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A Study on Reorganization of System of Assistant Police Officer  

Kim, Moon-Kwi (서대학교 법경찰행정학과)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.62, 2020 , pp. 255-276 More about this Journal
The mandatory police system, which plays a pivotal role in securing security and securing social safety as a security assistant, is expected to face difficulties in supplying the mandatory police manpower and securing absolute police manpower in the future according to the Ministry of Defense's abolition of the conversion service system. In this situation, this study intends to provide a concrete plan to replace the mandatory police officers as security assistants, recruiting contractors from civilians who are not military service resources or regular police officers, and using them for security assistance. More ultimately, this study goes beyond securing obligatory police to reduce or abolish mandatory police, which has been dealt with in previous studies. It aims to present the rescue and operation directions so that the police can provide quality public security services. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, this study 1) analyzes the current situation of police personnel, derives the necessity and justification of securing the police personnel or increasing the number of police personnel due to changes in security demand and security environment, and 2) After discussing the necessity and direction of reorganization, 3) deriving policy implications through analysis of foreign cases operating similar systems to derive specific plans for the introduction of security contractors for private contract workers in Korea. This study reviewed the specific operation plan and legal and institutional maintenance plan of private contract workers. In order to achieve these research objectives, this study 1) analyzes the current status of the police manpower and derives the necessity and justification of securing an absolute police manpower or increasing the manpower of the police in response to changes in security demand and security environment, and the current security aid system. 2) After discussing the necessity and orientation of reorganization of exinsting system of assistant police officer, 3) derive policy implications through analysis of foreign cases utilizing security aids similar to Korea, and 4) The specific operation plan and legal and institutional maintenance plan were presented. including security aids for private contract workers in Korea, from recruitment procedures to activities.
Assistant police officer; Auxiliary police; Regular police officer; Substitution of military service; Civil contractual assistant police officer;
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  • Reference
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