• Title/Summary/Keyword: 물 분포

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Current status and tasks of the transmission of Gyeonggi Province intangible cultural assets (folk songs) (경기도 향토민요 관련 무형문화재의 전승현황과 과제)

  • Jang, hee-sun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.35
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    • pp.405-439
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    • 2017
  • In this article, I suggest issues and tasks in transmission of Gyeonggi Province folk songs after thorough study of designation of Gyeonggi Province folk songs as intangible cultural asset, reproduction and transmission. Intangible cultural assets are classified into seasonal playing and songs. Originally, category or extension of folk songs is above mere songs and it also embraces personal lives as well as village communities. Intangible assets of folk songs are folk art, group events and non-stage events at the same time based on tradition, history, uniqueness, characters of field value. Gyeonggi Province has 9 intangible assets now because of the revocation of several assets (All Gyeonggi Province, Hwasung, Gwacheon) within five years after initial designation of 13 assets in 1998. They are mostly distributed in the north Gyeonggi region where is close to the DMZ and delay in development seems to have enabled the preservation. Most of the intangible cultural assets are farming songs and weeding which show characteristics of Gyeonggi Province. Most of the designees are who performed excavation, recovery, excluding a few cases without designees on designation, and almost all the designee passed away. Number of cases have been revoked because transmission was not completed or some cases were transmitted to groups rather than specific designees. Subscription concert, the biggest and most representative event, is performed once a year with all of the 9 intangible cultural assets in the original complete forms of the designation. Intangible cultural assets are classified into seasonal playing and songs. In general, current performance of the intangible cultural assets and folk songs are same as the originally designated forms and are not in varied forms other than folk songs like songs for rice-planting and weeding. Funeral songs are transmitted in Yangju and Yangpyeong. In terms of the operation, preservation societies having training centers have been performing more constant activities for preservation including lecture, performance and transmission. Members are quite aged and the societies are suffering from lack of support fund for reproduction and transmission. Problems in reproduction and tasks for the transmission I would like to suggest are like followings. First, preservation and value of the cultural assets. Second, new understanding of designation and revocation of the intangible cultural assets. Third, record of performance and sound source. Fourth, liaison with local communities. Fifth, organization of professional resources and establishment of systematic support and management.

Floristic features of upland fields in South Korea (우리나라 밭 경작지에 출현하는 식물상 특성)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Eo, Jinu;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Oh, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.528-553
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    • 2020
  • Upland fields are characterized by dry environments, a high degree of disturbance by farming practices such as double-cropping, and a high diversity of crops compared to other field types. This study focused on the floristic composition and characteristics of upland fields in South Korea. Flora surveys were conducted in 36 areas in nine provinces at two times (June and August) in 2015. The results showed that the vascular plants in the upland fields in South Korea included 532 taxa, containing 100 families, 322 genera, 483 species, nine subspecies, 37 varieties, one form, and two hybrids. Among the 100 families, Asteraceae was the most diverse in species (75 taxa), followed by Poaceae (68 taxa), Fabaceae (34 taxa), Polygonaceae (21 taxa), Rosaceae (19 taxa), and Liliaceae (17 taxa). Based on the occurrence frequency of each species, Acalypha australis L. (100%), and Artemisia indica Willd. (100%) were the highest, followed by Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr., Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist, Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Lactuca indica L., Commelina communis L., Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler, Echinochloa crus-galli(L.) P.Beauv., Cyperus microiria Steud., and Oxalis corniculata L. The biological type of upland fields in South Korea was determined to be Th-R5-D4-e type. Rare plants were found in 11 taxa: Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc, Magnolia kobus DC, Clematis trichotoma Nakai, Aristolochina contorta Bunge, Buxus sinica (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) M.Cheng var. koreana (Nakai ex Rehder) Q.L.Wang, Melothria japonica (Thunb.) Maxim, Mitrasacme indica Wight, Lithospermum arvense L., Carpesium rosulatum Miq., Allium senescens L., and Pseudoraphis sordida (Thwaites) S.M.Phillips & S.L.Chen. Ninety-seven taxa contained naturalized plants composed of 24 families, 68 genera, 97 species, one variety, and one form. The urbanization and naturalization indices were 30.5% and 18.4%, respectively.

Planting Design Strategy for a Large-Scale Park Based on the Regional Ecological Characteristics - A Case of the Central Park in Gwangju, Korea - (지역의 생태적 특성을 반영한 대형공원의 식재계획 전략 - 광주광역시 중앙근린공원을 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Miyeun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.11-28
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    • 2021
  • Due to its size and complex characteristics, it is not often to newly create a large park within an existing urban area. Also, there has been a lack of research on the planting design methodologies for a large park. This study aims to elucidate how ecological ideas can be applied to planting practice from a designer's perspective, and eventually suggest a planting design framework in the actual case, the Central Park in the City of Gwangju. This framework consists of spatial structure of planting area in order to connect and unite the separated green patches, to adapt to the changes of existing vegetation patterns, to maintain the visual continuity of landscape, and to organize the whole open space system. The framework can be provided for the spatial planning and planting design phase in which the landscape designer flexibly uses it with the design intentions as well as with an understanding of the physical, social, and aesthetic characteristics of the site. The significance of this approach is, first that it can maintain ecological and visual consistency of the both existing and introduced landscapes as a whole in spite of its intrinsic complexity and largeness, and second that it can help efficiently respond to the unexpected changes in the landscape. In the case study, comprehensive site analysis is conducted before developing the framework. In particular, wetlands and grasslands have been identified as potential wildlife habitat which critically determines the vegetation patterns of the green area. Accordingly, the lists of plant communities are presented along with the planting scheme for their shape, layout, and relations. The model of the plant community is developed responding to the structure of surrounding natural landscape. However, it is not designed to evolve to a specific plant community, but is rather a conceptual model of ecological potentials. Therefore, the application of the model has great flexibility by using other plant communities as an alternative as long as the characteristics of the communities are appropriate to the physical conditions. Even though this research provides valuable implications for landscape planning and design in the similar circumstances, there are several limitations to be overcome in the further research. First, there needs to be more sufficient field surveys on the wildlife habitats, which would help generate a more concrete planting model. Second, a landscape management plan should be included considering the condition of existing forest, in particular the afforested landscapes. Last, there is a lack of quantitative data for the models of some plant communities.

Stability and Damage Evaluation of the Buddha Triad and 16 Rock-Carved Arhat Statues at Seongbulsa Temple in Cheonan, Korea (천안 성불사 마애석가삼존과 16나한상의 손상도 및 안정성 평가)

  • Yang, Hyeri;Lee, Chan Hee;Jo, Young Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.78-99
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    • 2020
  • The Buddha triad and 16 Arhat statues carved on the rock surface at Seongbulsa temple is the only domestic remaining example of all 16 Arhats, so its academic value is very high. However, it is severely damaged and so required a stability evaluation through study of digital documentation and precise diagnosis for the purpose of comprehensive conservation. This process established that the Buddha statues were of similar scale, while the Arhats showed a wide variety of sizes, and the two kith and kin in the volume were larger than the Arhats. It was estimated that the statues of food for Buddha are similar to the Arhat statues, and most of the statues are well-formed. The rock used to carve the Buddha statues is banded gneiss with distinct foliation, alternating between white bands of quartz and feldspar and black bands composed of biotite. The Buddha statues have been damaged by physical weathering, discoloration, and biological contamination. In damage evaluations, joint (3.6 crack index), peeling (5.2%), exfoliation (1.7%), and falling off (0.1%) were observed on the rock surface of the Buddha statues. In particular, due to severe biological weathering, stage 9 and 10 biological coverage of the rock surface accounted for 57.5% of the total area, and stages 5 to 8 also accounted for a high share at 22.3%. The discoloration factors were shown to be dark brown and white with Fe, Ca, and S, and a large amount of C detected in the blackened contaminants, and the damage weight high in all areas. Discontinuities in different directions were identified in the rock surface. Analysis of potential rock failure types indicated that there is a possibility of plane and toppling failure, but wedge failure is unlikely to occur. The mean ultrasonic velocity of the main rock surface was 2,463m/sec, the lower part of the left side with a large number of joints was relatively low, and the highly weathered (HW) type to the completely weathered (CW) type concentrated distribution, showing weak properties. For the Buddha statues, conservation treatment is required for about 14.9% of micro cracks and 58.9% of exfoliation cracks. In addition, in order to improve the conservation environment of the Buddha statues, maintenance of drainage and ground preparations for the rock surface gradient and plants are necessary, and protection facilities should be reviewed for long-term conservation and management purposes.

A Study on the Distribution of Vascular Plants around Haemyeong Mt. (Seokmodo, Incheon) and the Comparison of Invasive Alien Plants in Surrounding Forests (해명산(인천광역시 석모도) 일대의 관속식물 분포 및 주변 산림의 침입외래식물 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Lee, Jin Dong;Paik, WoenKi;Yun, Ho Geun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.201-241
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    • 2022
  • This study was investigated distributed the vascular flora of around Haemyeong Mt., located in Seokmodo, Incheon, and compared invasive alien plants in the surrounding forest 14 areas. This study carried out to be established a monitoring system for the remarkable plants etc. and used as basic data for biodiversity enhancement and conservation. The survey was conducted 19 times from April 2019 to October 2020. A total of 107 families, 382 genera, 616 species, 15 sub-species, 55 varieties, 8 formas, and 694 taxa were classified in the flora around Haemyeong Mt. areas. 17 taxa for Korea endemic plants. 12 taxa were classified for rare plants, and a total of 79 taxa were identified for floristic target species I~V. Halophytes consisted of 37 taxa. The invasive alien plants were classified as 66 taxa, and also there has been 126 taxa of them in Seokmodo and surrounding 14 forests. Plants that appeared in all 14 areas out of 126 taxa were classified as 7 taxa, such as Erigeron annuus. However, 48 taxa appeared only once in some areas, but it seems inevitable that they will spread in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a long-term conservation plan for native plants.

The Interrelationship between Riparian Vegetation and Hydraulic Characteristics during the 2020 Summer Extreme Flood in the Seomjin-gang River, South Korea (2020 여름 섬진강 대홍수시 하안식생과 수리 특성의 상호관계)

  • Lee, Cheolho;Lee, Keonhak;Kim, Hwirae;Baek, Donghae;Kim, Won;Kim, Daehyun;Lee, Hyunjae;Woo, Hyoseop;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2021
  • Because active interactions occur among vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology in riparian systems, any changes in one of these factors can significantly affect the other two. In this study, we evaluated these interactions at four sites (two in Gajeong and two in Hahan) along the Seomjin-gang River that was substantially devastated by an extreme flood in 2020. We examined the relationship between the riparian vegetation and the hydraulic characteristics of the flood using remote sensing, hydraulic modeling, and field surveys combined. The evaluation results showed that the floods caused a record-breaking rise of up to 43.1 m above sea level at the Yeseong-bridge stage gauge station (zero elevation 27.4 m) located between the Gajeong and Hahan sites, with the shear stress being four times higher in Hahan than in Gajeong. Additionally, the water level during the flood was estimated to be a maximum of 1 m higher depending on the location in the presence of riparian plants. Furthermore, both sites underwent extensive biological damage due to the flood, with 78-80% loss in vegetation, with preferential damage observed in large willow species, compared to Quercus acutissima. The above findings imply that all plant species exhibit different vulnerabilities towards extreme floods and do not induce similar behavior towards events causing a disturbance. In conclusion, we developed strategies for effectively managing riparian trees by minimizing flood hazards that could inevitably cause damage.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Characteristics by Spatial Type using UAV and ENVI-met (UAV와 ENVI-met을 활용한 공간 유형별 열환경 특성 분석)

  • KIM, Seoung-Hyeon;PARK, Kyung-Hun;LEE, Su-Ah;SONG, Bong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.28-43
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    • 2022
  • This study classified UAV image-based physical spatial types for parks in urban areas of Changwon City and analyzed thermal comfort characteristics according to physical spatial types by comparing them with ENVI-met thermal comfort results. Physical spatial types were classified into four types according to UAV-based NDVI and SVF characteristics. As a result of ENVI-met thermal comfort, the TMRT difference between the tree-dense area and other areas was up to 30℃ or more, and it was 19. 6℃ at 16:00, which was the largest during the afternoon. As a result of analyzing UAV-based physical spatial types and thermal comfort characteristics by time period, it was confirmed that the physical spatial types with high NDVI and high SVF showed a similar to thermal comfort change patterns by time when using UAV, and the physical spatial types with dense trees and artificial structures showed a low correlation to thermal comfort change patterns by time when using UAV. In conclusion, the possibility of identifying the distribution of thermal comfort based on UAV images was confirmed for the spatial type consisting of open and vegetation, and the area adjacent to the trees was found to be more thermally pleasant than the open area. Therefore, in the urban planning stage, it is necessary to create an open space in consideration of natural covering materials such as grass and trees, and when using artificial covering materials, it is judged that spatial planning should be done considering the proximity to trees and buildings. In the future, it is judged that it will be possible to quickly and accurately identify urban climate phenomena and establish urban planning considering thermal comfort through ground LIDAR and In-situ measurement-based UAV image correction.

Evaluation of the Potential of Cellobiose as a Material for Whitening Cosmetics based on Autophagy and Melanin Production Efficacy in Melanocytes (셀로비오스의 미백화장품 소재 가능성 평가를 위한 멜라닌 세포에서 자가포식 및 멜라닌 생성 효능 연구)

  • Byungsun, Cha;Seok ju, Lee;Sofia, Brito;So Young, Jung;So Min, Lee;Lei, Lei;Sang Hun, Lee;Zubaidah, Al-Khafaji;Bum-Ho, Bin;Byeong-Mun, Kwak;Hyojin, Heo
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2022
  • Cellobiose is a dissacharide constituted by two glucose units joined by a β-('1,4') glycosidic bond that is produced by the decomposition of cellulose. This product exists naturally in plants and has been utilized in different industries as a food sweetener, and as a cosmetic and pharmaceutical material. In this study, the potential of cellobiose as a whitening cosmetic product was evaluated by analyzing autophagy induction and the inhibition of melanin production. A cytotoxicity test conducted in the human melanin-producing cell line MNT-1 with increasing concentrations of cellobiose revealed that this compound did not cause cytotoxicity at 20 mg/mL or less. Based on this, autophagy was firstly evaluated by immunostaining with the autophagy marker microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) after treatment with 20 mg/mL of cellobiose. The subsequent confocal microscopy analysis revealed an increase in LC3 puncta, indicating induction of autophagy. In addition, autophagy was further confirmed by western blot analysis, which demonstrated that cellobiose converted LC3-I to LC3- ∏ in a concentration- and time-dependent manners. An analysis of melanin contents after cellobiose treatment at a concentration of 20 mg/mL during 7 days revealed that melanin production was reduced by more than 50%. Additionally, the expression levels of melanogenesis-related proteins TYR and TYRP1 were markedly decreased after cellobiose treatment. Based on these studies, a cosmetic cream formulation containing cellobiose was prepared and the change in formulation was tested for 4 weeks, and it was confirmed that the appearance changed to liquid form at high temperature, but the pH did not change. In conclusion, the present research demonstrated that cellobiose activates autophagy and inhibits melanin production, and showed the potential of this product as a material for whitening cosmetics.

Color Distribution of Maxillary Permanent Incisors in Korean Pediatric Patients Using a Spectrophotometer (분광광도계를 이용한 한국 소아 환자의 상악 영구 절치 색조 분석)

  • Seunghyun, Oh;Hyuntae, Kim;Teo Jeon, Shin;Hong-Keun, Hyun;Young-Jae, Kim;Jung-Wook, Kim;Ki-Taeg, Jang;Ji-Soo, Song
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.414-427
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the color distribution of maxillary permanent incisors in Korean pediatric patients and determine the effects of age and root developmental stage on tooth color. The L*a*b* values of 404 sound and fully erupted maxillary incisors without dental caries, restorations, trauma history or discoloration from 101 Korean patients between ages 7 and 15, with a mean age 10.0 ± 1.5, were analyzed with a spectrophotometer. CIE L*a*b* values were 84.01, 0.17, and 24.07 in maxillary central incisors, and 82.33, 0.31, and 25.99 in maxillary lateral incisors. L* values of maxillary central incisors were higher, and b* values of maxillary central incisors were lower than those of maxillary lateral incisors (p < 0.001). The color differences among the subregions exceeded the clinical perceptibility threshold in both of the maxillary central and lateral incisors. L* value for children at age 10 and younger was 84.13 in maxillary central incisors and 84.04 in maxillary lateral incisors, and those of older patients were 80.62 and 80.56, respectively. L* value of maxillary incisors of children at age 10 and younger was significantly higher than that of older patients. The root developmental stage did not affect tooth color. This study suggests that the color differences between maxillary central and lateral incisors and among the subregions of a tooth and the effects of age should be considered for aesthetic restorations of permanent incisors in pediatric patients.

A Preliminary Study on the Post-magmatic Activities Occurring at the Gonamsan Gabbroic Rocks in the Pocheon Area (포천지역 고남산 반려암질암 내 발생하는 후기 화성활동에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Eui-Jun;Shin, Dongbok
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.77-95
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    • 2022
  • The Gonamsan gabbroic complex in the Pocheon area, northwestern region of South Korea consists of a variety types of gabbroic rocks and associated Fe-Ti oxide deposits caused by magmatic differentiation. Post-magmatic intrusions (i.e., gabbroic pegmatite and pyroxene-apatite-zircon rocks) partly intruded into the gabbroic rocks. The gabbroic pegmatite occurs in monzodiorite and oxide gabbro of the complex, intimately and spatially associated with high-grade lenticular Fe-Ti oxide mineralization. The pegmatite can be subdivided into plagioclase-amphibole and pyroxene-olivine pegmatite, in which the contact surface is sharp. The plagioclase-amphibole pegmatite comprises plagioclase and amphibole, with lesser amount of pyroxene, ilmenite, sphene, apatite, and biotite. The pegmatite shows plagioclase-amphibole intergranular texture, in which the open space formed by large plagioclase laths (An2-26Ab72-98Or0-2) are infilled by amphibole. The pyroxene-olivine pegmatite is dark gray to black in color and also contains magnetite, ilmenite, spinel, apatite, and calcite as a minor component. The pyroxene (En35-36Fs8-9Wo55) and olivine (Fo84-85Fa15-16) partly show a poikilitic texture defined by smaller euhedral olivine enclosed by coarser clinopyroxene. Fe-Ti oxide minerals consist mainly of magnetite and ilmenite that are found interstitially to earlier formed silicates. Subsequently, they are encompassed by reaction rim (almost of amphibole and biotite) along the boundary with surrounding silicate minerals. Under the microscope, magnetite contains a lot of oxyexsolved ilmenite (trellis type) and spinel, and thereby is weakly enriched in magnetite-compatible elements such as Ti, Al, Mg, and V. The structure and textures at the contact zone as well as mineralogical disequilibrium between gabbroic pegmatite and the host gabbroic rocks suggest that the pegmatite may form as a result of accumulation from Fe-rich melt (or liquid) that occurred somewhere rather than in situ form from the host gabbroic rock during the magmatic differentiation. Consequently, the preliminary study suggests that further study on the post-magmatic activities can not only help us improve our understanding on magmatic fractionation but also provide critical information on Fe-Ti oxide mineralization in gabbroic rocks resulting from the magmatic differentiation.