• Title/Summary/Keyword: 매화

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Studies on Parmeliae in Mt. Deokyoo Area (덕유산(德裕山) 일대(一帶)의 매화나무이끼류에 관하여)

  • Cho, Sung-Sik;Lee, Young-Nok
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1980
  • Two hundred and forty specimens of lichens were collected in Mt. Deokyoo located in Moojoo-Gun, Jeonlabuk-Do during the period of May 1 to September 30, 1979. Among them, 20 species of genus Parmelia are identified by utilizing Yoshimura's key. The following seventeen species of genus Parmelia are newly added to Korean flora: P. piedomontensis, P. subtamigera, P. mexicana, P. taractica, P. relicina, P. borreri, P. cochleata, P. marmarizia, P. reticulata, P. denegans, P. subaurulenta, P. homogenes, P. subcrinata, P. austrosinensis, P. praesorediosa, P. perlata and P. caperata.

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Development of Fashion Culture Goods Designs Motivated by Ume Flowers (매화꽃을 모티브로 한 패션 문화 상품 디자인 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.972-980
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    • 2009
  • This study was aimed to develop ume flower image into a competitive fashion culture product image by reinterpreting the image in modern terms, manufacturing patterns and applying them to various items. In terms of method, ume flower petal was used as a motive and developed into a pattern, using Adobe Illustrator 10, a computer design program. Based on the symbolic image and realist form of ume flower, three new basic motives of new figurative image were set using form omission, simplification, overlapping, repetition and graphic elements. Each motive developed transformed patterns through the change, transformation, combination of colors. The repetitive unit of each motive set expressed geometrical patterns and combination of flower patterns using pattern repetition and $45^{\circ}$ repetition technique in combination with the check arrangement using quadrangle, and set the direction of design that would fit for each item of fashion culture products. Also, consistency and practicality were sought in the goods planning composition of each item by applying motive pattern results to the fashion culture goods, such as neckties, scarves, T-shirts that can be consumed in everyday life. It seems that more creative culture goods including ume flowers will be developed by seeing our own cultural elements as well as flower patterns like ume flower with modern trends.

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The Functional Transition of Traditional Shop House in Modern age of Korea - Focused on Maehwa Marketplace in Uljin - (전래 시장옥(市場屋)의 기능적 변화특성에 관한 연구 -경북 울진군 매화1리 매화장시를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Chung-Shin;Roh, Seon-hwa;Kim, Tai-young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to clarify the spatial form and functional transition of Korean traditional shop house in Maehwa marketplace, Uljin. The general form of Korean traditional shop house of Maehwa marketplace was the timbered house of the tin roof built in the 1960s. As the scale of a building being comparatively small-scale, building area is $60m^2$ and the yard was mainly made behind the building. When the spatial form of Korean traditional shop house is considered, the composition of 4 by 2 is most. And in the front of a building, the shop is located, and when the back of a building prepares a residence, integration of a sales function and a habitation function is seen. The shop of Korean traditional shop house is converted into living space by change of the function, and the position is the middle of a front of building. This is considered as what inherited the Korean lifestyle. And the last, Although it is not different from the appearance of the shop house of other areas, since there are few grades of the change in comparison, the extension situation of Korean traditional shop house is recognized as an example important for future research.

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Passing down Dalgang-Ga and pansori's aspects of acceptance (민요 달강달강의 전승과 판소리적 수용양상)

  • Lee, Hyo-Nyoung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.133-156
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    • 2020
  • This is a paper that examines the meaning and changes of how Dalgang Song, a parenting song, is accepted in pansori works and how it plays a role in the narrative of the work. In Chapter 2, Compared the lyrics of Dalgang-Dalgang in actual parenting scene and Dalgang-Dalgang in Pansori's work. As a result, the songs in Pansori, show some differences in lyrics, but most of them kept the narrative structure intact. Among them, Gangreung-maehwa-ga maintained the phrase "Dalgang-Dalgang" in front and back, making the least changes. Simcheong-ga and Jeokbyeok-ga maintained their epic structures, but the the front and the rear phrase turned into a "Uh huh, Doong doong". And Dalgang-Dalgang was sung mostly by its mother or grandmother at the actual parenting scene, but the song in Pansori, was all sung by men. Dalgang song in Pansori, had a mostly Gyemyeon melody due to the genre characteristics of Pansori. Also Dalgang-Dalgang for actual parenting, was sung with a leisurely, soft beat. But Dalgang song in Pansori's works were sung rhythmical with Jungjungmori rhythm or Jajinmori rhythm to maximize joy. In Chapter 3, I discussed the roles and meanings of Dalgang song contained in Pansori. Dalgang-Dalgang of Simcheong-ga appeared in the crucial process of Sim Hak-kyu's return to will of life through Simcheong after the death of his wife. In Jeokbyeok-ga, Dalgang song also appeared as a tool to recall the happy memories with his son. On the other hand, Dalgang-Dalgang of Gangreung-maehwa-ga played a role of expressing affection for relationships between men and women, not between parents and children. This is beyond the original meaning of parenting, which means the hedonistic and excessive affection of Mr. Gol. The desire to change a relationship between a man and a woman into between parents and children is also found in Kim Yeon-soo's Chunhyang-ga. This change is an example of how the role and meaning of Dalgang song has changed dramatically as it was inserted into pansori. And the reason why Dalgang-Dalgang was so important in the narrative of Pansori was because of The lyrics of the song contain the love of the baby.

Taxonomic Implications of Seed Coat in the Subtribe Calthinae (Ranunculaceae) (미나리아재비과 동의나물아족의 종피형태와 분류학적 검토)

  • Heo, Kweon;Suh, Youngbae
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2008
  • Anatomical features of seed coat were examined on Trollius, Calathodes, and Caltha of Ranunculaceae to evaluate the taxonomic circumscription of Megaleranthis saniculifolia, which is monotypic and endemic in Korea. Megaleranthis saniculifolia showed the exotestal type of seed coat exhibiting a well-developed palisade structure in exotesta and its external surface of exotesta cells was concave. On the other hand, the shape of exotesta cells in Caltha was cuboidal and the outer surface was smooth. The exotesta of Calathodes seeds was formed of the palisade structure like M. saniculifolia, but the outer surface of exotesta cells was smooth. The palisade structure was much better developed in the exotesta of Calathodes as well as Megaleranthis seeds than in the exotesta of Trollius seeds. The outer surface of exotesta cells in Trollius was either convex or concave according to the species examined. Since the genera of the subtribe Calthinae of the family display differences in seed sculpturing and the anaotmy of seed coat, these characteristics are useful to access taxonomic relationships among them. The morphological and anatomical features of seed coat suggest that Megaleranthis be possibly allied with Trollius rather than Caltha or Calathodes. Concave surface of seed coat cells and well-developed palisade structure of exotesta are shared by M. saniculifolia and some species of Trollius in common.

A Study on Ways to Activate Tourism through Gwangyang Maesil (광양 매실을 활용한 관광활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yeo, Ho-Keun
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2012
  • Maesil began to grow in Gwangyang after the old Mr. Yulsan Kim Oh-cheon brought 5,000 trees of maesil(Prunes mume) from Japan in 1931. Today, Gwangyang maesil comprises approximately 25% of total national output. Gwangyang produces a variety of foods, manufactured foods and beverages using maesil. Besides, numerous tourists came to the 15th Gwangyang International Ume Flower Culture Festival to enjoy the festival and appreciate blossoming ume flowers. More than 1.9 million people visited Blue Ume Flower Farm in Gwangyang in the year of 2010. As many visitors came to the city simultaneously, however, there occurred confusion. So, it is thought that the following measures are necessary to enhance the tourism value of Gwangyang maesil. First, a symbolic story for Gwangyang maesil or maehwa(ume flower) needs to be created. Second, snack foods for sightseers need to be developed. Third, diverse attractive elements to prolong tourists' stays are worth developing. Fourth, it is necessary for Gwangyang to hold competitions for ideas to activate tourism through maesil. Fifth, Gwangyang needs to promote collaborative development of tourist items and collaborative tourism marketing in close cooperation with neighboring cities and counties. Finally, it is worthwhile for Gwangyang to host an international fruits and seeds exposition or exhibition and it needs to strengthen active promotion and marketing suitable for the Smart Age.

Antioxidative Effects of Parnassia palustris L. Extract on Ferrous Sulfate-Induced Cellular Injury of Cultured C6 Glioma Cells (파킨슨씨병 유발물질인 황산철로 손상된 배양 신경아교세포에 대한 물매화 추출물의 항산화 효과)

  • Young-Mi, Seo;Seung-Bum, Yang
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.298-306
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    • 2022
  • This study sought to evaluate the mechanism of cellular injury caused by ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) and the protective effects of Parnassia palustris L. (PP) extract against FeSO4-induced cytotoxicity of cultured C6 glioma cells. FeSO4 is known to cause neurotoxicity and induce Parkinson's disease. The antioxidative effects of PP, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like and superoxide anion-radical (SAR)-scavenging activities, as well as effects on cell viability, were studied. FeSO4 significantly decreased cell viability in a dose-dependent manner and the XTT50 value, the concentration of FeSO4 which reduced the cell viability by half, was measured at 63.3 μM in these cultures. FeSO4 was estimated to be highly cytotoxic by the Borenfreund and Puerner toxicity criteria. Quercetin, an antioxidant, significantly improved cell viability, damaged by FeSO4-induced cytotoxicity. While evaluating the protective effects of the PP extract on FeSO4-induced cytotoxicity, it was observed that the extract significantly increased cell viability compared to the FeSO4-treated group. Also, the PP extract showed superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like and superoxide anion radical (SAR)-scavenging activities. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that FeSO4 induced oxidative stress-related cytotoxicity, and the PP extract effectively protected against this cytotoxicity via its antioxidative effects. In conclusion, natural antioxidant sources such as PP may be agents useful for preventing oxidative stress-related cytotoxicity induced by heavy metal compounds such as the FeSO4, a known Parkinsonism inducer.

벼의 성장시기에 따른 삼중수소 거동해석

  • 김상복;이원윤;박효국;임광묵;최용호;이창우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05b
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 1998
  • 벼의 성장시기에 다른 대기중 삼중수소의 식물채내 흡수실험을 수행하였다. 투명한 아크릴로 만들어진 피폭상자(50x60x120cm)내의 피폭조건은 비록 같은양(18.5 MBq)의 HTO를 증발시키더라도 동일한 농도를 유지하는 것이 거의 불가능하였다. 벼꽃의 매화 직후부터 수확기까지 이삭의 생성시기별로 HTO에 피폭시킨 후 잎, 줄기 및 이삭으로 구분된 시료에서 피폭 후 시간별로 조직자유수의 삼중수소 농토를 측정하였다. 조직자유수의 삼중수소 농도는 이삭에서 가장 느리게 감소하였으나 조직결합수의 삼중수소 농도는 이삭 성장이 가장 왕성한 시기에 높게 측정되었다.

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