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A Case Study on the Success Factors of Overseas Agricultural Startup: Focusing on the Case of Banana Farm in Cote d'Ivoire (해외 농업스타트업(Agricultural Startup) 성공요인에 관한 사례연구: 'C사'의 제2창업기(바나나 팜 개발사례)를 중심으로)

  • Jin hwan Park;Sang soon Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2023
  • This study is a case study of overseas banana farms as a global agricultural startup that has hardly been attempted so far in terms of paradigm shift in the industry, beyond regional limitations. It was researched for the purpose of revealing the success factors of 'global agricultural startup' in terms of business process, entrepreneurship, and management dimensions learned through direct participation and observation at the local level. In order to study global agricultural startups, this study also conducted a comparative analysis of global startups (global startups) and global agricultural startups(global agricultural startups). In fact, the analysis consists of 'definition', 'components', and 'success factors', and we want to confirm the difference between the two concepts that can be distinguished. The case analysis tried to maximize the advantages of 'participatory action research' by directly observing and experiencing banana farms. In the case of banana farm cases, by dividing them into preparation process for farm development and farm development and management process, various variables considered in farm management were explained through the whole process of farm management. Through the process of overcoming and responding to specific failure cases, we tried to secure the reliability and validity of the research, and the case studies related to entrepreneurship, management, and organization analyzed by applying them by subdividing them into theoretical areas belonging to components and management that were theorized in existing preceding studies. This study is almost the first study on the process of creating a local entry business by directly moving the head office overseas rather than entering overseas agriculture as a subsidiary, joint venture or overseas corporation. In particular, it is a unique case that corresponds to agriculture in terms of region(Africa), scale(startup), and industry that have not been introduced so far as a global agricultural startup. In terms of entrepreneurship, it also concretely exemplified how entrepreneurship components such as innovativeness, risk-taking propensity, proactiveness, vision sharing, social contribution, leadership, etc., which have not been attempted so far in agricultural cases, are manifested and effective. The management and cultural aspects also went beyond the argument that only cultural aspects are important in overseas business, and also confirmed individual failure cases and their responses in recruitment, job, wage, retirement, development, organizational structure management, etc. As a result, there is significance and implications of this study in that it provides theoretical confirmation as well as practical and responsive basis for 'entrepreneurship', 'farming management', and 'management' aspects in overseas agricultural startup business operation.

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A Study on the Cultural Landscape Metamorphosis of ChoYeon Pavilion's Garden in SoonCheon City (순천 초연정(超然亭) 원림의 문화경관 변용 양상)

  • Kahng, Byung-Seon;Lee, Seung-Yoen;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2017
  • The Cho-yeon Pavilion located in the Wangdae village in Samcheong-ri, Songgwang-myeon, Suncheon-si, was transformed into a place of refuge, a shrine, a vacation home, a lecture hall for kings. Based on the change, the current study has explored the periodic changing placeness and the transformation of cultural landscape and has figured out the meaning. The result of this study is as follows. First, "Cho-yeon", named by Yeonjae Song, Byeong-Seon, originated from Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu. The concept is found not only in the Cho-yeon Pavilion in Suncheon but also in various places, such as, the Cho-yeon-dae in Pocheon, of the Cho-yeon-dae in Gapyeong, of the Cho-yeon-dae of the embankment behind the Gioheon of Changdeok-gung Garden, Cho-Yeon-Mul-Oe old buildings, including Jung(亭), Dae(臺), Gak(閣), of Ockriukag in Yuseong, etc. This shows that taoistic Poongrhu was naturally grafted onto confucian places, which is one of the examples of the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Second, the placeness of the Cho-yeon Pavilion area is related to a legend that King Gong-min sought refuge here at the end of the Koryo Dynasty. The legend is based on the Wangdae village(king's region), Yu-Gyeong(留京)(the place where kings stayed), rock inscription of Wang-Dae-Sa-Jeok, Oh-Jang-Dae (the place where admiral flags were planted), and the Mohusan Mountain. Third, the Cho-yeon Pavilion not only has a base(the vacation home) that reflects confucian values from the rock inscription(趙鎭忠別業, 趙秉翼, 宋秉璿) of the beautiful rock walls and torrents but also has territoriality as taoistic Abode of the Immortals (there are places where people believe taoist hermits with miraculous powers live within 1km of the pavillion: Wol-Cheong(月靑), Pung-Cheong(風靑), Su-Cheong(水靑), Dong-Cheon(洞天). The Cho-yeon Pavilion also reflects the heaven of Neo-Confucianism for, pursuing study, and improving aesthetic sense by expanding its outer area and establishing the nine Gok: Se-Rok-Gyo(洗鹿橋)., Bong-Il-Dae(捧日臺), Ja-Mi-Gu(紫薇鳩), Un-Mae-Dae(雲梅臺), Wa-Ryong-Chong(臥龍叢), Gwang-Seok-Dae(廣石臺), Eun-Seon-Gul(隱仙窟), Byeok-Ok-Dam(碧玉潭), and Wa-Seok-Po(臥石布). In sum, the Cho-yeon Pavilion is a complex cultural landscape. Fourth, the usage of the Cho-yeon Pavilion was expanded and transformed: (1)Buddhist monastery(2)Confucian vacation home(3)Vacation home+Taoistic Poongrhu Place(4)Vacation Home+Taoistic Poongrhu Place+Lecture Hall(the heaven of Neo-Confucianism). To illustrate, in 7978, the place served as Buddist Monk Kwang-Sa's monastery; in 1863, Cho, Jin-Choong established a vacation home by building a shrine in front of the tomb of his ancestor; in 1864, Cho, Jae-Ho expanded its usage to a vacation home to serve ancestors as a taoistic place by repairing the pavilion with roof tiles; and after 1890, Cho, Jun-Sup received the name of the pavilion, Cho-yeon, from his teacher Song, Byeong-Seon, and used the Pavilion for a lecture hall.

Landscape Configuration Reading of 'Jangseong Pilmaseowon' through the Recomposition of Landscape (경관적 재구성을 통한 '장성 필암서원' 경관짜임의 독해(讀解))

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Huh, Joon;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify landscaping elements such as location, situation and feng shui included in the spatiality of Jangseong Pilmaseowon and to interpret aesthetic features of visual-perceptual spatial composition according to its arrangement. As it is shown in 'Pilamseowon', 'Pilbongseowon', and 'Gimhaseoseowon' appearing in antique maps, the awareness considering 'Pilam' as 'Pilbong' and 'Gimhaseo' was revealed. Mountain Pilamsan[Mountain Munpilsan] which is the location of seowon and Pilam(Brush-shaped rock) is the core of establishment of location identity of Pilamseowon and the symbol of Haseo Kim In-hu, which shows that they are deeply related to Ingeoljiryeong(人傑地靈: 'a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious human') based on connection. Pilamseowon shows locational characteristics of living in stream(溪居) facing panoramic 'jeungsan field' without Ansan(案山). Based on the teachings of Neo-Confucianism, Village Maekdong which is the birth place of Haseo, Pilam, seowon geomancy considering the Danbonghamseo-type(丹鳳含書形) geographical shape, formative reflection, Pilmaseowon and structures revealed in building naming more clearly show symbolic landscaping features resulting from 'theory of 'Heaven-Man Unity'(天人合一)' representing the union of nature and haman, than other seowons. The maximization of centrality through connected yards constructed with the 'jeondang hujae(前堂後齋)' arrangement in the order of Whakyeon-lu, Chenogjeol-dang, Jindeak-jae or Sungui-jae, and Woodong-sa is a unique feature of spatial frame of Pilmaseowon. In addition, it reveals the centrality reinforced with 'the move of inner center through arrangement of Kyeongjang-kag and Kyesengbi inside 'YuSik(遊息)' space and religious space' and the landscaping arrangement of Pilmaseowon from installation and device for reinforcement of territoriality. Moreover, it was found that orders and aesthetic features based on Neo-Confucianism were logically realized in the formation of Pilmaseowon with visual and compositional landscaping arrangement such as 'reinforcement of view centrality through composition of windows and doors', 'securement of visual transparency through framing and duplication', and 'realization of hierarchy through height of jaesil toenmaru'. The meaning system and spatial or visual aesthetic features of Pilmaseowon newly arranged and interpreted through landscaping recomposition is not a coincidental but inevitable result. It is another resource basis and an element that can improve the internal exuberance of Pilamseowon. This landscaping reading study is expected to improve the understanding of landscapes of Pilmaseowon and elevate the sensibility of unrevealed cultural landscapes.

Impacts of Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation of Business Incubator CEO's on business performance: Focusing on Moderating effects of utilization level of BI Supporting Services (창업보육센터 입주기업 CEO의 기업가정신 및 시장지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 창업기업의 지원서비스 활용정도 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seong Il;Lee, Woo Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to observe the impacts of entrepreneurship and market orientation of Seoul's business incubator (BI) CEO's on business performance, as well as investigate the moderating effects of BI supporting services. The main objectives of this study are as follows: first, to observe how the entrepreneurship of CEO's affects business performance; second, to observe how CEO's market orientation as a cultural factor attributes to business performance; third, to verify whether the utilization level of BI supporting services shows moderating effects between entrepreneurship and business performance, and finally to verify whether the utilization level of BI supporting services shows moderating effects between market orientation and business performance. Business incubators in Seoul registered with the Business Incubator Association were surveyed both online and offline to receive 127 responses out of 320 circulations. By filtering out insincere reponses, 117 were used for statistical analysis. Our results assert that the utilization level of physical BI supporting services does indeed strengthen the relation between initiative and financial performance. Also, it is interesting to note that the utilization level of physical BI supporting services supports the relation between risk sensitivity and financial performance. While risk sensitivity on its own shows no positive effect on business performance, a suitable utilization level of BI supporting services is likely to strengthen the connection. In addition, the utilization level of both physical and non-physical supporting services shows a moderating effect between initiative and non-financial performance. Based on the results above, risk-taking business incubator CEOs with initiative are likely to yield better financial performance in terms of increasing sales, if provided with various physical supporting services such as sufficient educational facilities including communal spaces and conference rooms.

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Moderating Effect of Technology Development Activities Among Entrepreneurial Orientation, the Capability of Technology Innovation and Commercialization Performance: Focused on ICT Technology New Ventures (기술개발활동의 기업가적 지향성, 기술혁신역량과 기술사업화 성과와의 관계에서 조절적 효과 분석: ICT 창업기업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chang-Bong;Bae, Keun-Suk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the moderating effect of technology development activities in the relationship between independent variables such as entrepreneurial orientation and technology innovation capabilities and dependent variables. As a result of analyzing the causal relationship between research variables, it was found that the higher the innovation and initiative among the sub-factors of entrepreneurial orientation, the more positive the technical commercialization performance and product completion. Among the sub-factors of entrepreneurial orientation, risk-taking was found to have a significant effect only on product completion. It was found that the higher the technology commercialization capability and technology convergence capability, the higher the technology commercialization performance, the technology commercialization performance. As a result of analyzing the moderating effect of technology development activities, it was found that technology development management ability, a sub-factor of technology development activities, controls the influence relationship between innovation and risk sensitivity and technology performance. In addition, it was found that the involvement in technology development planning controls the influence relationship between technology convergence capability and technology performance among sub-factors of technology innovation capability. Based on the above analysis results, this study made three suggestions as follows. First, the achievements of technology commercialization to achieve the superiority of corporate competition depend on progressive innovation and risk-taking based on entrepreneurial orientation. It is necessary to find a way to build entrepreneurial orientation from within the organization. Second, due to the nature of the ICT industry, which has a fast pace of technological development and changes in market acceptance, technology commercialization performance will be positive when the capabilities, technology, knowledge, and resources that can quickly lead to product production can be organically linked. Finally, corporate CEOs need to further promote innovation and risk-taking through phased and continuous research activities for technology development. In addition, it is necessary to establish a corporate culture that tolerates various strategies and failures so that understanding of technology convergence can lead to technological performance.

Chronopolitics in the Cinematic Representations of "Comfort Women" (일본군 '위안부'의 영화적 기억과 크로노폴리틱스)

  • Park, Hyun-Seon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.175-209
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines how the cinematic representation of the Japanese military "comfort women" stimulates 'imagination' in the realm of everyday life and in the memory of the masses, creating a common awareness and affect. The history of the Japanese military "comfort women" was hidden for a long time, and it was not until the 1990s that it entered the field of public recognition. Such a transition can be attributed to the external and internal chronopolitics that made possible the testimony of the victims and the discourse of the "comfort women" issue. It shows the peculiar status of the comfort women history as 'politics of time'. In the same vein, the cinematic representations of the Japanese military "comfort women" can be found in similar chronopolitics. The 'comfort women' films have shown the dual time frame of the continuity and discontinuity of the 'silence'. In Korean film history, the chronotope of the reproduction of "comfort women" can be divided into four phases: 1) the fictional representations of "comfort women" before the 1990s 2) documentaries in the late 1990s as the work of testimony and history writing, 3) melodramatic transformation in the feature films in the 2000s, and 4) the diffusion of media and categories. The purpose of this article is to focus on the first phase and the third phase in which the issue of 'comfort women' is represented in the category of popular fiction films. While the "comfort women" representations before 1990 were strictly adhering to the framework of commercial movies and pursued the sexual exploitation of "comfort women" history, the recent films since the 2000s are experimenting with various attempts in the style of popular imagination. Especially, the emergence of 'comfort women' feature films in the 2000s, such as Spirit's Homecoming, I Can Speak, and Herstory, raise various questions as to whether we are "properly" aware of issues and how to remember and present the "cultural memory" of comfort women. Also, focusing on the cinematic representation strategies of the 2000s "comfort women", this article discusses the popular politics of melodrama, the representation of victims and violence, and the feature of 'comfort women' as meta-memory. As a melodramatic imagination and meta-memory for the historical trauma, the "comfort women" drama shows the historical, political, and aesthetic gateways to which the "comfort women" problem must pass. As we have seen in recent fiction films, the issue of "comfort women" goes beyond transnational relations between Korea and Japan; it demands a postcolonial task to dismantle the old colonial structure and explores a transnational project in which women's movements and human rights movements are linked internationally.

The Diversification of Environmental Aesthetics and the Rise of Everyday Aesthetics - Theoretical Agendas and Issues of Yuriko Saito's Everyday Aesthetics - (환경미학의 다변화와 일상미학의 부상 - 유리코 사이토의 일상미학 이론의 의제와 쟁점을 중심으로 -)

  • Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2023
  • This paper explores the recent development of environmental aesthetics and critically examines the main agendas, claims, issues, and implications of everyday aesthetics, which is emerging as an important branch of environmental aesthetics. Environmental aesthetics began in the context of cultural change and environmentalism in the 1960s and expanded in the second half of the 20th century with a solid theoretical foundation. At the beginning of the 21st century, it entered a process of diversification of objects and subjects. Having reached academic maturity, environmental aesthetics has expanded into theoretical territory considering the urban environment and the human environment, providing practical coordinates as a discourse for planning and designing urban environments and landscapes. The most notable achievement of environmental aesthetics since the mid-2000s is the establishment of 'everyday aesthetics'. Yuriko Saito, who is leading the research on everyday aesthetics, expanded the objects and scope of aesthetic theory to everyday objects, events, activities, and environments. She excavates the microscopic and sensory aspects of everyday life, which have been overlooked by conventional art-centered aesthetics, through the lens of aesthetics. She reinterprets various layers of phenomena in contemporary urban landscapes and analyzes how the 'power of the aesthetic' hidden in everyday life profoundly affects the quality of life and the state of the world. Saito examines the appreciation of the distinctive characteristics and ambiance inherent in everyday objects and environments and proposes a 'moral-aesthetic judgment' to alert citizens to the environmental, social, and political consequences of everyday aesthetic appreciation and response. This paper identifies the issues and implications of everyday aesthetics as first, the expansion of aesthetics and the ambiguous everyday, second, the moral-aesthetic judgment and the aesthetics of care, and third, urban regeneration landscapes and aesthetic literacy. In particular, the moral virtues of everyday aesthetics that Saito proposes, such as care, thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and respect, provide a critical reference for the practice of contemporary urban regeneration landscapes. The 'aesthetic literacy' is a key concept demonstrating why an environmental aesthetics perspective is necessary to interpret everyday urban environments and landscapes.