• Title/Summary/Keyword: 무선 AP

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데이콤-컨버전스 시대, 업계 리더 재도약 다짐

  • Park, Yeong-Ju
    • 정보화사회
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    • s.181
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    • pp.29-31
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    • 2006
  • 데이콤(대표 박종응 www.dacom.net)은 지난 5월 29일, 국내 최초로 무선 인터넷 전화 서비스인 와이파이(Wi-Fi)폰 서비스를 6월부터 일반 기업을 대상으로 상용화한다고 밝혔다.이 서비스는 기존 무선랜 환경을 기반으로 이동형 단말기인 Wi-Fi폰을 통해 구내.시내.시외.국제.이동전화 등을 제공하는 서비스. 기업내 구축돼 있는 무선랜스위치와 AP(Access Point)를 이용, 무선으로 VolP 서비스를 제공하는 방식이다. 데이콤에 따르면, 지금까지 070 등 유선을 기반으로 한 서비스 제공은 있었지만, 이동형 무선단말기를 통해 인터넷전화(VolP)서비스를 상용화하기는 이번이 처음이다. 지금까지 인터넷전화를 이용하기 위해선 별도의 070번호를 새로 부여받아야 했지만, 데이콤의 이번 와이파이 서비스는 시내번호 이동시 기존 시내전화 번호를 유지하면서 인터넷전화로 전환이 가능, 인터넷전화 서비스 활성화에도 큰 몫을 할 것으로 데이콤은 기대했다. 데이콤은 앞으로 $\Delta$무선랜 서비스를 이용 중이며, $\Delta$본.지사간 통화요금을 절감하고자 하는 기업$\Delta$IP기반의 사무실 환경개선을 희망하는 중대형 기업 $\Delta$호텔이나 병원, 대형 쇼핑몰처럼 선 없는 쾌적한 통신환경을 필요로하는 고객 중심으로 와이파이 서비스를 적극 확대해 나갈 계획이다.데이콤은 앞으로 Wi-Fi폰을 통해 음성 뿐 아니라 향후 영상 멀티미디어까지도 송수신 할 수 있는 서비스 개발에 박차를 가하기로 했다.

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Improved at Adaptive Handoff Mechanism for the mobile hosts (휴대용 무선단말기에서 개선된 적응적 핸드오프 기법)

  • Na Geun-Woo;Lee Jung-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.505-509
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    • 2006
  • Recently, wireless Internet service has become generalized, and required the user authentication of a mobile hosts and QoS. However, time required for user authentication during handoff Processes between a wireless LAN system and mobile hosts is long, and is unsuitable for real-time communication and multimedia applications. In this paper. we improved the existing system in order to reduce a lead time of user authentication as they extended a Fast Inter-AP handoff. We use a Mechanism to assume a confidence degree with bases by the time that stayed at individual wireless LAN systems in order to reduce the handoffs. The experiment network shows that it decreases communication load, and improves communication QoS.

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Vulnerability Analysis of Drones Using Wi-Fi (와이파이를 이용하는 드론의 취약점 분석)

  • Jung, In-Su;Hong, Deuk-Jo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2017.01a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 2017
  • 드론 기술이 발전하면서 물품 배달에 드론이 이용되는 등 드론은 우리 생활 전반에 자리 잡으려 하고 있다. 하지만 대부분의 드론이 기본적인 사용자 인증 과정도 없이 보안에 매우 취약한 상태이다. 본 논문에서는 드론의 취약점을 증명하기 위해 Parrot사의 AR. Drone을 대상으로 Wi-Fi 연결을 통한 인증해제, telnet을 통한 명령 수행, ftp 서버를 통한 파일 변조 공격을 적용해 보고, 이러한 취약점에 대해 무선 AP의 비밀번호를 복잡하게 설정하는 방법, 무선 침입 방지 시스템을 사용하는 방법, NAP 또는 NAC 솔루션을 구축하는 방법과 같은 적절한 대응 방안을 논의한다.

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An Efficient Mobility Support for VoIP Service based WLAN (무선랜 기반 VoIP 서비스에서의 효율적인 이동성 지원)

  • Lee, Yun-Jeong;Park, Won-Hee;Han, Sang-Bum
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.10d
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    • pp.606-610
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    • 2006
  • 무선랜(Wireless Local Area Network)의 보급이 증가되고 서비스 지역이 넓어지게 됨에 따라 이동성을 지원하는 VoIP 서비스의 제공에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있다. 그러나 무선랜의 표준 보안기술을 그대로 적용하는 경우 AP간의 Intra-domain handoff와 subnet 간의 Inter-domain handoff 시 사용자가 감내하기 어려운 정도의 끊김이 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 VoIP 서비스 프로토콜 중 하나인 SIP를 기반으로 하여 데이터 서비스와 VoIP서비스에서의 보안적용 방안을 달리하는 방법을 사용하여 보다 효율적으로 이동성을 지원하는 기법을 제안하였다.

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Performance Analysis of Mesh WLANs based on IEEE 802.11 protocols (IEEE 802.11 프로토콜 기반 메쉬 무선랜의 성능분석)

  • Lee, Kye-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.254-259
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    • 2008
  • Mesh WLANs, which consist of wireless mesh routers connecting each other in a mesh topology and self-operate after their autoconfiguration, have several advantages in convenience, swiftness and flexibility of deployment and operation over existing WLANs the expansions of which are done by connecting the APs with wires. However, many technical issues still remain to be solved. Among them, network performance degradations due to the interference between the adjacent hops in multi-hop mesh WLANs, and the reusability of the existing wireless network protocols are critical problems to be answered. This work evaluates the VoIP support performance of IEEE 802.11a/g-based mesh WLANs with multiple wireless interfaces with simulations. The results show that there exit an unfairness in VoIP packet delay performances among mobile routers located at different hops, and that although the capacity of the admitted calls can be increased by increasing the size of voice packet payload it is far less than the expected one. This suggests that the existing 802.11 MAC protocols have their limitation when applied in mesh networks and their enhancement or even a newer one nay be required.

A Secure WPA-PSK Protocol Resistant to Dictionary Attack on Smartphone Communication Using Wi-Fi Channel (Wi-Fi를 이용한 스마트폰에서 사전 공격에 안전한 WPA-PSK 프로토콜)

  • Park, Geun-Duk;Park, Jeong-Soo;Ha, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1839-1848
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    • 2012
  • Recently, smartphone communications using Wi-Fi channel are increasing rapidly to provide diverse internet services. The WPA security protocol was used for data protection between user and wireless AP. However, WPA-PSK protocol was known to be weak to the dictionary attack. In this paper, we proposed a secure WPA-PSK protocol to resist the dictionary attack. Since the proposed method was designed to generate a strong encryption key which is combined the Diffie-Hellman key agreement scheme with secrecy property of PSK(Pre-Shared Key), we can protect the Wi-Fi channel from Man-In-The-Middle attack and Rogue AP impersonation attack.

TCP Acknowledgement Compression for Fairness Among Uplink TCP Flows in IEEE 802.11n WLANs (IEEE 802.11n 무선랜에서 상향링크 TCP 플로우간 형평상 향상을 위한 TCP ACK 압축기법)

  • Kim, Minho;Park, Eun-Chan;Kim, Woongsup
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.653-660
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with the problem of unfairness among uplink TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) flows associated with frame aggregation employed in IEEE 802.11n WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks). When multiple stations have uplink TCP flows and transmit TCP data packets to an AP (Access Point), the AP has to compete for channel access with stations for the transmission of TCP ACK (acknowledgement) packets to the stations. Due to this contention-based channel access, TCP ACKs tend to be accumulated in the AP's downlink buffer. We show that the frame aggregation in the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer increases TCP ACK losses in the AP and leads to the serious unfair operation of TCP congestion control. To resolve this problem, we propose the TAC (TCP ACK Compression) mechanism operating at the top of the AP's interface queue. By exploiting the properties of cumulative TCP ACK and frame aggregation, TAC serves only the representative TCP ACK without serving redundant TCP ACKs. Therefore, TAC reduces queue occupancy and prevents ACK losses due to buffer overflow, which significantly contributes to fairness among uplink TCP flows. Also, TAC enhances the channel efficiency by not transmitting unnecessary TCP ACKs. The simulation results show that TAC tightly assures fairness under various network conditions while increasing the aggregate throughput, compared to the existing schemes.

Transport Performance Analysis of the SDR-based Interworking Networks Using DEVS Methodology (SDR을 포함하는 다종 네트워크의 전달성능 분석을 위한 DEVS 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Song, Sang-Bok;Lee, Kyou-Ho;Jang, Won-Ick
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2008
  • The technology of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a possible solution to interwork flexibly between various wireless transport protocols. Ubiquitous network, like u-health service network, includes sensor devices or nodes which do not facilitate all the same transport protocols to access network. As such this may be in such unreachable situations as poverty of all required AP (Access Point)’s, faults or contention in a path of particular protocol communication, etc. This paper presents research results of modeling and simulation to analyze transport performance of multi-protocol ubiquitous network which includes SDR-based interwork nodes and congestion-controlled AP’s. Focusing mainly on dynamics of overall transport performance rather than protocol execution procedures, this paper employs the Zeigler’s DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specification) methodology and DEVSim++simulation environment to experiment.

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Performance of IEEE 802.11b WLAN Standard at In-Vehicle Environment for Intelligent U-Car System (지능형 U-Car에서 IEEE 802.11b을 이용한 차량 내 데이터 무선 랜 전송 성능 분석)

  • Lee Seung-Hwan;Heo Soo-Jung;Park Yong-Wan;Lee Sang-Shin;Lee Dong-Hahk;Yu Jae-Hwang
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.43 no.9 s.351
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we analyze the performance of IEEE 802.11b WLAN communication between access point(AP) and mobile equipment(ME) in 2.4 GHz band with noise and interference factors. WLAN communication at in-vehicle environment is assumed as the communication between main vehicle controller and electronic device such as sensor, ECU (Electrical Control Unit) in vehicle on telematics field for implementing wireless vehicle control system. Received interference level from other system's mobile equipment in the same band and automobile noise from each part of vehicle can be the main factors that can cause increasing error rate of control signal. With these (actors, we focus on the Eb/No the BER performance of WLAN for analyzing the characteristic of interference factors by the measured bit error rate.

Transponder and Ground Station Systems for Drones

  • Kim, Ki-Su;Ha, Heon-Seong;Lee, Jong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a case that drone (unmanned aerial vehicle), one of the representative technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, threatens airport safety and privacy infringement, and describes a drone control system proposal to solve the problem. Unmanned aerial vehicle (Drone) is creating a serious problem recently, In Korea, on May 21, 19, according to the Jeju Regional Aviation Administration, drones flew over Jeju Jeongseok Airfield twice in the same month, causing problems in aircraft operation. In overseas cases, two drones near the runway of Gatwick International Airport in the UK There has been a disturbance in which the takeoff and landing of the aircraft flies for a while, and various problems have occurred, such as voyeuring the private life of an individual using a drone. This paper is equipped with an Acess Point transponder mounted on a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle), and unspecified many who want to receive flight information (coordinates, altitude, and obstacles) of the drone access the drone AP, receive and receive the flight information of the drone, and receive unspecified multiple Drone AP flight information is collected and collected to provide the information of the drone currently floating on one user interface screen. In addition, an AP transponder is proposed to operate a safe drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) and the drone's flight information is transmitted., To receive and collect and collect data.