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Comparison Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Motivation Between Blood Donors and Non-donors (헌혈자와 비헌혈자의 헌혈에 대한 지식, 태도 및 동기에 대한 비교)

  • Shin, Jae-Hack;SaKong, Jun;Kim, Seok-Beom;Kim, Chang-Yoon;Kang, Pock-Soo;Chung, Jong-Hak;Song, Dal-Hyo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to compare the date on knowledge, attitude and motivation toward blood donation between donors and nondonors. The study population included 622 donors and 322 nondonors who visited the mobile blood donation car of Taegu Red Cross Blood Center and participated the group appointed blood donation campaign managed by the center from March 1 to March 31, 1989. The donors and nondonors were questioned above mentioned items with a formulated questionnaire. Among the general characteristics of the subjects in the study, male predominace(84.1% in donors and 73.6% in nondonors) in young age group (16-24 years) was the outstanding feature. As a medium of information about blood donation, "television" was playing a dominant role(donors ; 75.2%, nondonors ; 78.9%), while "magazine"played more important roles among donors. Of the donors, 70.6% and of the nondonors, 58.1% replied that they had ever been induced to donate blood (p<0.01). Major inducers were friend and personnel of mobile blood donation vehicle. On the measuring of knowledge level, the average rates of correct answer was higher in donors (62.6%) than in nondonors (54.1%) (p<0.01). Higher the education level was presented, higher the knowledge level (p<0.05). There have been noticeable difference between donors and nondonors in blood replying the questionnaire set to measure their attitude toward blood donation. especially in the items such as "impression toward blood", "selection of transfusion blood source" and "view on the situation of blood shortage." The major motivation toward blood donation of the groups were "possible future need" and "altruism or humanitarian interest". The major reasons for not donating blood in both groups were "fear of the needle" and around to visit to mobile car or center."

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Network Planning on the Open Spaces in Geumho-dong, Seoul (서울 금호동 오픈스페이스 네트워크 계획)

  • Kang, Yon-Ju;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2012
  • Geumho-dong, Seoul, a redeveloped residential area, is located in the foothills of Mt. Eungbong. The geographical undulation, the composition of a large apartment complex, and the partial implementation of the redevelopment project have caused the severe physical and social disconnections in this area. In order to recover functioning in the disconnected community, this study pays attention to the regeneration of the open spaces as an everyday place and in the form a network system among those open spaces. Various types of the open spaces are classified into points or faces, 'bases' and linear 'paths' analyze the network status. More than half of the open space have connecting-distance of 500m or more. Furthermore, many areas are not even included in the service-area of the open spaces. Analysis of the connectivity and integration value using the axial map has carried out to check weak linkages and to choose the sections where additional bases are required. In addition, to improve the quality of the bases and the paths, a field investigation is conducted and problems are diagnosed. The network planning of the open spaces in Geumho-dong is established, ensuring the quality and quantity of bases and paths. The plan includes the construction of an additional major base in the central area and six secondary bases in other parts, and comes up with ways to improve the environment of underdeveloped secondary bases. In the neighborhood parks at Mt. Daehyun areas, the major path are added, and the environment of the paths is improved in certain areas. Because of the network planning, the connecting-distances between bases are reduced significantly, the connectivity and integration value of the area are increased, and the service areas of the open spaces cover the whole area properly. Although this study has some limitations such as the needs for the legal and institutional supports and difficulties of a quantitative indexing process, its significance lies in the suggestion of a more reasonable and practical plan for the overall network system by defining complex types of open spaces simply and clearly and by examining the organic relationships quantitatively and qualitatively.

Incremental Ensemble Learning for The Combination of Multiple Models of Locally Weighted Regression Using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리즘을 이용한 국소가중회귀의 다중모델 결합을 위한 점진적 앙상블 학습)

  • Kim, Sang Hun;Chung, Byung Hee;Lee, Gun Ho
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2018
  • The LWR (Locally Weighted Regression) model, which is traditionally a lazy learning model, is designed to obtain the solution of the prediction according to the input variable, the query point, and it is a kind of the regression equation in the short interval obtained as a result of the learning that gives a higher weight value closer to the query point. We study on an incremental ensemble learning approach for LWR, a form of lazy learning and memory-based learning. The proposed incremental ensemble learning method of LWR is to sequentially generate and integrate LWR models over time using a genetic algorithm to obtain a solution of a specific query point. The weaknesses of existing LWR models are that multiple LWR models can be generated based on the indicator function and data sample selection, and the quality of the predictions can also vary depending on this model. However, no research has been conducted to solve the problem of selection or combination of multiple LWR models. In this study, after generating the initial LWR model according to the indicator function and the sample data set, we iterate evolution learning process to obtain the proper indicator function and assess the LWR models applied to the other sample data sets to overcome the data set bias. We adopt Eager learning method to generate and store LWR model gradually when data is generated for all sections. In order to obtain a prediction solution at a specific point in time, an LWR model is generated based on newly generated data within a predetermined interval and then combined with existing LWR models in a section using a genetic algorithm. The proposed method shows better results than the method of selecting multiple LWR models using the simple average method. The results of this study are compared with the predicted results using multiple regression analysis by applying the real data such as the amount of traffic per hour in a specific area and hourly sales of a resting place of the highway, etc.

The Nasal Airflow Pressure Monitoring and the Measurement of Airway Pressure Changes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (수면무호흡증과 상기도저항 증후군에서 Nasal Airflow의 압력측정 및 상기도 압력변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hoo-Won;Hong, Seung-Bong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2000
  • Objectives: The sensitivity and accuracy of thermistor airflow signal has been debated. The purposes of this study were to compare apnea-hypopnea index(AHI) detected from a conventional thermistor signal and a nasal pressure transducer of airflow(NPT), to evaluate the value of NPT for the diagnosis of upper airway resistance syndrome(UARS), and to measure airway pressure fluctuations which produced respiratory arousals in UARS by naso-oro-esophageal manometer catheter. The subjects were 30 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome [mild(540), 10), and 6 UARS patients. Airway resistance arousal in this study was defined as arousals which were not associated with apnea or hypopnea of thermistor signal, but showed significant decrease of nasal airflow pressure just before arousal and a prompt recovery of nasal airflow pressure after arousal. The airway pressure fluctuations were measured during 260 airway resistance arousals observed in 10 patients with OSAS, 2 with UARS. Results: Mean AHIs of patients with OSAS were 33.4 by thermistor and 48.4 by NPT. The AHIs of mild, moderate and severe OSAS groups were 10.2, 32.1, 65.4 respectively by thermistor and 23.1, 45.9, 76.4 by NPT. The mean AHI of patients with UARS was 3.2 by thermistor and 10.8 by NPT. The mean AHI of patients with nonspecific arousals was 2.7 by thermistor and 4.4 by NPT. The mean airway pressure changes during respiratory arousals of different groups were 8.7cmH2O in mild OSAS, 11.4cmH2O in moderate OSAS, 24.7cmH2O in severe OSAS and 6.6cmH2O in UARS. Conclusion: The nasal pressure transducer of airflow was more sensitive and accurate for assessing respiratory disturbances of patients with OSAS and was extremely helpful for the diagnosis of UARS without esophageal pressure monitoring. From the results, we would like to propose carefully the NPT diagnostic criteria for sleep disordered breathing as follows: NPT-AHI 5-15 UARS, 15-35 mild OSAS, 35-55 moderate OSAS and >55 severe OSAS.

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Diagnostic Classification of Chest X-ray Pneumonia using Inception V3 Modeling (Inception V3를 이용한 흉부촬영 X선 영상의 폐렴 진단 분류)

  • Kim, Ji-Yul;Ye, Soo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.773-780
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    • 2020
  • With the development of the 4th industrial, research is being conducted to prevent diseases and reduce damage in various fields of science and technology such as medicine, health, and bio. As a result, artificial intelligence technology has been introduced and researched for image analysis of radiological examinations. In this paper, we will directly apply a deep learning model for classification and detection of pneumonia using chest X-ray images, and evaluate whether the deep learning model of the Inception series is a useful model for detecting pneumonia. As the experimental material, a chest X-ray image data set provided and shared free of charge by Kaggle was used, and out of the total 3,470 chest X-ray image data, it was classified into 1,870 training data sets, 1,100 validation data sets, and 500 test data sets. I did. As a result of the experiment, the result of metric evaluation of the Inception V3 deep learning model was 94.80% for accuracy, 97.24% for precision, 94.00% for recall, and 95.59 for F1 score. In addition, the accuracy of the final epoch for Inception V3 deep learning modeling was 94.91% for learning modeling and 89.68% for verification modeling for pneumonia detection and classification of chest X-ray images. For the evaluation of the loss function value, the learning modeling was 1.127% and the validation modeling was 4.603%. As a result, it was evaluated that the Inception V3 deep learning model is a very excellent deep learning model in extracting and classifying features of chest image data, and its learning state is also very good. As a result of matrix accuracy evaluation for test modeling, the accuracy of 96% for normal chest X-ray image data and 97% for pneumonia chest X-ray image data was proven. The deep learning model of the Inception series is considered to be a useful deep learning model for classification of chest diseases, and it is expected that it can also play an auxiliary role of human resources, so it is considered that it will be a solution to the problem of insufficient medical personnel. In the future, this study is expected to be presented as basic data for similar studies in the case of similar studies on the diagnosis of pneumonia using deep learning.

Compact and Wideband Coupled-Line 3-dB Ring Hybrids (Coupled Line으로 구성된 작고 넓은 대역폭을 가지는 3-dB Ring Hybrids)

  • Ahn, Hee-Ran;Kim, Jung-Joon;Kim, Bum-Man
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.862-877
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, two types of wideband 3-dB ring hybrids are compared and discussed to show the ring hybrid with a set of coupled-line sections better. However, the better one still has a realization problem that perfect matching can be achieved only with -3 dB coupling power. To solve the problem, a set of coupled-line sections with two shorts is synthesized using one- and two-port equivalent circuits and design equations are derived to have perfect matching, regardless of the coupling power. Based on the design equations, a modified Πtype of transmission-line equivalent circuit is newly suggested. It consists of coupled-line sections with two shorts and two open stubs and can be used to reduce a transmission-line section, especially when its electrical length is greater than π. Therefore, the 3λ/4 transmission-line section of a conventional ring hybrid can be reduced to less than π/2. To verify the modified Πtype of transmission- line equivalent circuit, two kinds of simulations are carried out; one is fixing the electrical length of the coupled-line sections and the other fixing its coupling coefficient. The simulation results show that the bandwidths of resulting small transmission lines are strongly dependent on the coupling power. Using modified and conventional Πtypes of transmission-line equivalent circuits, a small ring hybrid is built and named a compact wideband coupled-line ring hybrid, due to the fact that a set of coupled-line sections is included. One of compact ring hybrids is compared with a conventional ring hybrid and the compared results demonstrate that the bandwidth of a proposed compact ring hybrid is much wider, in spite of being more than three times smaller in size. To test the compact ring hybrids, a microstrip compact ring hybrid, whose total transmission-line length is 220, is fabricated and measured. The measured power divisions(S21, S41, S23 and S43) are -2.78 dB, -3.34 dB, -2.8 dB and -3.2 dB, respectively at a design center frequency of 2 GHz, matching and isolation less than -20 dB in more than 20 % fractional bandwidth.


  • Ahn, Jin-Gong;Chung, Jin;Jeong, Tae-Sung;Kim, Shin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.388-400
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    • 2006
  • The time 18 months after birth is very important for the prevention of early childhood caries because this time is proper to assure the completion of weaning and to perform the diet counseling, and caries process is initiated or actively aggravated under the total influence of feeding pattern from this period. For the purpose of examining the infection status of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus of 18 month old infants and their mothers, and analyzing the correlation between infection status versus various caries-risk factors, this study was performed on the 60 infants of 18 months old and their mothers through the microbiological screening of saliva samples and direct questionnaire to mothers about the caries risk factors. And the results were as follows, 1. The higher the mother's infection level of S. muntans, the higher the infant's infection level and transmission rate. 2. Compared with non-caries group, higher infection level of S. mutans in both infants and mothers and transmission rate were revealed in caries group. 3. The higher the infant's infection level of S. mutans, the higher the caries prevalence and deft values, the less the monthly income of the parents, the longer the period of breast feeding, and the higher the consumption rate of sugared snacks. 4. Most of Lactobacillus infected infants were revealed to be infected also with S. mutans and to have caries. 5. The higher deft value, less parents' monthly income, more frequent daily nursing and more irregular snacking patterns were found among Lactobacillus infected group compared with not-infected group.

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The impacts of the experince of donation for education to improve the teaching efficacy of pre-technology teacher with Invent touring activity (발명체험 교육기부활동이 예비기술교사의 교수 효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yu-Hyun;Lim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Eun-Sang;Lee, Dong-Won
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-175
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to verify that the impacts of experience of donation for education to improve the teaching efficacy of pre-technology teacher. The Invention experience of donation for education was performed with Invent-touring sponsored by Chunnam National University Invention Education Center for Teachers and was included by development of creative problem solving program, program execution and evaluation. Research participants were Technology education Majors and minors 20 students. The active locations were D children community center, K alternative school, D Elementary School and D middle school. For the study, various literature researches were reviewed intensively about donation for education and teaching efficacy. The instrument for the study was the modified STEBI(Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument) for technology education by 3 experts. This study was designed by single group pre and post test design (One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design) and was conducted by the pre-test and post-test. Check the reliability of the tool was conducted with Cronbach α coefficient analysis, pre-test 0.840, post-test 0.746. The analysis of data from the 5% significance level, paired sample t-test was performed using the SPSS 19.0 statistical tool. The results were as follows: 1. Teaching efficacy of pre-technology teachers who participated in the invention experience for educational donation technology has improved. 72. The qualitative study was performed by the interviews with students who participated in. Humanism was positively change and learning opportunity was provided to develop the competence of technology education teacher. Based upon the conclusion of this study, the donation activity for invention education need to use learning strategies for pre-technology teacher to improve teaching efficacy.

Noise-robust electrocardiogram R-peak detection with adaptive filter and variable threshold (적응형 필터와 가변 임계값을 적용하여 잡음에 강인한 심전도 R-피크 검출)

  • Rahman, MD Saifur;Choi, Chul-Hyung;Kim, Si-Kyung;Park, In-Deok;Kim, Young-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 2017
  • There have been numerous studies on extracting the R-peak from electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. However, most of the detection methods are complicated to implement in a real-time portable electrocardiograph device and have the disadvantage of requiring a large amount of calculations. R-peak detection requires pre-processing and post-processing related to baseline drift and the removal of noise from the commercial power supply for ECG data. An adaptive filter technique is widely used for R-peak detection, but the R-peak value cannot be detected when the input is lower than a threshold value. Moreover, there is a problem in detecting the P-peak and T-peak values due to the derivation of an erroneous threshold value as a result of noise. We propose a robust R-peak detection algorithm with low complexity and simple computation to solve these problems. The proposed scheme removes the baseline drift in ECG signals using an adaptive filter to solve the problems involved in threshold extraction. We also propose a technique to extract the appropriate threshold value automatically using the minimum and maximum values of the filtered ECG signal. To detect the R-peak from the ECG signal, we propose a threshold neighborhood search technique. Through experiments, we confirmed the improvement of the R-peak detection accuracy of the proposed method and achieved a detection speed that is suitable for a mobile system by reducing the amount of calculation. The experimental results show that the heart rate detection accuracy and sensitivity were very high (about 100%).

Long Term Effects of Lamivudine and Adefovir dipivoxil in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients on the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (만성 B형간질환에서 HBV백신 및 항바이러스치료가 간세포암종 발생에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Heon-Ju
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2008
  • Although Lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil are efficacious drugs for preventing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in chronic hepatitis B patients, their efficacy is far from completely satisfactory. The risk of liver cirrhosis and HCC begins to increase at an HBV DNA level of 104 copies/ml. Even with latent or past HBV infection, episomal covalently closed circular DNA(cccDNA) plays a key rolein the persistence, relapse and resistance of HBV in its natural course or during therapy. The annual incidence of HCC in YUMC is 1.8% and 4.7% patients/year in the antiviral treatment and control groups, respectively. The ability to achieve a high rate of sustained HBV suppression with low risk of drug resistance is the ultimate goal in the treatment of chronic HBV infection. The efficacy of universal immunization with striking reductions in the prevalence of HBV in localized countries needs to be spread worldwide. With hepatitis B immunization and effective antiviral therapy, global control of HBV infection and HBV-related complications, including HCC, are possible by the end of the first half of the 21st century.

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