• Title/Summary/Keyword: 마이크로스트립라인

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Switchable Frequency of an Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antenna with PIN Diodes (PIN 다이오드를 이용한 정삼각형 마이크로스트립 안테나의 동작 주파수 변환)

  • 김보연;성영제;김영식
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.1090-1099
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    • 2004
  • In this paper a novel design of equilateral-triangular microstrip antenna using PIN diode fur switching the resonant frequency is presented and experimentally studied. The proposed antenna has changed the resonant frequency by length of spur-lines on the patch, and PIN diodes are utilized to switch the spur-line on and off. The shape of the spur-line is changed according to the on and off states of PIN diode and the equilateral triangular microstrip antenna has different resonant frequencies in accordance with them. The resonant frequency is 1.22 GHz with off states since the surface currents flow the periphery of T shape spur-lines, while the resonant frequency is 1.82 GHz with on states since the surface currents are little effect with the conventional equilateral triangular microstrip antenna. The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna has a good linear polarization with the cross polarization of -20 dB both with on and off states.

A Novel Performance in Hairpin Oscillator using Aperture and PBG (Aperture와 PBG를 이용한 Hairpin 발진기의 성능 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 장욱태;서철헌
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2004
  • Aperture has been employed on the ground plane in the hairpin resonator. Aperture has been fabricated by etching the part of the ground effected coupling coefficient and then quality factor of hairpin resonator has been increased. When the hairpin oscillator using aperture has been compared with the conventional hairpin oscillator using microstrip, it has been improved the phase noise about 19 ㏈c @100 ㎑. As a result of PBG connecting to the output of the employing aperture hairpin oscillator, the second and third harmonics are suppressed. In this paper, oscillator has been designed and fabricated in operating 5.8 ㎓ band. The output power has been obtained 0,67 ㏈m and the second harmonic has been suppressed about -53,67 ㏈c.

Design of Millimeterwave Branch-Line Coupler Using Flip-Chip Technology (플립 칩 기술을 이용한 밀리미터파 대역 브랜치라인 커플러의 설계)

  • Yoon, Ho-Sung;Lee, Hai-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.36D no.9
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we proposed a novel branch-line coupler using filp-chip technology. The proposed coupler consists of CPW and inverted microstrip. The CPW is on the GaAs flip-chip substrate, and the inverted microstrip is on the alumina main substrate. The ground plane of the CPW is used as a ground plane of the inverted microstrip. And both the transmission lines are connected by solder bump with each other. The characteristics of thisstructure was calculated by FDTD method. The S21, S31 are -3dB and the phase difference is $90^{\circ}$. The calculated characteristics are the same as those of the regular branch-line coupler. This structure can be applied for various kinds of devices using flipchip technology.

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High Efficiency V-band Power Combining Modules Using Slotline-to-Microstrip Transition (슬롯라인-마이크로스트립 변환을 이용한 고효율 V-band 전력 결합 모듈)

  • Kim Dong-Ki;Jeong Jin-Ho;Kwon Young-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.16 no.6 s.97
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    • pp.580-585
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    • 2005
  • Two high-efficiency and high power power-combing modules were developed using slotline-to-microstrip transition at V-band. Power-combining modules incorporating two MMIC power amplifiers demonstrated combining efficiencies higher than $80\%$(maximum $86\%$) with saturated output power of 22.96 dBm and 22.81 dBm, respectively. The measurement of back-to-back connected combiners demonstrated insertion loss less than 1.2 dB with return loss better than 15 dB around 60 GHz, respectively.

Wideband Bandstop filter Using Dual Spurline and Coupling Open Stubs (이중 스퍼라인과 커플링 오픈스터브를 이용한 광대역 대역저지 필터)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seung;Choi, Jee-Hwan;Kim, Choul-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a wideband band-stop filter (BSF) in order to extend the stopband of the band-stop filter using a symmetric dual spurline and the coupled open stub. First, we know that the symmetric dual spurline structure is advantageous in widening the stopband, as compared to the asymmetric dual spurline structure. So we designed a band-stop filter that combines the electrically coupled open stub (ECOS) band-stop filter with a symmetric dual spurline. We can greatly extend the stopband, when it is combined with the dual spurline and electrically coupled open stub on a microstrip transmission line, without any size increment. The stopband of the proposed band-stop filter is extended by approximately 244% (rejection depth: -20 dB) compared with a band-stop filter without a dual spurline.

Analysis of Propagation Characteristics in Microstriplines Using the FDTD (FDTD를 사용한 마이크로스트립라인 전파특성 해석)

  • 류종인;김용진;박영태;이상설
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.869-872
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    • 1999
  • As integrated circuits are developed, the crosstalk and the pulse distortion have been major problems in the design. In this paper. the PML and one-point resistive source are applied. This paper deal with the microstripline circuit which has the gap and three microstripline. Obtaining the Propagation pulse shape in microstripline, we prove that the use of the FDTD in the microstripline is valid.

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A Novel Phase Noise Reduction in Hairpin Oscillator Using Aperture (Aperture를 이용한 Hairpin 발진기의 위상잡음 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 서철헌
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.99-103
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    • 2004
  • Aperture has been employed on the ground plane in the Hairpin resonator. Aperture made by etching the part of the ground effected coupling coefficient and then quality factor of Hairpin resonator has been increased. When the hair pin oscillator using aperture has been compared with the conventional hair pin oscillator using microstrip, it has been improved the phase noise about 19dBc @100KHz. Oscillation frequency of the hair pin oscillator using aperture has been 5.83GHz band and output power is -4.33dBm.

SSDA를 이용한 임의의 마이크로스트립 공진기 해석

  • 정병태
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.849-853
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    • 1998
  • 라인 해석법(Method of Line), MOL과 파수 영역 해석법(Space Domain Approach), SDA를 결합한 공간-파수 영역 해석법(SSDA)를 이용하여 MIC/MMIC 회로에서 임의 입체 구조를 갖는 공진기를 해석한다. SSDA는 상대 수렴(relative convergence)특성을 갖지 않으며, 반 해석적 (semianalytical )특성으로 수치적 효율이 높다. 경계치 문제로부터 씨스팀 행렬방정식 형태로 유도된그린 함수에 갤러킨법을 적용한다. 삼각, 사각 및 불연속 구조를 갖는 스트립 패치의 폭, 위치와 기판의 두께 변화에 따른 공진 주파수를 계산하였다.

Design of Q-band Mode Converter with the Discontinuity Compensation and Its Application to Waveguide Mixer Module (불연속을 보상한 Q밴드 모드 변환기의 설계 및 도파관 혼합기 모듈 제작에의 응용)

  • 한상은;이종환;염경환
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.1198-1206
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a MMIC waveguide mixer module based upon the novel suggested mode converter for wave-guide-to-microstrip transition was fabricated and measured. The insertion and return losses of the mode converter was optimized by compensating the discontinuity effect between ridge and microstrip with the modification of 50 $\Omega$ microstrip line pattern. Due to the low loss nature of the mode converter, a millimeter wave MMIC mixer chip can be successfully applied as a waveguide module for mmW waveguide communication system. The measured results of the module showed the successful MMIC chip application in waveguide and the negligible degradation of the supplied chip specification.

Circularly Polarized Spidron Fractal Antenna with a Conducting Reflector (반사판이 있는 스피드론 프랙탈 원형 편파 안테나)

  • Kim, Han-Byul;Hwang, Keum-Cheol;Shin, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1177-1183
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, design of a microstrip-fed, Spidron fractal-shaped slot antenna with circular polarization is represented. The ground plane of the designed antenna has a slot that comprises seven right-angled triangle next to each other in a low. A reflector is placed at the bottom on microstrip feeding line to enhance the antenna gain. The optimized design was conducted by varying a length of the first right-angled triangle, location of feeding line, space between a substrate and a reflector. The proposed antenna was fabricated on a Taconic-RF35 substrate. The entire dimension of the fabricated antenna is $40{\times}40{\times}18.6mm^3$ and the reflector is 18.6 mm away from the ground plane. The measured gain of the fabricated antenna is 6.7 dBi at 4.3 GHz. The measured bandwidths of -10 dB reflection and 3 dB axial ratio are 41 % and 7.4 %, respectively.