• Title/Summary/Keyword: 망분리

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The Effects of the change in Telecommunication Regulation on Advanced Network Investment (규제정책의 변화가 고도 통신망 투자유인에 미치는 영향분석)

  • Jung, Choong-Young;Jung, Song-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.1405-1414
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    • 2011
  • This paper analyzes the impact of the change in telecommunication regulation on network investment such as the integration of telecommunication service. The integration of telecommunication service plays a role of separating the behavior regulation from entrance regulation and reducing a entrance constraints. Therefore, it is expected that the market spill over effect is high through the improvement of behavior regulation such as interconnection regulation, facilities provisions, retail price regulation, bundling, number portability of VoIP. This paper discusses the critical factor affecting the decision making process in respect of the firm level and analyzes the impact path guiding investment and innovation. Finally, the paper proposes the guideline for telecommunications policy.

Influence of the Cleavage Anisotropy of Pocheon Granite on Hydraulic Fracturing Behaviour (포천 화강암의 결 이방성이 수압파쇄거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sung-Gyu;Zhuang, Li;Yeom, Sun;Kim, Kwang-Yeom;Min, Ki-Bok
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2016
  • In this study, laboratory hydraulic fracturing tests are carried out to evaluate the effects of the cleavage anisotropy of Pocheon granite. Breakdown pressure is smaller when cracks are generated to the direction of rift plane in constant pressurization rate condition because of higher microcracks density. Besides not only injection rate changes but also the amount of injection pressure for fracture initiation and crack expansion is detected while testing due to internal deformation. Pressurization rate is higher while hydraulic fracture testing with constant injection rate condition in case of the specimen which has rift plane perpendicular to borehole because there are much flow paths to penetrate compared to the specimen which has hardway plane perpendicular to borehole. Observation by X-ray CT scanning shows that almost all of cracks due to hydraulic fracturing are generated to the direction of plane which has higher microcrack density that is rift plane or grain plane.

An EDOCR with a Feedback Interference Canceller for the ATSC Terrestrial DTV System (ATSC 지상파 DTV 시스템을 위한 궤환간섭 제거기를 가지는 EDOCR)

  • Park, Sung-Ik;Lee, Young-Jun;Suh, Ki-Hwan;Eum, Ho-Min;Seo, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Heung-Mook;Kim, Hyoung-Nam
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.830-844
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose an equalization digital on-channel repeater (EDOCR) with a feedback interference canceller (FIC) for single frequency network of the ATSC terrestrial DTV system. The proposed EDOCR with FIC does not have only high output power by cancelling feedback signals caused by insufficient antenna isolation through the FIC, but also shows better quality of output signals than the conventional on-channel repeaters (OCRs) by removing multipath signals existing between the main transmitter and the OCR, and residual feedback signals through an equalizer. In addition, computer simulations are provided to figure out the superior performance of the proposed EDOCR with FIC.

Design of Service Signaling Structure based on MMT for Terrestrial UHD Broadcasting Systems in Heterogeneous Network (이기종망 환경에서의 지상파 UHD 방송을 위한 MMT 기반 서비스 시그널링 구조 설계)

  • Seo, Minjae;Paik, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2015
  • UHD(Ultra High Definition) Broadcasting is the focus of attention recent days. However, current broadcasting system faces with difficulty of bandwidth, encoding and so on. To solve this problem, MMT was suggested as the one of solutions. MMT is designed to be based on IP network and it has characteristics that can deliver multimedia through many networks at the same time. UHD Media service can be available with the current broadcasting system that divides media data into hierarchical data based on MMT. To provide this service, information about heterogeneous network should be delivered and signalling should be given to perceive it. For UHD media data service, the information about data from heterogeneous networks should be transported for providing presentation information and service for the receiver models. The present MMT signalling has not much information about heterogeneous services with hierarchical media data. In this paper, we suggest the design of service signaling structure based on MMT for UHD broadcasting systems.

The Effects of Physical States of Phospholipids on $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase Activity of Biological Membranes (지질의 물리학적 성상이 $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hah, Jong-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 1988
  • The $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was solubilized and reconstituted into a mixture of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) of varying ratios in order to assess the effect of physical states of phospholipids on the incorporation and functions $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$. On the basis of the spectral data of Ca-arsenazo III, the $Ca^{2+}$ uptake of SR was increased linearly as the PC content increased in the reconstituted vesicles. The ATP hydrolysis activity also increased as PC content increased up to 25% and then decreased slightly as the PC content further increased. On the other hand the incorporation of $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ into the reconstituted vesicls occured maximally at 25% PC and 75% PE mixture which is known to have a non-bilayer structure in reconstitution system. From the above results it is clear that preexisting defects in the lipid bilayer promote protein incorporation into the bilayer during reconstitution and lamellar structure of the bilayer facilitates the $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ function.

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The Traffic Control Mechanisms and Performance Analysis of Multimedia Synchronization Cell (멀티미디어 동기셀의 트래픽 제어 기법 및 성능 분석)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Gyun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 1996
  • In the paper, we divide the ATM cells generated by multimedia systems that want to transmit multimedia informations over B-ISDN into two categories:i)a media cell with a media information and ii) a synchronization cell with a synchronization information. We induce a media cell loss equation and a synchroni- zation cell loss equation based on probability distribution functions with on-off source as an input traffic model. In order to meet the requirements of real-time and integrity of multimedia informations, multimedia synchronization cells should provide the delay-sensitive and the loss-sensitive requirements. A traffic control mechanism needs to satisfy above requirements. According to the performance evaluation by a traffic control model simulation, we describe both spatial priority for minimizing the synchronization cell loss and temporal priority for reducing the synchronization cell delay must be applied simultaneously.

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Dynamic Routing Algorithm based on Minimum Path-Cost in Optical Burst Switching Networks (광 버스트 스위칭 망에서 최소 경로비용 기반의 동적 경로배정 기법)

  • Lee Hae joung;Song Kyu yeop;Yoo Kyoung min;Yoo Wan;Kim Young chon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3B
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    • pp.72-84
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    • 2005
  • Optical burst switching networks usually employ one-way reservation by sending a burst control packet with a specific offset time, before transmitting each data burst Same. Due to such a Property, burst-contentions occur when multiple bursts contend for the same wavelength in the same output link simultaneously in a node, leading to burst losses, eventually degrading the quality of service. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a dynamic routing algorithm using minimum local state information in order to decrease burst-contentions. In this proposed scheme, if burst loss rate exceeds a threshold value at a certain node, a new alternative routing path is chosen according to burst priority and location of burst generation, which enables the contending bursts to detour around the congested link. Moreover, for reducing the effect of sending bursts on the primary path due to the alternative path, we also apply a minimum path-cost based routing on link-cost concept. Our simulation results show that proposed scheme improves the network performance in terms of burst loss probability and throughput by comparing with conventional one.

Conceptions and Conceptual Types of High School Students about Molecular Kinetic Theory of Gases (기체분자운동론에 대한 고등학생들의 개념 및 개념유형)

  • Cho, In Young;Park, Hyun Ju;Choi, Byung Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' conceptions and conceptual types on molecular kinetic theory of gases. Data was collected by a series of semi-structured and in-depth interviews, and has been analyzed. This study showed that the students came to science classes with various prior conceptions of many disciplinary topics. Their conceptual types of their prior knowledge were distinguished as superficial terms-speaking, partial sense-making, and causal sense-making by the degrees of organization and elaboration of conceptual networks. These conceptual types had influence on the ways students understand and think of science, a stability of their conceptions, a tendency to distinguish school science from everyday science, and building a meaning of concept in contexts. It was referred that the students didn't have proper understanding on the nature of scientific knowledge and had been limited their participations as active learners. Therefore, in order for students to experience conceptual change, they must have opportunities of manifesting their own thinking, taking part in discussions, and promoting their motivations and metacognition of knowing and learning science.

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Design and Fabrication of a Si pin Photodetector with Peak Spectral Response in the Red Light for Optical Link (적색 중심 Optical Link용 Si pin Photodetector의 설계 및 제작)

  • 장지근;김윤희;이지현;강현구;이상열
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2001
  • We have fabricated and evaluated a new Si pin photodetector for APF optical link. The fabricated device has the $p^{+}$-guard ring around the metal-semiconductor contact and the web patterned $p^{+}$-shallow diffused region in the light absorbing area. From the measurements of electo-optical characteristics under the bias of -5 V, the junction capacitance of 4 pF and the dark current of 180 pA were obtained. The optical signal current of 1.22 $\mu$A and the responsivity of 0.55 A/W were obtained when the 2.2 $\mu$W optical power with peak wavelength of 670 nm was incident on the device. The fabricated device showed the maximum spectral response in a spectrum of 650-700 nm. It is expected that the fabricated device can be very useful for detecting the optical signal in the application of red light optics.

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A Study on the Improvement of Real-Time Traffic QoS using the Delay Guarantee Queue Service Discipline of End-to-End (종단간 지연 큐 서비스 방식을 이용한 실시간 트래픽 QoS 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 김광준;나상동
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.236-247
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    • 2002
  • We propose a cell-multiplexing scheme for the real-time communication service in ATM network and a new service discipline guarantee end-to-end delay based on pseudo-isochronous cell switching. The proposed scheme consists of two level frame hierarchy, upper and lower frame, which is used to assign the bandwidth and to guarantee the requested delay bound, respectively. Since the Proposed algorithm employs two level frame hierarchy, it can overcome the coupling problem which is inherent to the framing strategy It can be comparatively reduce the complexity, and still guarantee the diverse delay bounds of end-to-end. Besides, it consists of two components, traffic controller and scheduller, as the imput traffic description model and regulates the input traffic specification. The function of the traffic controller is to shape real -time traffic to have the same input pattern at every switch along the path. The end-to-end delay is bounded by the scheduller which can limit the delay variation without using per-session jitter controllers, and therefore it can decrease the required buffer size. The proposed algorithm can support the QoS's of non-real time traffic as well as those of real time traffic.