• Title/Summary/Keyword: 무한대학교

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The Life History Study on the Life Journey of Retired Teachers (교원 은퇴자의 삶의 여정에 관한 생애사 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hwan;Youn, Sun-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.626-638
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    • 2021
  • This study is about a life history. Through investigating the life of retired teachers in preschool, elementary, and middle schools, authors wanted to explore the meaning of retirement and the process of adaptation to find out their personal and social needs in post-retirement life. Studies have shown that their experiences at childhood have greatly influenced the performance of one's profession, such as contributing to setting limits on behaviors of their students. In the period of interdependence, they have contributed to serving society and the nation beyond as a professional, and in the second half of his teaching career, they have learned that their painful experience was a resource and have realized that changing mind can make the world changed. Since teachers' behavior affects on many subjects unlike other jobs, rewards or satisfaction from the job was bigger than any other jobs. However, after retirement, they felt a sense of emptiness in life without any sense of belonging or accomplishment, while feeling happiness and infinite freedom in other hand. Thy still go forward for life challenging to new study.

A Study on the Curation Factors through Reverse Engineering Design of YouTube Algorithm - Focusing on Gender Keyword Search (유튜브 알고리즘의 역공학설계를 통한 큐레이션 요인 연구 - 성별 키워드 검색을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Seung-Ju;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2022
  • Despite the fact that Internet users around the world watch YouTube every day, very few users accurately recognize the recommendation algorithm for search results, and Google and YouTube are not disclosing it. Researchers tried to explore the undisclosed algorithm of YouTube in a reverse engineering design method, find key factors, and check the logical structure in which media platform operators recommend keyword search results and arrange them on the screen. Therefore, researchers studied the basic content priority factors through several months of discussion and data collection, and tried to reverse engineer the influencing factors based on the recommendation results according to male and female gender among the collected keyword search results. Although researchers' design only analyzed some of the almost infinite level of data uploaded and viewed for more than hundreds of hours every hour, these exploratory attempts will study media platform algorithms in the future, understand the intentions of operators, and protect users. thought it could be done.

Extraction of Cole-Cole Parameters from Time-domain Induced Polarization Data (시간영역 유도분극 자료로부터 Cole-Cole 변수 산출)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jung;Cho, In-Ky
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.164-170
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    • 2021
  • Frequency-domain and time-domain induced polarization methods can provide spectral information about subsurface media. Analysis of spectral characteristics has been studied mainly in the frequency-domain, however, time-domain induced polarization research has recently become popular. In this study, assuming a homogeneous half-space model, an inversion method was developed to extract Cole-Cole parameters from the measured secondary potential or electrical resistivity. Since the Cole-Cole parameters of chargeability, time constant, and frequency index are not independent of each other, various problems, such as slow convergence rate, initial model problem, local minimum problem, and divergence, frequently occur when conventional nonlinear inversion is applied. In this study, we developed an effective inversion method using the initial model close to the true model by introducing a grid search method. Finally, the validity of the developed inversion method was verified using inversion experiments.

An Operation Plan of Physical Distribution System for the Efficeient Treating of Stockout (효율적 부재고 처리를 위한 물적 분배시스템 운영)

  • Kim, Byeong-Chan;Lee, Sun-Bum;Choi, Jin-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2009
  • The logistic environment of Korean companies faces very challenging circumstances due to lack of resources and tough price competitions. It is obvious that such a load of logistic cost becomes an obstacle to national or business competition advantages in the era of unlimited market competition. Prior studies concerning these issues sought to express a large-scale distribution network in a unified numerical formula using defined symbols and could take systematic approaches to distribution network. But inventory policy and operation in material distribution system have been limited to conventional methodology. so they are exposed to many questions in practical applications. This study analyzed distribution system cost and developed a relevant model for operation policy of distribution system for the efficeient treating of stockout. allowing practical applications, so that it will contribute to saving operational cost related to material distribution system.

A Risk Evaluation Method of Slope Failure Due to Rainfall using a Digital Terrain Model (수치지형모델을 이용한 강우시 사면 붕괴 위험도 평가에 관한 제안)

  • Chae, JongGil;Jung, MinSu;Torii, Nobuyuki;Okimura, Takashi
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6C
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2010
  • Slope failure in South Korea generally occurs by the localized heavy rain in a rainy season and typhoon, and it annually causes huge losses of both life and property because nearly 70% of territory in South Korea is covered with mountains. It is required to measure the risk of slope failure quantitatively before proper prevention methods are provided. However, there is no way to estimate the risk based on realtime rainfall, geological characteristics, and geotechnical engineering properties. This study presents the development of digital terrion model to predict slope stability using infinite slope stability theory combined with temporal groundwater change. Case studies were performed to investigate factors to affect slope stability in Japan.

Construction Stage Analysis of Hybrid Composite Cable-Stayed Girder Bridge Using Eccentrically Loaded Derrick Crane (편중 가능한 사장교 가설용 데릭 크레인을 이용한 합성형 복합 사장교 시공 단계 해석)

  • Park, Taekwun;Kim, Moon Kyum;Won, Jong Hwa
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.3A
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2010
  • Derrick or caterpillar crane is generally used for the long-span/cable-stayed bridge construction by pre-cast segment lifting from over-land or water transportation. The heavy weight of them, however, could make defects on unstable under-construction structure and, furthermore a method of conventional segment transportation is also able to occur additional time and cost. In this study, in order to improve conventional construction method, the newly developed derrick crane is mainly considered. It could be not only eccentrically loadable on constructing girder but having rotatable boom for segment transportation from back-side. A series of construction stage using developed derrick crane is defined and also its numerical analysis is conducted. To reflect load characteristics of developed derrick crane on construction stage analysis, on/out of service load is separately calculated by considering vertical/lateral rotation range of boom and it is loaded on 4 fixed positions of crane. The derrick crane on this study could be time and cost saving solution for cable-stayed bridge construction and also make contributions to construction load reduction in its process.

The Effect of Transformational Leadership of Hotel Managers on Self-Efficacy, Organizational Commitment, and Job Performance (호텔 관리자의 변혁적 리더십, 자기효능감, 조직몰입, 직무성과 간의 관계 연구)

  • Seo, Ye-Jung;Han, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2019
  • In this rapidly changing era of infinite competition, many companies highlight the importance of internal resources to secure competitiveness. Especially in the service industry, because hotel employees provide service face-to-face with customers, their attitude at the moment of truth directly affects the customers satisfaction and consequently it is directly related to the survival and development of organization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of transformational leadership of hotel managers on self-efficacy, organizational commitment, and job performance. This research aims to provide theoretical and practical implications through the exercise of manager's leadership in the hotel industry. As a result of the analysis, transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and organizational commitment have partially significant positive(+) effect on job performance. Thus, hotel managers should present a strong vision, establish the sense of target and show a careful and persistent interest on individuals to derive voluntary participation and creativity.

Research and Development Trends of Ion Exchange Membrane Processes (이온교환막 공정의 연구개발 전망)

  • Lee, Hong-Joo;Choi, Jaehwan;Chang, Bong-Jun;Kim, Jeong-Hoon
    • Prospectives of Industrial Chemistry
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2011
  • 이온교환막을 이용한 전기적 탈염기술은 막모듈 내에 양이온교환막과 음이온교환막을 교대로 장착시키고 모듈의 양단 전극에 전압을 적용함으로써 물속에 용존되어 있는 양이온과 음이온들을 전기의 힘을 이용하여 선택적으로 투과시키는 원리를 기반으로 하는 청정공정 기술이다. 이온교환막 공정은 전통적으로 산/알칼리의 생산, 산업폐수의 중금속의 제거, 해수의 담수화, 반도체 산업의 초순수의 제조, 해수에서 식염의 제조, 발효산업의 유기산 및 아미노산의 회수 등 다양한 산업분야에서 응용되어 왔다. 최근에는 이러한 기존의 응용분야에서 벗어나 새롭게 응용분야가 넓어지고 있다. 이온교환막과 다공성 탄소전극을 결합한 막축전식 해수담수화기술, 해수와 담수의 염도차를 이용한 역전기투석식 해수발전 등의 새로운 선택분리기능 및 응용분야를 가진 이온교환막의 개발 및 공정에 관한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 국내에서는 이온교환막이 아직 상용화되지 않고 있어 이온교환막을 이용한 응용연구가 활발하게 진행되지 못하고 있어 그 개발이 시급하다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 이온교환막을 이용한 전기투석식 탈염기술, 물분해 전기투석, 전기탈이온 공정에 관한 동향을 조사하였다. 아울러 미래의 이온교환막의 응용기술인 해수담수화기술로서 역삼투법과 경쟁하여 에너지를 낮게 소모할 것으로 예상되는 분리막을 이용한 막축전식 탈염기술과 무한한 신재생에너지원인 해수와 담수를 이용한 역전기투석 해수발전기술에 대해 기술의 원리들과 최근의 연구동향 등을 정리하였다.

Effects of Liming and Inoculation on Growth and Yield of Soybean in Paddy-Upland Rotational Cropping (답전윤환답(沓田輪換沓)의 콩 생육(生育) 및 수량(水量)에 미치는 토양산도(土壤酸度) 보정(補整)과 근류균(根瘤菌) 접종효과(接種效果))

  • Cho, Seang-Ho;Hwang, Young-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Chull
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.15
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 1997
  • The effects of liming and inoculation of nodule bacteria on the growth and yield of soybeans in the 1st and 3rd year paddy-upland rotated paddy fields was investigated. Compared with the 1st rotated field, the degree of nodulation was much higher in the 3rd rotated one with greater difference at flowering stage than at the early stage of soybean growth. At the same time, greater difference in the degree of nodulation was also recognized between soybean varieties. In the 3rd year rotated field, a great deal of nodulation effect was recognized in the no-limed field but not in the limed one. The growth of soybean was not much affected by liming and nodulation at early stage but it was much increased by liming at flowering stage, especially in Williams 79, indeterminate type variety. Most of yield components and yield of soybean at maturity was much increased by liming with greater in Williams 79 than in Namhaekong. Nodulation effect on the yield components and yield was great in the no-limed filed but not in the limed one for both varieties. The yield and yield components of soybean, without no relation with liming and nodulation, was much great in the 3rd year rotated paddy fields than in the 1st year one, which was inferred that the more rotated fields the more yield and better growth of soybeans could be possible in the paddy-upland rotatonal soybean croppings.

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Spatial Variation of Wave Force Acting on a Vertical Detached Breakwater Considering Diffraction (회절을 고려한 직립 이안제에 작용하는 파력의 공간적 변화)

  • Jung, Jae-Sang;Lee, Changhoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the analytical solution for diffraction near a vertical detached breakwater was suggested by superposing the solutions of diffraction near a semi-infinite breakwater suggested previously using linear wave theory. The solutions of wave forces acting on front, lee and composed wave forces on both side were also derived. Relative wave amplitude changed periodically in space owing to the interactions between diffracting waves and standing waves on front side and the interactions between diffracting waves from both tips of a detached breakwater on lee side. The wave forces on a vertical detached breakwater were investigated with monochromatic, uni-directional random and multi-directional random waves. The maximum composed wave force considering the forces on front and lee side reached maximum 1.6 times of wave forces which doesn't consider diffraction. This value is larger than the maximum composed wave force of semi-infinite breakwater considering diffraction, 1.34 times, which was suggested by Jung et al. (2021). The maximum composed wave forces were calculated in the order of monochromatic, uni-directional random and multi-directional random waves in terms of intensity. It was also found that the maximum wave force of obliquely incident waves was sometimes larger than that of normally incident waves. It can be known that the considerations of diffraction, the composed wave force on both front and lee side and incident wave angle are important from this study.