• Title/Summary/Keyword: 맹장

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Characterization of Lactobacilli Isolated from Chicken Ceca as Probiotics (닭의 맹장에서 분리된 유산균의 생균제적 특성)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook;Park, Su-Young;Kim, Ji-Hyuk;Kang, Geun-Ho;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Yu, Dong-Jo;Na, Jae-Cheon;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.509-518
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    • 2008
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate enzyme activity, antimicrobial activity, and antibiotics susceptibility of Lactobacilli strain(Lactobacillus reuteri BLA5, Lactobacillus crispatus BLA7, Lactobacillus reuteri BLA9, Lactobacillus amylovorus LLA7, Lactobacillus crispatus LLA9, Lactobacillus vaginalis LLA11) isolated from chicken ceca and were selected by organic acid synthesis, acid tolerance, bile salt tolerance. The enzymes activities were different among strains of Lactobacilli. The amylase activity and lipase activity of Lactobacillus were high but cellulase activity and protease activity of that were low. Lactobacillus culture showed high antimicrobial activity against E. coli but low antimicrobial activity against Salmonella. The inhibitory factor of Lactobacilli isolated from chickens’ cecum on E. coli was low pH by organic acid. All of Lactobacillus isolated from chicken’s cecum were susceptible to ampicillin and amoxicillin but weren’t susceptible at the optimum level of feed additive antibiotics(virginiamycin and salinomycin).

An Outbreak of Chicken Histomoniasis in the Absence of Normal Vectors (매개체 부재 하에 발생한 닭의 흑두병 증례)

  • Son, Hwa-Young;Kim, Nam-Soo;Ryu, Si-Yun;Shin, Hyun-Jin;Park, Min-Kyu;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Cho, Jeong-Gon;Park, Bae-Keun
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.591-594
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    • 2009
  • Acute and massive death was noted in 10-week-old chickens, broiler breeder, housed in the floor pens. The number of dead chickens exceeded 20 birds each day. Grossly, fibrinous peritonitis with adhesion of mesenteries and intestinal organs was noted. The ceca were enlarged, expanded, and thickened with congestion. Cecal lumen was distended with a caseous core composed of serous, fibrinopurulent, and hemorrhagic exudates with desquamated masses of epithelial cells. The liver had multifocal white irregular necrotic foci surrounded by a raised ring. Light and electron microscope revealed Histomonas meleagridis in the liver with its characteristic structures and not in the intestinal mucoca and submucosa. In this case, the examination of parasite, larvae and egg was conducted more carefully; however, we could not find eggs or worms of Heterakis gallinarum in the dead or live chickens and earthworms in the soils of floor pens. Therefore, we concluded that an outbreak of blackhead disease probably occurred by direct transmission of histomonads from chickens to chickens in this case.

Effect of Dietary Benzoic Acid on Beneficial Microflora and Immune Response in the Intestine of Weaning Pigs (사료내 벤조산 첨가가 이유돼지의 장내 미생물 균총 및 면역체계에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hee Kyung;Choi, Young Hwan;Jin, Ying Hai;Kim, Yoo Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.1307-1315
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    • 2012
  • We evaluated the effect of dietary supplements with benzoic acid on intestinal beneficial bacteria concentration and immune response of weaning pigs. Supplementation with benzoic acid at 0.5% or control diet for 35 days resulted in a higher Lactobacillus casei concentration in the cecum. Supplementation with benzoic acid at 0.5% increased concentration of L. plantarum in the cecum. Pigs with the control diet and 0.5% benzoic acid had significantly increased concentration of B. subtillis in the cecum compared to the antibiotic group, while the concentration of B. subtillis in the rectum increased in pigs given 0.3 and 0.5% benzoic acid (p<0.05). Compared with the control group, the level of interleukin-$1{\beta}$ mRNA showed a significant decrease in the proximal small intestine in pigs fed diets supplemented with benzoic acid at 0.5% or antibiotic. Feeding 0.5% benzoic acid resulted in a marked reduction in the expression of IL-6 mRNA in the middle small intestine (p<0.05). Supplementation with benzoic acid at 0.5% or antibiotic resulted in a lower level of tumor necrosis factor-mRNA in the middle intestine. Up to 0.5% benzoic acid may be included in weaning diets for improvement of intestinal beneficial bacteria, thus modulating genes of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the gastrointestinal tract.

Effect of Dietary Antibiotic Replacement with Korean Red Pine Bark Extracts in Broiler Diets (국산 적송수피 추출물의 브로일러에 대한 항생제 대체효과)

  • Park, Byung-Sung
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.1047-1053
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary Korean red pine bark extract as an antibiotic replacement on cecum microflora, immune functions, blood lipids, carcass characteristics, and growth performance in broiler chickens. There were four treatment groups: a control group, an antibiotic group, and two treatment groups receiving 65 and 80 ppm Korean red pine bark extract. Growth performance, carcass weight, dressing percentage, and breast and thigh muscle weight of the broiler chickens fed 80 ppm of red pine bark extract was higher than the broilers of the control group and the antibiotic group. Abdominal fat was lower in both groups of broiler chickens fed red pine bark extract, but the growth of immune organs such as the thymus, spleen, and bursa of Fabricius was significantly higher in the group that received a diet supplemented with 80 ppm red pine bark extract than in the control group and antibiotic group. Concentrations of triacylglyceride and total cholesterol were significantly lower in both groups that received red pine bark extract when compared to the control group and the antibiotic group. The concentration of serum IgG was significantly higher in the 80 ppm red pine bark extract group than in the control group and the antibiotic group. The numbers of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the cecum digesta were significantly increased, while the numbers of Escherichia coli and Salmonella were significantly reduced in the group that received 80 ppm red pine bark extract when compared to the control group and the antibiotic group. These results suggest that the a diet with 80 ppm Korean red pine bark extract as a replacement for antibiotics improve the cecum microflora, immune functions, blood lipids, carcass characteristics and growth performance of broiler chickens.

Effect of Supplementation of Allium hookeri on Growth Performance and Intestinal Health for Broiler Chickens (육계 사료 내 삼채(Allium hookeri) 첨가에 따른 사양성적 및 장 건강 지표 변화)

  • Chae Won Lee;June Hyeok Yoon;Su Hyun An;In Ho Cho;Changsu Kong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2023
  • The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Allium hookeri (AH) root on growth performance, serum antioxidant enzyme activity, cecal short-chain fatty acid profiles, and tight junction-related gene expression of broiler chickens. On day 10, 96 birds were allocated to one of two dietary treatments with 6 replicate cages, and 8 birds per cage in a randomized complete block design. The experimental diets consisted of a corn-soybean meal-based control diet and a diet supplemented with 0.3% AH root powder at the expense of the corn in the control diet. The experimental diets were formulated to meet or exceed the nutrients requirements of broilers recommended by Aviagen for each phase (from day 10 to 21 and from day 21 to 28). On day 28, a bird representing the median body weight in each cage was selected, and then blood, cecal digesta, and jejunum tissue samples were collected. No significant differences were observed in body weight gain and feed intake among dietary treatments. However, birds fed the diet containing AH showed a greater gain-to-feed ratio compared to the control group at 21 days of age and throughout the entire experimental period (P<0.05). Serum antioxidant enzyme activity, cecal short-chain fatty acid profiles, and tight junction-related gene expression were not affected by the dietary AH supplementation. Based on the results of the present study, dietary AH supplementation may improve the gain-to-feed ratio, but not gut health markers in broiler chickens from day 10 to 28.

Ileocecal Intussusception in a Growing Thoroughbred Filly (육성 중인 Thoroughbred 망아지에서 회맹장 중첩 1례)

  • 양재혁;양영진;조길재;김성희;김영주
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.243-246
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    • 2002
  • An acute colic in a 6-month-old Thoroughbred filly is described. The filly was presented with acute colic haracterized by rolling and pawing. Over a period of days she suffered from severe abdominal pain and subsequently died. ost mortem examination revealed the ileocecal intrssusception as a part invagination of the ileum into the cecum. It seems ogical to assume that the invagination occurred at the start of the illness. In addition, it is also noted the presence of Parascaris quorum in the stomach.

섭취방법에 의한 polymannuronate의 생리효과 비교

  • 김인혜;이동수;남택정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.107-108
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    • 2003
  • 갈조류 알긴산은 혈청 지질 조성의 개선효과 등 기능성과 관련하여 많은 보고들이 있다. 흰쥐에 대한 급이 실험에서 알긴산이 혈청 및 간장 지질의 콜레스테롤 농도를 현저히 감소 시킨다고 하였고, 건조 다시마 분말을 흰쥐에 급이한 결과 체중과 사료의 소화율이 감소하고 소장, 대장 및 맹장 등의 소화기관의 증대 및 체중과 사료의 소화율 감소에도 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. (중략)

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Characterization and Immunomodulation Activity of Lactobacillus sakei L2 and L8 Isolated from Chicken Cecum (닭의 맹장으로부터 분리한 Lactobacillus sakei L2와 L8의 특성 및 면역활성)

  • Sim, Insuk;Park, Keun-Tae;Lim, Young-Hee
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains as probiotics. Two strains were isolated from healthy chicken cecum and their acid and bile tolerance, residual organic acids, antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria, and immunomodulation activity were measured. Identification of the isolated strains was performed using the API 50CHL system and phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequencing. The isolates were determined to be Lactobacillus sakei strains. The acid tolerance of strains L2 and L8 was high enough that 75% of the inoculum survived in pH 2 for 2 h. The bile tolerance of both strains was observed at a 1% Oxgall concentration in MRS broth. The production of organic acids (lactic acid and acetic acid) and pH changes during growth were monitored and the maximum concentrations were obtained after 48 h of incubation. Culture supernatants of the two LAB strains showed strong antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria. The heat-killed LAB cells also induced high levels of immune cell proliferation compared with the control, and stimulated IL-6 and TNF-α production in mouse macrophages. Therefore, L. sakei strains L2 and L8 can be considered suitable probiotic bacteria.

Two Cases of Perforated Typhlitis in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (급성 림프구성 백혈병에 합병된 천공성 typhlitis)

  • Park, Woo-Hyun;Ahn, Keun-Soo;Choi, Soon-Ok
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2001
  • The authors, over the last 6 months, have treated 2 patients with perforated typhlitis complicating acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) with good outcome. The first patient was a 13-year-old male who developed intermittent high fever, abdominal pain, abdominal distention and diarrhea during the course of maintenance chemotherapy. The peripheral leukocyte ranged from 230-470/$mm^3$. Serial ultra sonograms and CT scans demonstrated irregular thickening of the cecal and ascending colonic walls and subsequent ragged perforation of the posterior wall of the cecum. He survived after treatment by right hemicolectomy and aggressive supportive measures. The patient case was a 3 year-old female who developed intermittent high fever, right lower abdominal pain, a mass, and watery diarrhea during the course of maintenance chemotherapy. Serial ultra sonograms and CT scans demonstrated irregular thickening of the cecal wall (6-15mm in thickness) and subsequent small perforation of the posterior wall of the cecum with thick-walled localized abscess. She has recovered completely after aggressive medical management. We learned two lessons from our experience treating these patients:1) early diagnosis provided by a high index of suspicion and the use of ultra sonogram or CT scan is essential. And 2) although perforation is one of the surgical indications for the treatment of typhlitis, it is possible to manage the perforation nonoperatively in selected cases with localized abscess.

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