• Title/Summary/Keyword: 맨틀 포획암

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Evolution of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle of Korean Peninsula: Partial Loss and its Timing (한반도 대륙암권맨틀의 진화: 부분적 손실과 그 시기)

  • Park, Kye-Hun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2010
  • The Cenozoic alkali basalts are distributed over Korea, both on central part as Bangnyeongdo, Ganseong, Pyeongtaek-Asan and Jogongni and also on southernmost part Jejudo. The ultramafic mantle xenoliths carried by Korean alkali basalts are spinel lherzolites. Garnet lherzolite that is more stable at the deeper level has not been reported so far, indicating that the lithospheric thickness under Korea does not reach deep enough to the stable zone of garnet lherzolite. The crustal evolution history of the Korean peninsula, at least some part of it, seemingly started since the Archean, it normally should have lithospheric thickness greater than 150 km. However, the mantle xenoliths carried by the Cenozoic alkali basalts indicate the maximum depth of origination in the much shallower range of 60-90 km. Such significantly thinner lithospheric thickness of the Korean peninsula than expected is quite similar to the case of North China Craton having lithospheric thickness of ca. 80 km in average, suggesting thinning of the lithospheric mantle in a depth scale of a few tens of kilometers during the past geologic time. The main causal events for such significant thinning of the lithospheric mantle can be continental collisional events of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesozoic similar to the case of North China Craton, which are also supported by Paleoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic events during the 1.9-2.0 Ga occurring all over the Korean peninsula and also early Mesozoic continental collisional event which has been discussed on lively arguments.

Nd, Sr and Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Alkali Basaltic Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths in the Baegryongdo (백령도에 분포하는 알칼리 현무암과 맨틀 포획암의 Nd-Sr과 영족기체 동위원소 조성)

  • ;Nagao Keisuke;;Sumino Hirochika
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2002
  • The rare earth elements (REE) and Nd, Sr and noble gas isotopic compositions eHer'He, 4$^{\circ}$Arp6Ar) for the Quaternary alkali basaltic rocks and mantle xenoliths in the basaltic rocks from the Baegryongdo were investigated to decipher the origin of alkali basaltic magma and xenolith beneath the Sino-Korean craton. Analytical results are summarized as follows; (1) The alkali volcanic rocks with voluminous xenoliths which are represented by the Mg-olivine and clinopyroxene dominant spinel-lherzolite in the Baegryongdo consist mainly of the basalt-mugearite and basaltic andesite. (2) The REE pattern of alkali basaltic rocks characterized by high HREE is similar to that of oceanic island basalt (OlB). Relatively concordant REE patterns of the basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be formed by the identical source materials. (3) The Nd-Sr isotopic data of the alkali basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be originated from the depleted mantle source with a little contamination of the continental crustal materials. (4) The $^3$He/ $^4$He ratios in olivines of xenoliths ranging from 5.0${\pm}$1.lRa to 6.7${\pm}$1.3Ra are lower than that of MORB (ca. 8.0Ra). It suggest that the xenolith be derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. However, the high $^3$Her'He value of 16.8${\pm}$3.IRa at 1800$^{\circ}$C fraction (sample no OL-7) might be resulted from the post-eruptive cosmogenic $^3$He. The 4OAr/ 36 Ar ratios in olivines of mantle xenoliths are comparable to that of atmospheric argon, and are much lower than that of the MORB type mantle. These facts can lead to conclusion that the olivine of the xenolith in the Baegryongdo is affected by the post-eruptive atmospheric contamination during the slow degassing process.

Geochemical Characteristics of Mineral Phases in the Mantle Xenoliths from Sunheul-ri, Jeju Island (제주도 선흘리 일대에 분포하는 맨틀포획암 내의 광물의 지화학적 특성 연구)

  • Kil, Young-Woo;Shin, Hong-Ja;Yun, Sung-Hyo;Koh, Jeong-Seon;Ahn, Ung-San
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-382
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    • 2008
  • First reported geochemical characteristics of mantle xneoliths (spinel peridotites) from Sunheul-ri, Jeju Island, provide important clues for understanding the lithosphere composition, equilibrium temperature, and the period of entrainment and transport of the xenoliths in the host magma. Core and rim of mineral phases in the xenoliths are constant chemical compositions as $Fo_{89-90}$ of olivines. The ranges of equilibrium temperature, obtained by two pyroxenes geothermometer, are about $951{\sim}1035^{\circ}C$ for Sunheul-ri spinel peridotite xenoliths and are similar to the range of equilibrium temperatures for the xenoliths from other sites in Jeju island. The period of entrainment and transport of the xenoliths in the host magma of Sunheul-ri mantle xenoliths is about 42 days.

Petrochemical Characteristics of the Duibaejae Volcanic Rocks from Goseong, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 고성 뒤배재 화산암의 암석화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Hwa Sung;Kil, Youngwoo;Lee, Moon Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2013
  • Duibaejae basalts from Goseong, Gangwon-do, are divided into the lower basalt and the upper basalt depending on the properties, such as occurrence, mineral compositions, and major and trace compositions of the basalts. The lower basalts have characteristics of agglomerate rocks as well as contain, crustal and mantle xenoliths, and olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase xenocrysts. The upper basalts with columnar joints contain relatively more mantle xenolith and olivine xenocryst than the lower basalts. The major and trace element compositions suggest that the composition of the upper basalts is close to primary magma composition. Enrichment and depletion patterns of the trace and the rare-earth elements of the lower basalts are similar to those of the upper basalts, whereas the lower basalts are more LREE enriched than the upper basalts. The source magmas of the lower and upper basalts from Duibaejae volcanic edifice were generated from about 0.8-1.2% and 3.7-4.0% batch melting of garnet peridotite, respectively. The abundance of granite xenolith, and plagioclase and quartz xenocrysts with reaction rim indicates that the lower basalts, compared with upper basalts, might have been assimilated with the crustal materials during ascending to surface.

Petorshemical Study on the Mantle Xwnoliths in alkli basalts from S. Korea: P-T Regime of Upper Mantle (남한의 알카리 현무암에 분포하는 맨틀포획암의 암석화학적 연구: 상부맨틀포획암의 암석화학적 연구: 상부맨틀의 온도 및 압력 추정)

  • 이한영
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.104-123
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    • 1995
  • Mantle xenoliths in alkali basalt from Boun, Gansung area, and Baegryung island in S. Korea are spinel lherzolites composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and spinel. The xenoliths generally show triple junctions among grams, kink-banding in olivine and pyroxenes, and protogranular and eqigranular textures having m orlentatron of specific direction. Anhedral brown spinels are disseminated in the intergranular spaces of minerals. Mineral compositions are very homogeneous without compositional zonation from rim to core in grains regardless different locahties. Olivine shows Fo. component of 89.0-90.2 and low CaO of 0.03-0.12wt%, orthopyroxene is enstatite with En component of 89.0 - 90.0 and $Al_2O_3$ of 4-5wt%, and clinopyroxene is diopside having En. component of 47.2-49.1 and $Al_2O_3$ of 7.42-7.64wt% from Boun and 4.70-4.91wt% from Baegryung showing local variation. Spinel shows the distinctive negative trend with increasing of A1 and decreasing of Cr, and Mg value and Cr number are 75.1-81.9 and 8.5-12.6, respectively. To estlmate T and P for these mantle xenoliths pyroxene-geothermometers (Wood and Banno, 1973; Wells, 1977; Mercier, 1980; Sachtleben and Seck, 1981; Bertrand and Mercier, 1985; Brey and Kohler, 1990) and Al-solubility geobarometer (Mercier, 1980; Lane and Ganguly, 1980) are used. Temperatures of Mercier (1980) and Sachtleben and Seck (1981) are compatible and equilibrium temperatures of xenoliths, average value of these two, aiie from $970^{\circ}C$ to $1020^{\circ}C$, and equihbrium pressures derived from Mercier (1980) are in the range of 12-19 Kb (42-63 Km). These temperatures and pressures seem to be reasonble wlth the consideration of Al-isopleths in MAS system (Lane and Ganguly, 1980) and Fe effect on Al-solubility in orthopyroxene (Lee and Ganguly, 1988). Equllibrium of temperatures and pressures of xenoliths in P-T space belong to ocenanic geothem among the Mercier's mantle geotherms (1980) and are completely different from continental geotherms of S. Africa (Lesotho) and S. India having different geologcal ages. anera1 compositions of spmel-lherzohtes in S. Korea and eastern China are primitwe and paleogeothems of both are very s~mllar, but degrees of depletion of upper mantle could be locally different from each other since eastern China has various depleted xenoliths due to different degrees of partial melting.

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Magma Pathway of Alkali Volcanic Rocks in Goseong, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 고성지역에 분포하는 알칼리 현무암질 마그마의 상승경로)

  • Kil, Young-Woo;Shin, Hong-Ja;Ko, Bo-Kyun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.196-207
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    • 2007
  • Miocene basalt plugs in Goseong contain a large variety of crustal and mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. One of basalt plugs, Unbongsan, are derived from 160 km depth. Whole-rock geochemistry and pressure and temperature conditions of mineral phases indicate that Unbongsan volcanic rocks are alkali basalts and the source magma of the alkali basalts was generated from about $0.2{\sim}2%$ partial melting of depleted garnet peridotite. Crystallization pressures and temperatures of mineral phases within ascending magma of Unbongsan alkali basalt indicate that olivines, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases were crystallized at $75{\sim}110km,\;40{\sim}52km,\;37{\sim}54km$ depth, respectively. The ascending magma of Unbongsan alkali basalts enclosed mantle xenoliths at about $57{\sim}67km$ depth.

Textural Implications of Fine-Grained Peridotite Xenoliths in Basaltic Rocks from Jeju Island (제주도 현무암에 포획된 세립질 맨틀 페리도타이트 포획암의 조직적 특성)

  • Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Nam, Bok-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Seop;Szabo, Csaba
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • Fine-grained peridotite xenoliths are rarely trapped in the basaltic rocks from the southeastern part of Jeju Island. Based on textural characteristics of the constituent phases showing uniform-sized, fine-grained tabular to mosaic grains with rare porphyroclastic relics, the studied samples can be defined as fine-grained, foliated porphyroclastic peridotites (FPP). Almost no significant difference among the FPPs in textures and major element compositions implies that the FPPs were derived from a structural domain, experiencing similar deformation events and deformation patterns. Moreover, the bimodal distribution with kink-banded porphyroclasts ($2{\sim}3mm$) and stain-free neoblasts ($200{\sim}300{\mu}m$), straight to gently curved grain boundaries with triple junctions, interstitial melt pockets, and microstructures for migrating grain boundary suggest that the studied samples went through dynamic recrystallization (${\pm}$ static recrystallization) in the presence of melt/fluid movement along foliation planes. No notable difference between the FPP and common protogranular xenoliths in major element compositions and geochemical evolution also implies that the FPP and protogranular xenoliths were from a similar horizon. Thus, the textural and geochemical characteristics of the FPPs reflects deformation events occurred at a localized and narrow zone within the lithospheric mantle beneath the Jeju Island. Although further detailed studies are necessary to define deformation events, the most possible process which could trigger deformation in the FPP in the rigid upper mantle was the ascending basaltic magma forming high-stress deformation zones. The suggested high-stress deformation zones in the lithosphere beneath the Jeju Island may be produced by paleo-faulting events related to the ascent of basalt magma before Jeju Island was formed.

Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Korean Peninsula: Implications from Peridotite Xenoliths in Alkali Basalts (우리나라 상부암석권 맨틀: 페리도타이트 포획암으로부터의 고찰)

  • Choi, Sung-Hi
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2012
  • Peridotite xenoliths hosted by alkali basalts from South Korea occur in Baengnyeong Island, Jeju Island, Boeun, Asan, Pyeongtaek and Ganseong areas. K-Ar whole-rock ages of the basaltic rocks range from 0.1 to 18.9 Ma. The peridotites are dominantly lherzolites and magnesian harzburgites, and the constituent minerals are Fo-rich olivine ($Fo_{88.4-92.0}$), En-rich orthopyroxene, Di-rich clinopyroxene, and Cr-rich spinel (Cr# = 7.8-53.6). Hydrous minerals, such as pargasite and phlogopite, or garnet have not been reported yet. The Korean peridotites are residues after variable degree of partial melting (up to 26%) and melt extraction from fertile MORB mantle. However, some samples (usually refractory harzburgites) exhibit metasomatic enrichment of the highly incompatible elements, such as LREE. Equilibration temperatures estimated using two-pyroxene geothermometry range from ca. 850 to $1050^{\circ}C$. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in clinopyroxene separates from the Korean peridotites show trends between depleted MORB-like mantle (DMM) and bulk silicate earth (BSE), which can be explained by secondary metasomatic overprinting of a precursor time-integrated depleted mantle. The Korean peridotite clinopyroxenes define mixing trends between DMM and EM2 end members on Sr-Pb and Nd-Pb isotopic correlation diagrams, without any corresponding changes in the basement. This is contrary to what we observe in late Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in East Asia which shows two distinct mantle sources such as a DMM-EM1 array for NE China including Baengnyeong Island and a DMM-EM2 array for Southeast Asia including Jeju Island. This observation suggests the existence of large-scale two distinct mantle domains in the shallow asthenosphere beneath East Asia. The Re-Os model ages on Korean peridotites indicate that they have been isolated from convecting mantle between ca. 1.8 and 1.9 Ga.

Petrology and Geochemistry of Peridotite Xenoliths from Miocene Alkaline Basalt Near the Mt. Baekdu Area (백두산 지역의 마이오세 알칼리 현무암에 포획된 페리도타이트의 암석학적/지화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Eunju;Park, Geunyeong;Kim, Sunwoong;Kil, Youngwoo;Yang, Kyounghee
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.311-325
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    • 2017
  • Peridotite xenoliths in middle Miocene alkaline basalt from the Mt. Baekdu area are mainly anhydrous spinel lherzolites, displaying coarse-grained protogranular texture. These xenoliths have late-stage secondary orthopyroxene replacing olivine as the metasomatic mineral and glass formed along the grain boundaries. The studied xenoliths are characterized by the high $Mg{\sharp}[=100{\times}Mg/(Mg+Fe_{total})$ atomic ratio] of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (89~92) and the $Cr{\sharp}[=100{\times}Cr/(Cr+Al)$ atomic ratio] of spinel (10~29). Based on major-element data, the studied xenoliths are similar to those from the abyssal peridotites. Clinopyroxenes of the xenoliths are mostly enriched in incompatible trace elements, exhibiting two types of REE patterns: (1) LREE-depleted with $(La/Yb)_N$ of 0.1~0.2 and $(La/Ce)_N$ of 0.4~0.8. (2) LREE enriched with $(La/Yb)_N$ of 2.2~3.8 and $(La/Ce)_N$ of 1.2~1.6. The calculated equilibrium temperatures and oxygen fugacities resulted in $920{\sim}1050^{\circ}C$ and ${\Delta}fO_2(QFM)=-0.8{\sim}0.2$, respectively. It is suggested that the Mt. Baekdu peridotite xenoliths represent residues left after variable degrees of melt extraction(less than 15 vol%), which was subsequently subjected to different degrees of modal/cryptic metasomatism by silica- and LREE-enriched fluids (or melts).

Mantle-derived CO2-fluid Inclusions in Peridotite Xenoliths from the Alkali Basalt, Jeju Island, South Korea (제주도 현무암에 포획된 페리도타이트에 산출되는 맨틀 기원의 CO2-유체포유물)

  • Seo, Minyoung;Woo, Yonghoon;Park, Geunyeong;Kim, Eunju;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Yang, Kyounghee
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2016
  • Negative crystal shaped $CO_2$-rich fluid inclusions, trapped as primary inclusions in neoblasts and as secondary inclusions in porphyroblasts, were studied in spinel peridotite xenoliths from Jeju Island. Based on microthermometric experiments, the solid phase melts at $-57.1^{\circ}C$(${\pm}0.9^{\circ}C$) with no other observable melting events, indicating that the trapped fluid is mostly $CO_2$. The homogenization temperatures show a much wider range from $-39^{\circ}C$(${\rho}=1.12g/cm^{3)}$) to $23^{\circ}C$(${\rho}=0.82g/cm^{3)}$), suggesting that most of the inclusions (originally trapped at mantle conditions) re-equilibrated to lower density values. Nevertheless, the highest density $CO_2$ in our fluid inclusions is consistent with entrapment of fluids at upper mantle pressures (and depths). The calculated trapping pressure from $CO_2$-rich fluid inclusions that appear to be free from re-equilibrium, e.g., showing the lowest homogenization temperatures, is ${\approx}0.9GPa$. Based on the petrographic evidences, the fluid entrapment can be regarded as a late stage event in the evolution of the shallow lithospheric mantle.