• Title/Summary/Keyword: 물 분포

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A Study on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis Using Equivalent Stress Distribution (등가분포응력을 이용한 피로균열전파해석에 관한 연구)

  • C.W. Kim;I.S. Nho;K.S. Do
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2002
  • From the viewpoint of linear fracture mechanics, the crack propagation behavior of two different structures having the same K-a relationship could be considered identical. In this study the stress distribution in an infinitely wide cracked plate with the same K-a relationship as in a real structure is defined as the equivalent stress distribution. Fatigue life of a real structural element can be predicted by applying the equivalent stress distribution to a simple structural element, and performing a fatigue crack propagation analysis. The K-a relationship for a structural member can be estimated by a finite element method or a simplified prediction method. The validity to obtain effective crack driving stresses by using the equivalent stress-distribution is examined.

Influence of Wax Molecular Weights on Wax Migration and Evaporation of Rubber Vulcanizates at Room Temperature (상온 노화 후 고무가황물에서 왁스의 이동과 증발에 미치는 왁스의 분자량 분포)

  • Im, Song-Hee;Choi, Sung-Seen
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.397-400
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    • 2009
  • Ozone caused the crack on the surface of a rubber article by oxidation of double bond at room temperature. Wax migrates to the surface of a rubber article and makes a physical barrier to prevent process of ozonation. We investigated change of molecular weight distribution of waxes in unfilled NR, SBR, and BR vulcanizates before and after aging at room temperature for 6 months. Migration and evaporation behaviors of wax in a rubber article at ambient conditions help understand a role of wax as an antidegradant and appearance contamination of a rubber article. The relative intensity distribution of n-alkanes of the NR specimen after the aging was shifted to higher molecular weight compared with the relative intensity distribution before the aging, while those of the SBR specimen before and after the aging did not show a big difference.

Hydroelastic Analysis for a Very Large Floating Structure by Pressure Distribution Method (압력분포법에 의한 초대형 부유식 해양구조물의 유탄성 해석)

  • H.Y. Lee;H. Shin;H.S. Shin;I.K. Park
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, hydroelastic responses of the very large floating structure are studied based on the linear potential theory. A theoretical method is developed to analyze the hydroelastic reponses of very large floating structures(VLFS) using the pressure distribution method and the modal expansion method. The singularities distributed on a zero draft plate at the free surfaces and hydrodynamic pressures are evaluated. The deflections of structure are expanded approximately in terms of natural mode functions of free-free beam. The calculated items are pressure distributions. vertical motions, hydrodynamic coefficients and bending moments of VLFS. The numerical results are compared with those measured by experiments.

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$BF_2^+$이온주입된 (100) 실리콘의 격자손상이 불순물 농도분포에 미치는 영향

  • Baek, Mun-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Hwan;Gwak, Byeong-Hwa;Gwon, O-Jun;Lee, Jin-Hyo
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.43-64
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    • 1989
  • VLSI소자의 얕은 접합을 형성하기 위한 $BF_2^+$이온주입 공정시에 발생하는 결정격자의 손상및 결함의 발생과 열적 거동, 그리고 블순물의재분포 등에 미치는 영향에 대하여 연구하였다. BF2' 이은주입에 의해서 형성된 실리큰 기판의비정질층 및 열처리 후에 발생한 전위환 등의결정결함을 TEM과 RBS로서 분석하였으며, 이들이 불순물의 재분포에 미치는 영향을 SIMS로서 분석, 화인하였다. RTA 열처리시, 온도변화에 따라서 boron 및 fluorine의 농도분포는비정상적민 형태를 나타내었으며 그 이유는 결정결함의 형성 및 열적거동에 의한 것으로 설명되 었다.

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전라남도 남악 일원에 분포하는 조간대 퇴적층의 전기비저항 연구

  • 김성욱;이현재;최은경;안윤희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.212-215
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    • 2001
  • 남악지역에 분포하는 조간대 퇴적층의 층서구조와 퇴적심도 및 기반암의 단열구조를 파악하기 위한 전기비저항탐사를 실시하였다. 조간대 퇴적물에서 비저항은 하부로 갈수록 증가하며 대부분 3.0 Ohm-m이하의 비저항으로 고비저항의 기반암의 기반암과 뚜렷한 경계를 보여준다. 퇴적층의 층후는 퇴적지 중앙부에서 30m를 최대로 북쪽 (고해안선)과 남쪽 (영산강)으로 갈수록 감소하는 경향을 보여주는데 선행 조사된 시추결과와 일치한다. 일부 지역의 전기비저항 해석단면과 시추단면에서 견고한 점토질 (stiff)의 지층이 분포하는데 이 지층은 북서-남동 방향의 고해안선과 나란하게 분포한다. 이것은 퇴적물을 공급한 흐름의 방향과 조간대의 확장방향이 북서-남동 방향임을 지시한다. 기반암의 단열구조로 판단되는 저비저항대는 조사지역의 동부에 집중되어 있으며 단열대의 연장방향은 북서-남동 방향이 우세하다.

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Measurement of diffusion Profiles of Boron and Arsenic in Silicon by Silicon Anodization Method (실리콘 양극산화 방법에 의한 실리콘내의 보론과 아세닉 확산분포의 측정)

  • 박형무;김충기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 1981
  • Anodization method is utilized in order to measure diffusion profiles of boron and arsenic in silicon. The solution used for silicon anodization is Ethylene glycol +KNO3(0.04N), The thickness of silicon which is consumed by a single 200V anodization is 460$\pm$40A regardless of wafer type. The profiles of boron and arsenic in silicon after predeposition process are investigated. The diffusion coefficients of both dopants depending on impurity concentration are extrated from these profiles. The base pull-in effect has been observed in prototype npn transistors with arsenic doped emitter.

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Estimation Models for Strain Distribution of Steel Beams using FBG Sensors (FBG 센서를 이용한 철골 보의 변형률 분포 추정 모델)

  • Oh, Byung-Kwan;Park, Hyo-Seon
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.704-707
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    • 2010
  • 구조 건전성 모니터링에 사용되는 기존 센서들의 문제점을 극복하고 높은 분해능과 동특성 모니터링에 대한 이점을 지닌 FBG센서는 구조물 모니터링에 있어 큰 이점을 지니고 있다. FBG 센서는 점 센서라는 한계 때문에 구조물의 전체적인 변형률 및 응력 평가에 어려움이 있을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 FBG 센서로부터 계측한 변형률 값들로부터 임의의 하중조건에서 철골 보의 변형률 분포를 추정하는 기법을 제시하였다. 임의의 개별 하중조건에 대해 FBG 센서로 계측된 값을 통해 센서의 부착 위치와 최소 필요 개수를 결정하고 변형률 추정식을 유도함으로써 FBG 센서의 계측 기법에 대한 기준을 세웠다. 나아가 임의의 조합 하중이 작용하는 실제의 경우를 고려하여 철골 보의 변형률 분포를 추정하는 보다 일반화된 수학적 모델을 제시하였다. 그리고 예제를 통하여 본 연구에서 제시한 변형률 분포 추정 모델을 검증하였다.

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Rate of Sediment Accumulation and Geochemical Characteristics of Muddy Sediment in the Central Yellow Sea (황해 중앙부 해역 니질 퇴적물의 지화학적 특성 및 퇴적률)

  • 윤정수;김여상
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2002
  • A total of 4 muddy sediment samples collected from the Central Yellow Sea were analyzed for chemical composition. The results are compared with the previously published Huanghe, Changjiang and Keum River geochemical data in order to understand provenance and sedimentation of fine-grained mud, and the sediment accumulation rates estimated. The sandy sediment facies is distributed in the eastern area, a patch of fine-grained mud exists in the western central prat, and the sandy mud and clay sedimentary facies shot. north to south zonal distribution in the central region. The content of calcium carbonate ranges from 2.8 to 10.5%, and its distributional trends to be more concentrated on the western muddy sediments near toward the China side rather than on the eastern sandy sediments. The accumulation rates obtained using Pb-210 geochronologies for the muddy sediments in the Central Yellow Sea showed ranges from 0.21 to 0.68 cm/yr or 0.176 to 0.714 g/$\textrm{cm}^2$. yr. The sedimentation rate from core CY96010 located in the eastern near side of Shandong Peninsula which is affected by the Huanghe River shows 0.68 cm/yr or 0.714 g/$\textrm{cm}^2$ . yr. The sediment cores CY96008 and CY96002 in the Central Yellow Sea, the estimated of sediment accumulation rates shows 0.21~0.23cm1yr or 0.176~0.220 9/$\textrm{cm}^2$.Vr respectively, which are much lower than above samples. These indicate that the muddy sediments in central area of the Yellow Sea may have received influence of the sediment discharge from the Huanghe River. The concentrations of Ca, Na, Sr, Ho, La, Tb, Ta and Ca/Ti ratio of the muddy sediments in the Central Yellow Sea are higher than those of the Changjiang sediments and lower than those of the Huanghe sediments. However, these element values showed similar concentration patterns than those of the Huanghe sediment. The element contents such as Fe, Ti, Nl, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sc, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Cd and Dy in the study area are higher than those of the Huanghe sediments and lower than the Changjiang River sediments, but these values showed close to resemblance content trends those of the Changjiang sediment. The concentration of Mn, K and Sr in sediments of the study area are similar to those of the Keum River and eastern Yellow Sea sediment. They are rich in Zn, Rb, Cd, U, Cs and Li than those of the other comparison legions. Therefore, the terrigenous materials sources of the muddy sediment in the Central Yellow Sea comes mainly from Huanghe River in the past and present, and also have party derived from the Changjiang and Keum River, while the biological deposit in this area are carried by the Yellow Sea Warm Current.

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Molecular phylogeny and the biogeographic origin of East Asian Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae) (동아시아 물부추속 식물의 분자계통 및 식물지리학적 기원에 대한 고찰)

  • CHOI, Hong-Keun;JUNG, Jongduk;NA, Hye-Ryun;KIM, Hojoon;KIM, Changkyun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2018
  • $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ L. ($Iso{\ddot{e}}taceae$) is a cosmopolitan genus of heterosporous lycopods containing ca. 200 species being found in lakes, streams, and wetlands of terrestrial habitats. Despite its ancient origin, worldwide distribution, and adaptation to diverse environment, species in $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ show remarkable morphological simplicity and convergence. Allopolyploidy appears to be a significant speciation process in the genus. These characteristics have made it difficult to assess the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ species. In recent years, these difficulties have somewhat been reduced by employing multiple molecular markers. Here, we reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships in East Asian $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ species. We also provide their divergence time and biogeographic origin using a fossil calibrated chronogram. East Asian $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ species are divided into two clades: I. asiatica and the remaining species. $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ asiatica from Hokkaido forms a clade with northeastern Russian and western North American $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ species. In clade I, western North America is the source area for the dispersal of $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ to Hokkaido and northeastern Russia via the Bering land bridge during the late Miocene. The remaining $Iso{\ddot{e}}tes$ species (I. sinensis, I. yunguiensis, I. hypsophila, I. orientalis, I. japonica, I. coreana, I. taiwanensis, I. jejuensis, I. hallasanensis) from East Asia form a sister group to Papua New Guinean and Australian species. The biogeographic reconstruction suggests an Australian origin for the East Asian species that arose through long-distance dispersal during the late Oligocene.

Analysis and evaluation of water and heat cycle at the Geumho river catchment using WRF-Hydro (WRF-Hydro를 이용한 금호강 유역의 물 및 열 순환 해석 및 평가)

  • Sohyun Kim;Bomi Kim;Garim Lee;Yaewon Lee;Seong Jin Noh
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.282-282
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    • 2023
  • 도시침수와 도시열섬 등 도시화 및 기후변화로 인한 물 및 환경문제에 대비하기 위해서는 고해상도 물순환 및 열순환 해석 기술이 필수적이다. 도심지의 고밀도 건축물 및 식생 등 다양한 토지피복의 조합은 물/열 순환에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 요인이며, 물리과정에 대한 이해를 높이기 위해서는 고해상도 모의 및 관측이 필요하다. WRF-Hydro는 침투 및 증발산, 열 순환, 지표와 하천 및 저수지 추적 등 여러 물/열 순환 요소 해석 모듈을 연동할 수 있는 공간분포형 수문 해석 시스템이다. 본 연구에서는 WRF-Hydro를 기반으로 낙동강 지류인 금호강 유역에 대한 고해상도 물순환 및 열순환 모형을 구축하여, 토양수분, 하천 유량, 지표온도, 증발산 등 수문 요소 해석 결과를 분석한다. WRF-Hydro 모형의 입력자료 구축 시 고해상도 토지피복 및 토양도를 적용하고, 기상자료에는 국내 지상관측자료와 국외 재분석자료를 비교, 분석하여 자료의 신뢰성을 분석한다. 또한, ECOSTRESS 등 고해상도 원격탐사자료로부터의 열, 증발산 관련 추정 자료를 모의 결과와 비교하여, 열순환 해석의 불확실성을 평가한다. 물순환과 열순환의 해석의 신뢰도를 동시에 향상하기 위한 분포형 모형의 구축 및 매개변수 보정 방안에 대해 토의한다.

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