• Title/Summary/Keyword: 맵 모델

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Topic maps Matching and Merging Techniques based on Partitioning of Topics (토픽 분할에 의한 토픽맵 매칭 및 통합 기법)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Chung, Hyun-Sook
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.7
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    • pp.819-828
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a topic maps matching and merging approach based on the syntactic or semantic characteristics and constraints of the topic maps. Previous schema matching approaches have been developed to enhance effectiveness and generality of matching techniques. However they are inefficient because the approaches should transform input ontologies into graphs and take into account all the nodes and edges of the graphs, which ended up requiring a great amount of processing time. Now, standard languages for developing ontologies are RDF/OWL and Topic Maps. In this paper, we propose an enhanced version of matching and merging technique based on topic partitioning, several matching operations and merging conflict detection.

Design of Models for the Korean Traditional Medicine Research Trend Analysis System (한의학 연구동향 분석시스템 구현을 위한 모형개발)

  • Yea, Sang-Jun;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Chul;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Song, Mi-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.710-717
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    • 2009
  • The researchers and planners are using patent/paper map system to analyze the research trend, but we can't use the existing analysis system because of the specialty of korean traditional medicine. Thus we deduced the analysis models from preceding research and system and designed 14 analysis models which are composed of basic, detail and complex models. We verified the analysis models using papers which has 'meridian' keyword among 16,000 papers stored in OASIS. From the analysis result, we know that the meridian study has just entered in the maturity and is closely related with other parts of korean traditional medicine as physiology etc. And we verified the proposed analysis model from the comparison with the analysis models of preceding systems. The analysis model will be used for the development of Korean traditional medicine paper map analysis service scenario and system.

The Design of 3D Web Map Service Components (3차원 웹 맵 서비스 컴포넌트의 설계)

  • Choo, Dae-Soo;Choi, Hae-Ock;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2001
  • 웹의 특징인 조작의 간편함, 뛰어난 접근성 등으로 인해 웹을 통한 지리정보의 검색, 접근을 위한 웹 맵 서비스의 요구가 증대되고 있다. 지리정보 분야의 대표적인 컨소시움인 OGC 를 통해서 웹 맵 서비스를 위한 표준 인터페이스가 정의됨에 따라 향후 웹을 통한 지리정보의 공유가 활발히 진행될 것으로 예상된다. 그런데, 현재 정의된 웹 맵 서비스에는 3 차원 맵 서비스를 고려하고 있지 않다. 왜냐하면, 3 차원 데이터 모델에 따라 구축된 공간 데이터가 거의 없으며, 맵 출력을 위한 출력 요소 정의 언어인 SVG 또는 WebCGM 등이 3 차원 기하를 표현할 수 없기 때문이다. 이 논문에서는 OCG 의 웹 맵 서비스를 위한 표준 인터페이스를 준수하면서, 최소한의 확장을 통해 3 차원 맵 서비스를 지원하기 위한 웹 맵 서비스 컴포넌트를 제안한다. 3 차원 맵은 2 차원 공간 데이터와 속성 정보를 이용하여 생성하므로, 3 차원 공간 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 추가의 비용이 발생하지 않는다.

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The Integration of Segmentation Based Environment Models from Multiple Images (다중 영상으로부터 생성된 분할 기반 환경 모델들의 통합)

  • 류승택;윤경현
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1286-1301
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    • 2003
  • This paper introduces segmentation based environment modeling method and integration method using multiple environment map for constructing the realtime image-based panoramic navigation system. The segmentation-based environment modeling method is easy to implement on the environment map and can be used for environment modeling by extracting the depth value by the segmentation of the environment map. However, an environment model that is constructed using a single environment map has the problem of a blurring effect caused by the fixed resolution, and the stretching effect of the 3D model caused when information that does not exist on the environment map occurs due to the occlusion. In this paper, we suggest environment models integration method using multiple environment map to resolve the above problem. This method can express parallax effect and expand the environment model to express wide range of environment. The segmentation-based environment modeling method using multiple environment map can build a detail model with optimal resolution.

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Enhancement of Saliency Map Using Motion and Affinity Model (운동 및 근접 모델을 이용하는 관심맵의 향상)

  • Gil, Jong In;Choi, Changyeol;Kim, Manbae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.557-567
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    • 2015
  • Over the past decades, a variety of spatial saliency methods have been introduced. Recently, motion saliency has gained much interests, where motion data estimated from an image sequence are utilized. In general, motion saliency requires reliable motion data as well as image segmentation for producing satisfactory saliency map which poses difficulty in most natural images. To overcome this, we propose a motion-based saliency generation that enhances the spatial saliency based on the combination of spatial and motion saliencies as well as motion complexity without the consideration of complex motion classification and image segmentation. Further, an affinity model is integrated for the purpose of connecting close-by pixels with different colors and obtaining a similar saliency. In experiment, we performed the proposed method on eleven test sets. From the objective performance evaluation, we validated that the proposed method produces better result than spatial saliency based on objective evaluation as well as ROC test.

Mapping of Characteristics and Hierarchy between Heterogeneous Ontology Languages (이형 온톨로지 언어의 속성 및 계층구조 매핑)

  • Hong, Hyeun-Sool
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2007
  • 토픽맵은 RDF에 기반을 둔 OWL과 많은 유사점을 갖지만, 양자는 역사적, 기술적, 의도하는 목적에서 차이가 있다. 토픽맵은 ISO 표준이지만, OWL은 W3C의 온톨로지 개발 표준언어로서 양자는 각각의 제약언어, 데이터 모델, 그리고 일련의 구문들을 별개로 갖는다. 그러나 토픽맵과 OWL 양자는 지식을 표현하는 온톨로지 언어라는 공통적 특성을 가지며, 술어로직에 기반을 두고 있고, XML포맷이기 때문에 상호간에 매핑이 가능하다. 논문의 목적은 토픽맵과 OWL의 메타모델로부터 온톨로지 정보자원의 공유, 교환, 통합에 접근시킨다. 따라서 각각의 메타모델에서 주요 요소를 추출하고, 이들의 의미적인 측면과 구조적인 측면의 요소들의 손실이 발생되지 않도록 매핑을 수행한다.

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Study of the Gaussian Mixture Joint-Adaptive Heatmap Regression for Top-Down Human Pose Estimation (관절 적응형 Gaussian Mixture 히트맵 회귀법을 이용한 하향식 사람 자세 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Ong, Zhun-Gee;Cho, Jungchan;Choi, Sang-il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.35-36
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 딥러닝 사람 자세 추정 모델이 사람의 관절 키포인트를 예측하는데 관절의 2차원 면적에 의해 키포인트별 𝜎, 즉, 표준 편차를 가지는 가우시안 커널(Gaussian Kernel)을 예측하는 방법을 제안한다. 각 관절 키포인트에 대해 다른 𝜎를 가지는 정답 히트맵(Ground Truth Heatmap)과 제안한 Gaussian Mixture Block를 모델에 추가해서 관절의 크기를 맞는 히트맵을 예측한다.

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3D Object Detection via Multi-Scale Feature Knowledge Distillation

  • Se-Gwon Cheon;Hyuk-Jin Shin;Seung-Hwan Bae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose Multi-Scale Feature Knowledge Distillation for 3D Object Detection (M3KD), which extracting knowledge from the teacher model, and transfer to the student model consider with multi-scale feature map. To achieve this, we minimize L2 loss between feature maps at each pyramid level of the student model with the correspond teacher model so student model can mimic the teacher model backbone information which improves the overall accuracy of the student model. We apply the class logits knowledge distillation used in the image classification task, by allowing student model mimic the classification logits of the teacher model, to guide the student model to improve the detection accuracy. In KITTI (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute) dataset, our M3KD (Multi-Scale Feature Knowledge Distillation for 3D Object Detection) student model achieves 30% inference speed improvement compared to the teacher model. Additionally, our method achieved an average improvement of 1.08% in 3D mean Average Precision (mAP) across all classes and difficulty levels compared to the baseline student model. Furthermore, when integrated with the latest knowledge distillation methods such as PKD and SemCKD, our approach achieved an additional 0.42% and 0.52% improvement in 3D mAP, respectively, further enhancing performance.

온톨로지 기반의 지식맵 서비스 시스템의 설계 및 구현

  • 김정민;박철만;정준원;이한준;정호영;민경섭;김형주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.527-529
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    • 2003
  • 지식관리시스템의 지식 분류 체계가 지식맵이며 이 지식맵을 이용하여 지식 서비스가 제공된다. 그러나 현재의 지식맵은 비표준적인 지식 네트웍 구조와 정적인 분류체계라는 문제를 가진다. 문제 해결 방법은 지식맵에 온틀로지를 적용해서 표준성, 의미 기반의 지식 네트웍 구조. 동적인 지식분류, 자동화된 지식서비스를 제공하는 새로운 개념의 지식맵을 구현하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 토픽맵 모델을 기반으로 온톨로지를 생성, 저장, 검색하는 효율적인 온톨로지 관리 시스템인 K-Box를 구현하였다. K-Box는 온톨로지 관리를 위한 기본적인 기능들을 제공하며, 이질적인 저장소들을 일관된 인터페이스로 접근할 수 있도록 함으로써 저장 장치 독립성을 제공하였다. 또한, 저장 관리되는 모든 온톨로지들의 무결성을 보장하기 위한 새로운 기법과 사용자 관심을 중심으로 한 온톨로지 검색 지원을 위한 방법을 제안하였다. 마지막으로, 우리는 여러 온톨로지들을 적용해 봄으로써 K-Box 시스템이 효율적으로 사용 가능함을 확인하였다.

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Environment Map Based Disparity (환경맵 기반 디스페러티)

  • Ryoo Seung-Taek
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we suggest the environment based disparity method that calculate the depth value of the objects from environment maps. This method using the disparity of the environment map can calculate the depth value from two environment map that acquire at different viewpoint. This method can decide the visibility of the object whether it is occluded others or not. Also, we can analogize the depth value of the object that does not relate the reference plane(in case of being in the air) and make three dimensional environment model using the proposed method

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