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Effect of Bacillus Strains on the Chungkook-jang Processing (1) Changes of the Components and Enzyme Activities During Chungkookjang-koji Preparation (균주(菌株)를 달리한 청국장의 제조(製造)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제1보(第1報)-청국장메주 발효과정중(醱酵過程中)의 성분(成分)과 효소력(酵素力)-)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ja;Suh, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 1981
  • In order to study the changes of components and enzyme activities during Chungkookjang-Koji preparation, the Kojies were prepared with Bacillus Natto, Bacillus subtilis and traditional method. The temperature of Koji materials during Koji preparation was very different according to the experimental group. The content of ethyl alcohol, reducing sugar, amino nitrogen and water soluble nitrogen were changed by the Koji preparing stage and experimental group. Amylase and protease activities showed on irregular change on standing and their activities were not remarkably different among the groups and appeared weakly.

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Improving Bidirectional LSTM-CRF model Of Sequence Tagging by using Ontology knowledge based feature (온톨로지 지식 기반 특성치를 활용한 Bidirectional LSTM-CRF 모델의 시퀀스 태깅 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Seunghee;Jang, Heewon;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a methodology applying sequence tagging methodology to improve the performance of NER(Named Entity Recognition) used in QA system. In order to retrieve the correct answers stored in the database, it is necessary to switch the user's query into a language of the database such as SQL(Structured Query Language). Then, the computer can recognize the language of the user. This is the process of identifying the class or data name contained in the database. The method of retrieving the words contained in the query in the existing database and recognizing the object does not identify the homophone and the word phrases because it does not consider the context of the user's query. If there are multiple search results, all of them are returned as a result, so there can be many interpretations on the query and the time complexity for the calculation becomes large. To overcome these, this study aims to solve this problem by reflecting the contextual meaning of the query using Bidirectional LSTM-CRF. Also we tried to solve the disadvantages of the neural network model which can't identify the untrained words by using ontology knowledge based feature. Experiments were conducted on the ontology knowledge base of music domain and the performance was evaluated. In order to accurately evaluate the performance of the L-Bidirectional LSTM-CRF proposed in this study, we experimented with converting the words included in the learned query into untrained words in order to test whether the words were included in the database but correctly identified the untrained words. As a result, it was possible to recognize objects considering the context and can recognize the untrained words without re-training the L-Bidirectional LSTM-CRF mode, and it is confirmed that the performance of the object recognition as a whole is improved.

The Effect of Meta-Features of Multiclass Datasets on the Performance of Classification Algorithms (다중 클래스 데이터셋의 메타특징이 판별 알고리즘의 성능에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Jeonghun;Kim, Min Yong;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2020
  • Big data is creating in a wide variety of fields such as medical care, manufacturing, logistics, sales site, SNS, and the dataset characteristics are also diverse. In order to secure the competitiveness of companies, it is necessary to improve decision-making capacity using a classification algorithm. However, most of them do not have sufficient knowledge on what kind of classification algorithm is appropriate for a specific problem area. In other words, determining which classification algorithm is appropriate depending on the characteristics of the dataset was has been a task that required expertise and effort. This is because the relationship between the characteristics of datasets (called meta-features) and the performance of classification algorithms has not been fully understood. Moreover, there has been little research on meta-features reflecting the characteristics of multi-class. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically analyze whether meta-features of multi-class datasets have a significant effect on the performance of classification algorithms. In this study, meta-features of multi-class datasets were identified into two factors, (the data structure and the data complexity,) and seven representative meta-features were selected. Among those, we included the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), originally a market concentration measurement index, in the meta-features to replace IR(Imbalanced Ratio). Also, we developed a new index called Reverse ReLU Silhouette Score into the meta-feature set. Among the UCI Machine Learning Repository data, six representative datasets (Balance Scale, PageBlocks, Car Evaluation, User Knowledge-Modeling, Wine Quality(red), Contraceptive Method Choice) were selected. The class of each dataset was classified by using the classification algorithms (KNN, Logistic Regression, Nave Bayes, Random Forest, and SVM) selected in the study. For each dataset, we applied 10-fold cross validation method. 10% to 100% oversampling method is applied for each fold and meta-features of the dataset is measured. The meta-features selected are HHI, Number of Classes, Number of Features, Entropy, Reverse ReLU Silhouette Score, Nonlinearity of Linear Classifier, Hub Score. F1-score was selected as the dependent variable. As a result, the results of this study showed that the six meta-features including Reverse ReLU Silhouette Score and HHI proposed in this study have a significant effect on the classification performance. (1) The meta-features HHI proposed in this study was significant in the classification performance. (2) The number of variables has a significant effect on the classification performance, unlike the number of classes, but it has a positive effect. (3) The number of classes has a negative effect on the performance of classification. (4) Entropy has a significant effect on the performance of classification. (5) The Reverse ReLU Silhouette Score also significantly affects the classification performance at a significant level of 0.01. (6) The nonlinearity of linear classifiers has a significant negative effect on classification performance. In addition, the results of the analysis by the classification algorithms were also consistent. In the regression analysis by classification algorithm, Naïve Bayes algorithm does not have a significant effect on the number of variables unlike other classification algorithms. This study has two theoretical contributions: (1) two new meta-features (HHI, Reverse ReLU Silhouette score) was proved to be significant. (2) The effects of data characteristics on the performance of classification were investigated using meta-features. The practical contribution points (1) can be utilized in the development of classification algorithm recommendation system according to the characteristics of datasets. (2) Many data scientists are often testing by adjusting the parameters of the algorithm to find the optimal algorithm for the situation because the characteristics of the data are different. In this process, excessive waste of resources occurs due to hardware, cost, time, and manpower. This study is expected to be useful for machine learning, data mining researchers, practitioners, and machine learning-based system developers. The composition of this study consists of introduction, related research, research model, experiment, conclusion and discussion.

Social Learning Values in the Justification Discourses for One Million-pyeong Park, Busan, South Korea (담론분석을 통한 100만평공원운동의 사회학습적 가치)

  • Lee, Sungkyung;Kim, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2013
  • This paper claims that the One Million-peyong Park(hereafter abbreviated as OMP) project is different from a typical citizen participatory park project by recognizing the exceptional leadership of the Civic Committee for the One Million-pyeong Park Construction(CCOMPC) in promoting and developing the OMP project. Since 2001 the CCOMPC has published a variety of written promotional materials to inform and educate the public about the project. In terms of approaching the promotional materials, this research focuses on the use of language on how the CCOMPC justifies the OMP project, namely the OMP justification discourse, and considers the discourse as a unique form of social document that represents the perspective of the CCOMPC in explaining the local environmental issues and values of urban parks to the public. Using a discourse analysis method, this research analyzes the justification discourses and investigates how they changed over the three main development phases of the OMP: the initiation and preliminary development phase(1999-2001.2), the development phase (2001.2-2008), and the time period after the greenbelt policy release on Dunchi Island(2008-present). In each discourse, the OMP project is rationalized as a citizen participation park project that (1) aims to enhance the quality of public green space in Busan, (2) is accompanied by various community engagement programs that emphasize the value of urban nature and environmental education to expand citizen participation, and (3) has contributed to the National Urban Park Bill. This research emphasizes the role of the discourses in helping the public gain a critical understanding about the local environment and values of urban parks. By analyzing the contents of the discourses, it explains the social learning values of the OMP expressed in the discourses.

Grotesque Aesthetics with a Focus on Animations of Lee, ae-rim Director (카니발 그로테스크 미학과 이애림 감독의 애니메이션)

  • Oh, Jin-hee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.81-101
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    • 2017
  • The present study argues that film director Lee Ae-rim animation works depict the world of the grotesque and not only are important sociocultural phenomena but also hold the significance of humor and subversion. The grotesque exhibits the intriguing characteristics of expressing a perspective critical of the existing society through the sensibilities of minorities and is used broadly as a term not only in the aesthetic sense but also designating sociocultural phenomena. Although discussed separately in terms of Mikhail Bakhtin's carnival grotesque and Mary Russo's uncanny grotesque, the grotesque fundamentally rejects existing order and conventions and is externalized through unique expressions, thus opening up a rich possibility for rejection, humor, satire, transformation, and deconstruction of and regarding the authority of the mainstream. Although they constitute a fictional medium, animation films are social products as well so that they are affected by society, culture, and history and stand as important texts that must be interpreted in terms of the relationships between humans' instinctive desires and society and between the overall culture and artistic media. However, the rarity of grotesque portrayals in South Korean animation films also proves that it is a society where even problems that are in themselves sensitive must be manifested ingeniously on a conventional level. South Korean society has a unique history of colonialism and national division and is simultaneously in the unique situation of a society that has undergone growth at a nearly unprecedented rate. Consequently, the society exhibits closed yet dynamic particularity where everyday tension and rigidity, wariness of others and extreme competition are intertwined in a complex manner. Intensively analyzed in the present discussions, director Lee's animation films and are characterized mainly by grotesque images, nonlinear narratives, and vivid depictions. In such a context, these works not only are artistic products of South Korean society but also rejections of a rigid society and share the significance of the aesthetics of the carnival grotesque, which consists of subversive expressions directed at a new world.

Risk Assessment Model for the Delay Protocol in the Conditions of Contract of International Construction Projects (해외 건설공사 공기지연사건의 합리적 대응을 위한 계약조건 리스크 평가 방법)

  • Lee, Hwangku;Shin, Dongwoo;Kim, Kyungrai;Cha, Heesung;Kim, Youngjae
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2017
  • Recently, many Korean major construction companies are suffering from profit loss mainly due to a direct impact from delays in their overseas projects. In general, changes are inevitable in a large-scale project, and most of changes are directly linked to construction delay. Therefore, in the event that an extension of time is necessary due to a change, the contractor must manage the delay based on the condition of the contract to effectively manage risks from delay to the completion date. Thus it is important to understand delay protocol defined in the condition of the contract early in the project, but there have been few or no study to propose methodology or tool to support this effort. This paper presents a review on the project planning and controling practices of major Korean construction companies along with the issues on delay claims and disputes in mega-international projects and suggests a tool to assess delay risk in the condition of the contract. To propose a delay risk assessment model for international construction projects, major standard conditions of contract have been reviewed including FIDIC Red Book(1999), PSSCOC(2014) and SIA 9th Edition(2010). To reflect recent trend of major international owners, standard conditions which they are utilizing for their projects also have been reviewed including those of ARAMCO and QP. The model provides a categories of risks to be reviewed on the condition of the contract along with standard level of the risk which is common in the international standard form of the contracts. This study also performed a case study on an actual international project to confirm the effectiveness of proposed model to identify and respond to a delay risk of a project.

A Study on Reorganization of System of Assistant Police Officer (치안보조인력 제도의 개편에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Kwi
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.62
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    • pp.255-276
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    • 2020
  • The mandatory police system, which plays a pivotal role in securing security and securing social safety as a security assistant, is expected to face difficulties in supplying the mandatory police manpower and securing absolute police manpower in the future according to the Ministry of Defense's abolition of the conversion service system. In this situation, this study intends to provide a concrete plan to replace the mandatory police officers as security assistants, recruiting contractors from civilians who are not military service resources or regular police officers, and using them for security assistance. More ultimately, this study goes beyond securing obligatory police to reduce or abolish mandatory police, which has been dealt with in previous studies. It aims to present the rescue and operation directions so that the police can provide quality public security services. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, this study 1) analyzes the current situation of police personnel, derives the necessity and justification of securing the police personnel or increasing the number of police personnel due to changes in security demand and security environment, and 2) After discussing the necessity and direction of reorganization, 3) deriving policy implications through analysis of foreign cases operating similar systems to derive specific plans for the introduction of security contractors for private contract workers in Korea. This study reviewed the specific operation plan and legal and institutional maintenance plan of private contract workers. In order to achieve these research objectives, this study 1) analyzes the current status of the police manpower and derives the necessity and justification of securing an absolute police manpower or increasing the manpower of the police in response to changes in security demand and security environment, and the current security aid system. 2) After discussing the necessity and orientation of reorganization of exinsting system of assistant police officer, 3) derive policy implications through analysis of foreign cases utilizing security aids similar to Korea, and 4) The specific operation plan and legal and institutional maintenance plan were presented. including security aids for private contract workers in Korea, from recruitment procedures to activities.

Development of Adhesive Resins Formulated with Rapeseed Flour Akali Hydrolyzates for Plywood Panels (유채박의 알칼리 가수분해물을 이용한 합판용 접착제의 개발)

  • Yang, In;Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Han, Gyu-Seong;Cho, In-Gyu;SaGong, Moon;Ahn, Sye-Hee;Oh, Sei-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2010
  • Petroleum-based adhesive resins have extensively been used for the production of wood panels. However, it is necessary to develop environmentally friendly adhesive resins due to the increase of manufacturing cost and the environmental issue, such as the emission of volatile organic compounds, of the pertroleum-based adhesive resins. This study was conducted to formulate environmentally friendly adhesive resins using by rapeseed flour (RSF), which is the by-product of bio-diesel produced from rapeseed, for replacing petroleum-based adhesives with them. To formulate RSF-based adhesive resins, RSF was hydrolyzed in de-ionized water, 1% and 3% sodium hydroxide solutions. As a crosslinking agent, PF prepolymers were prepared with 1.8, 2.1 and 2.4 mol formaldehyde and 1 mol phenol (1.8-, 2.1- and 2.4-PF), and then mixed with RSF hydrolyzates to complete the formulation of RSF-based adhesive resins. The RSF-based adhesive resins were applied to fabricate 3-ply plywood panels. The solid content of RSF-based adhesive resins were ranged from 26.08% to 36.12% depending on the hydrolysis condition of RSF and PF prepolymer type with a high viscosity. The tensile shear strength and wood failure of plywood fabricated with RSF-based adhesive resins exceeded a minimum requirement of KS standard for ordinary plywood regardless of the hydrolysis condition of RSF and PF prepolymer type. Formaldehyde emissions of the plywood panels fabricated with 1.8-PF and RSF hydrolyzates were lower than that of E0 specified in the KS standard. Based on the results, RSF might be used as a raw material of environmentally friendly adhesives for the production of plywood panels, but further researches - the increase of solid content of RSF-based adhesives for reducing press time and the microscopic observation of plywood specimen for identifying the relationship between tensile shear strength and the penetration of adhesives into wood structure - are required to commercialize the RSF-based adhesives.

Regional Differentials in Elderly Suicide Rate: The Focusing on Effects of Family Instability, 1995-2005 (노인자살률의 지역별 편차: 가족불안정의 영향을 중심으로, 1995-2005)

  • Ryu, Jung-Kyun
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.21-44
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    • 2008
  • The main purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the family instability on the elderly suicide and to examine the change over time. An analytical model of causal structure was set up with residence, family instability and socioeconomic level as explanation variables for this study. The cause of death statistics and micro-data from the vital statistics for 1995, 2000 and 2005 were used. Family instability was measured through divorce, and the rate of elderly(male and female) suicide as well as the suicide rate of the elderly and those in their 20-50's was used for this analysis to examine the effect of divorce. This study hypothesized about family instability and elderly suicide through a literature review. This paper presents maps of the suicide rate by using GIS, and then ANOVA and regression analysis are carried out to verify a difference in the elderly suicide rate affected by residence and divorce. Divorce rate appears in most areas with a high level centering around metropolises except the central inland area. The rate of elderly suicide which stayed in only specific regions with a high level has increased as time went by, and the graph leveled high in most regions except the southwestern coast. In addition, the elderly suicide rate was increased rapidly in rural areas for the most recent 10 years. This shows the seriousness of problems of the aged in rural areas. Through the periods of economic crisis, a sudden increase in divorce causes family instability, which increase the suicide rate increasing. Divorce affects the elderly suicide rate and the 20-50s' suicide rate in the same way, and the stronger effect goes to the elderly rather than those in their 20-50s'. Regarding elderly suicide, the divorce has a different effect by gender, affecting males more than females. With these facts, we can draw the conclusion that family instability has the most significant effect on elderly males' suicide.

Development of an Approach for Analysing Vegetation Community Mosaic Using Landscape Metrics (경관지수를 활용한 식생군락 모자이크화 분석법)

  • Lee, Peter Sang-Hoon;Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 2017
  • Whereas the demand for development of forested areas covering more than 60% of Korean territory, permission on the forest development has been still given from the perspective of effective land utilization rather than conservation. As the assessment of large forested areas usually focuses more on forest structure, it has its limitation of observing and analyzing the interior change in forest in this way. This study was aimed at computing landscape metrics using a presence vegetation map and FRAGTSTATS 4.2 and analyzing vegetation mosaics. Colonies in native vegetation were classified into a series of major groups and sub-groups based on the native species within the colonies. The colonies were investigated by analyzing a suite of landscape metrics - Core Area, Percentage of Landscape, Number of Patches, Patch Density, Largest Patch Index, Total Edge, Edge Density, Landscape Shape Index, Mean Patch Area, Euclidean Nearest Neighbor. In the Chungnam province major groups and sub-groups of colonies classified based on the proportion of pine and oak species, and pine species was the principal one in terms of distribution area. As for the competition between pines and oaks, while the coverage of pine-centered colonies were three times larger than those of oak-centered ones, pine colonies showed the greater number of patches and therefore higher fragmentation than oaks at the major group level. For the sub-groups, the largest coverage colonies were not only indicated by Pinus densiflora-Quesrcus mongolica colonies among P. densiflora-centered colonies, Q. accutissima colonies among Q. accutissima-centered ones, Q. accutissima-P. densiflora colonies among Q. accutissima-centered ones, Q. mongolica colonies among Q. mongolica-centered ones, P. thumbergii colonies among P. thumbergii-centered ones, and Q. serrata-Q. acutissima colonies among Q. serrata-centered ones, but also revealed more severely mosaicked than other smaller colonies. The overall mosaicking degree estimated by landscape metrics was considered useful for monitoring and investigating vegetation. However, in order to develop management strategy based on analyzing the reason for the mosaicking process and anticipating a trend in vegetation succession, it is essential to further study about ecological characteristics of each colony in the vegetation.