• Title/Summary/Keyword: 렘 콜하스

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A Study on the Relationship between Rem Kolhaas and SANAA through the Analysis of Architectural Space Characteristics (렘 콜하스와 SANAA의 건축공간 특성분석을 통한 공간의 관계성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to view the architectural space of the postmodern era as a concept of continuous change without being fixed, and to understand the spatial elements in architecture with a changing network of relationships. The purpose of the study is to analyze the spatial composition strategies of the two architects while revealing the spatial characteristics shown in Rem Kolhaas and SANAA's works in terms of relativity. The method of the study defines the meaning of non-fixed relationships through theoretical considerations of relativity and then looks at the architectural approaches of Rem Kollhaas and SANAA. The relationship was divided into programs, environments, users, and furniture and furniture in the space and analyzed the works of the two architects. As a result, both architects are similar in that they reject rigid programs by organization and use potentially inherent relationships for building space activation purposes, while Rem Koolhaas uses the user's behavior-inducing strategy, while SANAA uses the user's relaxation strategy.

A Study on the Expression of Scientism in Architectural Design of Rem Koolhaas (렘 콜하스 건축 디자인에서 과학주의의 표현에 관한 연구)

  • 김원갑
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2004
  • Scientism is a kind of paradigm since the birth of Modernism. Architectural design was also effected from scientism in the 1st Machine age, and being effected still In the End Machine age. But many architects in the 2nd Machine age express scientism in architectural design as a "science for kick" as SF. The design of Rem Koolhaas follows the line of Modernism which was effected from scientism in many ways. However he shows modified machine aesthetics as SF pataphysics mixed with literary imagination, and now shows new science paradigm in post-modern age. He expresses many new science theory like indeterminacy theory, chaos, catastrophe theory in his works. And those are expressed as indeterminate program that proceeds in non-linear way, rhizome in space, order out of chaos, topological metamorphosis as a catastrophe. This study analyzes the expression of scientism in architectural design of Rem Koolhaas since 1970s.nce 1970s.

A Study on Chaosmos Approach in Music and Architecture - Focused on Pierre Boulez' works and Rem Koolhaas' works - (음악과 건축에 있어서 카오스모스적 접근방법에 관한 연구 - 삐에르 불레즈와 렘 콜하스의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • 박소라
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • This study dealt with approaches in architecture and music in the contemporary situation characterized by accidence and uncertainty through Pierre Boulez and Rem Koolhaas' works. First of all, we examined basic positions with starting from zero degree breaking from fixed ideas and with relative neutrality. Then, from a methodological aspect, we inquired into 1) anti-hierarchical objective approach, 2) accidental approach to form. 3) diagram of structure and event, and 4) the use of selective routes. Lastly, from a receptive aspect, we dealt with the space of pluralistic perspective and works in progress. The two persons used chaosmos approach that enables adjustment and control through structure defining the relationship with accidence or chaos. With the approach, they created works in progress or open works that have a pluralistic viewpoint working in the field of specific relation and the concept of endless regeneration.

An Analysis of Rem Koolhaas' Preservation Theory and Remodeling Design Strategies (렘 콜하스의 보존이론과 리모델링 설계전략 분석)

  • Joo, Ha-Na;Lee, Tonghoon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this article is: firstly, to survey architect Rem Koolhaas' preservation theory by reviewing his essays, books, exhibitions, and research projects focusing on preservation-related issues; and secondly, to formally analyse OMA's remodeling projects from 1970's to the present. From this analysis, this article tries to classify OMA's remodeling projects into four distinct categories and to establish, respectively, four generally-applicable remodeling strategies: 1)'Interior-oriented', 2)'Juxtaposition', 3)'Infill' and 4)'Cohesion.' Finally, this article argues that these remodeling strategies can be interpreted as a consistent pursuit of integration of various programmatic elements.

Research about Similarities in Interior Space of Rem Koolhaas and Painting Theory of Gilles Deleuze (렘 콜하스의 실내공간과 질 들뢰즈 회화론의 유사점 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 2012
  • Recently, significant tries appeared in the spatial design field were appreciated as tries to find crossing between space formation and discourse. This study is to find spatial clues from Gilles Deleuze, the modern philosopher's literature where he developed his discourse analyzing paintings of Francis Bacon, and reveal common characteristics with the contemporary spatial design. According to the analysis of Deleuze, Bacon's paintings are separated into frame-aplat, shape-figure, and contour-track. From these three elements, I extracted spatially analyzing languages of 'occurrence of shape-accident', 'space of track-sense', and 'interaction of aplat-background.' Then with these analyzing languages, I analyzed latest works of Rem Koolhaas. Deleuze Space Theory confirmed in works of Rem Koolhaas is the application of accident-focused occurred between the user and space, the space that induces accident, and differentiation between the user and space or space and site. As a result, I could confirm the common characteristic that both modern discourse and spatial design are understood as 'difference' from life and movement.

Exploring the Relationship Between Architecture, Fashion, and an Extended Autonomy through Rem Koolhaas' Prada Epicenter in New York (렘 콜하스의 뉴욕 프라다 에피센터 분석을 통한 건축, 패션, 그리고 확장된 자율성의 관계성 탐구)

  • Paek, Seung-han
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2016
  • This article explores an extended sense of autonomy in contemporary architecture activated through the practice of fashion, by taking architect Rem Koolhaas' work Prada Epicenter in New York as a case. In doing so, it argues that throughout the work Koolhaas sets up a world in which the corporate and the individual are entangled together in complex ways. Instead of considering Prada Epicenter to be the exemplar illustrating that the global company-Prada-institutionalizes the designed commercial space in a top-down manner, this article claims that such a space imbricates a multiplicity of meaning that is generated at the intersections of the local and the global, the ordinary and the spectacular, and the individual and the institutional. In this respect French philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky's fashion theory works as a critical point: his claim that the ambivalence of fashion-both as corporate power and individual freedom-is a threshold encouraging us to better understand the operativity of late capitalism in daily life is extended to Koolhaas' case. In other words, Koolhaas' Prada Epicenter brings forth possibilities that the ostensibly technocratic and institutionalized space in fact works as a resillient field where senses of individual autonomy arise in the aid of corporative practice of branding.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Interior space of Rem Koolhaas's Architecture based on the Spatial Discourse of Gilles Deleuze (질 들뢰즈의 공간담론에 기초한 렘 콜하스 실내공간의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Young;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2009
  • This research aims to analyze the characteristics of the architectural space of Rem Koolhaas based on the spatial discourse of Gilles Deleuze, a philosopher of post-structuralism which comprehends pluralism accepting even contingency and uncertainty beyond deterministic attitudes of structuralism that has led the western discourses since the 19th century. First of all, this research will reflect on Deleuze's spatial concept through literatures and extract the characteristics related to architectural spaces. Then, on the basis of these characteristics, it will analyze the characteristics which were applied to the interior space of the recent architectural works of Rem Koolhaas to find out how Deleuze's spatial dicourse was embodied. Among Deleuze's speculations, the characteristics which falls under the spatial discourse were classified into three categories; degree between the striated space and the smooth one, the space of events and singularity, and the space of the multiple sense. These analysis words are used to look into the correlations among the specific practicing methods embodied in the architecture of Kookhaas. In conclusion, in the architectural space of Rem Koolhaas, it was found that the characteristics of Gilles Deleuze's spatial discourse of post-structuralism were embodied by the methods such as (1) Space of continuous transition, (2) Space of the $multiplicit{\acute{e}}$ accepting contingent events, (3) Space of the multiple sense, and (4) Space of movement.

A Study on the Design Methods Utilizing 'Congestion' and 'Void' from Rem Koolhaas's Architecture (렘 콜하스의 건축에서 나타나는 밀집과 보이드를 적용한 디자인 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sola
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2014
  • Rem Koolhaas has pursued new architectural approaches breaking with conventional ones. Around the 1990s when large-scale projects occurred with the union of Europe ahead, Koolhaas recognized the limits to the existing methods for responding to such changes. Accordingly, he came to use design methods based on 'congestion' and 'void' as strategical alternatives, which became the moment for him to leap forward from the previous working sphere based in Europe to becoming an architect who would be commissioned a number of large-scale global projects. Therefore, this study intends to investigate his design methods which utilized congestion and void, and to derive spatial characteristics from the projects based on such methods. First of all, the study looked into the historical background, definition and process of congestion and the void as design methods, and analyzed his projects to which such methods were applied by classifying them into the following categories: 1) the void that removes a space of singularity; 2) the void that penetrates space while making a flow; and 3) the void that is formed by vertical extrusion. Then, the characteristics of architectural spaces made in this way were identified as 1)the single-body appearance made by congestion and the following types of space made by the void: 2) the non-uniformly shaped space that looks like floating; 3) the flexible space with various flows and directions; and 4) the space with virtual possibilities that embrace contingent events. This understanding of Rem Koolhaas's design methods which were attempted in various ways at his critical turning point will be the foundation to understand the overall world of his works.

A Study on features and Interpretation of Placeness of Rem Koolhaas' Architecture (렘 콜하스 건축의 장소적 특성과 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzes the place of modem architecture based on the place theory of C. N, Schultz. For applying Schultz's theory to the modern architecture, It is required to examine the modern cityscape, features of inner space of architecture and features of program. By analyzing the avant-garde architecture of Rem Koolhaas on such basis, the potentiality of placeness of modern architecture could be verified and the alternatives would be searched. It is inferred that the placeness features of Rem Koolhaas' public architecture is under the influence of the interpretation of program based on the humane background rather than the physical aspects of surroundings. The inner space shows the non-linear features, the metaphor of city. The obscurity of physical boundary illustrates the flexible features with ambiguous boundary. Consequently, the inner space expresses the surreal atmosphere that doesn't match the purposes of usage of architecture, the traditional concept. The outer shape is recognized as the by-product from the interpretation of internal program rather than it considered the surrounding context. The outer shape has the relatively simple formative shape and contrasts against the complicated inner space by using the non-physical materials. It is found that Koolhaas' architecture doesn't pursue the features of placeness of traditional concept. However, It is inferred that his architecture has the possibility of placeness by attaching the meaning through the social roles of each architecture. It gives the substantial suggestion to the modern architecture that can't easily acquire the placeness of traditional concept due to the environment of modern city.

The Platform Feature Appearing in Contemporary Architectural Interior Space - Focused on the Interior Design Projects of Rem Koolhaas - (현대 실내건축공간에 나타난 플랫폼적 특성 - 렘 콜하스의 실내공간 프로젝트를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Suk-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to determine a 'platform' as a mean of interactions between users in contemporary spatial design and network(web) and to verify the similarity between the platform and space of Rem Koolhaas, one of the leading contemporary architects of our time. A platform, referring to tangible or intangible structures designed for common use in a variety of ways, is activated by the networking effect of participants. Aided by the recent development of the IT industry encompassing computers and smart phones, the concept of platforms is extending to all areas of modern life, in general. In this study, the similarity between architectural space and platforms after reviewing the computer-related platforms, ecological features that refer to virtuous circulation, and various cases applied with platform thinking. Through this process, the platform feature of architectural platforms is defined as the 'open spatial system combined with control and freedom that acts more than one function and facilitates direct/indirect exchanges between users regardless of its type or size'. Establishing the criteria for spatial analysis based on this definition, analysis was conducted on interior design projects that were planned and conducted by Rem Koolhaas after 2000. As a result of this analysis, it was learned that Rem Koolhaas designs space using dual space structures where the extension and mixture of the user group, mixture of various functions defined by users, loose control that induces voluntary participation, community reinforcement, and inducement of accidental events, and opening and closing coexist. In addition, this design approach was found to be a design strategy similar to the concept of platforms that began to be developed in the IT field.