• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미래신호 방법론

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Exploring Future Signals for Mobile Payment Services - A Case of Chinese Market - (모바일 결제 서비스에 대한 미래신호 예측 - 중국시장을 대상으로 -)

  • Bin Xuan;Seung Ik Baek
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2023
  • The objective of this study is to explore future issues that Chinese users, who have the highest mobile payment service usage rate in the world, will be most interested in. For this purpose, after collecting text data from a Chinese SNS site, it classifies major keywords into 4 types of future signals by using Keyword Emergence Map (KEM) and Keyword Issue Map (KIM). Furthermore, to understand the four types of signals in detail, it performs the qualitative analysis on text related to each signal keyword. As a result, it finds that the strong signal, which is rapidly growing in keyword appearance frequency during this research period, includes the keywords related to the daily life of Chinese people, such as buses, subways, and household account books. Additionally, it find that the signal that appears frequently now, but with a low increase rate, includes various services that can replace cash payment, such as hongbao (cash payment) and bank cards. The weak signal and latent signal, which appear less often than other two signals, includes the keywords related to promotion events or changes in service regulations. Its result shows that the mobile payment services greatly have changed user's daily life beyond providing convenience. Furthermore, it shows that, in the Chinese market, in which card payment is not common, the mobile payment services have the great potential to completely replace cash payment.

Development of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation Signal Faults Identification Algorithm (원전 계측 신호 오류 식별 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, SeungGeun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the author proposed a nuclear power plant (NPP) instrumentation signal faults identification algorithm. A variational autoencoder (VAE)-based model is trained by using only normal dataset as same as existing anomaly detection method, and trained model predicts which signal within the entire signal set is anomalous. Classification of anomalous signals is performed based on the reconstruction error for each kind of signal and partial derivatives of reconstruction error with respect to the specific part of an input. Simulation was conducted to acquire the data for the experiments. Through the experiments, it was identified that the proposed signal fault identification method can specify the anomalous signals within acceptable range of error.

A Study on Establishing a Market Entry Strategy for the Satellite Industry Using Future Signal Detection Techniques (미래신호 탐지 기법을 활용한 위성산업 시장의 진입 전략 수립 연구)

  • Sehyoung Kim;Jaehyeong Park;Hansol Lee;Juyoung Kang
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.249-265
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the satellite industry has been paying attention to the private-led 'New Space' paradigm, which is a departure from the traditional government-led industry. The space industry, which is considered to be the next food industry, is still receiving relatively little attention in Korea compared to the global market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore future signals that can help determine the market entry strategies of private companies in the domestic satellite industry. To this end, this study utilizes the theoretical background of future signal theory and the Keyword Portfolio Map method to analyze keyword potential in patent document data based on keyword growth rate and keyword occurrence frequency. In addition, news data was collected to categorize future signals into first symptom and early information, respectively. This is utilized as an interpretive indicator of how the keywords reveal their actual potential outside of patent documents. This study describes the process of data collection and analysis to explore future signals and traces the evolution of each keyword in the collected documents from a weak signal to a strong signal by specifically visualizing how it can be used through the visualization of keyword maps. The process of this research can contribute to the methodological contribution and expansion of the scope of existing research on future signals, and the results can contribute to the establishment of new industry planning and research directions in the satellite industry.

Detecting Weak Signals for Carbon Neutrality Technology using Text Mining of Web News (탄소중립 기술의 미래신호 탐색연구: 국내 뉴스 기사 텍스트데이터를 중심으로)

  • Jisong Jeong;Seungkook Roh
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2023
  • Carbon neutrality is the concept of reducing greenhouse gases emitted by human activities and making actual emissions zero through removal of remaining gases. It is also called "Net-Zero" and "carbon zero". Korea has declared a "2050 Carbon Neutrality policy" to cope with the climate change crisis. Various carbon reduction legislative processes are underway. Since carbon neutrality requires changes in industrial technology, it is important to prepare a system for carbon zero. This paper aims to understand the status and trends of global carbon neutrality technology. Therefore, ROK's web platform "www.naver.com." was selected as the data collection scope. Korean online articles related to carbon neutrality were collected. Carbon neutrality technology trends were analyzed by future signal methodology and Word2Vec algorithm which is a neural network deep learning technology. As a result, technology advancement in the steel and petrochemical sectors, which are carbon over-release industries, was required. Investment feasibility in the electric vehicle sector and technology advancement were on the rise. It seems that the government's support for carbon neutrality and the creation of global technology infrastructure should be supported. In addition, it is urgent to cultivate human resources, and possible to confirm the need to prepare support policies for carbon neutrality.

Development of Analysis Model for R&D Environment Change in Search of the Weak Signal (Weak Signal 탐색을 위한 연구개발 환경변화 분석모델 개발)

  • Hong, Sung-Wha;Kim, You-Eil;Bae, Kuk-Jin;Park, Young-Wook;Park, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.189-211
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    • 2009
  • The importance of searching the weak signal has been increasingly recognized to cope with rapidly changing circumstances as an environmental analysis technique. This study proposed the NEST process for the searching for the weak signal. The NEST (New & Emerging Signals of Trends) is a micro environmental analysis process based on both quantitative and qualitative method. For this, the weak signal Searching Board is developed and traditional methods as global monitoring, trend analysis, brainstorming and delphi method are implemented to NEST. The NEST process is consists of three stage modules; the global monitoring stage in search of seeds information related to the environmental change, the weak signal analysis stage using the weak signal Tracking Board, and the delphi valuation stage for objectifying the final result. The NEST provides the weak signal of the promising technology which can bring new paradigm and the Up-Coming Trends which can lead new trend in the future. These outputs can be used to select promising technology from firm level to national level. The NEST system can be effectively operated as well as in small group so that small and medium innovative firms can develop and execute their own NEST process individually.

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The Feasibility for Whole-Night Sleep Brain Network Research Using Synchronous EEG-fMRI (수면 뇌파-기능자기공명영상 동기화 측정과 신호처리 기법을 통한 수면 단계별 뇌연결망 연구)

  • Kim, Joong Il;Park, Bumhee;Youn, Tak;Park, Hae-Jeong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Synchronous electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to explore sleep stage dependent functional brain networks. Despite a growing number of sleep studies using EEG-fMRI, few studies have conducted network analysis on whole night sleep due to difficulty in data acquisition, artifacts, and sleep management within the MRI scanner. Methods: In order to perform network analysis for whole night sleep, we proposed experimental procedures and data processing techniques for EEG-fMRI. We acquired 6-7 hours of EEG-fMRI data per participant and conducted signal processing to reduce artifacts in both EEG and fMRI. We then generated a functional brain atlas with 68 brain regions using independent component analysis of sleep fMRI data. Using this functional atlas, we constructed sleep level dependent functional brain networks. Results: When we evaluated functional connectivity distribution, sleep showed significantly reduced functional connectivity for the whole brain compared to that during wakefulness. REM sleep showed statistically different connectivity patterns compared to non-REM sleep in sleep-related subcortical brain circuits. Conclusion: This study suggests the feasibility of exploring functional brain networks using sleep EEG-fMRI for whole night sleep via appropriate experimental procedures and signal processing techniques for fMRI and EEG.

사이버 시대의 윤리 교육 : 청소년을 중심으로

  • 류나정;고석하
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2002.06a
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2002
  • 컴퓨터는 인간의 모든 꿈과 희망을 실현시켜 줄 수 있는 마법상자는 아니다. 정보화 시대라고 일컫는 현재, 정보의 가치를 더해주는 컴퓨터의 중요성은 날로 커지고 있는 반면 인간의 존엄성은 경시되고 있다. 많은 사람들은 요즘 사회가 커다란 도덕적 위기에 빠졌다고 걱정하지만 컴퓨터 사용과 관련된 윤리적 문제에 대해서는 심각하게 느끼지 못하고 있는 것 같다. 정보통신 기술의 발달에 따라 새로운 교육의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 기존의 전통적인 교육방식에서 사이버 윤리 교육은 교과서 중심의 단편적인 교육이었기 때문에 학습자의 흥미를 유발하지 못하였으며, 교육자와 학습자의 상호작용이 부족하여 사이버 윤리 교육의 효과가 미흡하였다. 정보통신 기술의 발달에 따라 새로운 교육의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 기존의 전통적인 교육방식에서 사이버 윤리 교육은 교과서 중심의 단편적인 교육이었기 때문에 학습자의 흥미를 유발하지 못하였으며, 교육자와 학습자의 상호작용이 부족하여 사이버 윤리 교육의 효과가 미흡하였다. 이런 관점에서 본 논문은 정보통신 시대가 수반하고 있는 사회적 영향력과 윤리적 이슈들에 대하여 좀더 교육적인 측면으로 접근해 윤리교육의 현황과 문제점, 그리고 체계적인 확산방안에 대해 살펴보았다. 본 논문에서는 사이버공간에서 윤리 교육을 받는 청소년들을 중심으로 그들에게 새로운 윤리교육의 한 형태인 사이버공간에서 관련된 문제들을 교육적인 측면으로 해결할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 그러나, 무엇보다 우리가 명심해야 할 것은 인간의 존엄성은 그 어떤 이유를 막론하고 존중되어야 한다는 사실이다. 검증되지 않은 스토리 보드에 의한 저작 단계로 바로 돌입하고 있는 것이 한국의 실정이라 하겠다. 따라서 본 프로젝트에 의해 개발 된 교수 설계 도구는 교육/학습 컨텐츠의 품질 보증을 위한 방법론인 교육 공학의 체제적 교수 설계 이론 Model (Instructional System Design Model), 특히 그 중에서도 이 분야의 사실상의 표준 이론(de facto standard)인 Dick & Carey 교수와 Gagne 교수의 인지주의 ISD Model을 기반으로 정교한 교수 설계와 코스 맵 설계를 가능하게 함으로써 학습 컨텐츠의 품질 보증 활동을 지원 할 수 있는 도구로 개발하였다. 특히 Linux 기반에서 PHP로 개발 함으로써 Platform에 구애받지 않은 사용 환경을 구현 하였으며 향후 많은 e-Learning Platform에 교수 설계 모듈로 장착 함으로써 기존의 e-Learning Platform들의 가치를 높일 수 있는 계기가 될 것으로 생각한다.실징후를 파악하는데 그치지 않고 부실의 원인을 파악하고 이에 대한 대응 전략을 수립하며 그 결과를 측정하는데 활용될 수도 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기업의 부도예측 정보 중 현금흐름정보를 통하여 '인터넷기업의 미래 현금흐름측정, 부도예측신호효과, 부실원인파악, 비즈니스 모델의 성격규정 등을 할 수 있는가'를 검증하려고 한다. 협력체계 확립, ${\circled}3$ 전문인력 확보 및 인력구성 조정, 그리고 ${\circled}4$ 방문보건사업의 강화 등이다., 대사(代謝)와 관계(

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