• Title/Summary/Keyword: 면역 억제 치료

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Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Using a Diode Laser and PhotoMed, Methyl Pheophorbide A, or Radachlorin® (다이오드 레이저와 PhotoMed, Methyl Pheophorbide A, Radachlorin®을 이용한 녹농균에 대한 항균 광역학 요법)

  • Young-Kyu SONG;Keun-Dol YOOK;Ji-Won KIM
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2024
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) activates intracellular oxygen using a photosensitizer activated by light of a specific wavelength and is a potential means of treating wound infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is typically non-pathogenic in healthy individuals but can induce severe illnesses like sepsis in the immunocompromised. Antibiotics have been conventionally used to treat P. aeruginosa infections, but increasing antibiotic resistance caused by drug misuse poses a growing challenge to the management of these infections. This study aimed to investigate the ability of PDT using photosensitizers (PhotoMed, Methyl pheophorbide A, or Radachlorin®) and a diode laser to inhibit P. aeruginosa. Suspensions of P. aeruginosa and a photosensitizer were inoculated into Petri dishes and incubated for 30 minutes. Samples were then irradiated with the laser at 3 J/cm2, and after incubation, colony areas were measured. P. aeruginosa killing rates were 79.65% for PhotoMed, 47.36% for Methyl pheophorbide A, and 40.91% for Radachlorin®. This study shows that PDT using a diode laser and a photosensitizer constitutes an effective practical therapeutic approach for inhibiting P. aeruginosa.

Sulfasalazine Induces Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in RAW 264.7 Macrophages (마우스 대식세포에서 설파살라진의 세포사멸 및 세포주기 정체에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Seong Mi Kim;Sohyeon Park ;Jin-Kyung Kim
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.767-775
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    • 2023
  • Sulfasalazine is a disease-modifying antirheumatic abiotic agent. It is a derivative of aminosalicylic acid and has been used for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease, since it was first synthesized in 1941 and approved as a medicine in the United States in 1950. However, its mechanism of action has not yet been clearly identified. In this study, the effects of sulfasalazine on cell survival, apoptosis, and cell cycle progression in macrophages, which are major immune cells that regulate inflammatory responses, were investigated using mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. Sulfasalazine inhibited the viability of RAW 264.7 cells in a dose-dependent manner, starting at a concentration of 0.25 mM. Annexin-V staining was used to confirm that the decrease in cell viability was due to apoptosis, and the number of Annexin-V-positive cells increased significantly at a concentration of 0.25 mM or higher. The effect of sulfasalazine on the expression of key proteins that regulate the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle was also investigated. Sulfasalazine treatment significantly increased the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 in RAW 264.7 cells. Although sulfasalazine is frequently used as a control drug in studies on inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory colitis and rheumatoid arthritis, studies on its effect on macrophages are very limited. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to provide vital information on the use of sulfasalazine as a disease treatment.

The Efficacy of Interferon(IFN)-${\gamma}$ in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (특발성 폐섬유화증에서 Interferon-${\gamma}$의 효과)

  • Park, Joo Hun;Oh, Yeon Mok;Shim, Tae Sun;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Younsuck;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Won Dong;Kim, Dong Soon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.611-618
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    • 2004
  • Background : Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF), a subtype of IIP(idiopathic interstitial pneumonia), is a fatal disease with a 3-5 year median survival. Many attempts at treating this condition have failed to demonstrate a survival benefit in IPF. Recently Ziesche et $al^{12}$ reported the efficacy of IFN-${\gamma}$ for treating IPF but there is still some controversy. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of IFN-${\gamma}$ in patients with advanced IPF who had not been responsive to steroid and cytotoxic agents. Method : Nine patients with advanced IPF(age: $55.4{\pm}15.3$ years, Male: Female=8:1) were enrolled. One year treatment regime with 2 million IU of IFN-${\gamma}$ administered subcutaneously three times a week, and low dose prednisolone(10-30 mg/d) was also used. In the case of a definite aggravation and serious side effects, the IFN-${\gamma}$ was discontinued. During the IFN-${\gamma}$ trial, a pulmonary function test and chest radiography were checked every three month throughout the study. Result : 1) Among 9 patients, only 4 patients were able to complete the 12 month treatment with IFN-${\gamma}$, and 5 patients died during the treatment period. 2) No improvement either in the respiratory symptoms or pulmonary functions were observed any of the patients, even in those who completed the 12 months trial of IFN-${\gamma}$, 3) At the time of IFN-${\gamma}$ trial, the survivors who finished the IFN-${\gamma}$ treatment for 12 months had a higher oxygen level($81.3{\pm}2.8$ vs. $67.4{\pm}8.4$, P=0.024) and a better pulmonary function(FVC: $61.3{\pm}5.1$ % predicted vs. $45.7{\pm}12.3%$, P=0.048, and $D_Lco$: $45.0{\pm}5.0%$ predicted vs. $30.8{\pm}11.2%$, P=0.048) than the non-survivors. Conclusion : Our data suggested that IFN-${\gamma}$ therapy was not effective in the patients with advanced IPF refractory compared with other therapeutic agents. Furthermore, these results suggest that severe impairment of the pulmonary function and hypoxemia during the IFN-${\gamma}$ therapy requires special attention.

암의 발생기작

  • 임영희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 1997.06b
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    • pp.8-10
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    • 1997
  • 종양은 아직 그 발생 원인과 기작이 정확히 밝혀져 있지 않으므로 정확한 정의를 내리는 것은 어려우나 일반적으로 종양이란 정상 세포가 갖고 있는 세포 분열의 특이성을 상실하여 일어나는 조직의 자율적인 과잉 성장을 말한다. 이와 같은 세포의 비정상적인 증식에 의한 종양을 임상 및 병리 형태학적으로 양서 종양과 악성종양으로 분류한다. 양성 종양을 일으키는 종양 세포는 정상 세포와 비슷할 뿐 아니라 그 주변 세포들과 확실한 경계를 이루고 있으며 증식도 느리며 다른 부위로의 전이가 없다. 이에 반해 악성종양은 일반적으로 증식도 빠르고 이형의 세포로서 주변의 조직으로 확산, 전이될 뿐만 아니라 최종적으로 숙주인 개체를 사망시킨다. 악성종양은 다시 상피 조직에서 유례한 암, 비상피 조직에서 유래된 육종, 백혈구에서 유래된 백혈병 등으로 구별하지만 그의 본질은 거의 같으며 모든 악성종양은 통속적으로 암이라고 불리운다. 종양의 발생원인으로 크게 3가지로 나눌 수 있는데 화학물질, 바이러스 및 유전적 요인에 의한 것으로 알려졌다. 최초의 발암물질로 알려진 benzopyrene에 의한 발암 등 연구에 의해 화학적 발암원들은 직접 발암 물질로 작용하는 것이 아니라, 일단 체내에서 대사된 후 이들 대사 산물일 DNA 등에 작용함으로써 발암이 유도 되는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이와 같이 화학적 변화를 거친 후에야 DNA에 영향을 미치는 것외에 다른 화학물질들은 또 다른 기작을 통해 암을 유발하는데 쥐의 피부에 benzopyrene을 한 번 처리하면 암을 유발하지 않으나 여기에 phorbol ester를 처리하면 높은 빈도로 암이 형성된다. 여기서 benzopyrene과 같이 세포의 DNA에 돌연변이를 일으키는 작용을 하는 발암물질을 발암개시제라 하고 phorbol ester처럼 그 자체로는 발암능이 없으나 발암개시제에 노출된 세포에 영향을 미쳐 발암능을 크게 강화시켜 주는 것을 발암촉진제라고 한다. 암은 세포증식 제어계에 DNA가 이상을 일으킨 현상을 말하는 데 이와 같은 DNA의 변형된 유전정보에 의해 암과 관련된 단백질을 합성하므로 이 DNA를 암유전자라 부르며 바이러스에서 유래된 것을 V-one 그리고 세포에서 유래된 것을 c-one이라 한다. 암유전자는 본래 암을 형성하기 위한 것이 아니라 증식제어 유전자로서 변이나 비정상으로 활성화 됨으로써 암을 유발시키므로 proto-oncogene이라 부른다. 또한 고등동물의 유전자 중에는 세포성장을 억제하는 유전자들이 있으며 이들은 세포의 성장 생존 분화를 조절하는 것으로 생각되고 있다. 따라서 이들 유전자는 세포의 암변형을 억제하는 기능을 가지고 있다. 이들 유전자의 이상으로 세포성장 억제기능이 상실되면 세포의 과잉 성장이 초래되면 결과적으로 암으로 유발하는 것으로 추측되고 있다. 최근의 연구에 의하면 암세포에서 암억제 유전자의 이상과 암유전자의 활성화가 함께 발견 되면서 정상세포가 암으로 변형되는 과정에는 암억제 유전자의 이상과 암유전자의 활성화가 동시에 관여한 가능성이 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 정상 세포가 암을 유발하기 위해서는 발암의 다단계설에서와 같이 여러 단계의 변과가 필요한데 여러 가지 요인에 의해 정상세포의 염색체가 변화되어 정상세포들이 가지고 있는 세포분열의 특이성을 상실하고 증식이 빠르고 저항력이 강한 세포가 선택 되어지고 비정상 서ㅔ포으 과잉 분여러에 의해 종양이 형성되며 이어서 혈관의 신생을 촉진하는 맥관형성, 전이 등이 과정을 거쳐 신체의 다른 부위로 전이된다. 20세기 초까지는 암은 노화와 함께 자연발생적으로 일어나는 피할 수 없는 질병으로 여겨졌으며 그 치료도 조기에 발견된 암환자에게 외과적인 치료를 하는 것이 최선의 방법 이었다. 그러나 현재에는 암환자의 80% 이상이 환경적 요인에 의해 암이 발생 된다고 믿어지고 있다. 과거 치료에 중점을 둔 것에서 점차 예방의 가능성과 그 방법의 모색에 관심을 갖게 되었으며 치료적인 면에서도 외과적 수술 이외에 방사선 치료, 항암제의 투여 등 약물요법, 면역요법의 이용 이외에 더 나아가 gene theraph 및 tumor vaccines 개발에 대한 관심도 증가되고 있다. 국제암연구협회에서는 인간에게 발암이 가능한 물질의 종류를 정기적으로 발표하고 있는데 지금까지 발암 가능성이 높다고 널리 알려진 위험요인을 크게 나누어 보면 다음과 같다. 흡연, 음주, 식이요인, 호르몬 및 기타 요인으로 약물, 자외선 등을 들 수 있는데 현재까지 이들 요인에 의한 발암 기작이 완전히 규명된 것은 아니지만 이들에 의한 발암의 확률이 높다는 것은 사실이므로 이 위험요인에 노출되는 것을 방지함으로써 암발생을 예방할 수 있을 것이다. 암발생의 예방법으로는 암발생 자체를 예방하는 것과 이미 발생한 암환자를 조기 발견하고 치료하는 방법이 있을 수 있다. 현재까지의 여러 연구 결과들을 보면 유전적인 요인을 제외한 대부분의 발암 위험인자들은 개개인의 생활습관과 밀접히 관련되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 이를 바탕으로 1992년 대한 암협회에서는 '암 예방 14개 권장 사항'을 발표하여 국민 홍보활동을 하고 있는데 그 내용의 반 이상이 식생활 습관과 관련되어 있을 정도이므로 암예방에 있어서의 식품의 역할이 매우 크다 할 수 있다. 따라서 건전한 생활습관과 더불어 적절한 식품의 섭취는 암예방을 위한 기본이 될 것이다.

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Tuberculin Skin Test and Plasma Prostaglandin $E_2$ In Patients of New and Intractable Pulmonary Tuberculosis (초치료 및 난치 폐결핵 환자의 투베르쿨린 피부검사와 혈장 Prostaglandin $E_2$)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong;Choi, In-Hwan;Kim, Mee-Ae;Shin, Chul-Shik;Song, Sun-Dae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 1995
  • Background: The cell-mediated immunity is needed for eradicating the tubercle bacilli. Prostaglandin(PG), especially PG $E_2$, is involved in cellular immunosuppression. It is known that the PG $E_2$ is suppressed by indomethacin. For using indomethacin as a immunomodulator of intractable pulmonary tuberculosis(Tbc) patients, we measured the tuberculin skin test(TST) and the plasma PG $E_2$ levels. Method: The forty-eight inpatients with sputum positive acid-fast stain bacilli were classified into 6 groups according to antiTbc chemotherapy history(new and intractable cases), plain chest roetgenogram(minimal and far advanced cases), and TST reaction(nagative and positive cases). Except for one group(n=2; new, minimal, and negative cases of TST reaction) of the 6 groups, all subjects(n=46) were measured for the plasma PG $E_2$, levels with radioimmunoassay. Results: 1) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels among A group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=10, $11.22{\pm}2.86\;pg/ml$), B group(minimal and negative TST reaction cases, n=9, $11.35{\pm}2.20$) and C group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=7, $11.11{\pm}2.30$) in the new cases(p>0.05). 2) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between positive(n=10, $9.25{\pm}2.21$) and negative(n=10, $8.25{\pm}1.13$) groups by TST in the intractable cases(p>0.05). 3) Comparing the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between new(n=26, $11.35{\pm}2.41$) and intractable(n=20, $8.75{\pm}1.78$) groups, the intractable group had significi- andy lower plasma PG $E_2$ levels(p<0.05). 4) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between negative(n=19, $9.88{\pm}2.43$) and positive(n=27, $10.46{\pm}2.56$) groups by TST(p>0.05). 5) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between male(n=32, $10.07{\pm}2.44$) and female(n=14, $10.56{\pm}2.70$)(p>0.05). 6) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels among 2nd(n=5, $10.21{\pm}2.86$), 3rd(n=9, $9.97{\pm}2.47$), 4th(n=13, $11.35{\pm}2.33$) and 5th(n=19, $9.57{\pm}2.48$) decades(p>0.05). 7) There was no significant correlation between the induration sizes of the TST and the plasma PG $E_2$ levels(r=0.054, p>0.05). Conclusion: From the above results, the plasma PG $E_2$ levels of intractable group are not higher as the authors had expected. There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels by the lesion sizes of plain chest roentgenogram and the induration sizes of TST, so more study will be needed to use the indomethacin as a immunomodulator for intractable pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

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Evaluation of Anti-thrombosis Activities of Different Parts of Cannabis sativa L. (대마 부위별 추출물의 항혈전 활성)

  • Kang, Deok-Gyeong;Kim, Young-Min;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.581-586
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    • 2021
  • The high fatality of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is closely related to acute pneumonia and severe blood clot formation in brain, heart, kidney and lung. The use of low-molecular weight heparins has been shown to reduce the risk of thrombosis and reduce fatality rates among COVID-19 patients. In this study, we investigated the antithrombotic activity of different parts of C. sativa extracts to determine its potential in preventing blood clots in patients with thromboprophylaxis. The extracts of leaf, stem, root, immature flower and seed of C. sativa showed strong inhibitory activities on blood clot formation. In particular, the flower extract showed the strongest inhibitions against blood coagulation factors and thrombin. Strong hemolysis activities were observed in flower extract and seed extract, suggested that removal of the hemolysis active compounds in th extracts is necessary. This is a first report of anti-thrombosis activities of different parts of C. sativa extracts, and our results suggest that C. sativa extract has potential has a valuable bioresource for high-value products.

Inhibitory Effects of a New Herbal Composition (HemoHIM) on UVB-Induced Suppression of Langerhans Cell's Accessory Cell Function (생약복합조성물(HemoHIM)의 자외선 조사로 억제된 랑게르한스 세포의 항원제시기능 방호효과)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin;Jo, Sung-Kee;Jung, U-Hee;Park, Hae-Ran;Yee, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.1761-1771
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    • 2011
  • In the previous results, we developed an effective products to apply as functional foods for overcome of radiation damage and reduction of side effects in radiotherapy. To verify the prevention of UVB-induced immunosuppression of immune cell function by HemoHIM, we studied on the mechanism of the skin immune function for the protection in UVB irradiation. In studies presented here, we showed that HemoHIM can prevent UVB-induced impairment of skin immune cell function by in vitro and in vivo assay. Exposure of freshly cultured murine dendritic cells (DCs) with IL-4/GM-CSF to UVB irradiation resulted in impairment of accessory function. This suppression could be prevented by addition of HemoHIM before or after to the cultures of UVB-irradiated DCs. We also tested the effects of HemoHIM on the suppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) treated oral or intraperitoneal administration. This UVB-suppressed CHS was prevented by administration of HemoHIM to UVB-irradiated mice. These results suggest that HemoHIM may prevent UVB-induced immune suppression in the skin.


  • Kim, Eun-Young;You, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.256-261
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    • 2005
  • Scleroderma is a connective tissue disease of unknown etiology, but known as a kind of auto-immune disease. It is most common in women especially in $30{\sim}50$ years, and very rare in childhood. It can be classified into two main classes : localized scleroderma & systemic sclerosis. Localized type has better prognosis, and usually involves skin only, or in some cases, the muscle below, except inner organs. Systemic type involves skin, oral mucosa and major internal organs. Involving facial skin, we can see small and sharp nose, expressionless stare and narrow oral aperture. Usually they have Raynaud's phenomenon, and in progress, show mouth opening limitation and sclerosis of tongue and gingiva. It is called CREST syndrome showing calcinosis cutis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangioectasia. Treatment of scleroderma is systemic and localized steroid therapy, use of collagen-link inhibitor (D-penicillamine), immune depressor and etc. Mouth opening limitation can be improved by mouth stretching exercise. We report a 6 years old boy, diagnosed with localized scleroderma who had mouth opening limitation. We could get additional mouth opening, and have done successful restorative treatment of mandibular and maxillary 1st and 2nd deciduous molar under deep sedation with nitrous oxide and enflurane.

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The Effect of levamisole in Steroid-Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome in Children (소아 스테로이드 의존형 신증후군에서 Levamisole의 치료 효과)

  • Han Jae-Hyuk;Lee Kyoung-Jae;Lee Young-Mock;Kim Il-Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2001
  • Purpose Long- term use of steroid, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin, which are frequently used in the therapy of SDNS, might cause severe side effects. Recently, the immune-modulator levamisole has been tried as a substitute therapy and it has been reported as a method with less side effects and more effectiveness. We started this research in order to observe the effects of levamisole and compare it to other therapy results. Patients and Methods : We chose 16 steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome children, those who had shown frequent relapse during the immunocompromised therapy period. Mean age was $9.1{\pm}1.4$ years in children and the male to female ratio was 15:1. All of subjects were diagonized with MCNS and had received cyclophosphamide or cyclosporin before receiving levamisole. Levamisole at a dose of 2.5mg/kg was used every other day for 1 year and the relapse rate was observed. Results : On average of 14 days after treatment, complete remission was visible in all of the children, and the relapse percentage was $50\%$, which represents 8 children, while remaining 8 children representing $50\%$ of the cases showed no relapse during treatment. During the levamisole therapy period, tile average relapse rate was reduced significantly from $2.18{\pm}0.9/year\;to\;0.77{\pm}0.9/year$(P=0.027). Also the average relapse rate after the therapy was reduced to $1.34{\pm}1.1/year$, which was a significant level compared to the level before treatment(P=0.003). There was no significant difference in terms of duration of remission maintenance. Duration of remission maintenance showed an average of $12.2{\pm}9.1$ months before the use of levamisole, but it was also $10.1{\pm}6.9$ month after therapy. No other side effects such as leukopenia, skin disease and other clinically significant symptoms appeared at all during therapy. Conclusion : The long-term medication of levamisole for the therapy of SDNS children is thought to be able to maintain stable remission by reducing the relapse frequency without causing severe side effects. Further study with a broader range of subjects is required to eluccidate the long-term effects of this treatment. (J. Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2001;5 : 109-16)

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Serologic follow-up Study in neurocysticercosis patients by ELISA after praziquantel treatment (프라지콴텔 치료후 효소면역측정법에 의한 뇌 유구낭미충증 환자의 혈청학적 추적검사)

  • Cho, Seung-Yull;Kim, Suk-Il;Kang, Shin-Yong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 1986
  • A total of 69 patients of confirmed neurocysticercosis was followed serologically by ELISA up to 22 months after praziquantel treatment. The intervals and numbers of follow-up were variable by patient. Serially collected samples of serum and CSF were examined simultaneously for their specific IgG antibody levels by ELISA, using cystic fluid, saline extracts of bladder wall and scolex as antigen. Within 4 months after praziquantel treatment, the antibody levels were elevated temporarily in both serum and CSF in most patients. In some cases antibody levels exhibited steady declining tendency after the treatment. Concomitant administration of dexamethasone appeared to suppress the elevation of antibody levels. The rate of mean absorbance of antibody changed more in serum than in CSF. The rate of elevation was greater in antibodies to parenchymal antigens than that to cystic fluid, but absolute difference of antibody levels was greater in antibody to cystic fluid. Previously negative samples for IgG antibody may become positive after the praziquantel treatment, which could be used as a complementary tool (provocation test) in serodiagnosis. One month was considered to be sufficient interval for the follow-up test for that purpose. In the follow-up of up to 22 months, only few cases of chronic neurocysticercosis showed declining tendency of IgG antibody levels below negative range. During acute encephalitic attacks in chronic patients, IgG antibody to parenchymal antigen were elevated in CSF temporarily. These results indicated that serologic follow-up of every year was recommendable to differentiate the cured patients from chronic patients with slowly calcifying lesions.

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