length. The experimental results could be summarized as follows; 1. Genetic behavior A. It was revealed that Tankanbaekmang, one of Japonica dwarf has a simple recessive gene responsible for short culm expression, showing a typical segregation ratio of three tall to one short culm plants in $\textrm{F}_2$ generation of the crosses either with Kwanok or Palkweng. B. In the both combinations, segregation pattern of the panicle length was exactly same as that of culm length. It seems that the same gene controls both culm length and panicle length. C. No difference between segregation of culm length and plant height in the above crosses was observed. D. T(N)1, one of Indica semi-dwarf did not show such a simple genetic behavior as detected from the crosses with Tankanbaekmang in segregation of culm length but formed a continuous and normal distribution curve. Therefore, some nonallelic genic actions might be involved in expression of culm length of the counterpart varieties of T(N)1. In particular, a transgressive segregation appeared toward the direction of longer culm length in case of Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1. The genetic behavior of panicle length and plant height generally coincided with that of culm length in all the cases. E. IE51 demonstrated exactly the same genetic behavior as that of T(N)1 when this variety was crossed with Kwanok. It was clearly clarified that the simple recessive gene controlling dwarfism from T(N)1 was well incorporated into this variety. 2. Ecological variation A. In general, there was a decreasing tendency in culm length and plant height of rice plant as seeding delayed while it was not so noticeable in panicle length. The decreasing magnitude varied from variety to variety and from cross to cross. Genetic behavior of the culm length and related characters of these materials was not disturbed by the variation of seeding season, nitrogen level, planting space and experimental location. E. The elongation mode of the upper three internodes was very similar to the segregation mode of culm length, panicle length and plant height in $\textrm{F}_2$ populations of . all the crosses investigated in this study. Accordingly, this result confirmed that the roles of the upper three internodes are very important in manifesting plant stature in rice. C. The effect of nitrogen on culm length and the related other two characters seemed to be meager. However, it was true to show an increasing tendency of those characters as nitrogen level got increased from 4 kg to 12kg per l0a, with different magnitude depending upon variety or cross. D. Also, the effect of planting space on culm length, panicle length and plant height was relatively small in all the cases. Those characters varied again depending upon variety or cross. However, a general increasing tendency was detected in manifestation of those traits under denser planting space condition. E. All the parental varieties produced shorter culm, panicle and plant height when they were grown at the lower latitude locations. It might be attributed to the fact that their reproductive growth accelerated with increased temperature prevailing at the lower latitude locations such as Iri and Mi1yang. On the countrary, $\textrm{F}_2$ population reacted differently to the different locations from the parental varieties. All the $\textrm{F}_2$ plants produced the longest culm, panicle and plant at Milyang. 3. Selection efficiency A. The heritability of culm length in Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1, Kwanok $\times$ IE51 and Jinheung$\times$T(N)1 was 92 percent, 74 percent and 55 percent, respectively. B. The actual genetic advance for culm length obtained from the progeny lines of the selected plants(10 precent) from the $\textrm{F}_2$ generation, was comparable to the expected advance calculated from the original $\textrm{F}_2$ populations. As compared with the $\textrm{F}_2$ population, the $\textrm{F}_3$ plants of Kwanok $\times$ T(N)l shortened on the average by 20.8cm, those of Kwanok $\times$ IE51 did 8.7cm and those of Jinheung$\times$T(N)1 20.0cm, respectively. C. Panicle length of the populations was differently affected from one cross to another by the selection based upon culm length in $\textrm{F}_2$ Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1 did not show any noticeable shortening of its culm length due to the selection pressure. On the other hand, both Kwanok $\times$ IE51 and Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1 showed a considerable shortening of their panicles in case of selection for culm length. Based upon the above results, it could be concluded that the ecological variation in culm length, panicle length and plant height was relatively small and fallen within the range of genetic variation. Considering from the fact that the simple recessive gene governing short height of Tankanbaekmang always accompanied with some undesirable characters such as short panicle and extremely small grain, the short gene of T(N)1 seemed to be more useful as dwarf gene source since it did not carry short gene together with such undesirable traits.

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Current Status and Perspectives in Varietal Improvement of Rice Cultivars for High-Quality and Value-Added Products (쌀 품질 고급화 및 고부가가치화를 위한 육종현황과 전망)

  • 최해춘
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    • v.47
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2002
  • The endeavors enhancing the grain quality of high-yielding japonica rice were steadily continued during 1980s-1990s along with the self-sufficiency of rice production and the increasing demands of high-quality rices. During this time, considerably great progress and success was obtained in development of high-quality japonica cultivars and quality evaluation techniques including the elucidation of interrelationship between the physicochemical properties of rice grain and the physical or palatability components of cooked rice. In 1990s, some high-quality japonica rice cultivars and special rices adaptable for food processing such as large kernel, chalky endosperm, aromatic and colored rices were developed and its objective preference and utility was also examined by a palatability meter, rapid-visco analyzer and texture analyzer, Recently, new special rices such as extremely low-amylose dull or opaque non-glutinous endosperm mutants were developed. Also, a high-lysine rice variety was developed for higher nutritional utility. The water uptake rate and the maximum water absorption ratio showed significantly negative correlations with the K/Mg ratio and alkali digestion value(ADV) of milled rice. The rice materials showing the higher amount of hot water absorption exhibited the larger volume expansion of cooked rice. The harder rices with lower moisture content revealed the higher rate of water uptake at twenty minutes after soaking and the higher ratio of maximum water uptake under the room temperature condition. These water uptake characteristics were not associated with the protein and amylose contents of milled rice and the palatability of cooked rice. The water/rice ratio (in w/w basis) for optimum cooking was averaged to 1.52 in dry milled rices (12% wet basis) with varietal range from 1.45 to 1.61 and the expansion ratio of milled rice after proper boiling was average to 2.63(in v/v basis). The major physicochemical components of rice grain associated with the palatability of cooked rice were examined using japonica rice materials showing narrow varietal variation in grain size and shape, alkali digestibility, gel consistency, amylose and protein contents, but considerable difference in appearance and texture of cooked rice. The glossiness or gross palatability score of cooked rice were closely associated with the peak, hot paste and consistency viscosities of viscosities with year difference. The high-quality rice variety "IIpumbyeo" showed less portion of amylose on the outer layer of milled rice grain and less and slower change in iodine blue value of extracted paste during twenty minutes of boiling. This highly palatable rice also exhibited very fine net structure in outer layer and fine-spongy and well-swollen shape of gelatinized starch granules in inner layer and core of cooked rice kernel compared with the poor palatable rice through image of scanning electronic microscope. Gross sensory score of cooked rice could be estimated by multiple linear regression formula, deduced from relationship between rice quality components mentioned above and eating quality of cooked rice, with high probability of determination. The $\alpha$-amylose-iodine method was adopted for checking the varietal difference in retrogradation of cooked rice. The rice cultivars revealing the relatively slow retrogradation in aged cooked rice were IIpumbyeo, Chucheongyeo, Sasanishiki, Jinbubyeo and Koshihikari. A Tonsil-type rice, Taebaegbyeo, and a japonica cultivar, Seomjinbyeo, showed the relatively fast deterioration of cooked rice. Generally, the better rice cultivars in eating quality of cooked rice showed less retrogradation and much sponginess in cooled cooked rice. Also, the rice varieties exhibiting less retrogradation in cooled cooked rice revealed higher hot viscosity and lower cool viscosity of rice flour in amylogram. The sponginess of cooled cooked rice was closely associated with magnesium content and volume expansion of cooked rice. The hardness-changed ratio of cooked rice by cooling was negatively correlated with solids amount extracted during boiling and volume expansion of cooked rice. The major physicochemical properties of rice grain closely related to the palatability of cooked rice may be directly or indirectly associated with the retrogradation characteristics of cooked rice. The softer gel consistency and lower amylose content in milled rice revealed the higher ratio of popped rice and larger bulk density of popping. The stronger hardness of rice grain showed relatively higher ratio of popping and the more chalky or less translucent rice exhibited the lower ratio of intact popped brown rice. The potassium and magnesium contents of milled rice were negatively associated with gross score of noodle making mixed with wheat flour in half and the better rice for noodle making revealed relatively less amount of solid extraction during boiling. The more volume expansion of batters for making brown rice bread resulted the better loaf formation and more springiness in rice breed. The higher protein rices produced relatively the more moist white rice bread. The springiness of rice bread was also significantly correlated with high amylose content and hard gel consistency. The completely chalky and large grain rices showed better suitability far fermentation and brewing. The glutinous rice were classified into nine different varietal groups based on various physicochemical and structural characteristics of endosperm. There was some close associations among these grain properties and large varietal difference in suitability to various traditional food processing. Our breeding efforts on improvement of rice quality for high palatability and processing utility or value-adding products in the future should focus on not only continuous enhancement of marketing and eating qualities but also the diversification in morphological, physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of rice grain suitable for processing various value-added rice foods.ice foods.