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Effects of Different Water Depths on Early Growth of Rice and Barnyard grass(Echinochloa crus-galli) (담수심차이가 벼 품종과 피의 초기생육에 미치는 영향)

  • 박성태;장안철;이수관
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of water depths on seedling stand and early growth of califonia rice varieties, S201, M202, A301, Italico livorno and Korean variety, Hwaseongbyeo, and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) The coleoptile length of rice was longer with deep water depth while for the radicle length shorten. As water depth was increased, the percentage of seedling stand were decreased slightly in rice, while sharply increased in barnyardgrass. Plant height of rice with increasing water depth were longer, whereas that of barnyardgrass reduced significantly with weaker. Tiller number of rice and barnyardgrass were significantly reduced as water depth increased. Dry matter weight and healthy score of rice seedling at 35DAS were highest in 7.5cm water depth followed saturated moisture, 15, and 22.5cm water depth, while for barnyardgrass those were especially negatively affected by deep water depth. These results showed that the seedling stand and early growth of barnyardgrass was highly suppressed by deeper water levels compared with rice. Rice cultivars which are showes growth characteristics in deeper water levels at early growth stage were Italico livorno and S201 in Japonica / Indica.

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An Analysis on the Reemployment of the Unemployed : Centered on the Applications of Human Capital and Human Capability Perspective (실업자의 재취업에 관한 분석: 인적자본관점(Human Capital Perspective)과 인간능력관점(Human Capability Perspective)의 적용)

  • Kang, Chul-Hee;Lee, Hong-Jik;Hong, Hyun-Mi-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.223-249
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    • 2005
  • This study examines the hazard rate of reemployment by conducting the Cox regression analysis. In addition, two gender groups are subjected to comparative analysis to identify the effect of the factors related to the human capital and human capability perspective on reemployment. For this purpose, 1,871 cases are selected from the 5th year data from Korea Labor and Income Panel Study. The results of study are as follows. First, the factors of human capital, such as education, appropriateness of skill level, and job tenure hold negative impact on the probability of reemployment, while factors of human capability, such as basic learning ability, health insurance, social insurance, residential area(living in the Seoul metropolitan area) hold positive on the probability of reemployment. It is interesting note that there are different sets of factors that affect the probability of reemployment in the two gender groups. This trend is even more apparent in the case of factors that pertain to human capability. The results of this study imply that the factors of human capability, which stress the socio-institutional characteristics, should be considered as comparably significant compared to the factors that pertain to human capital when it comes to the estimation of reemployment. Also, results of this comparative study teach us that various perspectives, such as dual labor market theory and gender-segmented labor market theory, should be factored in for reemployment discussion as well. In conclusion, this research delivers several significant messages since it introduces the concept of human capability perspective, subjected to few empirical analyses in the past, and also heralds the way for comparative analysis on the impact of the factors pertaining to human capability on reemployment.

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An Empirical Study on Influence of Venture Preparation on Business Performance of Initial Venture Foundation: Focused on The Effect of Controlling The Period of Venture Preparation (창업준비성이 창업초기기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 창업준비기간의 조절효과 중심)

  • Oh, jaiwoo;Lee, Donghyung;Kang, Jinkyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2015
  • Although recent policies and regulations in Korea strongly advocate and encourage cultivation of venture foundations, studies on venture foundation and success are very limited and often primarily focus on entrepreneurship or individual quality as a venture founder in addition to such studies' validity in question. Therefore, this study primarily focuses on venture preparation process which is subject to venture founder's effort to verify the policy effectiveness in the relationship between venture preparation and business performance. Major goal of this study is to reduce social cost of venture failure by suggesting systematic policy support for venture foundations and analyzing the relationship between following variables: first, venture preparation and financial performance, second, venture preparation and non-financial performance, and third, venture preparation and business performance. 400 initial venture foundations less than 5 years are selected from KISED(Korea Institute Startup & Entrepreneurship Development) trend analysis to carry out statistical analysis using SPSS 18.0. To organize the data features, frequency analysis as well as descriptive statistics are performed to verify the hypothesis. As a result, sub-factors in measurement of venture preparation which are venture education period, venture benefit, and experience of incubating organization are selected as independent variables. Likewise, sub-factors in measurement of business performance which are financial performance and non-financial performance are used as dependent variables. To validate interactive effect, venture preparation period is selected as control variable to perform hierarchical regression analysis. The analysis result verifies that venture benefit has positive influence on financial and non-financial performance while venture education period has positive influence on non-financial influence and experience of incubating organization has negative influence on non-financial performance without influence on financial performance. In addition, interaction of venture preparation period has positive influence solely between venture benefit and non-financial performance. Through this study, appropriate supporting plans depending on the level of venture preparation can be derived to improve business performance of initial venture foundations for policy designer of venture support, and quality rather than quality improvement of venture businesses is possible through investigation of structural issues of individual venture businesses. Ultimately, this study suggests venture founders to determine whether to focus on venture preparation process or to start a venture business.

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A Study about The Impact of Music Recommender Systems on Online Digital Music Rankings (음원 추천시스템이 온라인 디지털 음원차트에 미치는 파급효과에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, HyunMo;Kim, MinYong;Park, JaeHong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2014
  • These days, consumers have increasingly preferred to digital real-time streamlining and downloading to listen to music because this is convenient and affordable for the consumers. Accordingly, sales of music in compact disk formats have steadily declined. In this regards, online digital music has become a new communication channel to listen musics, where digital files can be delivered over various online networks to people's computing devices. The majority of online digital music distributors has Music Recommender Systems for sales of digital music on their websites. Music Recommender Systems are parts of information filtering systems that provide the ratings or preferences that users give to music. Korean online digital music distributors have Music Recommender Systems. But those online music distributors didn't provide any rules or clear procedures that recommend music. Therefore, we raise important questions as follows: "Is Music Recommender Systems Fair?", "What is the impact of Music Recommender Systems on online music rankings and sales?" While previous studies have focused on usefulness of Music Recommender Systems, this study investigates not only fairness of Current Music Recommender Systems but also Relationship between Music Recommender Systems and online Music Charts. This study examines these issues based on Bandwagon effect, ranking effect, Slot effect theories. For our empirical analysis, we selected the most famous five online digital music distributors in terms of market shares. We found that all recommended music is exposed to the top of 'daily music charts' in online digital music distributors' websites. We collected music ranking data and recommended music data from 'daily music chart' during a one month. The result shows that online music recommender systems are not fair, since they mainly recommend particular music that supported by a specific music production company. In addition, the recommended music are always exposed to the top of music ranking charts. We also find that recommended music usually appear at the top 20 ranking charts within one or two days. Also, the most music in the top 50 or 100 ranks are the recommended music. Moreover, recommended music usually remain the ranking charts more than one month while non-recommended music often disappear at the ranking charts within two week. Our study provides an important implication to online music industry. Because music recommender systems and music ranking charts are closely related, music distributors may improperly use their recommender systems to boost the sales of music that related to their own companies. Therefore, online digital music distributor must clearly announce the rules and procedures about music recommender systems for the better music industry.

A Study on Emergence of Innovative Retailing and Its Development Process (혁신적인 소매업태의 출현과 발전과정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chul-Ju;Jeong, Tae-Seok
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2011
  • Since a distribution market was opened in 1993 after the conclusion of the Uruguay Round (UR), various new businesses emerged in the Korean retail industry, such as convenience shops, supermarkets, specialty stores, non-store marketing methods, and cyber shopping malls, in addition to traditional markets and department stores. Competition among these retail businesses has intensified. According to the National Statistical Office (NSO), the growth rate of the total retail industry has shown a 32% increase in the past 5 years. While department stores, supermarkets, specialty stores, and other non-store retailing venues have shown signs of stagnation at a growth rate of 20-30%, which is similar to the growth rate of the entire retail industry, convenience shops and non-store marketing have shown 60-70% growth over the same period. By comparison, the growth rate of cyber shopping malls has nearly tripled. When applying development aspects of retail businesses through the competition to the retail life cycle, mom-and-pop stores and traditional markets have already entered the decline phase as specialty stores reach their maturity phase and demonstrate their limit of growth. Department stores are now in the latter part of the growth phase, which is still considered to have some growth potential. Big super markets are still in the early part of their growth stage although they were introduced 20 years ago. Meanwhile, retail businesses such as convenience stores, supermarkets, mail order houses, and warehouse stores are entering the middle growth phase and are expected to continue with their quantitative growth. At a time when most retail businesses in Korea are in a state of development or in the full growth stage, what kind of new innovative retailing will appear and develop? Moreover, what growth engine will drive it? This study analyzes the appearance of innovative retailing and its development process by establishing a discussable consumer's choice model through the interlocking mutual behavior of differentiated competitiveness and consumers' choice based on an awareness of this issue. The analysis of the results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, if a new vacuum zone emerges at the retail market level, innovative retailing such as low price/low service or high price/high service will emerge simultaneously. Second, if the number of new businesses in the vacuum zone increases, this will create competitiveness among the businesses, and each retailer will develop raising of level. Third, if a new business that raises the level develops, competition between the new and the existing retailer will occur, and an assimilation process between the existing retailing and the new retailing will be unfolded. Fourth, each retailing will promote distribution innovations in order to break the frontier of the existing distribution technology, and other retailing will follow the innovator. On the basis of an analysis of the abovementioned results, this study presents the following three suggestions. First, responding to the consumer's decision-making process on the attributes of retail shops that promote differentiation in strategies, this study established a consumer's choice model that can be discussed in relation to changes in market share. Second, this study provided an analysis of the emerging and developmental processes of innovative retail businesses using a more precise logical structure on the basis of the consumer's choice model described in this study. Third, the development process of retail businesses discussed in this study presented retailing solutions regarding management aspects on how to compose a strong retail mix that can help retail businesses gain competitive advantages in the market.

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User Centered Interface Design of Web-based Attention Testing Tools: Inhibition of Return(IOR) and Graphic UI (웹 기반 주의력 검사의 사용자 인터페이스 설계: 회귀억제 과제와 그래픽 UI를 중심으로)

  • Kwahk, Ji-Eun;Kwak, Ho-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.331-367
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to validate a web-based neuropsychological testing tool developed by Kwak(2007) and to suggest solutions to potential problems that can deteriorate its validity. When it targets a wider range of subjects, a web-based neuropsychological testing tool is challenged by high drop-out rates, lack of motivation, lack of interactivity with the experimenter, fear of computer, etc. As a possible solution to these threats, this study aims to redesign the user interface of a web-based attention testing tool through three phases of study. In Study 1, an extensive analysis of Kwak's(2007) attention testing tool was conducted to identify potential usability problems. The Heuristic Walkthrough(HW) method was used by three usability experts to review various design features. As a result, many problems were found throughout the tool. The findings concluded that the design of instructions, user information survey forms, task screen, results screen, etc. did not conform to the needs of users and their tasks. In Study 2, 11 guidelines for the design of web-based attention testing tools were established based on the findings from Study 1. The guidelines were used to optimize the design and organization of the tool so that it fits to the user and task needs. The resulting new design alternative was then implemented as a working prototype using the JAVA programming language. In Study 3, a comparative study was conducted to demonstrate the excellence of the new design of attention testing tool(named graphic style tool) over the existing design(named text style tool). A total of 60 subjects participated in user testing sessions where their error frequency, error patterns, and subjective satisfaction were measured through performance observation and questionnaires. Through the task performance measurement, a number of user errors in various types were observed in the existing text style tool. The questionnaire results were also in support of the new graphic style tool, users rated the new graphic style tool higher than the existing text style tool in terms of overall satisfaction, screen design, terms and system information, ease of learning, and system performance.

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The Impact of O4O Selection Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Case of Fresh Hema in China (O4O 선택속성이 고객만족도 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향: 중국 허마셴셩 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cui, Chengguo;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.249-269
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as the online market has matured, it is facing many problems to prevent the growth. The most common problem is the homogenization of online products, which fails to increase the number of customers any more. Moreover, although the portion of the online market has increased significantly, it now becomes essential to expand offline for further development. In response, many online firms have recently sought to expand their businesses and marketing channels by securing offline spaces that can complement the limitations of online platforms, on top of their existing advantages of online channels. Based on their competitive advantage in terms of analyzing large volumes of customer data utilizing information technologies (e.g., big data and artificial intelligence), they are reinforcing their offline influence as well through this online for offline (O4O) business model. On the other hand, most of the existing research has primarily focused on online to offline (O2O) business model, and there is still a lack of research on O4O business models, which have been actively attempted in various industrial fields in recent years. Since a few of O4O-related studies have been conducted only in an experience marketing setting following a case study method, it is critical to conduct an empirical study on O4O selection attributes and their impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, focusing on China's representative O4O business model, 'Fresh Hema,' this study attempts to identify some key selection attributes specialized for O4O services from the customers' viewpoint and examine the impact of these attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) with 300 O4O (Fresh Hema) experienced customers, reveal that, out of seven O4O selection attributes, four (mobile app quality, mobile payment, product quality, and store facilities) have an impact on customer satisfaction, which also leads to customer loyalty (reuse intention, recommendation intention, and brand attachment). This study would help managers in an O4O area well adapt to rapidly changing customer needs and provide them with some guidelines for enhancing both customer satisfaction and loyalty by allocating more resources to more significant selection attributes, rather than less significant ones.

Development and Application of Landscape Diversity Evaluation Model on the Basis of Rural and Natural Area (농촌 및 자연지역의 경관 다양성 평가모형 개발 및 적용)

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Yong-Eun;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ku, Ji-Na;Kwon, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2013
  • Recently, to prevent damage to the landscape, outstanding landscape areas have been designated in advance. In particular, as a fundamental way to evaluate landscape elements, landscape diversity is an important criterion to assess an area with a high conservative value. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a quantitative evaluation model of landscape diversity based on landscape elements and to verify the model by applying it to the study sites. The assessment indicators derived from the literature analysis are topography, vegetation, land-use pattern, and unusual landscape. Topography diversity is subdivided into land undulation and land-form. Vegetation diversity is subdivided into plant community diversity and stratification diversity. To quantitatively analyse each indicator's diversity, SHDI was selected as the central metric. All of the quantitative measures were implemented by using the statistical tool, FRAGSTATS. Through the process of each indicator's standardization and summary, the final landscape diversity index was calculated. The results of the study are significant as it was the initial study of landscape diversity evaluation to seek applicability. However, the results of the Landscape Diversity Evaluation Model in this study based on 4 indicators synthetically demonstrate that more than one or two outstanding indicators can be underrated. Therefore, each 4 assessment indicator results should be considered individually. Furthermore, using the maximum value for each indicator's standardization reflects that it is necessary to analyse various examples to obtain higher objectivity later.

A Study on Wetland Visitors' Awareness of Ecology and Their Needs (습지 방문객의 생태의식과 이용욕구 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Man;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs and thereby, provide for some effective measures to manage them. For this purpose, 3 study points were set up: "wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs", "differences of such consciousness depending on their demographic variables" and the "relationship between such consciousness and their needs". To this end, Upo Wetland visitors were surveyed for an empirical analysis. The visitors' awareness about ecology was measured with Dunlap's 15-item NEP Inventory, while their needs were analyzed in reference to Maslow's 7-Step Human Desire Ladder. The survey was conducted at Upo Wetland for 3 days, and as a result, a total of 228 questionnaires were returned. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; First, the visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs were higher than the normal level. In terms of their consciousness of ecology, their awareness of the ecological crisis potential and anti-humanism was highest. In terms of their needs, the aesthetic need was highest, followed by the cognitive one. On the other hand, the needs for self-achievement and self-esteem were lowest; except them, the higher the needs were positioned at Maslow's ladder of desire, and subjects were more responsive to them. As a result of analyzing the correlation between the subjects' consciousness of ecology and their needs, it was found that the correlation was negative in some sub-areas, while being positive in other sub-areas. After all, the ratio of the sub-areas having a positive correlation was as 3 times high as that of the sub-areas having a negative correlation. Even as for the correlation coefficient values, they were higher in the positive sub-areas, which suggests that the correlation between wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs were positive, although at a lower level, in overall terms. As a result of comparatively analyzing visitors' needs by dividing them into 3 sub-groups depending on the levels of their consciousness of ecology, it was found that the higher their consciousness of ecology was, their needs were higher. Overall, wetland visitors' awareness of ecology was higher than the normal level, and it was estimated that such awareness would continue to increase. Hence, it could be inferred that their needs, particularly, their aesthetic and cognitive ones would continue to increase, too. Accordingly, it is deemed important to manage the wetland landscape making use of its visual resources, while continuing to provide the visitors with the contents fulfilling their need for knowledge.

Assessment of Liquefaction Potential Using Correlation between Shear Wave Velocity and Normalized LPI on Urban Areas of Seoul and Gyeongju (정규화LPI와 전단파 속도의 상관관계를 활용한 서울과 경주 지역 액상화 위험도 평가)

  • Song, Young Woo;Chung, Choong Ki;Park, Ka Hyun;Kim, Min Gi
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2018
  • Recent earthquakes in Gyeongju and Pohang have raised interest in liquefaction in South Korea. Liquefaction, which is a phenomenon that excessive pore pressure is generated and the shear strength of soil is decreased by repeated loads such as earthquakes, causes severe problems such as ground subsidence and overturning of structures. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and prepare for the possibility of liquefaction in advance. In general, the possibility of liquefaction is quantitatively assessed using the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), but it takes a lot of time and effort for performing site response analysis which is essential for the liquefaction evaluation. In this study, a simple method to evaluate the liquefaction potential without executing the site response analysis in a downtown area with a lot of borehole data was proposed. In this simple method, the correlation between the average shear wave velocity of the target location ground and the LPI divided by thickness of liquefiable layer was established. And the applicable correlation equation for various rock outcrop accelerations were derived. Using the 104 boreholes information in Seoul, the correlation equation between LPI and the shear wave velocity (ground water level: 0m, 1m, 2m, 3m) is obtained and the possibility of liquefaction occurrence in Seoul and Gyeongju is evaluated. The applicability of the proposed simple method was verified by comparing the LPI values calculated from the correlation equation and the LPI values derived using the existing site response analysis. Finally, the distribution map of LPI calculated from the correlation was drawn using Kriging, a geostatistical technique.