• Title/Summary/Keyword: 무결성정보

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A study on the Evaluation of Real-Time Map Update Technology for Automated Driving (자율주행 지원을 위한 정밀도로지도 갱신기술 평가를 위한 기준 도출 연구)

  • PARK, Yu-Kyung;KANG, Won-Pyung;CHOI, Ji-Eun;KIM, Byung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2019
  • Recently, a system has been developed and applied to establish and utilize HD maps through R&D. The biggest problem, however, is the lack of a proper HD map update system, which requires the development and adoption of such a system as soon as possible. In addition, in the case of updating HD maps for automated driving, integrity and accuracy of maps are required for safe driving, so an test of these technologies and data quality is required. In April 2018, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport implemented a project to 'Develop Technology to Demonstrate and Share the Instant Road Change Detection and Update Technology for automated driving. This paper analyzed the technology for updating map based on the investigation and analysis of relevant technology trends for the development of integrated demonstration and sharing technology of road change rapid detection and updating map technology, and put forward the criteria for road change rapid detection, integrated quality verification of update technology. It is expected that the results of this study will contribute to quality assurance of HD maps that support safety driving for automated vehicles.

Redactable Blockchain Based Authority Alteration and Accessn Control System (수정 가능한 블록체인 기반 권한 변경 및 접근 제어시스템)

  • Lee, Yeon Joo;Choi, Jae Hyun;Noh, Geontae;Jeong, Ik Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.513-525
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    • 2022
  • The immutability of blockchain is core elements of security of blockchain and guarantee data integrity. However, the characteristic that the data recoreded once in the blockchain cannot be modified has place for abuse by a specific user. In fact improper contents that is inappropriate to be recorded on the blockchain, such as harmful data and user personal data, is exposed on Bitcoin. As a way to manage improper content existing in the blockchain, there is a redactable blockchain using chameleon hash proposed for the first time by Ateniese. The redactable blockchain meet the right to be forgotten of GDPR by allowing data modification and deletion. Recently, Research on personal data management is being conducted in a redactable blockchain. Research by Jia et al. proposed a model that enables users to manage their personal data in the redactable blockchain. However, semi trusted regulators, which are blockchain participation nodes, have powerful authority in the blockchain, such as modification rights and deprivation of transaction rights for all blocks, which may cause side effects. In this paper, to weaken the authority of regulators in Y. Jia et al., we propose a method of authority subject altering and authority sharing, and propose a redactable blockchain-based authority change and access control system model based on applicable scenarios.

A Study on Creation of Secure Storage Area and Access Control to Protect Data from Unspecified Threats (불특정 위협으로부터 데이터를 보호하기 위한 보안 저장 영역의 생성 및 접근 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungyong;Hwang, Incheol;Kim, Dongsik
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.897-903
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Recently, ransomware damage that encrypts victim's data through hacking and demands money in exchange for releasing it is increasing domestically and internationally. Accordingly, research and development on various response technologies and solutions are in progress. Method: A secure storage area and a general storage area were created in the same virtual environment, and the sample data was saved by registering the access process. In order to check whether the stored sample data is infringed, the ransomware sample was executed and the hash function of the sample data was checked to see if it was infringed. The access control performance checked whether the sample data was accessed through the same name and storage location as the registered access process. Result: As a result of the experiment, the sample data in the secure storage area maintained data integrity from ransomware and unauthorized processes. Conclusion: Through this study, the creation of a secure storage area and the whitelist-based access control method are evaluated as suitable as a method to protect important data, and it is possible to provide a more secure computing environment through future technology scalability and convergence with existing solutions.

A Study on Admissibility Framework for Establishing Trust in Digital Records : Focused on the Development of the Trustworthiness Model for Public Digital Records (전자기록의 신뢰가치 확립을 위한 증거능력 구현체계 연구 우리나라 공공 전자기록의 신뢰가치 모델 개발을 중심으로)

  • Hyun, Moonsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.73
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop the trustworthiness model for public digital records, as an admissibility framework for establishing trust. The trustworthiness model is deemed to used to identify the qualities of the digital records in their lifecycle, including the identity that could be identified at the time of the creation, integrity obtained from the chain-of-custodial management, the evidence of relationship between business activities and records, and the technical or cognitive accessibility. Based on the analysis of the QADEP model, it was decided to develop a model that could measure the trustworthiness of public digital records in the external measurement type, which are authenticity, reliability, and usability. In line with this direction, the model expanded measurement areas and indicators of the QADEP model through the analysis of ISO 16175-1:2020, and measuring metrics was also proposed so that it could be a measuring instrument for public digital records in Korea, after analysing NAK 19-3. It would be useful to expand the model and to test the approach of the trustworthiness model for public digital records.

A DEVS-based Modeling & Simulation Methodology of Enabling Node Mobility for Ad Hoc Network (노드 이동성을 고려한 애드 혹 네트워크의 이산 사건 시스템 기반 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 방법론)

  • Song, Sang-Bok;Lee, Kyou-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2009
  • Modeling and Simulation, especially in mobile ad hoc network(MANET), are the most effective way to analyze performance or optimize system parameters without establishing real network environment. Focusing mainly on overall network behaviors in MANET concerns dynamics of network transport operations, which can efficiently be characterized with event based system states rather than execution details of protocols. We thus consider the network as a discrete event system to analyze dynamics of network transport performance. Zeigler's set-theoretic DEVS(Discrete Event Systems Specification) formalism can support specification of a discrete event system in hierarchical, modular manner. The DEVSim++ simulation environment can not only provide a rigorous modeling methodology based on the DEVS formalism but also support modelers to develop discrete event models using the hierarchical composition methodology in object-orientation. This environment however hardly supports to specify connection paths of network nodes, which are continuously altered due to mobility of nodes. This paper proposes a DEVS-based modeling and simulation methodology of enabling node mobility, and develops DEVS models for the mobile ad hoc network. We also simulate developed models with the DEVSim++ engine to verify the proposal.

A Study on Intelligent Self-Recovery Technologies for Cyber Assets to Actively Respond to Cyberattacks (사이버 공격에 능동대응하기 위한 사이버 자산의 지능형 자가복구기술 연구)

  • Se-ho Choi;Hang-sup Lim;Jung-young Choi;Oh-jin Kwon;Dong-kyoo Shin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2023
  • Cyberattack technology is evolving to an unpredictable degree, and it is a situation that can happen 'at any time' rather than 'someday'. Infrastructure that is becoming hyper-connected and global due to cloud computing and the Internet of Things is an environment where cyberattacks can be more damaging than ever, and cyberattacks are still ongoing. Even if damage occurs due to external influences such as cyberattacks or natural disasters, intelligent self-recovery must evolve from a cyber resilience perspective to minimize downtime of cyber assets (OS, WEB, WAS, DB). In this paper, we propose an intelligent self-recovery technology to ensure sustainable cyber resilience when cyber assets fail to function properly due to a cyberattack. The original and updated history of cyber assets is managed in real-time using timeslot design and snapshot backup technology. It is necessary to secure technology that can automatically detect damage situations in conjunction with a commercialized file integrity monitoring program and minimize downtime of cyber assets by analyzing the correlation of backup data to damaged files on an intelligent basis to self-recover to an optimal state. In the future, we plan to research a pilot system that applies the unique functions of self-recovery technology and an operating model that can learn and analyze self-recovery strategies appropriate for cyber assets in damaged states.

A Study on the Trust Mechanism of Online Voting: Based on the Security Technologies and Current Status of Online Voting Systems (온라인투표의 신뢰 메커니즘에 대한 고찰: 온라인투표 보안기술 및 현황 분석을 중심으로)

  • Seonyoung Shim;Sangho Dong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we investigate how the online voting system can be a trust-based system from a technical perspective. Under four principles of voting, we finely evaluate the existing belief that offline voting is safer and more reliable than online voting based on procedural processes, technical principles. Many studies have suggested the ideas for implementing online voting system, but they have not attempted to strictly examine the technologies of online voting system from the perspective of voting requirements, and usually verification has been insufficient in terms of practical acceptance. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how the technologies are utilized to meet the demanding requirements of voting based on the technologies proven in the field. In addition to general data encryption, online voting requires more technologies for preventing data manipulation and verifying voting results. Moreover, high degree of confidentiality is required because voting data should not be exposed not only to outsiders but also to managers or the system itself. To this end, the security techniques such as Blind Signature, Bit Delegation and Key Division are used. In the case of blockchain-based voting, Mixnet and Zero-Knowledge Proof are required to ensure anonymity. In this study, the current status of the online voting system is analyzed based on the field system that actually serves. This study will enhance our understanding on online voting security technologies and contribute to build a more trust-based voting mechanism.

A Semantic Classification Model for e-Catalogs (전자 카탈로그를 위한 의미적 분류 모형)

  • Kim Dongkyu;Lee Sang-goo;Chun Jonghoon;Choi Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.102-116
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    • 2006
  • Electronic catalogs (or e-catalogs) hold information about the goods and services offered or requested by the participants, and consequently, form the basis of an e-commerce transaction. Catalog management is complicated by a number of factors and product classification is at the core of these issues. Classification hierarchy is used for spend analysis, custom3 regulation, and product identification. Classification is the foundation on which product databases are designed, and plays a central role in almost all aspects of management and use of product information. However, product classification has received little formal treatment in terms of underlying model, operations, and semantics. We believe that the lack of a logical model for classification Introduces a number of problems not only for the classification itself but also for the product database in general. It needs to meet diverse user views to support efficient and convenient use of product information. It needs to be changed and evolved very often without breaking consistency in the cases of introduction of new products, extinction of existing products, class reorganization, and class specialization. It also needs to be merged and mapped with other classification schemes without information loss when B2B transactions occur. For these requirements, a classification scheme should be so dynamic that it takes in them within right time and cost. The existing classification schemes widely used today such as UNSPSC and eClass, however, have a lot of limitations to meet these requirements for dynamic features of classification. In this paper, we try to understand what it means to classify products and present how best to represent classification schemes so as to capture the semantics behind the classifications and facilitate mappings between them. Product information implies a plenty of semantics such as class attributes like material, time, place, etc., and integrity constraints. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic features of product databases and the limitation of existing code based classification schemes. And describe the semantic classification model, which satisfies the requirements for dynamic features oi product databases. It provides a means to explicitly and formally express more semantics for product classes and organizes class relationships into a graph. We believe the model proposed in this paper satisfies the requirements and challenges that have been raised by previous works.

Prospective for Successful IT in Agriculture (일본 농업분야 정보기술활용 성공사례와 전망)

  • Seishi Ninomiya;Byong-Lyol Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2004
  • If doubtlessly contributes much to agriculture and rural development. The roles can be summarized as; 1. to activate rural areas and to provide more comfortable and safe rural life with equivalent services to those in urban areas, facilitating distance education, tole-medicine, remote public services, remote entertainment etc. 2. To initiate new agricultural and rural business such as e-commerce, real estate business for satellite officies, rural tourism and virtual corporation of small-scale farms. 3. To support policy-making and evaluation on optimal farm production, disaster management, effective agro-environmental resource management etc., providing tools such as GIS. 4. To improve farm management and farming technologies by efficient farm management, risk management, effective information or knowledge transfer etc., realizing competitive and sustainable farming with safe products. 5. To provide systems and tools to secure food traceability and reliability that has been an emerging issue concerning farm products since serious contamination such as BSE and chicken flu was detected. 6. To take an important and key role for industrialization of farming or lam business enterprise, combining the above roles.

Wide Area Augmentation System Estimating C1P1 DCB (C1P1 DCB를 추정하는 광역보강항법 시스템)

  • Bu, Sung-Chun;So, Hyoung-Min;Kim, Kap-Jin;Lee, Chul-Soo;Kim, Do-Kyoung;Ko, Yo-Han
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.400-408
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    • 2018
  • Wide area augmentation system is a system that generates and transmits correction and Integrity information for use in wide area. Typical system is SBAS. In the United States, it operates under the name WAAS, EGNOS in Europe, MSAS in Japan, SDCM in Russia, GAGAN in India. it is developing Korean SBAS which named KASS by 2022 in Korea. SBAS is a standard System that is operated as civil aviation service base and set as international standards by ICAO. So the correction data can only is used for civil SPS receiver. In this paper, we discuss C1P1 DCB estimation which need to use SPS correction service for PPS receiver. Then we analyze C1P1 DCB correction effect under standalone Satellite Navigation and method to use PPS receiver under SPS DGPS. Finally we organize wide area augmentation system for PPS receiver and analysis performance.