• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문학치료 코드

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Emotion Coding of Sijo "The Light of the Sun in June" by Lee Jin-moon (이진문의 시조 「유월 쬐는 볕」의 감정 코딩)

  • Park, Inkwa
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 2019
  • This researcher is working on coding emotional codes from the Sijos that were created. So the purpose of this study is to derive the potential for literary therapy with Sijo's emotional coding. This time, we are going to study Lee Jin-moon's Sijo "The Light of the Sun in June." In this Sijo, the code of joy is generated in the first line, the code of joy in the second line, and the code of sadness in the last line. These emotional codes can be combined in different ways in the Emotion Codon. What this combination means is that the human body can be treated with literary emotion. It is believed that we will be able to continue this research and learn a better way of life.

A Study on Literary Therapeutic Codes of Sijo Fused by Transference (전이에 의해 융합되는 시조의 문학치료 코드 연구)

  • Park, In-Kwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the emotional codes of Sijo, which has been acknowledged to have excellent therapeutic function, to activate the contents of the therapy of humanities. Sijo as a function of healing forms emotional codes of therapy, which is the total of emotions, through the fusion of emotions formed during the process of appreciation of various works. This process enables the literary therapeutic activities to proceed physiologically in the human body. Just as machine learning is self-learning by cognitive functions, the coding process for encoding and re-encoding at all times operates on collections of numerous neurons in the human system. In such a process, it is predicted that amino acids are synthesized in the human body by collective encoding of emotion codes. These amino acids regulate the signaling system of the human body. In the future, if the study on the healing process as such at the contact point of humanities and human physiology proceeds, it is expected that a program of higher quality humanistic therapy will be activated.

Emotion Coding of Sijo Crying Cuckoo at the Empty Mountain (시조 「공산에 우는 접동」의 감정 코딩)

  • Park, Inkwa
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to study the codes that can code the Sijo's emotional codes into AI and use them in literature therapy. In this study, we conducted emotional coding of the Sijo Crying Cuckoo at the Empty Mountain. As a result, the Emotion Codon was able to indicate the state of sadness catharsis. This implanting of the Sijo's emotional codes into Emotion Codon is like implanting human emotions into AI. If the basic emotion codes are implanted in the Emotion Codon and induced of AI's self-learning, We think AI can combine various emotions that occur in the human body. AI can then replace human emotions, which can be useful in treating of human emotions. It is believed that continuing this study will induce human emotions to heal the mind and spirit.

The Neurophysiology of Poetic Feelings' Partial Pressure and Diffusion -Focusing on Cho Ji-Hoon's Poem Dense Forest (시적 감정의 분압과 확산의 신경생리학 -조지훈의 시 「밀림(密林)」을 중심으로)

  • Park, In-Kwa
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the structure of healing coded through transcriptional activity in the poem of Cho Ji-Hoon in the aspect of literary therapy. In particular, the search for how the codes of emotion are activated through neurophysiologic synapse. The variation of emotional codes developed in Cho Ji-Hoon's poem is in line with the encoding of literary therapy. Emotions emanating from poetic statements stimulate the transition of new emotions and activate emotions of healing. Cho Ji-Hoon's poem fuses emotions through the floods of various poetic transitions. It is then forming an overall healing forest. The healing content is discussed by the structure of transition, and all the structures are linked to the contents of healing. It is a greater part of sad lyricism by the action of descent and ascension, and green aesthetics of the leaves. In the future, if Cho Ji-Hoon's research on poetry is activated, we will be able to meet genuine stories about his natural and literary healing life.

A Study on the Encoding of Literature Therapy in the Third Line of the Poem 'Morning' Written by Cho Ji-Hoon (조지훈의 시 「아침」의 3번째 행에 나타나는 문학치료 부호화 연구)

  • Park, In-kwa
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to utilize emotional movement and developmental process in literary therapy. So, I tried to reveal the process of the emotional channel that works in the human body when we deal with literary works. As a result, the emotions confirmed that the emotional codes in the human body were pulled from each other and gathered to the positions of amino acids when the shears were spoken. However, it was judged emotionally to act as a catalyst for the synthesis of amino acids. Of course, this is a humanistic and convergent argument, not a medical proof. However, if these studies continue, it will contribute to making people think more healthily.