• Title/Summary/Keyword: 묘사적 관능평가

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Development of Descriptive Analysis Procedure for Evaluating the Sensory Characteristics of Yeast Leavened Breads (식빵의 관능적 특성 평가를 위한 묘사분석 절차 개발)

  • Lee, So-Yeon;Suh, Dong-Soon;Lee, Myung-Koo;Kim, Kwang-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to develop the descriptive analysis procedures for evaluating the sensory characteristics of yeast leavened breads. Eleven highly trained panelists identified the following 23 sensory attributes in the bread and defined the terminology for each attribute; yellowness of crumb, roughness of surface, uniformity of cell, density of cell, brownness of crust for appearance characteristics, yeast fermented, chemical, roasted flour, buttery, milky, boiled flour, sweet, and salty for flavor characteristics, springiness, ease to tear, moistness on surface, adhesiveness to lip, hardness, stickiness, cohesiveness of mass, moisture absorption, chewiness, and loose particles for textural characteristics. Reference samples for the flavor attributes were determined. There were significant differences in all of the 23 sensory attributes of commercial bread samples. The principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to summarize the sensory data. The first two principal components explained 89% of the variation of the original variables indicating reliability of procedure developed in this study.

The Physiochemical Characteristic and Descriptive Sensory Evaluation of the Blackberry Fruit Beverage (복분자 음료의 이화학적 특성 및 묘사적 관능평가)

  • Yang, Hyang-Sook;Rho, Jeong-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.363-375
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiochemical properties of blackberry fruit beverage(BFB) and to develop a descriptive analysis procedure for evaluating the sensory characteristics of BFB. The amount of soluble solid, free sugar, pH, acidity, chromaticity, flavonoid, and anthocyanin of BFB were determined. All BFB samples demonstrated significantly different physicochemical properties(p<.01). Ten highly trained panelists identified the following eleven sensory attributes in the BFB and defined by standardized terminology for each attribute; turbidity, chromaticity for appearance characteristics, berry, grass, fermented, sweet, astringent, and sour for flavor characteristics, throat hit, refreshing, as well as astringent grade for textural characteristics. There were significant differences in all the eleven sensory attributes of the BFB samples(p<.001). Descriptive terminology used in the BFB analysis was capable of classifying the sensory attributes of the BFB. Based on these results, the analysis method and sensory evaluation techniques used in this study could be reasonably applied to other fruit beverages for establishing similar physiochemical characteristic and descriptive sensory attributes.

Studies on the Sensory Characteristics of Korean Tea and Related Products (국산차(國産茶)의 관능적 품질특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho;Hong, Sung-Hie;Hwang, Sung-Yun;Shin, Ae-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 1987
  • The sensory quality characteristics of 7 different types of Korean traditional tea products were analyzed. For the standardization of sensory testing condition, the optimum drinking temperature were measured with 50 students, and all the samples tested were found to fall in the range of $60-70^{\circ}C$. The optimum concentrations of tea for drinking were generally met with the amount recommended by the producer. A total of 45 sensory describing terms expressing the taste, odor, and mouthfeel were collected. Using the sensory describing terms as the character notes, flavor profile analysis was made for each tea product with 8 members of trained panel. The differences in quality characteristics of 29 test samples were evaluated and shown in the chart constructed by the quantitative descriptive analysis method.

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관능에 관여하는 의식요소와 식품관능평가의 시간함수개념

  • 전재근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2000
  • 식품의 관능검사는 인간의 의식과 식품간의 반응결과를 객관적으로 나타내는 방법으로 수치, 언어적 묘사, 도표 등의 표현법을 사용하고 있으며 검사 요원들 간의 오차를 발생한다. 이 오차를 줄이기 위하여 통계 및 심리학적으로 접근하여 해결을 시도해 오고 있으며 오차를 심리적 잡음 (psychological noise)이라고 주장되고 있다. 식품의 기호도는 감각신경세포에서 전기적 신호로 전환되어 뇌에 전달되고 의식의 분석과 해석을 거쳐 얻어지는 것이므로 전기적 신호처리가 포함된다. 그러나 현재의 관능검사 방법들은 시간의 함수관계를 중시하고 있지 않다. 감각신경의 신호 전달체계의 유사성을 바탕으로 관능검사과정에 시간함수를 도인하는 개념이 요구된다. 시간을 개입하는 방법론으로 의식과 식품간의 일어나는 순차적 또는 병열적 행동과 의식체계를 분석하고 시간인자의 중요성을 부각시켰다. 시간함수의 도입방법으로 관능영향인자 표의 구성하고 bar-code를 생성하는 프로그램과 파형곡선으로 전환하는 개념을 제안하였다.

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Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and Principal Component Analysis for Sensory Attributes of Commercial Milk Preserved at Different Temperature (보존온도를 달리한 상업적 우유제품의 묘사적 관능분석 및 PCA 분석)

  • Chung, Seo-Jin;Noh, Bong-Soo;Ju, Jong-Cheol;Lee, Min-Hyang;Park, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2011
  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sensory characteristic quality of commercial milk brands selling in the market under the preservation at the temperature of $7^{\circ}C$ and $10^{\circ}C$ stored during the period of shelf-life. Quantitative descriptive analysis after developing of descriptive terms and cluster characterization by PCA analysis over a total of 128 LTLT, HTST, UHT and UHT-ESL milks, were conducted by 8 trained panelists. A total of fourteen attributes; three aroma attributes (grassy, milky, cultured milk aroma) and seven flavor/taste attributes (sweet, salty, sour, milk, cooked, cheesy, paper board) and one aftertaste attributes (rancid flavor) and one texture attributes (viscous), were developed as descriptive terms. Significant differences (P<0.01) in the sensory attributes; sweet, milky, cheesy etc. in UHT milk and sour, cheesy, paper board, rancid etc. in UHT-ESL milk were also found between the two different temperatures within the shelf life, but both type of pasteurized milk samples (LTLT and HTST) showed significant differences (P<0.01) in the attributes, such as cultured milk aroma, salty, sour, cheesy, rancid in LTLT milk and grassy, milky, salty in HTST milk and difference (P<0.05) in cultured milk aroma for HTST milk. Therefore, from the viewpoint of not only hygienic quality but also sensory characteristics, it is required for the better acceptance of milk consumers to amendment on the regulation in relation to the preservation standard of pasteurized milk as well as UHT milk to lower than $7^{\circ}C$.

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Study on the Organoleptic Quality Characteristics of Cassia tora teas by Roasting Conditions (볶음조건에 따른 결명자차의 관능적 품질특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Kuk;Moon, Kwang-Deok;Kang, Woo-Won;Kim, Gwi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.241-245
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    • 1995
  • The roasting condition and organoleptic characteristics in Cassia tora tea were investigated. Intact Cassia tora seeds were composed of water 11.6%, crude protein 13.1%, crude fat 4.4%, crude fiber 13.8%, N-free extract 47.2% and ash 4.9%. Organoleptic qualities in Cassia tora tea were sweetness, astringency, tartness, bitterness, roasted coffee like, roasted barley like and burnt smell. Organoleptic qualities were investigated by descriptive analysis method, too. Overall acceptability was increased by roasting but it was low because of formation of bitterness and burnt smell at excessive roasting conditions. Sweetness was the most important factor in organoleptic quality of Cassia tora seeds and the optimum condition for the best quality was $210^{\circ}C$, 20 minutes.

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Evaluation and Comparison of Sensory Quality of Cooked Rice (쌀밥의 관능적 품질 평가 및 비교)

  • Kim, Woo-Jung;Kim, Chong-Kun;Kim, Sung-Kon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.38-41
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    • 1986
  • Sensory characteristics of cooked rites of one waxy variety and three nonwaxy varieties, Akibare (Japonica), Milyang 23 (J/Indica) and Milyang 30 (J/Indica) were evaluated in terms of odor, taste, appearance and texture. Sensory evaluation of cooked rites indicated that the cooked waxy rice was more watery, gloss, sticky, smooth and gummy in appearance and texture than nonwaxy cooked rites. Among the nonwaxy rites, Akibare was well balanced in all of the 12 descriptions of sensory quality. Milyang 30, generally recognized as having inferial eating quality, had the poorest quality in texture and appearance. The ratio of water addition to rice for cooking affected significantly to texture and appearance of cooked rice while the flavor remained comparatively unchanged.

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Sensory Characteristics of Domestic and Imported Pork Butts by Triangle Test and Descriptive Analysis (삼점검사 및 척도묘사분석을 이용한 국내산 및 수입산 목심의 관능적 품질특성)

  • Kim Il-Suk;Shin Dea-Keun;Min Joong-Seok;Lee Sang-Ok;Jang Aera;Jin Sang-Keun;Lee Mooha
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2004
  • To evaluate the sensory characteristics of domestic or imported chilled and frozen pork butts, six samples were purchased and investigated. Sixty panels of sensory evaluation were consisted of six groups by sex and age. In the appearance test, many panels preferred the domestic frozen butt A obtained good scores in fat color and fat attachment (p<0.001). In the age group, the 20's consumer preferred the domestic chilled pork butt of A company, whereas the 30's and 40's consumers preferred the imported frozen butt of A company. According to the results from the triangle test, the combinations of domestic frozen butt B and imported frozen butt A was the most significantly distinguished among the pairs of raw and cooked butts.

A Study on the Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Cod Stock by Hot Water Extraction Time (열수추출 시간에 따른 대구육수 이화학적 및 관능특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Seok;Shin, Kyung-Eun;Lee, Wook;Bae, Gum-Kwang
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to make stock using cod bones with the hot water extraction method. Moisture content, chromaticity, pH, salinity, sugar content, mineral contents, quantitative analysis, and overall acceptance were studied to determine the standard formula. The results are as follows. The moisture content decreased (p < 0.001) and color value increased as heating time increased. The pH was highest in CS5 which was heated for 30 minutes and lowest in CS1. The salinity and sugar content significantly increased with more heating time (p < 0.001). In terms of mineral contents, sodium was highest in 138.87~154.17 mg, magnesium and iron showed proportion difference with increased heating time. The mineral analysis test result revealed that sodium, magnesium and iron showed proportional difference with increased heating time, while potassium and calcium did not change. The result of quantitative analysis test showed transparency, fishy smell, delicate flavor, savory flavor, salt taste and umami taste became stronger as high-pressure heating time increased. From these result, CS4 was evaluated to be the best in appearance, flavor, taste, aftertest and overall acceptance. Also, 60 minute high-pressure heating time is the most desirable to produce stock using cod bones as a main ingredient.

Quality Characteristics and Descriptive Analysis of Yanggaeng added with Lycii Fructus Extract (구기자 추출액을 첨가한 양갱의 품질특성 및 묘사적 관능평가)

  • Seo, Eun-Ji;Rho, Jeong-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.725-739
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics and descriptive analysis of Yanggaeng prepared with Lycii fructus extract (LD). LD were added in ratios (w/w) of 0 (C), 1.5 (LY1), 3.0 (LY2), 4.5 (LY3), and 6% (LY4), and then proximate compositions, physicochemical properties, and sensory evaluations of the Yanggaeng were measured LY1~LY4 samples showed higher contents of crude lipid, crude protein and crude ash as well as $^{\circ}Brix$ compared to control (p<0.001). pH and lightness (L) of samples decreased as the LD increased. With regard to the texture of Yanggaeng samples, the scores of hardness, adhesiveness, springness, and cohesiveness was significantly increased by the Addition of LD (p<0.05, p<0.01). For the descriptive analysis, ten panelist generated and evaluated 29 sensory attributes for the Yanggaeng, and there were significant differences among the samples for all 26 sensory attributes. For the descriptive data, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to summarize the sensory characteristics of the Yanggaeng. The results of PCA showed that the positive attributes, e.g. savoury, were closely in relationship with LY2 and LY3. Form the findings, this study suggests that 3~4.5% addition of LD was effective for preparation of Yanggaeng in the aspects of the consumer acceptability.